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Gear talk......broadhead sharpening
Contributors to this thread:
jordanathome 04-Jun-24
Bowboy 04-Jun-24
wyobullshooter 04-Jun-24
Stoneman 04-Jun-24
EmptyFreezer 04-Jun-24
DanaC 04-Jun-24
wyobullshooter 04-Jun-24
molsonarcher 04-Jun-24
Merriam 04-Jun-24
Fields 04-Jun-24
EmptyFreezer 04-Jun-24
Charlie Rehor 05-Jun-24
wv_bowhunter 05-Jun-24
bowhunter24 05-Jun-24
Dale06 05-Jun-24
CaptMike 05-Jun-24
12yards 05-Jun-24
Supernaut 05-Jun-24
fdp 05-Jun-24
Bowboy 05-Jun-24
butcherboy 05-Jun-24
12yards 05-Jun-24
Beendare 05-Jun-24
Bowboy 05-Jun-24
Bigfoot 05-Jun-24
12yards 05-Jun-24
Mint 10-Jun-24
jordanathome 10-Jun-24
Chuckster 10-Jun-24
EmbryOklahoma 10-Jun-24
Beendare 11-Jun-24
From: jordanathome

jordanathome's Link
I know, right? GASP an actual archery and elk hunting related thread. Forgive me.

I am curious as to anyone's experience with this product. Stay Sharp by Innovative Outdoors.

I got the black one coming in the mail. Supposed to work with replaceable broadhead blades like for my black hornets. I've always just touched up the blades with a stone or other tool without taking them apart.......which was dumb....but worked after a box of bandaids later. I figger as I get older I oughter get a little smarter. So I'm giving this a whirl along with a stopping wheel for my drill (now that is gonna cause some injuries!) and polishing compound.

Anyway......gimmick or ???

From: Bowboy
I have one and love it. I use it on my Magnus Buzzcuts and Stingers. They get these heads scary sharp. The pain is getting those tiny screws outta of the broad heads.

Certainly isn’t a gimmick. I use the Stay Sharp grey for my Iron Will’s. Never knew that perfecting my “matchbox car technique” would come in so handy. ;-)

From: Stoneman
“matchbox car technique” lol, that’s a word picture!

From: EmptyFreezer
Stay sharp is the DEAL.. especially for the black hornets. You can sharpen sevr, rage etc.. Best to have a straight edge blade. I get blade sharp with 400 then move on to 600, 800 and 1000 grit. Have fun.

From: DanaC
Does it come with stones or do you have to supply your own?

The diamond plates are purchased separately.

From: molsonarcher
I might need to try this. For those of you who have it, have you ever used a Lansky to sharpen the Magnus? Thats currently how I sharpen, but honestly this set up looks easier and faster.

From: Merriam
I hadn’t seen these. I have a KME for Stingers, but this one is a lot less $$. KME takes some tweaking, but when you get it right, they are sharp.

From: Fields
I used a Lansky for years.. Like anything, it takes a bit of time to develop your routine, but once you got it down, it worked...

From: EmptyFreezer
I just use sand paper. I may have to try the plates. Does anyone prefer the plates over paper?

Owner of this company is “Rancid Crabtree”.

From: wv_bowhunter
I the grey one forMagnus stingers and it works great.

From: bowhunter24
There is name we hadn't heard in awhile!

From: Dale06
Lansky for the past 40 years. I don’t shoot BHs unless they can be sharpened on a Lansky.

From: CaptMike
I have two of them. One for my Stingers and one for my Iron Will heads. They do a great job when used with the diamond plates they also sell.

From: 12yards
I have one and have used three sand paper grits, I think 600, 1000 and then 2000. IMHO, it is a pain in the butt. If you use paper make certain you have a very flat surface to put the paper on. I used the glass pane from a picture frame. I still ended up cutting through the paper. I'd rather use a stone if that works as good.

From: Supernaut

Supernaut's embedded Photo
Supernaut's embedded Photo
Jordan, let us know how you like the sharpener when you get it.

I have used my Lansky for years. I picked up this nifty little sharpener a couple years ago on a recommendation and have been very pleased with it. I did Magnus Stingers with it the first year I had it and then I used it on these Ace Standards last season. I always strop on cardboard after no matter if it's a broadhead or a knife.

From: fdp
I'm going to invest in some diamond plates and give those a shot this year I think.

From: Bowboy
I have the diamond plates in 400, 800,1200, and 2000.

From: butcherboy
I have lots of stones, steels, and ceramic rods in my shop so I use those if I need to sharpen a broadhead. I prefer replaceable blades but will occasionally sharpen the blade if there is no damage to it.

From: 12yards
Bowboy, how big are your plates?

From: Beendare
Sharpening is part of my selection process for a good BH.

2 blades are the easiest things on the planet to sharpen- even right there on the arrow.

I use one of the little fine flat DMT diamond stones...or the V shaped chock sticks. It only takes a minute to get them popping sharp.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
12yards here you go.

From: Bigfoot
Picked up the Blade Sled recently and used it on a few blade styles. Worked really well.

Still haven't figured out a really good sharpening method for the older style Muzzy heads (the ones with the 'bent' blades that sleeve into the center column).

From: 12yards
Awesome! Thanks Bowboy!

From: Mint
I have the KME and can sharpen any of the dozen or so different two blade ( or 4 blade with removable bleeders ) heads I have with one system. KME is made out of metal too and I've had mine since they first came out. Probably 20 years or so?

From: jordanathome
USPS should be dropping off my Stay Sharp today!

From: Chuckster

Chuckster's Link
VPA has a great tutorial on their website on sharpening broadheads. Little lengthy but a good video.

I remember for years I would sharpen my Zwickey eskimos on a 1200 rpm grinder. Using two stones/wheels - rough/finish. I could get them shaving sharp in minutes. Of course, the heads were already glued to the arrows. Some might say it was dangerous, but it’s only dangerous to people who’ve never done it or don’t know what the F they are doing. Now I need another low rpm grinder. :)

From: Beendare
I've seen guys make a small wedge shaped block cut at the same angle as the BH....then hold the blade against the block on a flat diamond stone.

The 5" x 1" wide DMT diamond stones are easy to hold against a 2 blade to maintain the perfect angle.

Then as in all knife sharpening, rise a burr on one side, then remove the burr with light strokes.

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