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Plum Lake Fall Bear Hunt 2024
Contributors to this thread:
Plum lake 09-Jun-24
Plum lake 12-Jun-24
Zebrakiller 12-Jun-24
molsonarcher 12-Jun-24
jmiller 12-Jun-24
Plum lake 17-Jun-24
Plum lake 20-Jun-24
Plum lake 27-Jun-24
Plum lake 27-Jun-24
Plum lake 05-Jul-24
Plum lake 10-Jul-24
Plum lake 03-Aug-24
From: Plum lake

Plum lake's embedded Photo
Not sure why this picture popped up. Didn’t choose it and it’s all discoloured.
Plum lake's embedded Photo
Not sure why this picture popped up. Didn’t choose it and it’s all discoloured.
Plum lake's embedded Photo
Plum lake's embedded Photo
We have 3 tags available for this fall. We are only doing a one week hunt with the 3 hunters. This will be a remote tent camp hunt with all the amenities. A true Canadian Wilderness Hunt. Sept 10-15

From: Plum lake
While everyone still has Bears on their minds we’ve had some interest in our Fall hunt but no takers as of yet.

From: Zebrakiller
if i could only buy a second tag

From: molsonarcher
Im with you Zebrakiller. A second tag would be fantastic.

From: jmiller
I would be back in a heartbeat!

From: Plum lake
Have had some interest from Bowsiters but no takers yet. Hunts still open

From: Plum lake

You can also harvest an WOLF under the authority of your bear license. No special license needed. We have had wolves come into the bait sites a few times this spring and they are more active in the fall time.

From: Plum lake
2 tags remaining for our fall hunt

From: Plum lake
If you hunted with us in the spring or come hunt with us this fall you can come back in mid winter and try harvest a wolf over bait. This is going to be our first year offering wolf hunts. Very limited spots available.

From: Plum lake
Had some interest but no takers yet on the last 2 tags. This is going to be a great time in the bear woods.

From: Plum lake
FALL SPECIAL now offered. I’m knocking off $500 per hunt. Sept 10-15. Only 2 spots available

From: Plum lake
All spots are filled for the fall bear hunt. Thanks to all that inquired about the hunt.

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