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OTC for CO resident!
Contributors to this thread:
JohnMC 12-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 12-Jun-24
goelk 12-Jun-24
jordanathome 12-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 12-Jun-24
JohnMC 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
bowcrazyJRHCO 12-Jun-24
Whocares 12-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 12-Jun-24
TK 12-Jun-24
Jaquomo 12-Jun-24
Brotsky 12-Jun-24
Jaquomo 12-Jun-24
TK 12-Jun-24
cnelk 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
Paul@thefort 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
midwest 12-Jun-24
Beendare 12-Jun-24
jordanathome 12-Jun-24
whipranger 12-Jun-24
Danbow 12-Jun-24
Glunt@work 12-Jun-24
sticksender 12-Jun-24
Glunt@work 12-Jun-24
HDE 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
Bowaddict 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
butcherboy 12-Jun-24
Sean D. 12-Jun-24
Sean D. 12-Jun-24
Aspen Ghost 12-Jun-24
Matte 12-Jun-24
cnelk 12-Jun-24
Aspen Ghost 12-Jun-24
cnelk 12-Jun-24
Glunt@work 12-Jun-24
Aspen Ghost 12-Jun-24
Danbow 12-Jun-24
Stoneman 12-Jun-24
Stix 12-Jun-24
IdyllwildArcher 12-Jun-24
TreeWalker 13-Jun-24
HDE 13-Jun-24
cnelk 13-Jun-24
cnelk 13-Jun-24
KSBOW 13-Jun-24
Bowfreak 13-Jun-24
Jethro 13-Jun-24
Jaquomo 13-Jun-24
bowhunt 13-Jun-24
HDE 13-Jun-24
CK 13-Jun-24
Matte 13-Jun-24
Glunt@work 13-Jun-24
Elk4Doc 13-Jun-24
wytex 13-Jun-24
butcherboy 13-Jun-24
Jaquomo 13-Jun-24
Zbone 13-Jun-24
Bowfreak 13-Jun-24
IdyllwildArcher 13-Jun-24
Groundhunter 13-Jun-24
Buglmin 13-Jun-24
MallardSX2 13-Jun-24
JohnMC 13-Jun-24
CK 13-Jun-24
Tilzbow 13-Jun-24
Paul@thefort 14-Jun-24
grasshopper 14-Jun-24
MallardSX2 14-Jun-24
Curt Wells 14-Jun-24
Jaquomo 14-Jun-24
Scoot 14-Jun-24
Jaquomo 14-Jun-24
KB 14-Jun-24
grasshopper 14-Jun-24
elkster 14-Jun-24
wytex 14-Jun-24
Glunt@work 14-Jun-24
KB 14-Jun-24
COLO 3-D 14-Jun-24
COLO 3-D 14-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 14-Jun-24
butcherboy 14-Jun-24
KB 14-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 14-Jun-24
Aspen Ghost 14-Jun-24
Jaquomo 14-Jun-24
KsRancher 14-Jun-24
Danny.Farris 14-Jun-24
Quinn @work 14-Jun-24
Danny.Farris 14-Jun-24
Glunt@work 14-Jun-24
Jaquomo 14-Jun-24
Stix 15-Jun-24
Brun 15-Jun-24
Billincamo 20-Jun-24
Jaquomo 20-Jun-24
LUNG$HOT 20-Jun-24
TK 10-Oct-24
TK 10-Oct-24
From: JohnMC
Colorado residence will be allowed to keep OTC elk hunting for Archery. Draw for Non residents. 9-1 vote from commission.

Helll yeah buddy!!

From: goelk

From: jordanathome
This is 2025 to 2030, yes? Thanks John and CBA.

Huge shout out to the CBA staff and members who put forth time and energy to make this happen. If you’re a resident and not a member you should be. Admittedly I haven’t renewed this year but will be this week. Thanks guys!

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: Stix
All staff recommendations approved, but the 8/15 additional archery deer 2 week season did not.

Thank you CBA! I'm glad you were there to fight for me.

