Who's voting for Kamala?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
SteveB 25-Jul-24
JohnMC 25-Jul-24
BowSniper 25-Jul-24
LeeBuzz 25-Jul-24
Zbone 25-Jul-24
Wymuley 25-Jul-24
Catscratch 25-Jul-24
Groundhunter 25-Jul-24
WI Shedhead 25-Jul-24
TreeWalker 25-Jul-24
thedude 25-Jul-24
Shrewski 25-Jul-24
Jed Gitchel 25-Jul-24
spike78 25-Jul-24
Al Dente Laptop 25-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 25-Jul-24
keepemsharp 25-Jul-24
Vaquero 45 25-Jul-24
sundowner 25-Jul-24
Bowfreak 25-Jul-24
Groundhunter 25-Jul-24
HDE 25-Jul-24
Mike E 25-Jul-24
Mhg825 26-Jul-24
jons 26-Jul-24
Tjm1534 26-Jul-24
LBshooter 26-Jul-24
grasshopper 26-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 26-Jul-24
Will 26-Jul-24
DanaC 26-Jul-24
csalem 26-Jul-24
DanaC 26-Jul-24
Glunt@work 26-Jul-24
WI Shedhead 26-Jul-24
csalem 26-Jul-24
ahunter76 26-Jul-24
WI Shedhead 26-Jul-24
Ironbow 26-Jul-24
Catscratch 26-Jul-24
spike78 26-Jul-24
KsRancher 26-Jul-24
bghunter 26-Jul-24
bad karma 26-Jul-24
cnelk 26-Jul-24
milnrick 26-Jul-24
jons 26-Jul-24
HDE 26-Jul-24
Glunt@work 26-Jul-24
Buffalo1 26-Jul-24
DanaC 26-Jul-24
Catscratch 26-Jul-24
DanaC 26-Jul-24
Mint 26-Jul-24
Catscratch 26-Jul-24
spike78 26-Jul-24
Rick Barbee 26-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 26-Jul-24
Jim Moore 26-Jul-24
sawtooth 26-Jul-24
Treeline 26-Jul-24
NM highcountry 26-Jul-24
Orion 26-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 26-Jul-24
DanaC 27-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 27-Jul-24
DanaC 27-Jul-24
DanaC 27-Jul-24
petedrummond 27-Jul-24
CaptMike 27-Jul-24
petedrummond 27-Jul-24
DanaC 27-Jul-24
stealthycat 27-Jul-24
KHunter 27-Jul-24
spike78 27-Jul-24
KHunter 28-Jul-24
TonyBear 28-Jul-24
Coondog 29-Jul-24
spike78 29-Jul-24
'Ike' 29-Jul-24
Trying hard 29-Jul-24
TonyBear 30-Jul-24
Groundhunter 30-Jul-24
Roosteroo 30-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 30-Jul-24
TonyBear 31-Jul-24
Zim 31-Jul-24
4nolz@work 31-Jul-24
From: SteveB
Not I, but nearly 50% of the population will.

From: JohnMC
Why ask a question you already know the answer to? You spend around 12 hours a day talking politics on here. You know who the lefties are.

From: BowSniper
Most of the mail-in ballots will (whether real citizens, or not....)

From: LeeBuzz
Maybe some family members that I haven't talked to in a long time might... since they are deceased and were registered democrat. Except for one iffy in-law, me, all my neighbors, and family above ground will not.

From: Zbone
"You know who the lefties are"

Not all of them John...

From: Wymuley
At least Joe was entertaining...??

“Why ask a question you already know the answer to? You spend around 12 hours a day talking politics on here. You know who the lefties are”

Fair question.

Seems that those that are voting for trump have no problem saying so…and saying why.

I just thought it would be interesting to see if others would do the same

I’m sure the guy that shot trump will vote for her soon. Mail in ballot of course

From: Catscratch
"Seems that those that are voting for trump have no problem saying so…and saying why."

