Drag Queen parody of last supper?
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Contributors to this thread:
4nolz@work 27-Jul-24
4nolz@work 27-Jul-24
4nolz@work 27-Jul-24
spike78 27-Jul-24
spike78 27-Jul-24
sundowner 27-Jul-24
ryanrc 27-Jul-24
greg simon 27-Jul-24
Jed Gitchel 27-Jul-24
woodguy65 27-Jul-24
Buffalo1 27-Jul-24
Norseman 27-Jul-24
olddogrib 27-Jul-24
sawtooth 27-Jul-24
IdyllwildArcher 27-Jul-24
nchunter 27-Jul-24
4nolz@work 27-Jul-24
Glunt@work 28-Jul-24
Trying hard 28-Jul-24
Ben 28-Jul-24
Grey Ghost 28-Jul-24
scentman 28-Jul-24
TGbow 28-Jul-24
KHNC 29-Jul-24
HDE 29-Jul-24
varmint101 29-Jul-24
bigeasygator 29-Jul-24
HDE 29-Jul-24
bigeasygator 29-Jul-24
Trying hard 29-Jul-24
HDE 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
Shaft2Long 29-Jul-24
butcherboy 29-Jul-24
KSflatlander 29-Jul-24
sundowner 29-Jul-24
csalem 29-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 29-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
HDE 29-Jul-24
Beendare 29-Jul-24
2Wild Bill 29-Jul-24
2Wild Bill 29-Jul-24
bigeasygator 29-Jul-24
csalem 29-Jul-24
butcherboy 29-Jul-24
Rut-Nut 29-Jul-24
HDE 29-Jul-24
Thornton 29-Jul-24
Thornton 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
csalem 29-Jul-24
Jaquomo 29-Jul-24
Shiloh 29-Jul-24
spike78 29-Jul-24
TGbow 29-Jul-24
scentman 29-Jul-24
Mike E 29-Jul-24
spike78 29-Jul-24
ILbowhntr 29-Jul-24
WV Mountaineer 29-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 29-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 29-Jul-24
KSflatlander 29-Jul-24
HDE 30-Jul-24
bigeasygator 30-Jul-24
shade mt 30-Jul-24
KSflatlander 30-Jul-24
sawtooth 30-Jul-24
midwest 30-Jul-24
csalem 30-Jul-24
TonyBear 30-Jul-24
HDE 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
Norseman 30-Jul-24
bigeasygator 30-Jul-24
KSflatlander 30-Jul-24
Norseman 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
4nolz@work 30-Jul-24
Glunt@work 30-Jul-24
Will 30-Jul-24
Orion 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
Jaquomo 30-Jul-24
HDE 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
JohnMC 30-Jul-24
KsRancher 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
Grey Ghost 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
Mike Ukrainetz 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
KSflatlander 30-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 30-Jul-24
bigeasygator 30-Jul-24
hunting dad 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24
Bowfreak 30-Jul-24
DanaC 30-Jul-24
Mint 31-Jul-24
Zbone 31-Jul-24
HDE 31-Jul-24
DanaC 31-Jul-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Zbone 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Mike B 01-Aug-24
Zbone 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
TonyBear 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
HDE 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Mint 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
CaptMike 01-Aug-24
Will 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
sundowner 01-Aug-24
csalem 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
sundowner 01-Aug-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Aug-24
CaptMike 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Mike Ukrainetz 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Mike in CT 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
KsRancher 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
Orion 01-Aug-24
Grey Ghost 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
HDE 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
Mike in CT 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Grey Ghost 01-Aug-24
HDE 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
Orion 02-Aug-24
CaptMike 02-Aug-24
Grey Ghost 02-Aug-24
Will 02-Aug-24
Saphead 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
CaptMike 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
csalem 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
Mike in CT 02-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 02-Aug-24
Rut-N-Strut 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 02-Aug-24
Bob Rowlands 02-Aug-24
Catscratch 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
Rut-N-Strut 02-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 02-Aug-24
Catscratch 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
CaptMike 02-Aug-24
RK 02-Aug-24
Mike B 02-Aug-24
Grey Ghost 02-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
shade mt 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
DanaC 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
csalem 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
Bob Rowlands 03-Aug-24
HunterR 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
csalem 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 03-Aug-24
Mike in CT 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
Mike E 03-Aug-24
Orion 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
scentman 03-Aug-24
bigeasygator 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
Glunt@work 03-Aug-24
bluedog 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 03-Aug-24
Grey Ghost 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 04-Aug-24
Orion 04-Aug-24
bigeasygator 04-Aug-24
CaptMike 04-Aug-24
bigeasygator 04-Aug-24
Mike in CT 04-Aug-24
Orion 04-Aug-24
bigeasygator 04-Aug-24
Mike B 04-Aug-24
Shiloh 04-Aug-24
bigeasygator 04-Aug-24
spike78 04-Aug-24
Zbone 04-Aug-24
CaptMike 04-Aug-24
Mike B 04-Aug-24
CaptMike 04-Aug-24
Mike in CT 04-Aug-24
CaptMike 05-Aug-24
bigeasygator 05-Aug-24
bigeasygator 05-Aug-24
CaptMike 05-Aug-24
Bob Rowlands 05-Aug-24
Mike B 05-Aug-24
CaptMike 05-Aug-24
DanaC 06-Aug-24
Bob Rowlands 07-Aug-24
DanaC 09-Aug-24
bigeasygator 09-Aug-24
DanaC 09-Aug-24
spike78 09-Aug-24
DanaC 09-Aug-24
CaptMike 09-Aug-24
spike78 09-Aug-24
2Wild Bill 09-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 09-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 09-Aug-24
wyobullshooter 09-Aug-24
spike78 10-Aug-24
shade mt 10-Aug-24
Beendare 11-Aug-24
From: 4nolz@work
At the Paris Olympics opening ceremony? Is this real or a deep fake?

