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Man Shoots AK Brown Bear with Pistol
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 08-Jul-24
Rut-Nut 08-Jul-24
spike78 08-Jul-24
LBshooter 08-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 08-Jul-24
Huntiam 08-Jul-24
Beendare 08-Jul-24
drycreek 08-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 08-Jul-24
Paul@thefort 08-Jul-24
olddogrib 09-Jul-24
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link

From: Rut-Nut
It said the bear was “wounded” before he shot it…………….so not sure you can draw much conclusion from this case.

From: spike78
The article lost me after Hunter smokes bear with pistol in it.

From: LBshooter
Spike x2 very lame when people use the term smoked. Tv hunters do it all the time very sad. That’s one big bear and I’d hate to have to depend on a pistol to kill it.

Now there’s some QUALITY Journalism for ya, alright!!

Of course, that also explains a lot.

From: Huntiam
I smoked some bear Friday 12 hrs

From: Beendare
Yeah, he stopped a charging bear...Edited; .AFTER it was first shot with a 300 win mag at a few hundred yards,

they trailed it a ways, good blood trail...they come on it at close range in thick brush, guide gets another shot into it with his rifle at close range, but then gets tangled up and falls down. The hunter then shoots it 3x at close range and drops it presumably in defense of the guide who is on the ground. Its not 100% clear but the hunter described it as a charge

Podcast, Rifle Shot is at about 1;03, trailing then guide shoots at about 1;14

From: drycreek
Well, that pretty well closes the argument about what pistol to carry for big bear protection ! Obviously, it’s the 10mm M&P, which I happen to have, but first you need to soak a .300 Win Mag in the bear to kind of marinate it a little while. I sold my .300, so I guess I’m out……..;-))

So in other words, the guide killed the bear with the .300WM, but the client was able to hit the bear a couple times before the bear expired??

Or maybe I’m just not clear on what “smoked” means, because the only thing I’ve ever shot that I thought I had “smoked” was a clay pigeon.

From: Paul@thefort
Writer states "Props to Tyce Erickson and the guide for getting the job done and putting in some great pistol and rifle work on a bear that could tear a human limb-to-limb if it wanted to. Let me know what you think of the picture."

My thought concerning the picture of the hunter holding the pistol over the dead bear, sucks. That picture would never fall under the category, of "a picture is worth a 1000 words".

From: olddogrib
Spike78, "Hunter smokes bear with pistol in it." Yes, too confusing...has all the elements of a political post: prodigal son, lawyer, drugs, guns and money. More like the lyrics of a Warren Zevon hit!

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