Sitka Gear
ISO Scott grip release
Contributors to this thread:
six 03-Jun-24
woodguy65 03-Jun-24
VAMtns 04-Jun-24
Cocklebur 04-Jun-24
midwest 18-Aug-24
SaddleReaper 18-Aug-24
btnbuck 18-Aug-24
BrentC 26-Aug-24
midwest 26-Aug-24
midwest 26-Aug-24
VAMtns 26-Aug-24
midwest 26-Aug-24
VAMtns 27-Aug-24
midwest 27-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 27-Aug-24
From: six

six's embedded Photo
six's embedded Photo
I really really like this release. I cant find one to buy anywhere and I'm looking for a spare to take to Colorado this year. If anyone has one they would be willing to part with i would appreciate it.

From: woodguy65
I really liked it too. They stopped making them several years ago. I scoured the internet and couldn’t find anything. Ended up switching to a thumb release hate it. Good luck

From: VAMtns
Love mine , no luck looking for a spare either

From: Cocklebur
I have seen some foreign copies on Amazon. I don’t know anything about the quality.

From: midwest

midwest's Link
One just went for sale on AT. $45

From: SaddleReaper
Hah! This brings back a memory - some of the folks at The Outdoor Group/ Scott used to call that the dog turd... You have to imagine what would happen if you squeeze one :)

From: btnbuck

btnbuck's embedded Photo
btnbuck's embedded Photo
btnbuck's embedded Photo
btnbuck's embedded Photo
I've had one since the first time I swatted a skeeter on my forehead with a wrist release on... DOH. I too love it and wouldn't part with it. When I first got it I put a short-n-sweet front on it.(I prefer a sear type trigger). I tried to get the company to send me just the handle part but they declined. I still have the original front part (minus the handle) if you'd like it.

Below it is one I made for a spare of what I have to take on out of state hunts.

From: BrentC
I made this same post a year or two ago. Wound up buying the Amazon knock off. It is okay as a backup but not as good as the original. I ground off part of the trigger and made a made a few other modifications to it.

From: midwest
Looks like the one on AT is still for sale.

From: midwest

From: VAMtns
I would buy it if I could find it over there , not the sharpest BH in the quiver

From: midwest
VAMtns, click my link above.

From: VAMtns
Thanks Midwest, I did and scrolled and scrolled through but can't locate , will try again

From: midwest
Just looked again. They're sold. Sorry :-(

Did you contact Scott archery? Some places still have old inventory.

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