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

From: 4nolz@work
Not courageous enough to mock Islam I guess.

From: spike78
Not only is it real they also had a headless Maria Antoinette and I’m the conspiracy nutcase right? If this doesn’t speak volumes then you guys truly are in the dark but that’s ok as this year drags on you will finally be slapped into reality. Be prepared.

From: spike78
Not only is it real they also had a headless Maria Antoinette and I’m the conspiracy nutcase right? If this doesn’t speak volumes then you guys truly are in the dark but that’s ok as this year drags on you will finally be slapped into reality. Be prepared.

From: sundowner
The world is looking more and more like the Biblical description of the goings-on before the Great Flood of Noah's time. People are openly, and without shame, mocking God, and eventually a price will be paid for that.

From: ryanrc
spike. the joke will be on them when a certain highly non-assimilating highly religious group of people build up enough populations in the various countries and enact their laws. When that happens, and, I believe it will, then the party will be over.

I know that God promised he would never flood the earth again, but if he changes his mind, l would understand.

From: greg simon
Not flood, but destroy by fire…

A very sad display of ignorance. God help them.

From: woodguy65
Used to LOVE watching the Olympics….Phuck it I’m out!

From: Buffalo1
I think I just crossed the finish line on the Olympics !!

From: Norseman
What would be their point in doing something so gross?

From: olddogrib
Looks like the International Olympic Committee may have hired some of Anheuser Busch's previous employees as production advisers! By any chance is Bud Light the "official beer" of the games this year?

From: sawtooth
Who is "pulling " for Butt-igieg ?

Next level trolling.

From: nchunter
They also had three people that I guess were slipping into a room for a three way. I turned it off after the last supper skit. I wrote NBC and told them I wasn't watching a second of it. I believe 3 drag queens help run the torch here there from Greece. What in the heck does this have to do with sports.

From: 4nolz@work
They should parody the Koran and fafo.

it’s France…what more needs to be said?

Paris is currently experiencing a major power blackout.

I'll take that as a sign from God.


Recurve Crafter ™'s embedded Photo
Recurve Crafter ™'s embedded Photo

From: Glunt@work
Seeing plenty of headlines that a lot of the French thought it was wierd and inappropriate as well.

From: Trying hard
Yeah so.....the a--holes did it any how....these are clueless libs...you people understand....they may not know this would --ss people off.

From: Ben
Even more reason for me not to watch. Such trash to expose our children to and condition them to think it's normal.

From: Grey Ghost
"Paris is currently experiencing a major power blackout."

Fake news. A very small portion of the city was without power for only a few minutes.

From: scentman

From: TGbow

From: KHNC
While it was stupid, It was NOT a parody of the last supper. Some of you need to get educated and not fall for trolling by the media.

From: HDE
Then what was it KHNC?


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

From: varmint101

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
“Then what was it KHNC?”

It was a depiction of a Bacchanal (you know, since the Olympics are Greek, and the Roman Bacchanals were inspired by Greek tradition), in particular it was meant to stylistically mimic The Feast of the Gods by Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert. Last time I checked, Dionysus wasn’t in the Last Supper.

From: HDE
^^^ are you KHNC's spokesman? I asked him since he's the one telling people they need to "get educated"...

From: bigeasygator
My bad, HDE.

KHNC, go ahead and give HDE the same answer that anyone could easily find if they didn’t rely on social media, Fox News, or other blatantly biased sources.

From: Trying hard
Blah blah blah....excuses excuses excuses... These people don't know (liberal kooks)...it's just like the kid that's never been disciplined .....they don't ....they don't know ....

From: HDE

HDE's embedded Photo
HDE's embedded Photo
BEG - fyi...talk about relying on news sources to guide your train of thought. The pics you posted were provided by the same news outlets that dismiss it.

Well that makes it perfectly okay then....not! LOL

They knew exactly what they were doing by choosing something that could easily be mistaken/swapped out for The Last Supper.

That was no accident.

From: Norseman
Regardless of what they were trying to depict. What did the trannies crawling all over the place (overall perversion) have to do with France or the Olympics?

From: Shaft2Long
I don’t see how anybody associated with the Olympics planning would think this was a good idea or that it was in any way relevant. I also do not understand what the world’s fascination with these people. They act like they’re oppressed in some way but just about the whole world bows to them.

From: butcherboy
I didn’t watch it but from pics I’ve seen it’s still a disgusting perversion. Want that lifestyle? Fine, keep it to yourself. I say the same thing about movies/tv shows that depict straight sex. I don’t want to see it blasted in my face.

From: KSflatlander
Keep your Trump flags and MAGA gear private. I don't want it blasted in my face.

From: sundowner
So are we to assume that flatlander actually approves of queers mocking the Last Supper? Sure looks like it.

From: csalem
Lmao KS. somehow on a topic that has NOTHING to do with Trump your TDS compelled you to jump in the fray and start babbling And slobbering Trump Trump Trump

Absolutely classic and predictable. And you probably stole company time in posting it


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

I bet they think this is okay being a woke frenchy, but when the Germans were taking France again, they were begging for help. Short memories those French.

only a person consumed with tds would equate flying a maga flag or wearing a maga hat with intentionally mocking the largest religion on the planet...on a world wide stage.

"Keep your Trump flags and MAGA gear private. I don't want it blasted in my face,"

Your going to need a safe space and a therapy animal, oh say about November 6th.

From: Norseman

From: HDE
" I don't want it blasted in my face."

Not an issue. You already walk around with blinders on.


From: Beendare
4Nolz and Norseman nailed it.....

