Mathews Inc.
2026 Yukon moose hunt
Contributors to this thread:
Elk dude 18-Jul-24
thedude 18-Jul-24
Elk dude 29-Jul-24
standswittaknife 29-Jul-24
IdyllwildArcher 29-Jul-24
standswittaknife 29-Jul-24
drycreek 29-Jul-24
Hessticles 03-Aug-24
Sam 04-Aug-24
From: Elk dude
Hey guys. It's taken awhile but my hunting buddy & I are now on the short list for our 2026 Alaskan Yukon moose hunt. We have done quite a bit of research but having never hunted Alaska before I was hoping some of you that have can give me some advice or insight. What is the best method to ship moose meat and antler to the lower 48 from Bethel, Alaska? Seems to me that this is a pretty big obstacle itself, would be grateful for some insight. May God each of you and your families.

From: thedude
Alaska air cargo or in checked as baggage on ak airlines. Ask your outfitter what everyone else is doing.

From: Elk dude
Appreciate your reply, thank you.


standswittaknife's Link
these guys from Anchorage to your home...

Getting in and out of Bethel is not like getting out of Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Dallas. Assume you will need extra time. There are frequent plane cancelations due to weather, limited hours at the terminal and AK air cargo, and the general unreliability that comes with dealing with employees off of the road system. Expect delays.

When I shipped my meat out, I had to stay an extra day in Bethel to make it happen due to a confluence of problems.

I recommend you use Alaska Air Cargo and get an account set up before you head to AK. The office is to the left of the terminal when you go in the first door. Check their hours and know them for all 7 days of the week. Expect them to be late to work in the AM and late getting back from lunch.

I shipped my stuff home in rubber trash cans that I bought at the local AC. You will need to catch a cab to get around Bethel because it's spread out, so get the numbers in your phone before you get there. And not just one.

Expect to pay at least $250 per night to stay in Bethel. They close the terminal at night, so you can't stay there.

However long you think it's going to take to get off your bush flight and all your stuff to the airport and ready to ship out, triple that amount of time. It would be exceedingly difficult to get off of a bush flight from your hunt and onto an AK airlines flight out of Bethel on the same day.

Weather blows in and can cancel multiple flights which backs up the queue. If your flight gets canceled, the next open seat might not be for a couple days.

very well said....


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

Altitude Sickness 's Link
Give these guys a call. When I hunted out of Bethel last. They had a pickup location in Bethel.

It cost me and my hunting partner $200 each to get each of our uncut moose antlers to Michigan. They wait till the end of season and drive them all south at once


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
My buddies moose from that same hunt

From: drycreek
No help from me, but looks like Ike has it well in hand. Just good luck and may I live to see you post it up !

From: Hessticles
First time took 200lbs and antlers as checked luggage but I think things have changed regarding antlers, last time I shipped all meat and antlers via alaska air cargo, I have a hub 2 hours from me so wasn't a big deal.

From: Sam
Last year on our outfitted hunt, not out of Bethel but through Anchorage we used the processor and expediter the outfitter has used for decades.

Meat was through Indian Valley Meats, I shipped 100lbs home, nothing exotic, just burger, pan sausage and link, quality was A+, don’t remember the cost but I remember thinking it was very reasonable, they called me ahead to schedule ship date, I just drove to airport and picked up.

The cape and horns were shipped through D&C Expediters directly to my taxidermist in Texas, this cost I remember well, they sent me a 1,200 dollar invoice which I paid immediately, then once it arrived at their office in Montana they called wanting another 400 bucks…I felt this was a bit rediculous but what do you do?

Best of luck, only other advice is don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself, go slow and have fun. Looking forward to your post about it! Alaskan is an amazing place.

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