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How big??
Contributors to this thread:
Corax_latrans 03-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jul-24
Bou'bound 03-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jul-24
JohnMC 03-Jul-24
Charlie Rehor 03-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jul-24
Charlie Rehor 03-Jul-24
Recurve Man 03-Jul-24
Buffalo1 03-Jul-24
WhattheFOC 03-Jul-24
CFMuley 03-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jul-24
Shug 03-Jul-24
BlacktailBob 06-Jul-24
2Wild Bill 06-Jul-24
olddogrib 07-Jul-24
Jebediah 07-Jul-24
Harvester 14-Aug-24

Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
It’s blueberry season!
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
It’s blueberry season!
I don’t know a thing about judging bears, but maybe someone (or several) might have an opinion or three??


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Boots are a Zamberlan US Men’s 8 or a 42 Euro…
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Boots are a Zamberlan US Men’s 8 or a 42 Euro…

From: Bou'bound
Rough weight estimate is calculated by measured turd diameter in inches x 2.25 will give you good estimate on pounds.

2 inch turd is a 450 pound bear or so I have heard. For this to work turd needs to still be moist. If it is dried and shrunk the math is off and weight will be understated.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
And another one from considerably higher elevation….
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
And another one from considerably higher elevation….

From: JohnMC
800 lbs minimum

Your profile says “other”. Where are you located? That will tell a lot about size.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Bumper Crop of snacks for the trail….
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Bumper Crop of snacks for the trail….
The blueberry festival is in the Hudson Valley, in an area where you can see NYC from the ridgetops… smog permitting….. We were south of Bear Mtn SP today….

Higher elevation is Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area last Sept.

A bear in that geographic area with that size dropping will go 180 to 220 pounds. Realistically, no idea what I’m talking about.

From: Recurve Man
Just going by what I can do at 280# I’d say 225-250. Strictly depends on diet.


From: Buffalo1
A turd only proves a wild bear shits in the woods !

From: WhattheFOC
A buddy and I were sitting in the truck one spring when a little sow appeared on the road. About 20 yards in front of us she paused to take a crap in the middle of the road. Upon further inspection, that crap was about the same diameter as a coke can. Not sure what she had been doing with that reamed out turdcutter of hers, but it’s the last time I ever tried to link stool size with bear size.

From: CFMuley
I have a buddy from Montana that’s killed a bear spot and stalk every year for the last 25 or so years. He finds a road where a bear is feeding and will hunt that road until he catches up to the bear whether it be that day or a week from then. He decides whether he wants to hunt the bear depending upon the diameter of the scat he finds. It’s worked well for him and he’s killed some very respectable bears over the years. 2 years ago he found scat the diameter of a beer can. He was really excited as it was bigger than any scat he’d found previously, but also a little worried it might be a grizzly it was so large. He found some small tracks but figured it must be from a different bear also working the area. He hunted that spot for the last week of the season and kept running into the smaller bear, but never could catch up to the big bear he was hunting. The last evening of the hunt he ended up taking that smaller bear in the last hour. Upon inspection, it was a 15+ year old sow with the most blown out a$$hole you’ve ever seen. In conclusion, the size of the scat may not mean much.

I blame Sasquatch

From: Shug
Looks like a large

From: BlacktailBob
Looks like Big Dan was in the area. Would have had to know history of Dan's Arizona hunts to appreciate. Unfortunately, the other guy who would know is gone too.

From: 2Wild Bill
Big enough to eat you.

From: olddogrib
Only on the Bowsite can you have a debate over a couple of turds and without pics the reader has no idea if it's a hunting or political post! Both orange turds baaaadddd! Especially the one that has no idea where or why it landed!

From: Jebediah
It’s a gigantic raccoon.

From: Harvester
Is it coke can diameter? If not, keep looking.

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