Seems that those voting for Kamala (and already did once) speak up all the time... she isn't Trump.

From: Groundhunter
Well I am sure our local bowsiters, who crowed about Jan 6th, think it's okay to assault NP police, and destroy monuments...... I am so sick and tired of these weak knee hunters, most who never had any skin in the game... I know many common sense Democrats, all good and proud union members, will not vote for her. She is the most leftist we ever had. Unfortunately, she might win. Most Republicans don't vote, they just bitch.

From: WI Shedhead
Was listening to a podcast last week that the host repeated statics from Arizona that has 130k licensed sportspeople that are not registered to vote. And compared to the rest of the western states that’s low. Thiers 4 states over 500k. Imagine the possibilities

From: TreeWalker
One candidate is older than when both his brothers died, had a father die with dementia which runs in families, would be the oldest President sworn in, as of January 2029 when the term ends will be older than Biden is today, has over 5% chance will dies in EACH of the next four years with an expected lifespan of seven more years. So, hard no from me for voting for an obese man with that many strikes against him to be able to perform the duties of the office for the entire term. If the GOP wants to run Vance the top of the ticket then will reconsider. But, age alone disqualifies Trump for me. If he will take a comprehensive acuity exam by an independent medical profession who has absolute authority to release the findings then that would be helpful because that thing at the NRA Convention mid-speech seemed like a stroke but even if just losing his train of thought that was unnerving. People around him have said this is not the energetic, sharp-minded Trump of 2014 when was initially posturing to run for President nor even the 2021 version that sat by as LEO were being beaten down the street for hours. Maybe wearing a condom when prone-boning a porn star for a few minutes would have been prudent.

From: thedude
Rfk will pull the libertarian vote margins in swing states and trump will lose narrowly again because of the 3rd party. He pissed away a chance at a good Vp pick in tulsi now he needs to promise the stars to RFK

From: Shrewski
Never. But my one legal vote will be offset by 1000 fabricated ones.

I will probably vote Kamala..... multiple times...... multiple states all mail in of course.

From: spike78
I read she had evidence that would have allowed a man on death row to be released but did not want to show it until she was forced to. If that is true that is beyond evil.

I'm voting for Kamala. I think he got screwed over by Vince McMahon. In all seriousness though, what scares me most is the rampant voter apathy. Although it has decreased, it is still the driving force as to why DEMONcrats pull it off so often. With the uninformed relying solely on the MSM, they believe the hype and do not vote. I make my case on 2 separate elections, decades apart from each other. Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. This is when I realized just how devious the media machine was. It was almost 10 AM, and the MSM had called the race for Bill Clinton. There were still almost 10 hours left before the polls closed, and people just stayed home because "he's already won, my vote won't count anyway." The second was the NY Governor's race between Andrew Cuomo and Rob Asterino. This time, the hype wasn't needed because the apathy had been so imbedded into the minds of the NYS voters, that it wasn't necessary. Cuomo got 1.6 million votes, Asterino got 1.2 million votes. NYS has almost 6 million firearms owners, yet they did not show up to the polls. If just half would've showed up, that would've set a precedent for the future elections here, and NYS would not be the cesspool that it has devolved into. And for the record, I sent multiple emails and letters to the NRA, NYS Rifle and Pistol, and SCOPE. Never heard back from any of them. Voter apathy must end.

Heelsupharris will not be the nominee. Once the DNC is finished there will be a new front runner. Pelosi, Schumer, and Osama are not having her run, it is too early to start the Heelupharris campaign.

They will go into the DNC with her, they will come out picking the candidate for the people, because as you all know 14 million voters who laid it out for Biden will not get any say because the Dems know better than the American public. Sheep will have to tow the party line and suck it up because they know better and your just a stupid voter.

From: keepemsharp
When she was 29 she was screwing the 60 year old married mayor of san fran. Now she wants to kill Trump for boinking a porn queen.