From: 2Wild Bill
"What would be their point in doing something so gross?"

They don't reproduce, they recruit.

From: 2Wild Bill
"What would be their point in doing something so gross?"

They don't reproduce, they recruit.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
“BEG - fyi...talk about relying on news sources to guide your train of thought. The pics you posted were provided by the same news outlets that dismiss it.”

And your point? If those pics aren’t enough, how about a quote from the people that organized it, who also dismiss it?

“The unintended parody of the biblical scene, performed against the backdrop of the River Seine, was actually intended to interpret Dionysus and raise awareness “of the absurdity of violence between human beings”, organisers wrote on X.

The committee was forced to apologise after the performance caused outrage among Catholics, Christian groups and conservative politicians around the world.

“Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. [The opening ceremony] tried to celebrate community tolerance,” the Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told a press conference. “We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence we are really sorry.”“

From: csalem
Always easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

From: butcherboy
Flatbrimer, I don’t have any Trump flags or MAGA gear. I also said that I don’t want to see straight sex blasted in my face or did you skip over that part? What I do have is an American flag. You can respond to this all you want but I’m done with it.

From: Rut-Nut
“ The committee was forced to apologise after the performance caused outrage among Catholics, Christian groups and conservative politicians around the world.”

So the committee was “forced” to apologize………………….. usually “forced” apologies don’t mean very much! ;-)

I didn’t see it, but wouldn’t expect much better from the French! But I hear the Catholic Church in France and many French citizens actually denounced it!

I always thought the Olympics were supposed to TRY to keep POLITICS out of the games…………………..including the opening ceremonies!

From: HDE
"And your point? If those pics aren’t enough, how about a quote from the people that organized it, who also dismiss it?"

Duh. Who's the one saying it wasn't a "parody" of the Last Supper? The pic I posted isn't a mere coincidence. That's what people are talking about. Of course they'll say that it wasn't their intent. They were called on it...

From: Thornton

Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo

From: Thornton

Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo

From: Norseman
Thanks Thorton. Just what most level headed folks were thinking anyway.

From: csalem
Good find Thornton. I’m not shocked at all that these freaks lied about their intent. Shame on the Olympic powers to allow this to happen.

From: Jaquomo
The sick, twisted Left wants desperately to turn our country into France. This is San Francisco on steroids.

From: Shiloh
ESPN must be a far right wing news media org to be reporting this????

From: spike78
You guys do realize that satanists run everything right? Slowly but surely it will sink in.

From: TGbow
Just shows you what kind of shape our world is in. Silencing people is not the answer.

God gives us free will. That means we can choose to follow him or follow the world.

He even allows us to be make bad choices...I know I sure have in my life.

These people need God, like the rest of us.

From: scentman

From: Mike E
Who exactly didn't see this coming? There are drag queens performing in classrooms at schools for tender aged children in THIS country, the same nonsense on world stage is surprising?

From: spike78
Mike that is because they are trying to normalize pedophilia.

From: ILbowhntr
Fat ugly guys dressed as fatter uglier women, really? WTH is wrong with this world?

Scentman x2

Of course bigeasy and flatlander would defend this complete perversion and attack on Christianity and the whole Western World! Classic!!

The two biggest losers on bowsite who sincerely believe that a male with a penis, beard and big muscles should be called a woman if they simply “think” they are a woman! They probably find the blue Smurf guy attractive?!

Again, Modern/Cultural Marxism at its finest! Sad but laughable when it comes to these two clowns.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Marxists hate Christianity and all religions! These people understand that, they are from European countries where Communism has killed millions and millions of people.

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's embedded Photo
KSflatlander's embedded Photo

KSflatlander's Link
"After the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony caused a furor over some of its performers, social media users shared a video they claim shows Christian worshippers protesting the Games. This is false; the footage was captured in Lourdes, France during a Catholic Assumption celebration in 2022."

Gullible Karen's

From: HDE
^^^ "a threat to our democracy"

Who's the gullible Karen...

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
This thread, basically.

From: shade mt
i'm to the point i don't even want to pay attention to this nonsense anymore. They wanna play little girly games....let em. But i'm done with the olympics.....same with TV or other stuff that promotes this weirdness....they scream DIVERSITY !.....DEMOCRACY !

yep and i'm diverse enough to just ignore ya....that's democracy. my choice, your choice....ignore the fruitcakes. They love the drama they create, love to flaunt.....ignore em.

Lots of hard men in this world that make a tough hard living everyday. They rise up early to go to work, while many of the fruity's are still snuggled in their beds.....cold, heat, rain...wood, concrete and metal, dirt, blood and sore muscles.......The world ain't all pansies.

One thing is for certain though........when they have had enough?.......yer gonna get your butt kicked....leave em alone.

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
"i'm to the point i don't even want to pay attention to this nonsense anymore. They wanna play little girly games....let em. But i'm done with the olympics.....same with TV or other stuff that promotes this weirdness....they scream DIVERSITY !.....DEMOCRACY ! yep and i'm diverse enough to just ignore ya....that's democracy. my choice, your choice....ignore the fruitcakes. They love the drama they create, love to flaunt.....ignore em."

This would be a huge relief if you, and other Trumpers could actually ignore it. The world would thank you. But I'm betting you simply can't ignore it and mind your own business.

"Lots of hard men in this world that make a tough hard living everyday. They rise up early to go to work, while many of the fruity's are still snuggled in their beds.....cold, heat, rain...wood, concrete and metal, dirt, blood and sore muscles.......The world ain't all pansies."

Oh now you and your ilk are the only people who work hard. LMAO. How about "hard men" mind their own business and stop being Karens. The majority of the world population support LBGTQ rights. The world ain't all bigots either. See link.

