Mathews Inc.
Rabbit dusting
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 09-Jul-24
craigmcalvey 09-Jul-24
grape 09-Jul-24
fdp 09-Jul-24
Supernaut 09-Jul-24
Zbone 09-Jul-24
Chris S 10-Jul-24
M & C farms 12-Jul-24
Matt 12-Jul-24
Matt 12-Jul-24
spike78 12-Jul-24
drycreek 12-Jul-24
btnbuck 12-Jul-24
Saphead 12-Jul-24
DanaC 12-Jul-24
Zbone 12-Jul-24
From: DonVathome
Never saw this before. Yesterday morning in NE Ohio a rabbit was floppy down and rolling around in bare dirt next to my house. It seemed to be really enjoying it. Anyone see this before?

From: craigmcalvey
Probably same thing as other animals…my daughter’s cats dust themselves daily. If I remember it’s their way of keeping clean.

From: grape
Yep. Saw it this week in my garden. He’s going to taste yummy!

From: fdp
Yep....tame rabbits will do the same thing if they have the opportunity.

From: Supernaut
I've seen it here in PA as well. I think it helps with biting bugs also.

From: Zbone
"think it helps with biting bugs"

Me too...

Their rut is kinda crazy, a bunch of males (buck rabbits) running around in circles jumping up in the air trying kick each while the doe rabbit watches, kinda reminds me of whitetails...

From: Chris S
Not sure about rabbits but see my chickens do dust bathes. I’ve seen wild turkeys do it too. Supposed to feel better on their skin and help alleviate parasitic bugs like mites and ticks

From: M & C farms
Our rabbits stay pretty clean in southeast Kansas. Never felt the need to dust them

From: Matt
Lots of animals and birds dust for parasite control and birds for plumage management.

From: Matt

From: spike78
You would flop around too if you had ticks and skeeters all over you lol

From: drycreek
I have seen all kinds of animals “dusting” themselves. Rabbits, squirrels, and many kinds of birds. Quail do it quite often.

From: btnbuck
The rabbits around here do it all the time. I have a few acres that I don't cut at all and the rabbit population gets large this time of year. There are several places around my yard that have a little "dust bowl" that rabbits like to roll in. They also roll in the ashes of my fire pit too. I'm also in northern Ohio.

From: Saphead
See it almost daily here in South Dakota Enjoy all the antics. Must have 40 of them around the house

From: DanaC
Several years ago I found a dusting spot. Figured I might get some good pictures of turkeys so I put a trail camera there. To my surprise, what I got was pictures of rabbits.

From: Zbone
Post those pix please....

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