From: Whocares
That should help quite a bit. Even if they a lot of draw tags available I think quite a few won't get around to entering. We'll see I guess. As an NR I hunter asotc for many years and had great hunting but do agree something needed to be done about the crowding. I'd hunted for years with seldom running into hunters back in "my" spots. Seems about when ON X got popular non woodsman got braver about venturing further and things changed. So we'll see how this affects things. What about numbers of tags in various units? Is that more decided on an annual basis ?

I assume they will still give ample amounts of tags to non-res hunters. This will just help to disperse the pressure more evenly among the landscape and they’ll be able to manage herds better IF they ever decide to implement a requirement for harvest reporting. It may force people to hunt new areas but there will still be plenty of opportunity to hunt Colorado for non residents. They still need revenue.

From: TK
I wonder how this will affect nr private landowner archery elk tags ?

From: Jaquomo
PLO and LO Vouchers likely won't be affected because they are already draw.

As for tag allocations, they haven't figured that out yet, or whether it will be OTC/cap or flat out draw.

The reasons for not allowing the August deer season were really lame, and made no logical sense. But that's what you get when nonhunters, anti-hunters, and anti resident hunters make up the majority of decision-makers. Great job by our Sportsmans rep, Gabe Otero!

From: Brotsky
Congrats CBA! Good win for resident bowhunters!

From: Jaquomo
Didn't hurt that some guys from our Colorado Resident Hunter FB group discovered that CPW staff was presenting false data about bowhunter numbers and trends, after submitting a CORA request. Once confronted with that data, they had to do an about-face

From: TK
As a nr landowner you could buy an elk tag otc & not go through draw process. Now you have to draw that archery tag so it will affect them. I guess it boils down to how many tags are issued, just like deer ?

From: cnelk
Basically NonRes will have to take a chance to see if their favorite OTC unit has enough tags to go to the 2nd Choice or lower to save (or accumulate) their PPs.

From: Stix
Jaq, I'm hearing they are using the previous years participation and putting a hard cap at 25% for NR licences.

From: Paul@thefort
ARE you hearing that from the PP/draw committee?

From: Stix

From: midwest
Good for Colorado! This, coming from a NR CBA member. Sure would have liked to see that early deer season, tho, dangit.

From: Beendare
Doesn't help me but it makes sense.

Congrats to you guys that I know have put in a lot of work on this.

From: jordanathome
I wonder how many non rez show up at walmart in CO to buy their OTC tag in 2025...........DOOOH! Bummer

From: whipranger
Really would’ve been nice if the deer season could’ve started in aug. And I’ll bet making NR draw elk will have no effect. Just like when they made 55, 551,54 a draw and there’s more hunters there now than there ever was before

From: Danbow
Whip Ranger it will have an effect Colorado will get an extra $100 or so from all the non-residents now that you used to go to OTC

From: Glunt@work
Good news. We'll see how it goes. The number of units OTC tags can be used has shrank a lot.

From: sticksender
And current rifle elk OTC units will continue to be unlimited to all comers?

From: Glunt@work

From: HDE

From: Stix
Yes on the rifle seasons, otc R's and NR's

From: Bowaddict
Good news and good work to all involved!!

From: Stix
CO Wildlife Commision gave final approval for 2025-2029 big game hunting seasons today:

In short, ALL of CPW's recommended alternatives were approved

Rifle: The 5-9-9-5 day seasons for the 4 rifle seasons were approved. OTC for both res and non res hunters available for 2nd & 3rd season

Archery: Elk & Deer seasons remain unchanged. Non Resident Archery OTC licenses were eliminated. Non Residents will have to draw. NR licenses will be capped at 25% of the previous years total participation. The stand alone 2 week deer archery season begining Aug 15 was reconsidered and voted down. This season was not part of CPW's final recommendations.

Muzzleloader seasons unchanged

All bear seasons and eastern plains deer seasons remain unchanged

Antelope seasons unchanged, but an additional rifle season will be added in units where additional harvest needed.

