onX Maps
First Fawn!
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
fredzepplelin 04-Jun-24
Aspen Ghost 05-Jun-24
Ron Niziolek 05-Jun-24
petedrummond 05-Jun-24
Stoneman 05-Jun-24
LBshooter 06-Jun-24
nchunter 09-Jun-24
Stickbow Felty 09-Jun-24
Stickbow Felty 09-Jun-24
Stoneman 11-Jun-24
ILbowhntr 13-Jun-24
Dale06 13-Jun-24

fredzepplelin's Link

From: Aspen Ghost

Aspen Ghost's embedded Photo
Aspen Ghost's embedded Photo
My 6 year old granddaughter was quite excited to discover this fawn by the house yesterday.

From: Ron Niziolek

Ron Niziolek's embedded Photo
Ron Niziolek's embedded Photo
Saw this mom with triplets at my office this morning.

From: petedrummond

petedrummond's embedded Photo
petedrummond's embedded Photo

From: Stoneman
Ron, that’s a good sign for the northern Wy mule deer herd. Hopefully all the does have twins or triplets.

From: LBshooter

LBshooter's embedded Photo
LBshooter's embedded Photo
I’m the burbs

From: nchunter
I was painting treestand yesterday. I hung all the pieces in trees by my cabin. I was on the last one when five feet from where I was standing a fawn stands up and stares at me for about a minute.It then slowly walked about thirty yards away and lays back down.


Stickbow Felty's embedded Photo
Stickbow Felty's embedded Photo


Stickbow Felty's embedded Photo
Stickbow Felty's embedded Photo

From: Stoneman

Stoneman's embedded Photo
Stoneman's embedded Photo
Stoneman's embedded Photo
Stoneman's embedded Photo
Pronghorn fawns just started dropping…

From: ILbowhntr

ILbowhntr's embedded Photo
ILbowhntr's embedded Photo
About a week ago in front of the house.

From: Dale06
Those are great pics of fawns. Hope they all dodge the coyotes and other hazards.

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