"One thing is for certain though........when they have had enough?.......yer gonna get your butt kicked....leave em alone."

Who is they and who is kicking who's butt? How about you leave LBGTQ people alone and mind your own business. Karen. So much for ignoring it lol.

From: sawtooth
Smart people were done with the Olympics years ago, nothing is new here.

“The majority of the world population support LBGTQ rights.”

who here is against “LGBTQ rights?” they have the same rights as as everyone else. no more…no less.

i haven’t seen anyone here suggest otherwise.

From: midwest
Golly, I feel pretty foolish now knowing it was just a big misunderstanding by me and most every Christian in the world. Thanks for pointing out our ignorance, guys.

From: csalem
“..you and other Trumpers..” Could not get through a comment on this or any thread without mentioning Trump. Classic flatlander!

You wear the victim card out KS. It gets old. But again it is just you

From: TonyBear
The 2004 living statues and 1992 with the flame ignition using an arrow were classics. The rest of this especially this year was just woke crap.

From: HDE
"Could not get through a comment on this or any thread without mentioning Trump. Classic flatlander!"

I skipped over it. Nothing but mindless babble...

I just wanted to see what BEG's response was being as he's wrong and all. Not disappointed LOL.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo

From: bluedog

bluedog's Link
That's clearly a fake statement. Doesn't take an expert to see the bs.

By the way the real Archbishop Vigano was excommunicated July 5

From: Norseman

Norseman 's embedded Photo
Norseman 's embedded Photo

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo

bigeasygator's Link
“I just wanted to see what BEG's response was being as he's wrong and all”

About what? The ceremony director has said multiple times it wasn’t meant to be a recreation of the Last Supper. Furthermore, they have apologized if anyone was unintentionally offended.

““The idea was to create a big pagan party in link with the God of Mount Olympus,” opening ceremony director Thomas Jolly, told France’s BFMTV. “[The Last Supper is] not my inspiration and that should be pretty obvious.”

“My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock. Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide,” he added in an interview with the AP, noting that he had been bullied as a child for being gay.””

Even if he’s lying and it was an inspiration, frankly I couldn’t care less. I imagine if Jesus were here to say something about it he probably wouldn’t be too upset that someone chose to hold him up as a model of love, tolerance, and inclusion. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no??

Lastly, I grew up seeing art like the pictures attached hanging on the walls of friends and family. I don’t ever recall the outrage over the “mockery” of Jesus related to those paintings, despite the fact that Jesus and the disciples are replaced by criminals and murderers. These types of depictions have been around for decades, but apparently I’ve missed all the outrage over them??

From: KSflatlander
Strike 2 Mike U. Get off the dis- and misinformation. You will be happier.

From: Norseman
The mob was promoted on the Olympics and totally out of context like the trannies?

Must have missed that.

From: bluedog
I enjoy watching many events in Olympics , always have.

Confess I've never watched the Opening Ceremonies, not once. I feel left out LOL

Flatlander, just because he was excommunicated doesn’t mean he didn’t write it, and whether he wrote it or not, it’s a great statement of truth. And if the Christians didn’t gather in France to pray and appose the opening ceremony fiasco that’s too bad that they didn’t, they certainly should have!

As for you saying the LGBTQ crowd just wants to be left alone is ridiculous. That’s the whole point of this thread, men in drag, dressed up as women is being shoved down our throats! They want to be celebrated and praised or you’ll be called a bigot or transphobic, just like you do.

We aren’t supposed to complain when a man in drag is reading books to little kids at a library with their junk hanging out. Or they are standing in a classroom, teaching our kids with gigantic fake boobs, or they are getting in all sorts of women’s protected spaces.

Males in women’s lockers with naked females is supposed to be fine. Males in women’s sports, should be all good. Males in female prisons all good, etc, etc. Left alone?! What are you talking about? We wouldn’t even be having these discussions if we weren’t being forced to choke on this crap!

Do you ever notice how no one agrees with you about how a male can magically become a woman, and how we should all be cheering for him and parading him around as something wonderful?!

From: 4nolz@work
The intention was to insult Christians and now they are gas lighting those offended.

From: Glunt@work
“My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock. Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide,”

He may live in a bubble where believes that. Any reasonable person would expect a show like that to be controversial and divisive regardless of what their thoughts are on drag queens, religion, LGBTQAI+ or Greek mythology. My guess would be he knew. Regardless, a terrible choice for something like the Olympics. It is an event that is a great opportunity to unite people.

From: Will
The weirdest thing to me... Is that the damn olympic games own twitter (x) account, DURING THE OPENING CEREMONIES has (still up there to go see if you want) about it depicting Dionysis: https://x.com/Olympics/status/1816929100532945380

When you read the articles on ESPN and various news agencies, often they discuss it angering people and that people believed it was the last super or that people felt it depicted the last supper. In other words, they (olympics) were sorry it got people who thought it looked like that upset. It also looks like some folks in the press corps of the olympics perhaps didnt know what the art director was after.

I mean, when the org literally tweets during the opening ceremony what's going on, it should seem a little more clear. But once the outrage and grievance machine is rolling...

Oh, and the horse was a river goddess or something and had zero to do with the god of death or whatever people noted.

Not everything you see and dislike is a direct and horrific attack on Christian Americans, or Christian's around the world. Really. Nor is it an attack on conservative Americans.

For the most part, the world is not a scary and horrid place. Most people, even the drag queens out there, just want to live life and enjoy the little time we have on this big spinning ball.

From: Orion
Grain of salt fellas. The two people defending this big easy and the flatlander don't even know what a woman is

Ah, Will and bigeasy, here to tell us it’s all no problem, we should just enjoy it, no matter how much they are trying to normalize these sick and perverted events, no need to get upset, thanks.