You can view the recommendation that were approved for all big game seasons on the meeting web page

This came from a CPW rep who prepared the recommedations to the commission.

From: butcherboy
I predict a huge amount of NR rifle hunters will flood CO now. All those otc bow hunters will just switch to rifle to get their chance to hunt elk in CO.

From: Sean D.
I bet this year is gonna be absolutely crazy! As a non resident who has hunted CO for the last 20 some years im glad to see this.

From: Sean D.
I do wish it had gone to a draw for everyone though

From: Aspen Ghost
Stix, what do you mean by a 25% hard cap for NRs? Some of the southwest OTC units will seem empty during archery if NRs were truly limited to 25%. Will they really not issue tags to NRs in 2nd + choice and leftover draws after the 25% NR cap is reached? That would be a huge economic impact.

From: Matte
Awesome news.

From: cnelk
The question is… “25% cap of what number of OTC licenses sold?”

Just NonRes archery licenses sold? Or both Res & NonRes licenses sold?

From: Aspen Ghost
I think you guys are confused about a 25% cap for NRs. First, there is no way to do a 25% NR cap on units that are draw for NRs only and OTC for Residents because you wont have the number of residents buying OTC during the draw. And OTC units are currently about 50% NRs; I doubt they plan to throw away half that NR money. I suspect the 25% is just those units that are draw for everyone.

From: cnelk
Remember - every NonRes OTC archery elk hunter now has to spend approx $100 just to apply. When before they didn’t.

Add that to kitty

From: Glunt@work
I'm sure its 25% of total tags after landowner set aside in draw units. NR limits won't effect tags left after Res 1st choice, leftover and reissue tags as usual.

In OTC units, if there was 1000 total bowhunters who went OTC this year in unit X, 250 tags would be available to NR in that unit in 2025? OTC may be less crowded than total draw units where NR can scoop up leftover tags after their 25%.

I'm with Aspen Ghost, they can't be giving that up...or could they?

From: Aspen Ghost
cnelk, what % of NR OTC archery hunters weren't already participating in the draw?

From: Danbow
Hopefully now that NR is all draw they won't waste their money on those sub par otc units and free up more opportunity for the residents! Plus now NR will have to plan ahead instead of using colo as a last ditch effort to hunt elk! ??

From: Stoneman
Seems like a win for Colorado residents on the cover, time will tell if it really impacts the overcrowding issue and improves the quality of the hunt.

CPW has the taste for $ like wolves have a taste for blood.

From: Stix
My understanding 25% of all otc licenses sold. I have an email in asking for clarification

I agree that it's a step in the right direction. Next they need to do away with OTC rifle for NRs. I agree with butcherboy that I bet that number goes up.

Oregon needs to take note. The changes to ID and now CO will make them the last OTC bastion.

From: TreeWalker
Waiting for CO to rake all your accumulated points if you get any tag prior to leftover or is not an OTC tag.

Draw a tag? Lose your points. Buy a landowner tag? Lose your points. Buy an auction tag? Lose your points. Win a raffle tag? Lose your points.

Point creep is accelerated when you can get a tag and keep your points as if you did not hunt that species.

They will just change the OTC units to draw slowly over time.

From: HDE
CO is one of those states that needs all the support it can get to keep a traditional outdoors lifestyle, outside help is a big factor that has now been ostracized.

Whatever I guess...

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
Here's a refresher - OTC Archery Units in 2015

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
And here's the OTC Archery Units in 2024

As a NR that utilizes Colorado in my plan I am good with this. My hope is that they look to their neighbor to the NW and manage their elk heard more like Wyoming. Much rather not be guaranteed every year but know I am going to get a quality hunt when I do draw!

From: Bowfreak
I hope that this has an impact on overcrowding. It would have to cut the number of bowhunters hunting WAY back before I would ever elk hunt there again.

From: Jethro
Any specifics on how it will run? For NR will it be 1 big OTC unit pool that we now draw and go anywhere in the OTC units or will it be broken down unit specific tags?

