Mathews Inc.
SS leader off the hook
Contributors to this thread:
Babysaph 22-Jul-24
Zbone 22-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 22-Jul-24
Zbone 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
csalem 22-Jul-24
Zbone 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 22-Jul-24
sundowner 22-Jul-24
Babysaph 22-Jul-24
sundowner 22-Jul-24
drycreek 22-Jul-24
Babysaph 22-Jul-24
Zbone 22-Jul-24
70lbDraw 22-Jul-24
spike78 22-Jul-24
Mint 22-Jul-24
LUNG$HOT 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
Mike in CT 22-Jul-24
spike78 22-Jul-24
Trying hard 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
grasshopper 22-Jul-24
drycreek 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
CaptMike 22-Jul-24
Buffalo1 22-Jul-24
drycreek 22-Jul-24
csalem 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
csalem 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
sawtooth 22-Jul-24
Bowfreak 22-Jul-24
fdp 22-Jul-24
sawtooth 22-Jul-24
Jim Moore 22-Jul-24
Jaquomo 22-Jul-24
Quinn @work 22-Jul-24
Zbone 22-Jul-24
KsRancher 22-Jul-24
DL 22-Jul-24
Buffalo1 22-Jul-24
Buffalo1 22-Jul-24
IdyllwildArcher 22-Jul-24
Shuteye 22-Jul-24
bluedog 22-Jul-24
Glunt@work 22-Jul-24
Stoneman 23-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 23-Jul-24
spike78 23-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 23-Jul-24
WV Mountaineer 23-Jul-24
bluedog 23-Jul-24
DanaC 23-Jul-24
KsRancher 23-Jul-24
Mint 23-Jul-24
Bowfreak 23-Jul-24
Mint 23-Jul-24
scentman 23-Jul-24
BowSniper 23-Jul-24
spike78 23-Jul-24
Grey Ghost 23-Jul-24
IdyllwildArcher 23-Jul-24
KsRancher 23-Jul-24
Zbone 23-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 23-Jul-24
70lbDraw 23-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 23-Jul-24
Babysaph 08-Aug-24
From: Babysaph
Well I just read where Cheatle said they failed. She is not resigning and is not getting fired. Won't be anything done about all of this. Lets move on and forget it.

From: Zbone
She is terrible, deflects most questions or won't answer them... I don't like her attitude either, she even looks like a biotch...

Nothing will be done to someone who is an incompetent, colossal failure because the current administration doesn’t believe in accountability. Forget about it? Not a chance.

From: Zbone
Dang, I like this Nancy Mace (R-SC)... I'd never heard of her before, but am sure the rest of the nation outside of South Carolina is now gonna know her...

From: fdp
This thread is a colossal failure in it's own right......

"the current administration doesn’t believe in accountability."....nor did the previous one...

From: csalem
But fdp the previous administration one is not on trial here, the current one is

Your TDS is quickly turning into neurotic behavior

From: Zbone
What I heard recently was congress can't fire Cheatle, only Biden can, but congress has the authority to reduce her pay down to 1 dollar... Than oughta get her to resign...

From: fdp
csalem you are such a clown....

Well, pshoot, Frank! You seem to keep forgetting that Standards are only to be applied to The Loyal Opposition…. You go around expecting minimal standards of accountability and decency from everyone in office and next thing you know you can’t vote for ANYBODY and maintain a clear conscience….

From: sundowner
"the current administration doesn’t believe in accountability."....nor did the previous one..."

That's called moral equivalency.

Yeah, we're bad. But ya'll are bad too!

From: Babysaph
Just speaking the truth. Lay in the weeds and watch. I will bet a hunting trip to Africa nothing happens.

From: sundowner
"Dang, I like this Nancy Mace (R-SC)... I'd never heard of her before, but am sure the rest of the nation outside of South Carolina is now gonna know her..."

Nancy Mace is quickly becoming a local favorite here. She's considered a smart version of Lauren Boebert , but just as much a conservative firebrand.

From: drycreek
The director has already been told that her job is safe and not to answer with any substance. They know they screwed up royally and the standard political response is to lie, obfuscate, delay, etc. She just said it would take 60 days to determine what happened. To quote Nancy Mace, “that’s bullshit”. If it was a corporation, heads would roll, but being government they probably will move people around and call it good. That’s the government we voted for and the government we have !