From: Jaquomo
I think rational Americans know which side is "weird".

From: HDE
"The intention was to insult Christians and now they are gas lighting those offended."

Summed it up very well.


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Not fake, right from his certified twitter account. He was excommunicated because he refused to go along with the Evil Woke politics that has infiltrated the Catholic Church.

From: JohnMC
If beg, will and few other were told it was raining by the main stream media while someone was pissing on their leg they would believe it. Cracks me up.

From: KsRancher
Jaquomo x2


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Outraged even! Will and bigeasy, you guys say it’s no big deal?
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Outraged even! Will and bigeasy, you guys say it’s no big deal?
What a Transphobic and Bigoted statement by this Caitlyn Jenner person!

Sorry bigeasy and Will, even he’s got enough brains to see what it is…

From: Grey Ghost
I guess Ronald Reagan and the Army were "trying to normalize these sick and perverted events" back in 1943 too.

From: bluedog
Appears I was wrong saying this is a fake statement... however he no more speaks for the Catholic Church than Donald Duck.

No blue dog, he speaks for truth!

And grey ghost they are making fun of trannies, not normalizing it.

From: bluedog
Truth as in Obama married to a muscular man wearing a wig? That kind of truth?


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
I’m sure bigeasy, Will and flatlander are very excited to see mean beating up women at the Olympics!

This is what you get when you support the gender ideology.

Yes bluedog, Big Mike is his name!

From: bluedog

From: KSflatlander
I do not agree with letting transgender male born athletes compete as women in the Olympics.

Why would I care what an ex-priest and known conspiracy theorist that was kicked out of the Catholic Church (who is obviously bat s#%t crazy like you) or a past Olympian transgender person thinks about the opening ceremonies in the Olympics. Why do you think that others opinion on the subject matter hold any weight like it's evidence or something? I form my own opinions. I don't have a problem with the opening ceremonies as I understand the context probably because I don't burn books. Additionally, it affects me, my family, and everyone I know absolutely zero.

Live and let live. Words to live by.

How far we have fallen.

Men, competing as women, beating up women for a medal. I am sure the Greeks didn't obide by this madness when they created the games.

From: bigeasygator
“I’m sure bigeasy, Will and flatlander are very excited to see mean beating up women at the Olympics!”

You’ve been told multiple times we don’t think males should be competing against females. So are your comprehension skills that atrocious or do you just deliberately lie, Mike? It’s one of the two.

From: hunting dad
Hold on to your drinks. The 2028 Games will be in L.A.

From: scentman

From: Bowfreak
I am no more offended by this than what can be seen on a daily basis. The world is and has been ,since the fall of man, a cesspool of sin.

Every knee one day shall bow.

From: DanaC
^^ Far more offended by the sicko who stabbed/killed three girls at a dance class.

From: Mint

Mint's Link
It's obvious they wanted to mock Christians because that's what the strive for all the time. Why do you think he was wearing the crown that looked like a halo. They even admitted to it before the uproar grew.

A Paris 2024 Olympics spokesperson admitted the controversial drag show version of “The Last Supper” seen in Friday’s opening ceremony was indeed inspired by the iconic da Vinci mural — despite attempting to vehemently deny it following fierce backlash.

“Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting,” an Olympics spokesperson admitted to The Post in a statement on Saturday, referring to the opening ceremony creative director."



From: Zbone
Mike U, I just seen where there are actually TWO boxers who failed gender tests at the world championships that will fight women in the Olympics...

What happened to a man never to hit a woman... Why aren't the Hollywood "Not Me" advocates not screaming?

Sad to say but one of these men are either gonna critically injure or kill one of these girl boxers...

From: HDE
"Why aren't the Hollywood "Not Me" advocates not screaming?"

Because it goes against everything decent and normal...


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"I just seen where there are actually TWO boxers who failed gender tests at the world championships that will fight women in the Olympics..."

"Boxers previously barred from women's events will fight in Paris Olympics"

"At the time of their disqualifications, the president of the International Boxing Association, which governs the World Boxing Championships, alleged that the boxers’ chromosome tests came back as XY (women typically have two X chromosomes, while men typically have an X and a Y chromosome).

“Based on DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women,” the association’s president, Umar Kremlev, told Russia’s Tass news agency at the time. “According to the results of the tests, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition.”

yep...absolutely disgusting.

From: DanaC
Look at the bright side, they could be lousy boxers who get their

a$$es waxed >;-)

From: bigeasygator
As I’ve said multiple times, I think transgender athletes should compete with the sex they are assigned at birth. That said, I’ve seen nothing that suggests these boxers are actually transgender and that they haven’t been competing their whole lives as as female.

From: Zbone
"nothing that suggests these boxers are actually transgender"

Nah, not their 5oclock shadow or their DNA test... You lefties are so inept...

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
Inept…or just acknowledging what is possibly a complex medical situation. I know everyone likes to think the world is black and white when it comes to gender and even sex, but it isn’t.

“People who are intersex have genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don’t fit into a male/female sex binary. Their genitals might not match their reproductive organs, or they may have traits of both. Being intersex may be evident at birth, childhood, later in adulthood or never. Being intersex isn’t a disorder, disease or condition.

Being intersex can present in about 40 different ways. The most common intersex traits include:

Combination of chromosomes: Everyone inherits sex-linked chromosomes from their parents. People who are male have XY chromosomes. People who are females have XX chromosomes. People who are intersex may have a mix of chromosomes, such as XXY. Or they may have some cells that are XY and some cells that are XX. Or they may have just one X chromosome (XO). Other combinations can occur too.

Mixed genitals and sex organs: A person who is intersex may have ovarian and testicular tissue (ovotestes). For example, you may have genitals that are associated with being assigned male at birth (AMAB), like a penis. At the same time, you may have internal reproductive anatomy or hormone levels more closely associated with being assigned female at birth (AFAB), like estrogen.”