From: Jaquomo
I'm not sure how having 55% nonresidents running wild in the woods in September helps Colorado keep a traditional outdoors lifestyle. If anything, it discourages residents from participating. If I didn't draw my LE units I wouldn't be hunting elk this year because OTC is such a train wreck. Take a youth to an OTC unit and he may never hunt again. Something had to change, and drastically.

From: bowhunt
I saw Oregon mentioned above.

ODFW has drastically change the tag system over the last several year.

A large majority of the units east of the cascades are a draw for archery deer and elk now.

Non residents only get 5 percent of tags in a draw unit!!!!

From: HDE
"I'm not sure how having 55% nonresidents eunninf wild in the woods in September helps Colorado keep a traditional outdoors lifestyle"

Simple. If a NR is restricted on when they can "eunninf" wild in the woods in Sept and how often, it becomes less important for them to be involved in CO issues as time goes on.

Anytime a critical issue arises legislativly or liberal armchair wildlife management propsals are made, those online petitions need to be posted in a CO forum where they belong and not the general forums for everyone to open and sign and 55% of those NR's will go looking elsewhere.

Hunters across the nation are both our best allies and worst enemies....

From: CK
It's amazing to me how any NR could start threatening not to support CO after a few minor changes. CO is still by far the most DIY NR-friendly state in the West. It's not even close. Why aren't they complaining about the rest of the West? It's because we've been so generous for so long that NRs now feel entitled to our wildlife.

From: Matte
I will share my take as a longtime NR huntet. This is a good thing. It will definetly change up where I go after I burn my points. In the meantime I will also apply in Montana, and Wyoming to build points or get lucky. Hopefully at almost 50 I can still hunt Elk every year until I can't. It will take strategy and or money. As for the last minute hunters ( I use to be one) who get the itch and head west they will probably stay home. As most are Whitetail hunters and deer get pretty heavy on the mind by October 1st and by the 17th I do not want to be anywhere but here in Kansas to hunt.

From: Glunt@work
Even with this change, its likely a NR can still hunt CO in decent elk habitat every year. Maybe not the same unit and maybe not while also banking points, but there will still be a lot of tags.

From: Elk4Doc
Another NR OTC archer here who agrees that this needed to happen. My wife and I bought land in a south central Co valley in 2010 and I have loved hunting up in the mountains above the property every year but that will change a little. I have started to see the crowding and there is a need to protect the herd and the hunting experience from over-crowding. We support our Co county where our property is located in many ways and will continue to do so. I value and am grateful for every day I can spend in those mountains.

From: wytex
"It's amazing to me how any NR could start threatening not to support CO after a few minor changes. CO is still by far the most DIY NR-friendly state in the West. It's not even close. Why aren't they complaining about the rest of the West? It's because we've been so generous for so long that NRs now feel entitled to our wildlife."

CK take a look around online and see what NRs have been saying about Wyoming. Now Oklahoma is raising their NR prices and the Texas folks are losing their minds over it. Many are saying that they will not support Western states that are limiting their licenses. I'm willing to bet plenty of folks will step up and take their place in line.

From what I hear NRs will have to choose an area in 2025 and not be able to jump around like OTC now.

From: butcherboy
I used to hunt CO a lot as a NR. I live closer to CO than anything else in NM. When the price went way up I decided not to hunt CO anymore because I just can’t afford it. I have one more CO hunt in the future when I burn my 17 points. I think CO should be draw for NR’s for all weapon choices and a separate muzzie season. Draw for all weapon choices for certain high demand units for residents and otc for residents in all other units.

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Nonresidents don't vote, and our challenges are at the ballot box. If residents are dropping out due to overwhelming numbers of nonresidents, then we have a problem that isn't occurring in any other state in the U.S.

From: Zbone
What about the muzzleloaders, they are the ones that drive the elk down from the public lands to the private lands...

Ya hear about F&G departments claim license sales in decline and keep dropping due to old hunters dying off or quitting and the younger hunter generations not filling the void, yet they keep limiting more and more tags... Go figure...

