Zone 9 Iowa Question
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I have 5 points in Iowa and am in on the draw for 9. Given that I've never been there, I would like some opinions the public land quality. I've noticed there is a great deal of public land there; most being rather small blocks and they are well scattered across the entire unit. For an archery hunt, would I expect heavy pressure in the areas...especially lands near the MS River? Thanks
My experience is very little pressure in public ground at least in zone 4
Most pressure will be weekends. Iowa public lands can be very good. Many of the smaller tracts get overlooked. You need to put in time scouting.
I'm going with two other guys (63 and 80). I'm 66 years old. I'm sure those hills will be pretty tough but all of us are in remarkably good shape for our age. We are staying for three weeks so I don't plan to hunt the first few days...preferring to do some heavy duty scouting before hanging a stand.
Though we all had enough points for some other units (like 5) we reasoned that it might be better to go to a unit that required less points in hopes that we might be able to squeeze in another hunt or two before we got too old. Hopefully, we can use the experience of this hunt on a future one.
Any further comments on unit 9 would be appreciated.
Well I am 75, and hunt hill country in SW Wis, but know Zone 9 in Iowa. Don't believe you can not hunt from the ground,,, also always be ready, lots of deer movement,,, don't hunt for a tree, hunt for deer. So, I would bring along a Millenium tree seat. Light on your back, easy quick set up,, Good luck, you will have lots of fun.
I'm sure Zone 9 will be amazing, but man, I can't help but say I would have applied for a southern zone with 5 points. Best of luck to you!
Midwest, given our age we might have a few more draws in the future due to the fewer point requirements. We hope to use our experience this time in 9 to parlay the experience to our advantage in the future.
That zone has the largest number of antlerless permits so plenty of Deer I would guess. Yellow River State Forest should be a plus.. Bordering S. Wis. should be another +. 3 weeks, Nov 1st forward OR last week of Oct forward should put you in the "good time".. Good Luck.
Nyati, in the first post I mentioned our ages. One fellow is 80. He might be able to go back to 9 when he is 83 or 84. Not as likely at 85 or 86 in a 5 unit. We want to have the experience of the area this time to help us next time.
Gotcha Stringwacker. Hope you guys have a great hunt. Beautiful country in the NE part of IA.
Still seems flawed to me. If you were happy hunting 9 you should have drawn it 2-3 years ago and had another tag in roughly the same time frame and a a lower per tag cost. But of course hindsight is 20/20, I get it.
Still I can’t understand not drawing the best tag you can get (unit 5) and hunt that. Then you can still get that unit 9 tag in 2-3 years like you are planning. I understand you are forgoing the experience you gain in 9 by doing that, and I’ll jump to the assumption you guys have time from your previous posts. So why not take 3-5 days next year or the following year to go scout Unit 9 without tags in your pocket.
That would maximize your current points for the best unit, get you some scouting in 9 and obtain the tag in the same time frame with similar scouting closer to the season you would actually hunt it too.
But it sounds like yall have a plan, hope it goes well for you and you kill 3 great bucks.
Give the guy a break... I started hunting Iowa in the late 70s, so I know the history... Have a great hunt
There’s 150s around every tree in Iowa :) Ok maybe not BUT there’s an ass load of 130s. 9 produces great deer every year and frankly it’s beautiful there in the fall.
I appreciate everyone's comments! Thanks for the insight!
Midwest, given our age we might have a few more draws in the future due to the fewer point requirements. We hope to use our experience this time in 9 to parlay the experience to our advantage in the future.
I was thinking zone 9 was the NW corner, not the NE. Sorry for the confusion! You'll be up in my neck of the woods. Not the deer that southern IA has but you should have a great hunt. Best of luck!
Keep in mind Iowa recently made it illegal on public land to leave a game camera overnight.
Zone 9 is not MS or Kansas, when it comes to terrain. Although not as tough as SW Wis, your hunting hill country. I will send you PM on info that may help.
String Walker what do you mean "fewer points requirements"?
He means that if they plan to draw unit 9 in the future it will take less bonus points than the southern IA units.
OK. I look for the demand to wane some if the herd declines and loopholes get closed.Any idea how many points now for zone 9?
I hunted zone 9 a few years ago and it was an amazing hunt. Seen more big deer than I have ever seen on a hunt before. That being said I was on private property. Look for ares with CRP fields. Thats where the deer always wanted to be.
4nolz-Last year one guy drew with 2 points but it looks like 3 is a real good shot