So if these boxers have female genitalia and reproductive organs but XY chromosomes, are they male or female?

From: Mike B
BEG: "So if these boxers have female genitalia and reproductive organs but XY chromosomes, are they male or female? "

No freakin' idea. You're talking factory installed equipment, right? Not some aftermarket stuff?

From: Zbone
Man this is ironic, just the other day watched a movie called "xxy" about an intersex teen coping with life...

From: bigeasygator
“No freakin' idea. You're talking factory installed equipment, right? Not some aftermarket stuff?“

lol correct, Mike B.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo

Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Imane Khelif, boxer in middle of Olympics gender storm, forces tearful first opponent to quit 46 seconds into fight"

From: Orion
There are only two genders

From: TonyBear
"Being intersex isn’t a disorder, disease or condition."

I would have to disagree. The person I knew growing up was a "hermaphrodite" as we were told. The individual had the appearance of being male/female externally (yes my classmate was mainstreamed into the boy's locker room, showered with some of us.).

That said a large number of other health issues were present; almost blind, nearly deaf, obese, diabetes, kidney issues, and had serious emotional outbursts coupled with learning disabilities.

Whether it was the parent's decision or that of the school district I really think main-streaming was not in his best interest. Uncertain about what ever happened to Stevie, he just kinda disappeared from classes with no explanation from anyone.

A number of years later classmates talked about him at Catechism, pre-graduation preparation, etc. At that point as we were adjusting to being young adults the compassion for someone with those issues developed.

From: bigeasygator
“There are only two genders”

And a person born with female genitalia and reproductive system that have XY chromosomes are which gender?

From: HDE
"I know everyone likes to think the world is black and white when it comes to gender and even sex, but it isn’t."

Yeah, it is lol. Anything else is a defect which is not the norm which is not something you can psychologically talk yourself into. You're trying to support your premise with something that couldn't be more different than apples and oranges.

Down Syndrome is defect. Does that mean someone who struggles academically should subject themselves to further change to enhance their slow cognitive ability? BEG? Yes, No?

From: bigeasygator
“Yeah, it is lol. Anything else is a defect which is not the norm which is not something you can psychologically talk yourself into”

If it’s so black and white maybe you can answer the question then. If this boxer was born with Swyer syndrome (XY chromosomes, female genitalia, assigned female at birth), is she a male or a female?

“Down Syndrome is defect. Does that mean someone who struggles academically should subject themselves to further change to enhance their slow cognitive ability? BEG? Yes, No?”

Huh? I don’t even know what change your referencing or how it’s relevant to the questions about a boxer who very likely was born with female genitalia, assigned female at birth, raised as girl/woman, who is now being questioned as to whether she should be allowed to box as a female.

From: Orion
Bigeasy you don't follow the science anymore? Are you saying there are more than two genders? I'm sorry you still don't know what a woman is and I'm also sorry you think a biological male should use the female locker room if he "Feels" he is female

From: bigeasygator
I always follow the science Orion.

But I see you avoided the question. Thanks for playing.

“I'm also sorry you think a biological male should use the female locker room if he "Feels" he is female”

I never said that so you can stop putting words in my mouth.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
im no expert but it sounds to me like the chromosome test might be the best way to determine whether an athlete is a male or a female.

genitalia or no genitalia...the chromosomal makeup seems to dictate things like testosterone levels...etc.

"The term DSD implies a set of rare conditions related to an individual's reproductive organs, genes, and hormones. Certain people with DSDs are raised as females. Nevertheless, they have male-like blood testosterone levels, the ability to utilize the testosterone in their bodies, and XY chromosomes that are usually found in a person who's a cisgender male (i.e., assigned male at birth).On the contrary, a person who's a cisgender female (i.e., assigned female at birth) has significantly lower testosterone levels and has XX chromosomes. As opposed to cisgender females, cisgender males go through male puberty and generally possess an advantage in regard to skeletal structure, muscle mass, and faster twitch muscle."

From: bigeasygator
So you’re saying that just because someone was born with a vagina and assigned female at birth, they shouldn’t automatically be treated as female, Ricky? That other aspects of biology matter? That sex and gender aren’t as simple as what’s between your legs when you’re born?

From: spike78
It’s real simple guys you know when a dog has puppies and as they come out you grab them and turn them upside down and say we got a male or we got a female? It’s that simple.

From: Orion
Not to bigeasy it isn't. There are only two genders you are either a male or a female. I don't care what you "feel" like you are. If you follow the science bigeasy then you should know there are only two genders. You also did claim that if someone identifies as female they can use the female locker room I called you out then and I'm calling you out know. You are good with biological men using the female locker room if they identify as a woman. Like I said in the other thread thank god you and the flatlander don't have daughters.

"So you’re saying that just because someone was born with a vagina and assigned female at birth, they shouldn’t automatically be treated as female, Ricky"

no...but nice try.

what im saying when it comes to sports...maybe the best way to determine whether a person competes as a male or a female would be their chromosomal makeup. i thought i was pretty clear.

From: bigeasygator
“It’s real simple guys you know when a dog has puppies and as they come out you grab them and turn them upside down and say we got a male or we got a female? It’s that simple.”

“Not to bigeasy it isn't”

Same with Ricky. Also, you still haven’t answered the question (not surprising from someone who doesn’t understand the difference between sex and gender).

But I’ll ask for a third time Orion, what sex is someone with XY chromosomes and female genitalia? By spike’s method you seem to suggest they’re female. And if that’s the case sounds like you have no problem with these female Olympic boxers (and neither does spike).