From: Bowfreak
I think Colorado did the right thing. I wish they would really limit NR tags to the point where everyone with a tag could enjoy a quality hunt. There might be a few years of good quality elk hunting left before the wolves take over.

"Now Oklahoma is raising their NR prices and the Texas folks are losing their minds over it. Many are saying that they will not support Western states that are limiting their licenses. I'm willing to bet plenty of folks will step up and take their place in line."

Every time there's any change to any game management system, there are a bunch of people that lose their minds over it. I've yet to see any significant change in the past 15 years that has really made a dent in the net effect which ultimately is how many people are trying to get that tag.

Even Wyoming's ridiculous preference point hike coupled with decreasing tags and decreasing NR % of the cut in moose/sheep tags, although causing some people to drop out, hasn't had the net effect to really make any difference.

I'll never agree with pricing working-class people out of hunting opportunity, but CO could take this 2 steps further in cuts/applications/preference points and slap a fat tag price hike on top of it and they'd still have plenty of demand.

Maybe not in 20 years from now? But for now, more and more people keep applying to Western states and the matter at hand here is still the haphazard results that come from unlimited OTC tags, which, again, is not game management and produces a lousy hunting experience.

From: Groundhunter
I wish Wisconsin would limit NR on applying for bear tags. For a resident needing 10 points to hunt is BS...... Good for Colorado, ....

From: Buglmin
It's sad that the CBA and other bowhunters up north didn't try to fight when they turned the sw part into draw units. CPW will keep the remaining otc units open to residents, so we here in the sw will at least have units we can hunt if we don't draw our limited entry draw tags!!

From: MallardSX2
I found it especially touching seeing Danny Farris cry during his testimony on retaining resident otc archery for him and his family. How pathetic.

From: JohnMC
Danny Farris is one of the good guys. You can have your panties in a wad because you can't get an OTC tag and that is ok. But taking a personal shot at Danny is low blow, especially since I doubt you know him or have ever meet him.

From: CK
What's pathetic, Gary, is that you're putting down a man who took time off of work to be involved in the process. Colorado needs more people like Danny. You, on the other hand, can stay in Georgia.

From: Tilzbow
I can’t even begin to comprehend the number of hunters in CO but this seems like a step in the right direction. That said, how can they eliminate OTC tags to non-resident bowhunters and not do the same to rifle hunters? Seems more like a compromise to appease one group (CBA) with a squeaky wheel than actually manage the wildlife.

From: Paul@thefort
" do not do the same of rifle hunters?" The Commission did not want to handle two major items at once in the BGSS. Two items that can lead to a major decrease in funding if carried out at the same time. OTC archery elk and OTC rifle elk. They will handle the OTC rifle elk the next time around being in the next 5 yr BGSS or the following as I understand. They want to see what will happen to the number of nonresident archery hunter when they only have Limited Draw licenses and will there be a large amount of revenue lost or not.

From: grasshopper
I was sitting in the room in Winter Park. I did not hear any thoughts on how this would implemented. Haskett pushed for by DAU but that motion failed, but there was no context or discussion if that was for residents or nonresidents. While CPW shared a slide deck showing projected revenue decline based on percentage cut, there was no mention made of specific levels in the motion. What was adopted was alternative 2 as written by staff. I think we need to wait and see, quotas are set in May annually. Time will tell, I would guess there will be ample tags in 2025, this is the last year for unlimited free for all.

Huge win for CBA and bowhunters in both OTC and limited units. I don't hunt OTC, but the win is I won't have 15,000 residents applying for my 80 tag unit doubling or tripling point creep.

I'm retiring again now! but I may end up speaking up about the insanity coming from the stacked draw working group.

We were really close on the early deer until Haskett killed it with claims the animals are pressured too long by bowhunters. Funny, seeing how I have a list B rifle cow tag in my pocket for a season that runs from Sept to the end of January. Thank Paul Navarre, he convinced May to bring early deer back to the table after Haskett killed it last month. We were 2 votes shy.

