Moultrie Mobile
What to do….
Contributors to this thread:
Shug 10-Jun-24
Screwball 10-Jun-24
Catscratch 10-Jun-24
molsonarcher 10-Jun-24
redneck hunter 10-Jun-24
Dale06 10-Jun-24
badbull 10-Jun-24
Bou'bound 10-Jun-24
Scoot 10-Jun-24
Zebrakiller 11-Jun-24
Smtn10PT 11-Jun-24
Charlie Rehor 11-Jun-24
TMac 11-Jun-24
Plum lake 11-Jun-24
njbuck 11-Jun-24
Pete In Fairbanks 11-Jun-24
rattling_junkie 11-Jun-24
KsRancher 11-Jun-24
Slate 11-Jun-24
Boreal 11-Jun-24
MPN 11-Jun-24
buckeye 11-Jun-24
Nick Muche 11-Jun-24
From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
So I set a size limit I needed to do a full mount on a black bear… 400+ spring or 600+ fall pounds. I’ve yet to get that size.

I did take a 300+ last week and it’s the first colored bear I’ve taken. I’m really torn what to do with him. Part of me says just hang the tanned skin from a nail ,part says do a shoulder mount with an extended back shoulder area and the idiot in me says full mount stand on hind legs… Thoughts?

From: Screwball
I'm full mounting him, he is gorgeous!

From: Catscratch
Always listen to the idiot in you!

Beautiful bear!

From: molsonarcher
That would be a full mount if it were mine. Beautiful bear and congrats!

Hang him from the nail. Nice bear but you probably will do better with your high standards. Then you will want another full mount and space and money start to add up.

From: Dale06
You won’t like my answer. I have 25+/- mounts. Were I to start over, I’d have less than 10, a lot less. It’s a lot of money, it’s meaningless to anyone but yourself. So, I would rug it, or just tan and hang it. Great bear, congrats.

From: badbull
Half body mounts can capture size really well, are a lot cheaper, and are easier to locate in a good spot in your trophy/show area. With a brute like that, unless money is no object, you might consider the half body bear mount as I would if it were mine. Good luck with whatever mount, rug, or tanned hide display you choose, Badbull.

From: Bou'bound
The longer you wait the less you will do with it and over time the happier you will be that you did less or nothing. Get an 11x14 photo and call it done.

From: Scoot
Yep- absolutely beautiful bear! Hang on a nail and nice trophy pic framed by it

From: Zebrakiller

Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
I love this mount of my colored

From: Smtn10PT
If you have a preset standard and didnt meet it I think you stick to the plan. Black bear hunts are relatively cheap and you live in NJ so you could kill one twice that size on any given year.

15 years ago I decided I would do all euros going forward. Since then I’ve had 3 shoulder mounts done of various “special” animals. Rules are made to be broken.

I certainly realize they’re all bound for the dumpster when I’m gone but realistically that’s where ALL our possessions end up. I look at and enjoy my “life’s work” every day.

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.

From: TMac
Take a pic and hang hide from nail

From: Plum lake
I’d do a full body mount with it or at least a half mount. You may never end up shooting a 400+ lb bear so I wouldn’t pass the opportunity with this one.

From: njbuck
He's a pretty special animal, he will look nice in the Man cave!

Do a shoulder mount at least. Carl needs the money....!

Tan the hide

From: KsRancher
I have never shot a bear. But I would just tanned the hide and hang it on the wall.

From: Slate
I like Williams also but, I would do a full mount myself. Get her done Mark

From: Boreal
That bear would make a helluva nice full mount!

From: MPN
Beauty! Yep, I’m in the “less is more” camp, when it comes to Taxi. tanned hide at most…Nice pic or two at least…

From: buckeye
If I had the room and $$ I'd get the whole thing mounted. He's a really cool bear.

From: Nick Muche
Let’s be honest… you already mounted him :)

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