“maybe the best way to determine whether a person competes as a male or a female would be their chromosomal makeup”

…and not what’s between their legs or their assigned sex at birth. Got it.

ill stick with what i wrote...thanks.

From: Mint
With the testosterone this guy is sporting he most likely had male genitalia too.

From: Orion
Haha bigeasy you still haven't answered how many genders you think there are. You also think a biological male can identify as a female and you tried to back peddle on it. Like I said in the other thread and this one I thank god you don't have a daughter. I also feel sorry for your wife that you are cool with biological men using the womens locker room.

From: CaptMike
Responses by a couple on here only highlight the mental disease. It is straightforward to the vast majority of people yet a few diseased people continue to stick up for the other diseased people. Sad state of affairs that they try to justify their behavior instead of seeking help.

From: Will
It's true Cap. Some people just vilify and dehumanize people. It's to bad.

From: bigeasygator
“It is straightforward to the vast majority of people”

I’ve asked the question no less than five times and no one has answered it yet, Mike. Maybe you want to try. If you’re born with female genitalia and a female reproductive system and are assigned female at birth yet you have XY (ie, male) chromosomes, what are you?

Ricky was the only one that kinda answered and he said that makes you male for sports even though you were born with a vagina. But he didn’t say what bathroom or locker room that person should use.

From: sundowner
I will not watch even one minute of the olympics after that horrific opening drag show. Not one minute. I will not watch any reports on the proceedings either. None.

From: csalem
BEG People with Swyer syndrome usually end up identifying as a female and are treated as such so in the real world they would use the female bathroom. In your works it seems not to matter so it’s dealers choice

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
"The first question new parents ask is "Is it a boy or a girl?" However, for an estimated 1 in 2,000 children born each year, this is a difficult question to answer. These are children born with a disorder of sex development (DSD) – a group of about 60 conditions in which biological sex, or being male or female, is not clear."

That is the science. I guess you all were lucky enough not to have a child with these conditions. The lack of empathy of some...


Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
This is what bigeasy, flatlander, will and maybe two other people on bowsite support with their gender ideology, virtue signalling.
Mike Ukrainetz's embedded Photo
This is what bigeasy, flatlander, will and maybe two other people on bowsite support with their gender ideology, virtue signalling.
Bigeasy, I could care less about your 5 time question about some rare, less than 1% anomaly. I care about this radical gender ideology being shoved down our throats that greatly affects all of us!

I CARE ABOUT PROTECTING FEMALES, like my wife and daughter, from males who pretend to be women or female and are invading what should be their protected, private female spaces. You and your idiot buddy flatlander want to endanger all women, 100% of them, in your support of these fake women.

You don’t choose what space they get to invade after you’ve acknowledged that they should be recognized as women, leftist society allows them into female spaces. That’s why you trying to differentiate between female and women is so ridiculous! MARXIST GENDER IDEOLOGY IS WHAT PURPOSELY MIXES UP WOMEN/FEMALE/MALE/MAN TO DESTROY THE WESTERN WORLD!

You and your kind are a danger to all females and should be treated that way by real men who know what a woman is and know how to protect them. Good luck…

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
“Bigeasy, I could care less about your 5 time question about some rare, less than 1% anomaly”

Apparently you could and maybe should care less seeing how many times you’ve posted hate towards the boxer in question.

“You and your idiot buddy flatlander want to endanger all women, 100% of them, in your support of these fake women.”

So much for “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” eh Mike?

“You and your kind are a danger to all females and should be treated that way by real men who know what a woman is and know how to protect them.”

Buddy, I know what a woman is and I know how to protect them. FWIW, my wife (pictured above) thinks angry, spiteful, hateful men like you are far more dangerous than any transwoman she’s ever met.

From: sundowner
BEG......you're uglier than my mental picture. Should a left well enough alone! ;-)


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Being intersex isn’t a disorder, disease or condition."

Swyer syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by the failure of the sex glands (i.e., testicles or ovaries) to develop. Swyer syndrome is classified as a disorder of sex development (DSD), which encompasses any disorder in which chromosomal, gonadal or anatomic sex development is abnormal. Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.

So your wife wants strange, naked men in her locker room?! And she wants females in prison to be raped by a male who “thinks” he’s a woman? And she wants a male to knock out a female in a boxing match?! Interesting…

From: CaptMike
Female genitalia equals female. Mental disorders lead to confusion on many levels.

From: bigeasygator
I’m sure she’d be against all those things, Mike. Just as I’m against all those things. She’s fine with naked women in her locker room, not men. She doesn’t want anyone to get raped in prison, male or female, man or women. And she doesn’t think males should be competing against females in sports.

From: bigeasygator
“Female genitalia equals female”

So you have no problem with Imane Khalef competing as a female then. Got it.

Well bigeasy you are supporting all of that with your ideology. And you might have a bone to pick with her, because in your selective choice of when you agree with gender “professionals” you openly said that you could care less if females are being raped in prison by males who think they are women. The “professionals” want them in female prisons and female sports by the way.

"So you have no problem with Imane Khalef competing as a female then."

do you know whether or not she/he has female genitalia?

From: Orion
Imane Khalef is a biological male hence the XY chromosomes. Isn't that the science Big Easy XY male XX female? Or are we now changing the science to fit the narrative? He also has male level testosterone. Your right I don't care if his undercarriage is messed up he is a man beating up women. Sorry you still can't figure that out BEG. He has also been disqualified from other competitions for fighting in the women's category. Question for you and Flatlander would you let your daughter fight him if she was a boxer?

From: spike78
I vote for BEGs wife boxing a 6’5 man woman lol. After her face gets battered then get back to us and tell us how you feel because that is what they are going through.

From: bigeasygator
“do you know whether or not she/he has female genitalia?”