We are still down a sportsmens rep, noticed one of the wolf votes was a 5 to 5 tie.

From: MallardSX2
No actually what's pathetic CK is a grown man (who by the way, has had, and will continue to have, more opportunity to hunt than 99% of hunters) babbling and sobbing like a recent widow in front of a State Wildlife Commission.

I have to quills with taking away OTC to the NR but let's act like adults while we are in front of a govt agency for God sakes.

I guess literally crying to get is the new way of the Colorado male resident. Maybe I should just stay in Georgia where men are still men. lol

From: Curt Wells
Danny Farris’s passion is what makes him the dedicated bowhunter he is. Bowhunting is his life and it means enough to him to illicit emotion. He’s thinking about the present and the future of quality bowhunting opportunities. If you can’t handle the passion feel free to stay where you are. Or keep your tough guy criticism to yourself.

From: Jaquomo
Hopefully we have one less morbidly obese hunter from Georgia hunting CO now...

As I interpreted thr comments regarding crowding in rifle seasons, the belief is that crowding doesn't affect rifle hunters the way it does archers because rifle hunters hunt totally differently than we do. Also, they believe OTC rifle can absorb more NR hunters who would otherwise hunt archery.

From: Scoot
Jaq, I'm trying to understand how your last couple sentences can be true. Do you believe them to be true? I'm extremely skeptical. I think it doesn't make much sense to leave the rifle seasons as they are, unless of course your only real concern is about income.

I think this is a nice win for CO residents! It might not be a popular opinion with many, but I hope they limit the NR tags enough so that Rs can have a solid experience each year in their home state.

From: Jaquomo
Scoot, I'm not sure about that, but that was the position of CPW staff.

What I do know is this: rifle elk hunters today are older, don't venture very far from roads, road hunt often, and when they do, it is to sit on high points or meadows and wait. See bull, shoot bull. Totally different from how we hunt. I spend much (or all) of second rifle season in the woods with my wife, and see it firsthand.

Revenue is a critical concern. But as Paul and others have mentioned, they also didn't want to tackle two monumental initiatives at once, and it was archers pushing this initiative now.

From: KB
Jaq/Brad/Grasshopper, etc, can the changes we discussed last week (25% hard caps, R 2nd-4th preference) happen before the next 5 year cycle at this point? If not, won’t one result of this change, shoving thousands/maybe 10,000+ more NR into the draw system, mean even more of those SW tags are going to NR in the first pass? Probably every tag after the 1st choice R’s are pulled out? Some R’s might prefer a reduced competition OTC unit over those now I would think and switch their focus from those units as well. Which could wind up making some of those codes almost entirely NR’s? At which point the discussion about doing something different will heat up and the department may take a stance along the lines of R’s don’t really want anything to do with those units, not in significant numbers anyway, so why change?

From: grasshopper
Quotas in limited units are meant to be sold to someone, regardless of residency. The draw working group is hashing out resident allocation over all 4 choices. Still needs approval, might not be implemented for a few years.

The SW and other units may be dominated by nr's for awhile. From what I've heard the elk population is in the crapper. One good hunter I spoke to said he hunted 10 days, never saw an elk. Sounds like a tip and a clue.

Bottom line I think plenty of tags will be available, but from a nr perspective your draw odds may see uncertainty and upheaval. You now have to decide to spend points on a good hunt or a risky sketchy hunt, and what to do with 2nd, 3rd and 4th choices. Your competition is now 20,000 plus other guys trying to make wise choices with points held. The playing field has changed. Good luck, if I can help reach out. I don't see you as competition, we are in different pools.

From: elkster
cnelk, "Remember - every NonRes OTC archery elk hunter now has to spend approx $100 just to apply. When before they didn't." Wrong. I've been buying points for 20 years and hunting OTC. Assuming 40-50% NonRes have also, means Subtract that from the "kitty."