From: Vaquero 45
"When she was 29 she was screwing the 60 year old married mayor of san fran. Now she wants to kill Trump for boinking a porn queen."

True but by her own admission she never " inhaled " ! ! ! ..... lol

From: sundowner

From: Bowfreak
I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers the Ugandan Giant!

From: Groundhunter
Anyone that would vote for Kamala, never been in combat...

From: HDE
^^^ but one I know considers himself a veteran simply because he "served" long enough to qualify for the GI Bill...

From: Mike E
I'm with sundowner on this one.

From: Mhg825
The way the news is blowing Kamala , the writing is on the wall.

"If the GOP wants to run Vance the top of the ticket then will reconsider. But, age alone disqualifies Trump for me."

this doenst make a lot of sense. if your main concern is that trump wont make it through a 4 year term...you actually would be voting for vance.

From: jons
I get a shiver down my leg with Kamal, I think I need to check my Depends.

From: Tjm1534
Harris arranged for no bail for hundreds of BLM murderers and looters.You vote for her you are dumber than she is.

From: LBshooter
The answer to your question is all the stupid, naive individuals who hate what America stands for. God help us if she wins.

From: grasshopper

grasshopper's Link

Stupid people in large groups will be. Dats it.

From: Will
It will be a pleasure to go in the booth, fill in that box, and walk out knowing I didnt support a grifting con man, convicted felon, who has spent like 8-10 years now claiming he can only lose by fraud while never remotely producing any said fraud (hint, there isnt any that would change an elections outcome) and who openly embraces people who tried to stop the function of our government... And even better, openly embraces authoritarian leaders. This will mark my third time saying NO to DJT, and frankly, Ill never not be proud of that.

If its VP Harris, or any other person, they got my vote.

From: DanaC
"God help us if she wins. "

Don't tell me, she's gonna 'destroy America! Where have I heard that before was it when Clinton was elected? Was it when Obama was elected? Was it when Biden was elected? Was it when Bush Junior was he liked? It was it when Ronald Reagan was elected?

Amazing how the Chicken Littles think the sky is falling every time you don't get your way. You have so little faith in American resiliency. This, too, shall pass.

From: csalem
And we hear everyday from the left how DJT will destroy our democracy. Which won’t happen either.

Will, voting for anybody but Trump is TDS at its finest. Voting for Kamala or anybody Should be from a policy standpoint not a TDS position

You could have at least used the pathetic reason - I’m going to vote for her for the Constitution! Would have made you sound uneducated rather than TDS Insane

From: DanaC
"And we hear everyday from the left how DJT will destroy our democracy. Which won’t happen either. "

Not by himself, but he'll have plenty of help from the Project 2025 theofascists.

From: Glunt@work
The people who don't vote based on policy and think they are voting for a person of higher character than Trump. No fun to accept that expecting high character from politicians will almost always be a losing bet. Reality isn't as fun as pretending you are righteous.

From: WI Shedhead
Whether you like either of them- remeber yhe number scotus positions that will be selected by the next administration. That should make the decision pretty easy

From: csalem
Dana. You actually may be a fool after all. Certainly gullible

Project 2025 LMAO !

From: ahunter76
I will vote for the one I feel will do the best for my wants/needs & America. I have enough of a brain to sort our BS, lies & so much more. Sadly, we cannot fix STUPID & presently, we have lots of that floating around. I give a rats arse if others think differently. Longevity has allowed me to vote for many presidents & thankfully survive my Military years serving my country (Vietnam era). So many wrongs in todays Politics.

From: WI Shedhead
Whether you like either of them- remeber yhe number scotus positions that will be selected by the next administration. That should make the decision pretty easy

From: Ironbow
Destroying the country doesn’t happen in two years. But the path we have been on since Obummer has certainly been a downhill slide.

