Poison Ivy and Field Edges?
Contributors to this thread:Whitetail Deer
From: Hunt98
I have a few food plots and small hay fields that have poison Ivy on the edge of the fields. I want to spray to only kill the the poison ivy. Part of the problem is that there are other thick taller weeds that prevent the chemical to get to the ivy. The only tools that I have are a weed eater with brush blade, walk behind sickle mower (Jari) and a rake.
What’s the easiest way to t get the spray to the ivy?
What time of year is it best to spray ivy?
From: Zbone
Roundup while in leaf will kill it...
From: Trying hard
I spend a lot of time with a mix of 2-4 D in a spray bottle....it's work but there is other nearby vegetation I don't want to kill.
From: Grey Ghost
Hunt, unfortunately any type of spray that kills poison ivy will also kill other vegetation. I've had good luck by cutting the vine about 1 foot from the ground, then stick the stump end of the vine in a jar of Roundup. Obviously, the vine above the cut will die because it has no root system. The vine below the cut will absorb the weed killer and die. Be aware, if aren't already, that dead poison ivy can still cause a nasty rash. Also, the smoke from burning dead poison ivy can do the same. I'm extremely allergic to the stuff, so I've learned the hard way how to handle it.
From: Mint
With poison ivy sometimes it takes more than one spraying to kill it so I would kill everything until it doesn't come back or just try to get at it early in the season
From: nchunter
The woods at the back of my yard were covered in poison ivy. About five years ago each spring I would roundup as much as I could. I bet I don't have a plant within 20 yards of property now. Now my neighbors bamboo is another plant I hate worse then then the ivy.
From: Aspen Ghost
triclopyr works well (Brush Killer) and seems to only kill woody/viney plants. (It will kill trees too so be careful)
From: Hunts_with_stick
I use some stuff that is like agent orange. I’ll sacrifice other plants to kill the poison ivy. Lmk if you want the name. Bought at rural king
From: carcus
2-4D worked ok at my house, the ground cover as soon as you leave my yard is solid poison ivy, I used to spray it when the kids were little as they would retrieve soccer balls and frisbees, I don't bother now, it is nasty shit tho
From: Lost Arra
I mow or brush hog it down short. That takes care of the tall surrounding weeds then spray it as soon as it can be identified. That said, unless you are having to walk in it or it's around a tree stand I wouldn't worry about it. To deer it's another forb. One of my best spots for deer sightings is poison ivy and green briar. I've watched deer eat the leaves many times.
From: drycreek
You have good advice above. I don’t worry about it too much as I’m not too susceptible to it, have to amost want to get it to get a rash. I frequently cut it and poison oak at the bases of trees with a machete and pull the root out with just mechanic’s gloves on.
From: DanaC
Rent some goats.
From: Mint
drycreek, I was the same way until one time it got me really bad. Apparently each time you are contact with it you lose some of your immunity until bam!
From: Beendare
Best time to spray is in Spring/early summer when it's actively growing and bright green.
Selectively spraying the branches you can get to works without just spraying everything.......but it will take years to get it all.
From: Canepole
Hunt98, it's funny how the weeds around a food plot at times can have more activity than the plot itself. Poison Ivy, Honey Suckle, Grapevines, and Greenbriars are all around the edges of some the plots I hunt. I'd say it's toss up between the Poison Ivy and Honey Suckle who gets the most attention.