From: Babysaph
Sorry guys. I hit something wrong and did this on the sponsor page. Didn’t mean too

From: Zbone

Zbone's Link

From: 70lbDraw
Leave it to fdp to defend the lawlessness of the left.

From: spike78

spike78's Link
Another non coincidence

From: Mint
Why wouldn't Biden want this woman fired? His wife and family are being protected under the secret service and obviously things need to change. When Reagan was shot the Director took full responsibility and resigned that day I believe.

FDP needs to change his handle to TDS. Matter of fact, I will only address him as such from today on.

From: fdp
"Leave it to fdp to defend the lawlessness of the left."....not defending a thing...just making a point of comparison.

There's a long list of folks here LUNG$SHOT that need to change their handle to LDS or DDS as fact those are the folks that usually start these types of threads.

From: Mike in CT
""Leave it to fdp to defend the lawlessness of the left."....not defending a thing...just making a point of comparison."

True statement; had closer attention been paid to the cited response that should have been painfully obvious.

""the current administration doesn’t believe in accountability."....nor did the previous one..."

In this case "nor" serves as a coordinating conjunction joining two negative states.

From: spike78
Mint probably that was because of an actual failure but this one was more like a game plan. Just saying

From: Trying hard
Yup these Demorats will make excuses and excuses and more excuses .... You don't need to be too bright too see that there was some serious bumbling with the secret service .... you really think ineptness at this level ..(head of secret service). We should just move on?

From: fdp
" you really think ineptness at this level ..(head of secret service). We should just move on?"...never said a thing to that affect at all......... Do you know what specifically her personal ineptness may have been?

From: grasshopper
Latter Day Saint or Doctor of Dentistry? Long list?

From: drycreek
Her personal ineptness was painfully obvious during the “grilling” in front of the house. When I was in charge and had to answer hard questions every now and then. I already had the answers because I got those answers myself. I did not wait on “them” or “they” to provide answers because I knew or suspected that I was going to be asked those questions. She acts like this is not important, she acts like she’s above it. She can’t be on the ground personally handling every move, we know that, but she could have the grace to get the hell out of Dodge.

From: fdp
So Stuart Knight who was the Director of Secret Service during the 2 attempted assassinations of Gerald Ford, and didn't retire from his position until 9 months after the attempt on President Reagan.

From: CaptMike
lol! Fdp attempts to defend one wrong by citing another. Classic liberal non-thinking. I nominate him for dumbest comment of the week, month and year.

From: Buffalo1
If Trump is elected, she will be in a position to “spend more time with her family.” He will fire her Day 1.

If I were her I would be working on completing my retirement paperwork.

She is an embarrassment and an insult to the American public. This is what hard earned tax dollars fund.

From: drycreek
fdp, I don’t recall us discussing Stuart Knight, but his ass should have been out the door too. That was then, this is now.

From: csalem
DEI hires everywhere with this administration. And this is what you get. It’s got to end

From: fdp
You guys are so much fun.....a little paranoid....but fun none the less.

CaptMike you're part way around that BB, you may want to stop and refuel.

From: csalem
Great try Frank, great try

From: fdp

From: sawtooth
The day is over in this country when a Democrat should be in charge of protecting a Republican politician. Totally corrupt.

From: Bowfreak
Note to self. When things fall apart at work and someone tries to point the finger at me I only need to say “the last guy to hold my position sucked.”

From: fdp
So is a Democrat safe when being protected by a Republican ?

From: sawtooth
Yes, republicans respect life and public property.

From: Jim Moore
When I heard the SS directors name, I at first thought of

From: Jaquomo
Wow, do I love Nancy Mace!

From: Quinn @work
Is this on the cougar forum as a reference to Nancy Mace? :)

From: Zbone
I looked Nancy Mace up, she's 46, I think they have to be 50 or older for cougar status...8^)

From: KsRancher
I was surprised by the ones that got up there and spoke about how bad the dreaded "AR military assault rifle" is and should be allowed to be owned by citizens

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo

From: Buffalo1
These are sad days in American when one can learn more about an attempted assassination from YouTube as opposed to a congressional hearing testimony.