From: wytex
^^^^ won't you have to keep buying PP to draw again? Seems like more $$ maybe for CPW.

From: Glunt@work
We'll see how it shakes out. Leftover tags do not require a qualifying license be purchased so there is still a path for NR to bowhunt elk and just buy a tag.

From: KB
Scanning last year’s secondary draw results I can only find three archery bull codes that didn’t fill. One sold out in the first pass this year and the other two will have significantly less available in the secondary vs last year. Force all NR bowhunters into the draw system and there’s no way a bull tag makes it through both draws? The days of leftover archery bull tags will surely be long gone…

From: COLO 3-D
"It's sad that the CBA and other bowhunters up north didn't try to fight when they turned the sw part into draw units. CPW will keep the remaining otc units open to residents, so we here in the sw will at least have units we can hunt if we don't draw our limited entry draw tags!!"

I feel like I need to correct that statement. Our former CPW Liaison, who is actually on here as GRASSHOPPER, took the time to go to Telluride to testify in front of the Commission. In addition to that, he worked with CPW Staff regarding this issue. He worked his butt off to save OTC tags in the SW. What we learned in that lead to a victory this week. He told me yesterday, that he was one of very few bowhunters who showed up to testify. Since that defeat, we have changed our strategy a bit, utilizing social media much more to get our message out and recruiting other passionate hunters to testify.

We are a passionate group of volunteers who work incredibly hard to preserve bowhunting opportunities in Colorado. I see that you are from New Mexico, if you are not actively involved in your state organization, I would strongly suggest you do so. It will surprise you how many different directions those volunteers are being pulled.

From: COLO 3-D

You are talking about a man who took four days off of work to testify at each and every one of the public comment periods, a man who is self employed, so this has an even bigger impact. He has passed that passion and hunting heritage down to his kids who are great outdoorsmen in their own rights. I have only known Danny for a few years, but he is one of the most genuine people I know and I am proud to call him a friend.

cnelk, "Remember - every “NonRes OTC archery elk hunter now has to spend approx $100 just to apply. When before they didn't." Wrong. I've been buying points for 20 years and hunting OTC.”

Elkster, in the state of Colorado you MUST first possess a “qualifying license” to apply in any big game draw. To gain a preference point you MUST apply for it in the big game draw. That “Qualifying License” costs about $100 for a NR. So yes Cnelk is correct. A NR CANNOT gain a PP without paying that extra $100.00. Per year.

From: butcherboy

If you are referring to Buglmin I believe he lives in SW CO. Originally from NM but moved to CO and has guided a lot in CO. There are very few large bowhunter organizations in NM. There are smaller clubs but nothing like in the good days of the UBNM.

From: KB
Wytex and Lungshot, don’t want to put words in Elkster’s mouth, but I think what he’s insinuating is some portion of the folks hunting OTC tags are already buying qualifying licenses to apply/gain a point so they won’t be adding anything further to the “kitty” that Brad referenced due to the change. There will be a chunk of new applicants to the system no doubt, but if the newly switched units see significantly less NR participation and/or the system is changed causing fewer of those SW unit tags to wind up in NR’s hands CPW could go backwards on NR elk sales pretty quick. The wildcard being how many will simply buy an OTC rifle tag while they’re still available of course.

KB, yes I understand what your saying and yes I believe there will be quite a few NR’s who decide to hunt rifle OTC now and still be able to gain a PP, however, there are a ton of guys (several I know personally) who do not apply or buy points and just hunt OTC archery every year who will now be forced to purchase a qualifying tag to apply for the same place they’ve been hunting for years. I think you’ll be surprised at how many guys out there do not currently buy points and just hunt OTC every year.

One things for sure. There will be a huge “shake up” over the next few years before things level out just in time for them to make more changes.

From: Aspen Ghost
It probably is several tons of guys, so at least 20 guys I'm sure. That's why CPWs concern is that they will make too much money with this change.