From: Catscratch
I had to look up Project 2025 since it's been popping up some. I don't see what it has to do with anything; think tanks are always coming up with stuff like this, and Trump isn't supporting it. Why has this become a talking point? Is it just speculation that something that has always been done and never had an effect might now all of a sudden have an effect?

From: spike78
They made up 2025 because the conservatives talk about agenda 2030. It’s just to do the usual focus diverting.

From: KsRancher
Same here Catscratch. I had never heard about 2025. I hadn't even heard of 2030 until Spike posted it a few years ago. Apparently I live under a rock.

Will's post is why I think Trump lost in 2020. Not because of votes for Biden. But because of votes against Trump. I just wish that people that voted against Trump didn't vote "D". Write in or vote 3rd party. That was me in 2016. Couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump at that time. But dang sure wasn't for Hillary

From: bghunter

I couldn't agree with you more. The thought of Kamala being able to pick SCOTUS scares the hell out of me.

From: bad karma
If I ever say I am voting for Kamala, much less vote for her, send Homeland Security to my home immediately. My brain will have been hijacked by aliens.

From: cnelk
Just think of all of the millions of completed ballots that are now obsolete because Biden dropped out.

The democrats are already filling out 80 million ballots that have Harris’s name on them

From: milnrick
I will not voting for Harris.

I'm old enough to remember Ronald Reagan ask "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"

I don't think anyone who can answer that question honestly and find themselves voting for her. Then again I could be wrong.

From: jons
Project 25 is a Far Right extremist just like the Far Left Communist, DJT said he doesn't know what it is.

Can't vote Trump vote for Copper Libertarian, at least one voted for some sanity.

The country will be gone with Kamala's extremism and will not come back.

From: HDE
DanaC - the radical legislation passed in NM over the past 2 years is a direct reflection of what the nation would look like with harris/democrat US legislature. So, the "chicken little and the sky is falling" is a reality already in place at a state level...

From: Glunt@work
2 kinds of people will vote for her. People who were voting Dem no matter what and people who are pretending she is less flawed as a person than Trump.

From: Buffalo1
I received the following info in an email this morning. I find it most enlightening and informative. Others may be interested in what we are dealing with with KH.

“Major General Higginbotham On Kamala Harris' Background. Major General Higginbotham U.S. Marines (Ret) The History of Kamala Harris For your knowledge and interest about Biden’s VP. Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives The editorial begins: Kamala Harris' father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris' parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro- American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association. The group's leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School. Following her graduation from college, Harris returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60- year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown's political campaigns were supported and funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers. Brown was elected as Mayor of San Francisco, and strongly endorsed Harris' Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris' political rise in California politics, leading to her election as California's Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. is a well-known long-time Communist sympathizer. Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with substantial help of the Communist Party USA. Today, Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party's best friends in the San Francisco Bay Area. While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical Maoist activist, Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement; Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board. Simon has always been close friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza. Kamala Harris's sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a closely associated with Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of Revolutionary Struggle, a pro-Chinese Communist group. Phillips came out of the Left, and in college he studied Marx, Mao, and Lenin, and maintained close associations with fellow Communists. Phillips married into the multi billion dollar Sandler family of the Golden West Savings and Loan fortune. He funded many leftist political campaigns, and the voter registration drives in the Southern and South Western states in order to help his friend, Barack Hussein Obama, defeat Hillary Clinton. Phillips has been a major financial sponsor for Kamala Harris's political campaigns for various California elective offices. Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which "boasts nearly 30 years of experience in Communist China with over 140 lawyers dedicated to its 'Communist China investment Services' branch. He was just appointed to Professor at Yale to school future lawyers in the fine points of Communism. When she was elected to the US Senate,Kamala Harris appointed a Pro-Communist Senate Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre was active with the New York-based Haiti Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-Communist China/Communist North Korea Workers World Party and supported Jean- Bertrand Aristide, the far-left Communist former president of Haiti and the radical Lavalas movement. Fortunately for Harris, but potentially disastrous for the Republic, elected office holders are not subject to the security clearance process. If the FBI did a Background Investigation on Kamala Harris, she never would have passed, because of her 40-year close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Communist China. Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the 5 Military Service Academies, been appointed to a U.S. Government Sub- Cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high security defense contractor. Yet, since Joe Biden was elected, Harris could be a heartbeat away from being President. The U.S. constitutional Republic is being threatened by the People's Republic of Communist China (PPC) externally, and by their very active espionage operations within the United States. The People's Republic of Communist China (PPC), with 1.4 billion people, is governed by the 90 million member Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that has been working with Russia to destroy the U.S. Constitutional Republic for over 70 years. If the American voters read the background information (in Trevor Loudon's article) on Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden is suffering from the early onset of dementia and will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office. Since Biden was elected, the Socialists, Marxists, and Communist who control Kamala Harris, are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment, in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States. Since Biden was elected, because Biden would not be up to it, Kamala Harris would lead the effort to appoint very dangerous anti-American Leftist, Communist, Socialists, and Marxists to fill highly sensitive positions in the Washington Deep State Bureaucracy. She would fill all appointive positions in the US Intelligence Agencies, in the Department of Homeland Security, in the Department of Defense, in The Justice Department, the Department of State, the FBI, the CIA, most cabinet positions, the National Security Council, and in the White House Staff. American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years. President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter. Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.)”

