Best Bear sit I've had
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: deerslayer
deerslayer's Link
I was not able to get out this year to bear hunt, but this particular hunt was the best evening sit I've ever had. I had multiple bears in and out all night long, and was able to witness a lot of bear behavior that was fun to just sit and watch.
There had been a big boar coming into that bait, and towards the end of the evening he decided to make an appearance. Hope you enjoy the video.
Congrats to those of you tagged out, and best of luck to those still hunting!!!
From: Charlie Rehor
Fantastic. Great video. It is special watching bears at close quarters.
Russ runs a darn good operation. Enjoy
From: hdaman
Well done! Nothing better than an evening at an active bait site!
From: njbuck
Nice video and bear, congrats!
From: Shug
Nice! Congratulations
From: ND String Puller
Well done Justin congrats!
From: Scoot
Great stuff- thanks for sharing and congrats!
From: VAMtns
WTG Good video , neat interaction with the kids
From: Insheart
Even better than a lot of "professionals" can video. Cool hunt for sure.
From: deerslayer
Thanks guys! Funny thing about the video, in the rush to get out that afternoon I left my video camera batteries charging so I couldn’t use it! Luckily I had a phone attachment that happened to be the right size to screw into my secondary camera arm. I ended up filming the whole thing using my phone! SMH…. Thankfully It turned out well enough, and I was able to capture the hunt. Pretty cool watching those cubs climb the tree, fall asleep, and then watch the sow climb and have to wake them up.