From: Jaquomo
Lungshot, it took several years for deer to shake out. The first year, I burned a gob of points to hunt what turned out to be a zero point unit. But I had the access and it was a great place. Then my points were gone and everybody was on basically the same playing field. Creep is happening for a few hunts, but not as bad as elk.

Like any change, people will be pissed. They'll figure it out like we figure out every other Western state with apps. Just won't be as convenient as before.

From: KsRancher
I used to think that it was a fair deal to limit NR from 35% to 25% on lower pt LE units and do away with OTC for NR while keeping it for R as I think that is a fair deal. But I am not so sure anymore. For the reason it will never be enough. Next will be a push for a hard cap on the percentage and trying to reduce the percentage. But I will keep playing the game however it goes.

Planning on each of my boys with an elk tag and a bear tag this fall. Hopefully a 3rd or 4th season buck tag pops up on the secondary draw for my youngest son.

From: Danny.Farris
Well, it seems my testimony has become a burr under a few saddles. Let me begin by saying I was thoroughly embarrassed after choking up the way I did. I certainly didn’t intend to do so. I planned to deliver a message on what the ability to hunt together on an annual basis means to families like mine, and in hindsight, I should have avoided trying to use something quite that personal as an example. I really didn’t expect to get choked up. It was a spontaneous moment that dramatically impaired my ability to deliver a coherent message within the allotted time, and I offer my sincere apologies to anyone who found it inappropriate.

With that said, I’d like to address the mallard man from Georgia who has taken special exception to my testimony on several forums. I don’t duck anybody mallard man. I live in Peyton, CO. Look me up next time you’re here and we’ll meet up in a parking lot to discuss the finer points of conducting yourself like a man. Quack, quack…

From: Quinn @work
^^ Amen :)

Thanks for your time to testify Danny!

From: Danny.Farris

From: Glunt@work
I wouldn't sweat it Danny. When it comes to my kids and family I can get some dust in my eyes thinking about what their future holds as the world, hunting and especially Colorado change.

We met years ago on that unbelievably slippery muddy road during Turkey season in NE. I thought both trucks might be spending the day back there. A couple more times at ATA shows. Thank you for taking the time to speak.

From: Jaquomo
Danny thanks for your heartfelt testimony. That means so much more than a predictable statement read by someone. We appreciate it.

From: Stix
Thank you to the CBA and everyone who participated throughout the whole process, whether by testimony or emails. It helps tremendously to have your voice heard.

Now we need to get a solid sportsmen's rep appointed for the commission vacancy, like Otero who represents his constituents, not the $$$ they can make off staters (Haskett).

There are more battles ahead

From: Brun
Thanks for your testimony Danny and don't be embarrassed by being emotional. You spoke and acted on your beliefs and everyone who knows you knows it was real. It was also much more effective because it was real. Thanks.

From: Billincamo
MallardSX2, You obviously do not know Danny Farris as you wouldn't run your mouth and accuse him of being pathetic. I can promise you are not man enough to make one hair on Danny's a_ _. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of Colorado and Danny as it would be quit emabarrassing for you to face him man to man and explain to your friends how you got your a-- kicked by someone who you referred to as "pathetic" or how you ran away with your tail tucked from someone you called "pathetic". I always find it amusing how people like you are afraid to use their real name and instead hide behind names like Mallard (talk about pathetic) while insulting people they have never met and don't have the balls to insult face to face. Stop acting like a 30 something year old keyboard warrior living in his parents basement, sleeping all day, and gaming all night. Grow up, get a job, get a life, and drop a 100#'s. Then maybe come out to Colorado and hunt the mountains with real men.

Bill Pellegrino

From: Jaquomo
^^^^ Need a like button.

^^^I’ll second that “Like” Button!

From: TK
As a nr landowner you could buy an elk tag otc & not go through draw process. Now you have to draw that archery tag so it will affect them. I guess it boils down to how many tags are issued, just like deer ?

From: TK
As a nr landowner you could buy an elk tag otc & not go through draw process. Now you have to draw that archery tag so it will affect them. I guess it boils down to how many tags are issued, just like deer ?

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