From: DanaC

DanaC's Link
Judging from what their page says, sounds like they expect Trump to be their sock puppet.


From: Catscratch
That's funny stuff! After yrs of Trump this... Trump that... (he's Hitler, dictator, white supremacist, WW3 instigator, ruiner of democracy, etc) after a week of "Harris will ruin the country" the Right are the Chicken Littles.

Does it matters what "they" expect? Lots of people expect others to do stuff for them, doesn't mean they will. I would think that until Trump accepts their document as a blueprint to his presidency its just hand wringing.

From: DanaC
Catscatch, the more that lying Trump (and the Trumpers here) deny it, the more I believe it. Call it a lack of trust.

From: Mint
The reasons why i won't for her are Green New Deal I like my medical insurance I like paying low gas prices I hate corporate shills I hate the race card being played I think our public school systems and teachers unions are a disgrace I want the border closed and illegals deported She is too easily manipulated She is way way to liberal

From: Catscratch
I don't blame ya at all Dana. My mistrust of politicians (especially during campaigns) is only rivaled by my distrust of CNN and media in general.

From: spike78
Dana they all lie. Do you really believe the garbage you spew?

From: Rick Barbee
She'll be collecting your ballot at a truck stop glory hole.

The only thing the dems hate, all of the millions of ballots already filled out with crooked Joe's name on them need to be reordered from the printer. And there's a whole Lotta TDS here.

Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Your lying if that answer is yes. Letting your TDS blind you is not helping this country. Not sealing the border, becoming energy independent again, lowering taxes and decreased inflation. And looking the other way while crooked Joe and Osama sell this country to China. TDS.

From: Jim Moore
Again, not a Trump fan per se, but Harris is a no go. It's not like Dana espoused about whether "it's the end of America as we know it." It's more along the lines of SCOTUS pics for me. Also, I don't think our adversaries will give her the respect that they would Trump. I mean, she really is a dumb-shit to be fair. Painful to listen to the word-salads and cackling. Adversaries are hearing what I do. That said, Trump is still using high school insults. Are they really the best America can put up? Again, the lesser of two evils for me.

From: sawtooth
I will not not vote for the liberal agendas.

From: Treeline
Absolutely not. She is a Marxist bent on finalizing the total destruction of the United States of America and all that it stands for.

Ever since they put this crazy ho on the ballot BLM is back on the front page with her. I thought most of them would be in prison. Anyone that would vote for her has to be batshit crazy and most all liberals have some kind of secret flaw in their mind such as gay, pedophile to name just a few but you can bet your life there is something wrong with them !!

