July Funnies
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New month and although this is not actually a new funny, it is a classic...8^)
petedrummond - Good one for Ken Moody...8^)
Food truck in Kentucky…
Food truck in Kentucky…
I’ve had that caveman cartoon on my archery tackle box for about 30 years. Still funny
One of Pete's best. Gravity is a bit--.
Pete, you do have some good ones, I just spit out my ice tea after taking a sip and looking at that last joke! scentman
8^)))) I just spit my drink Rob...8^)))
Can you help a brother in need?
Can you help a brother in need?
Jeff - Give him an ashtray full of roaches...8^)))
always have the best lawyer
We’re so screwed! They must give these to their Dem/liberal customers….
Bambi's Mom letting him know what she thought of politics
I think she misunderstood the contest a little
Ok it might not be Pete Drummond funny but it is still a little funny.
Just seen where the "Hawk Tuah" girl social media site now has over a million followers and she in now receiving 30 grand for appearances....8^)))
Good for her... (but her boyfriend probably got the best deal...8^)))
Wait, is she choking that chicken????
Seen that one before Jeff and for those with their mind in the gutter, the answer isn't what you think...8^)
DIY electrical work ain’t that hard…..
Appropriate time for a rerun here.
Tell all your Spanish friends mucho - it means a lot to them
Probably has something to do with why it's marked down to 99 cents!
Robb - That's a 'c'ool bus...8^)
BOHNTR, being from Kansas, I laughed at that harder than I should've. Instant forward.
In case you were not paying attention yesterday
Thanks for the trip back in time, Robb. Reminds me of when we took a trip into Haight Ashbury back in ‘67. Scared me to death!! Haha!
That’s my favorite.
Mule Power: the big tits don't scare me, the carp lips do.
You guys are way too funny....
WV Mountaineer's Link
It’s hilarious.
Oh man Jeff, that roof experience is tooo funny...8^)))
We should mock those idiots without ceasing, so here goes!
Catscratch, I could have easily made it through my day without seeing that image.
Lol, me too brun! But, I saw it so I shared the wealth.
Just spit up my beer all over my phone lol
Breaking news: not only did Trump have the USSS director “resigned”, he also had those worthless butch agents on his detail replaced with something easier on the eyes, in hopes that they at least will distract the next shooter
Omg, those Joe 2020 supporters did not want to break another window to retrieve there locked car keys! Lol! scentman
The ever-so-subtle difference being that some of her “grandparents” WERE slaves….
It don't work they way Mike. Different standards
So you’re saying that her slave-owning ancestors were of African descent?
You should start a thread but her father has give interviews and written about his ancestors owning slaves and starting "Brown town".I just read a 2019 article in a Jamaican newspaper.I'm sure the media will scrub it all eventually and I could gaf if they did own slaves the point is the generational guilt some want others to bear.
Oh my goodness... Debbie downers on the Funnies threads too! Can at least this one thread just be what it's supposed to be? IT'S A JOKE!
Ain't that the truth Catscratch, now leftists are going to hose up the funnies threads rather than start another political thread....Geez, they could F up a wet dream...
Boy ain't that the truth 4nolz, I kinda remember reading the book of Where the Red Fern Grows but not the ending, but if you can hold back tears at the end of Old Yeller, you're more of a man than I... I remember seeing Old Yeller as a kid and I cried like a baby... I had a tough time with the Yearling too...
Hell Z, I still tear up at the end of Old Yeller. If you weren’t so far away, we could watch it together with some Jim Beam to console ourselves with. ;-((
Yeah Don...8^)))
It ran on one of my TV channels a few months ago and told my lady, let's watch it, "You'll like it"... She knows me pretty well, and asked, "Is it sad"? I said NO, but it must have been the look in my eye, she said, "NO WAY"...8^)))
Zbone where the red fern grows was my favorite book and yup I may have teared up like a little bitch at the end lol
If I remember right, wasn't it about a coon dog and a raccoon growing up together?
No way older than The Fox and the Hound,Red Fern is about a boy and 2 redbone coonhounds-Dan and Lil' Ann
Ah yeah, I remember now, thanks...
Where the Red Fern Grows, could describe our two-party system, one won't hunt without the other... and when 4nolz posted I saw 'redbone' coonhounds all I could think about was "Hey what's the matter with your feel right". Dang it now got that song "come and get your love" stuck in my head
Gee and all along I thought this was a humor threat. Can you go hijack something else?
Gee and all along I thought this was a humor threat. Can you go hijack something else?
Robb, Who are you kidding? A lawn like that always has a driveway nearby.
I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer.
The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking.
My wife walked by and asked me what I was doing, and I said, "Nothing."
The reason I said "nothing" instead of saying "just thinking" is because she then would have asked, "About what?"
At that point I would have had to explain that men are deep thinkers about various topics, which would lead to other questions.
Finally I pondered an age old question: Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?
Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they know?
Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question.
Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really know, here is the reason for my conclusion: A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."
But you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts."
I rest my case.
Time for another beer. Then maybe a nap.
Don't ya just hate it when ya can't unsee something?
That was evil lol Mike your observations are spot on.
Mike B....yup I'd say your observations involve deep thinking.
Mike: I never could shoot a bow wearing a hat like that.
Mike B,,, Elbow needs to get in line, bare feet on a metal stand next to powerlines, wearing a speedo on a neon white carcass, yep booze may've been involved
No different than Nugent shooting in a loin cloth...8^))) Notice he's shooting a compound too...8^)))
I see tha guy on the tree stand has his patriotic safety harness at least...