How much taxpayer money was wasted today on this hearing? Guess this is why Biden said paying taxes was just part of being a good citizen.

From: Buffalo1
These are sad days in American when one can learn more about an attempted assassination from YouTube as opposed to a congressional hearing testimony.

How much taxpayer money was wasted today on this hearing? Guess this is why Biden said paying taxes was just part of being a good citizen.

Nothing was ever going to happen. If and when Trump is elected, she will get canned day 1. If he isn't elected, she'll keep her job. Simple as that.

Same as countless other political positions.

From: Shuteye
I want to know if our sniper was told to stand down. Killed him with one shot when the shooting started. That means the sniper had him in his crosshairs before the shooting started, just like Afghanistan.

From: bluedog
I think I may remember one ranking officer that was relieved of duty after his fire base was over run and they took massive casualties . There were a lot of fkups in war and mostly the shit ran down hill.

From: Glunt@work
Screw up...move up. That's how it often goes in a bureaucracy.

From: Stoneman
Even though that could have been said twice I’ll remove the dbl post.

Or I can just wait for the moderators to delete it! Really? After allowing some of the garbage posted on this site and you delete my comments…

From: Jimmyjumpup
Sorry I started this thread. I meant to say will 40 pounds kill a deer? Damn Autocorrect. Guys we are in big trouble. If I had a hearing like that in front of the board of dental examiners I would lose my license. This hearing is a waste of money. They will not tell the American people anything.

From: spike78
It’s like I mentioned before a retired ATF agent was at one of these hearings as a whistleblower and said they are all for show to the American people and that’s it.

From: Jimmyjumpup
Here is what happened. The shooter acted alone. Case closed.

Fellas, I’m not taking up for her but, take 5 and think. I’m pretty sure the last thing anyone needs is her blabbing off what the investigation has turned up so far.

Over sight committee or not, it’d be ignorant for her to answer the questions we want to know the answers too at this point. Not to mention incompetent.

Be patient. This isn’t the 60’s or the 80’s. The truth will come out. But, right now it’s time to stay quiet about what you know or think you might know if you are on the investigation side of things.

From: bluedog
I agree WV...

From: DanaC
"This hearing is a waste of money.

It's a 'performative dance of outrage', something Congress does very well. It doesn't accomplish anything of importance, but it makes them feel good, and look good in the eyes of the folks back home.

From: KsRancher
DanaC x2. Been watching the Democrats do it to Trump for over 7yrs. It gets old.

From: Mint
Both Dems and Republicans are calling for her to resign. Ro Khanna was brutal with his honesty. She needs to resign since the agents she leads don't respect her.

From: Bowfreak
Cheatle just resigned per CNBC.

From: Mint
She would have left with some respect, dignity and appreciation if she did it sooner. Now it looks terrible for her.

From: scentman
I was floored when AOC agreed with the majority,maybe things can change after all. scentman

From: BowSniper
She just gets to quit and walk away? No indictment, no jail time?

From: spike78
I can see it now SS director found dead with apparent suicide by gunshot to back of head.

From: Grey Ghost
A few guys are eating crow in this thread.

Nancy Mace is hot.

From: KsRancher
Ike x2

From: Zbone
"I can see it now SS director found dead with apparent suicide by gunshot to back of head"

Where was Hillary...8^)))

(Sorry, couldn't help myself...8^))

From: Jimmyjumpup
The hearing is a waste of money because we won’t learn anything. I disagree about waiting to learn what happened. Why do we have to wait to learn what Happened? Learn it now before things can be covered up. What will change in 60 days?

From: 70lbDraw
“She just gets to quit and walk away? No indictment, no jail time?”

That’s the joy of DEI. Once you finally lose your job you can’t be punished for doing it wrong.

From: Jimmyjumpup
All that hearing did was get the American people fired up about what happened. That makes the Dems look bad.. and we were not going to learn anything anyway. Now things will quiet down and we still won’t learn anything.

From: Babysaph
Sorry guys. I hit something wrong and did this on the sponsor page. Didn’t mean too

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