From: Orion
I bet my paycheck that Ziek is voting for her

She loves the court packing ideas Same as Joe. Joe said Wednesday he is going after the scotus again.. this should alarm everyone.

From: DanaC
"Dana they all lie. Do you really believe the garbage you spew? "

Well, I for dam' sure don't take the crap *you* post seriously. >;-)

I find it interesting how Trump and his minions all so vehemently deny Project 2025 when the links between them are so easy to discover. (Just for instance, JD Vance wrote the intro to the latest book by the Project 2025's leading author.)

Deny all you want. That's about all Trumper's have left.

Pffffffft, project 25. Your gonna try again to link the 2? Please, the water in MA must be tainted or Massachusetts is bluer than we thought.

"2 kinds of people will vote for her. People who were voting Dem no matter what and people who are pretending she is less flawed as a person than Trump."

i can actually respect the former. i have done...and will continue to do the same...based on party. the actual candidate isnt nearly as important as the overall platform.

however...any conservative...or even conservative leaning voter that would vote for kamala harris (or any democrat for that matter) just because she isnt trump...is pretty ignorant.

From: DanaC
"the actual candidate isnt nearly as important as the overall platform. "

You state that as fact but it's just your opinion. I believe the exact opposite. I'll take character over party anytime. But that too often comes down to bad versus worst. (And you know how I feel about Trump ;-) )

From: DanaC
re John "Pffffffft, project 25. Your gonna try again to link the 2? "

Again, the more fervently you deny it, the easier it is to believe.

From: petedrummond
If disrespects her in his rhetoric he will really get massacred by the women who mostly don't like him anyway

"You state that as fact but it's just your opinion."

i stated it as fact...in the context of what i have personally done...and will do.

"i have done...and will continue to do the same...based on party. the actual candidate isnt nearly as important as the overall platform."

heres a simple exercise.

list the top 5 issues that you think america has to deal with.

now look at each party platform.

which party do you think will more effectively deal with those specific issues...regardless of whether or not you like the specific candidate?

be honest with yourself.

vote accordingly.

From: CaptMike
Dana, all you have shown us is what a terrible judge of character you are.

From: petedrummond
If disrespects her in his rhetoric he will really get massacred by the women who mostly don't like him anyway

From: DanaC
Ricky, I've already expressed my disdain for party platforms. Fluff. Out the window on day 1. The presidency is largely a reactive position, and character determines how the president reacts to situations as they arise.

From: stealthycat
nobody will really vote Kamala - nobody wanted her in 2020, she's failed at the one task given to her in 4 years ....

they might vote not-Trump ... or color of skin or because she's a woman .... but nobody will vote Kamala because they like what she would bring to the table


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Ricky, I've already expressed my disdain for party platforms. Fluff. Out the window on day 1.

i know you have...and in my opinion you still couldnt be more wrong.

what did the 2016 republican party platform say about... (you dont even have to bother looking for it...ive linked it for you)

judicial appointments

religious liberty


right to life

energy independence

immigration/border security


title ix

support of israel

reducing government regulations




what did trump actually do (or not do) in regard to those policies?

in my opinion...THE single most important and consequential thing trump did was nominate (and seat) three scotus justices that would adhere to the following:

"The Judiciary The rule of law is the foundation of our Republic. A critical threat to our country’s constitutional order is an activist judiciary that usurps powers properly reserved to the people through other branches of government. Only a Republican president will appoint judges who respect the rule of law expressed within the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, including the inalienable right to life and the laws of nature and nature’s God, as did the late Justice Antonin Scalia. We are facing a national crisis in our judiciary. We understand that only by electing a Republican president in 2016 will America have the opportunity for up to five new constitutionally-minded Supreme Court justices appointed to fill vacancies on the Court. Only such appointments will enable courts to begin to reverse the long line of activist decisions — including Roe, Obergefell, and the Obamacare cases — that have usurped Congress’s and states’ lawmaking authority, undermined constitutional protections, expanded the power of the judiciary at the expense of the people and their elected representatives, and stripped the people of their power to govern themselves."

i dont give a rat sass what trump did in the bedroom...his or anyone elses...and whether or not he lied about it. that one thing (3 actually) was and will be the most important decisions for an entire generation. it is literally what everything else relies upon.

From: KHunter
One does not have to be a “lefty” or “DEMONcrat” or any other hor$shit childish and intellectually stunted reference to people who do not agree with DJT supporters to decide DJT is not a good person or not someone to put in the oval again..

Plenty of perfectly sane intelligent thoughtful non “lefties” will choose to not vote for a demonstrably morally bankrupt huckster, cheat, and proven criminal.

For anyone to demonize any person who votes their conscience is a small small person indeed. Pathetic.

From: spike78
The assassination attempt on Trump failed and now they are worried that Biden can’t beat him so they made him step down or killed him not sure which one but they nominate Harris which they damn well know has no chance in beating Trump which means their will be another attempt on Trump or an election steal or worse. This should be very interesting and the clock is ticking down for the craziest election in US history.

"For anyone to demonize any person who votes their conscience is a small small person indeed."

i agree.

From: KHunter
One does not have to be a “lefty” or “DEMONcrat” or any other hor$shit childish and intellectually stunted reference to people who do not agree with DJT supporters.

Plenty of perfectly sane intelligent thoughtful non “lefties” will choose to not vote for a demonstrably morally bankrupt huckster, cheat, and proven criminal.

For anyone to demonize any person who votes their conscience is a small small person indeed. Pathetic.

^^^ i agree again.


From: TonyBear
OK Dem supporters, Project 2025 got you down? Well during my travel up North this weekend I saw a few signs "Left vs Reich"- Which Future do you Want for Your Children? It's easy to see which party still has not toned down the Rhetoric one bit.

Really? It's a disgrace to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and all the veterans who fought against Nazi Germany. That yard sign was probably written and professionally printed by a parent or guardian of those idiot snowflakes who still claim the Holocaust never happened.

As far as project 2025 and its authors , yes some worked for Trump. Yet he has said he has nothing to do with it. Analysts are claiming this and that portion of Project 2025 are "similar in part" to the GOP platform and Trump's plans. Yeah, similar in part (disclaimer needed). I have not seen anything from the GOP or Trump saying they will be putting Star of David on people, stripping them down of all rights and human decency; to place them in gas chambers or other types of mass execution.

From: Coondog
Is there a way to vote to delete a thread? This is the worst one yet. #keeppoliticsoffbowsite


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"Is there a way to vote to delete a thread?"

yes...but you have to show valid id and proof of citizenship to cast a vote.

print and complete the official complaint form...attach id and proof of citizenship... and mail to...

[email protected]


From: spike78
Coondog im from the northeast so when I see an elk thread I skip over it. Simple as that.

From: 'Ike'
Heels Up in 24...Already have the sign!!!

From: Trying hard
Dan Quale golfed today.

From: TonyBear

TonyBear's Link

This is more than the media talking points. One extreme lefty not a fan of hers in the least bit.

From: Groundhunter
A vote for her, is a win for Iran

From: Roosteroo
Politics, fun... not.

From: Jimmyjumpup
We don’t have great candidates so I just vote for how I was better off when Trump was President. I don’t think I Will be better off with Cameltoe

From: TonyBear

TonyBear's Link
It just doesn't matter... https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=SNL+It+dont+matter+quote&mid=BA93CEB7E51623A68242BA93CEB7E51623A68242&FORM=VIRE

From: Zim
Sure, as soon as hell freezes over and she gets all the freakin illegals out of my tiny rural Indiana town. They now compose 50% of the shoppers at our local Walmart.

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

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