Personally, no. But based on the anecdotal evidence of her growing up as a girl and long running track record of her competing as a female, from Algeria mind you, and the comments from the Olympic spokespeople, I’m betting money she does. Which I’m sure is also why she appealed the IBA disqualification.

“Isn't that the science Big Easy XY male XX female?”

That’s part of the science, yup.

“Your right I don't care if his undercarriage is messed up”

I think that’s kinda crazy to call a vagina a messed up undercarriage. And spike and CaptMike think having one of those makes you a female, regardless of what your chromosomes say. csalem thinks people like that get to identify what sex/gender they are which I thought was really big of him (he said most identify as female). But I’ll put your vote in the “male” camp, Orion.

“He has also been disqualified from other competitions for fighting in the women's category”

By other, do you mean the one event (2023 World Boxing Championship) sanctioned by the IBA that prompted this whole discussion about her sex? She’s also competed in many other fights on the world stage, going back to 2018 where she first competed in the World Boxing Championship. She also fought in the 2020 Olympics. She’s got a 9-5 record on the world stage, respectable but I’d hardly call that “beating up” the competition.

“Question for you and Flatlander would you let your daughter fight him if she was a boxer?”

If my daughter was an Olympic class boxer, would I “let her” box another Olympian in her weight class with a 9-5 record on the world stage? Well it wouldn’t be my choice, it would be hers. But I’d see no reason to try and stop it.

From: Mike in CT
I find it ironic that while some are quite vocal about following the science with regard to their being only 2 genders they are unaware that anthropologists (albeit, a discipline considered to be a "soft science" by some) began recognizing more than 2 genders existed back in the 1970's.

Whether this is a genetic defect (Swyer Syndrome) or true gender dysphoria is where the discussion should be focused. I think the position of all on biological males not competing with biological females has been made abundantly clear and a topic of serious magnitude is not well served with irrelevant rabbit holes.

From: spike78
Well the man/woman himself Bruce Jenner said it’s wrong and that’s good enough for me but hey if you guys want dudes beating women then whatever good on you.

From: KsRancher
Put me in the camp that there only 2 genders. But as Ryan pointed out above. There are a lot of people born every year that don't fall into either of those categories. They don't have a "mental disorder". They are people that are just born different. They deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness just like every other person.

However. Liam Thomas, Dylan Mulvaney, etc. They do have a mental disorder. They are still a person. Just a POS for a human being. The American public as a whole shouldn't go along with thier nonsense BS. Liam Thomas should be publicly ridiculed until "it" didn't want to be seen in public again.

Rant over!

From: KSflatlander
"I care about this radical gender ideology being shoved down our throats that greatly affects all of us!"

Really? Greatly? How has this specifically affected you? No speculation, I want to know how this HAS affected you. Are there any transgender athlete's at your daughter's school? Has your or your wife ever been in the locker room with a transgender athlete?

As BEG said many many times, I'm not for men who have not transitioned in locker rooms nor competing in college, professional, or Olympic sports. There's a fix for the concern on the locker room issue. The bathroom thing is a moot point as many public spaces (like Kansas City International Airport) have gender neutral bathrooms.

"I CARE ABOUT PROTECTING FEMALES, like my wife and daughter..."

Good, me too. One way to do this is to not support, or vote for, a person running for public office who HAS bragged about sexual assault and been found liable for sexual assault.

What seems really strange about all this talk about mutilation of kids regarding sexual organs, seems nobody has any issue with circumcision which is mostly due to religious beliefs. Hmmm...

From: Orion
So BEG are you saying Imane Khalef is a woman?

"What seems really strange about all this talk about mutilation of kids regarding sexual organs, seems nobody has any issue with circumcision which is mostly due to religious beliefs. Hmmm..."

is circumcision done in an attempt to reassign someones gender? to make a little boy look and feel like a little girl? hmmm...

what an ignorant comparison.

From: Grey Ghost
I'm just an old, fat, and happy retired guy who thinks all female boxers are a bit off...regardless of their chromosomes.

From: KSflatlander
"is circumcision done in an attempt to reassign someones gender? to make a little boy look and feel like a little girl? hmmm"

Did I say it was? But it is altering a child's sex organs in which many of you gave consent for a doctor to do which is non-essential and mostly for personal, social, or religious reasons. Sounds familiar...

And I'll bet many consented here and did not know the purpose just that it's the cultural norm.

From: HDE
1 in 2000 is .05%; insignificant to think it means anything...

From: KSflatlander
Of course HDE would call a person with a disorder "insignificant." Talk about dumb comment and total lack of empathy and humanity.

The rate of sexual assault's by transgender people is way less than that..."insignificant to think it means anything." Please convey that to Mike U so he can quit babbling.

From: Mike in CT
The problem with citing percentages to draw conclusions is that absent context they may be misleading.

If you want to minimize an issue citing an occurrence of 0.05% makes is sound insignificant.

Now if you provide context, say the population of the US that 0.05% represents that number is 166,500.

Maybe that doesn't raise the significance level but if you take that same percent of the worlds population that number is 3,975,500.

I wonder if anyone ever asked any of those 3,975,500 people about their significance....

“ Sounds familiar...”

Not even remotely. circumcision is nothing whatsoever like gender reassignment surgery.

“ Of course HDE would call a person with a disorder "insignificant."

Wait…weren’t we told that intersex wasn’t a “disorder” at all?

This stuff gets really confusing when you try to manipulate things to fit a certain narrative .

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
“So BEG are you saying Imane Khalef is a woman?”

Im saying exactly what the Olympics spokespeople are saying. Highlighted screenshot from a NYTs article since it’s probably behind a paywall. These boxers are female. I have no clue as to what gender they identify with, but they are competing as the sex they were assigned at birth.

“1 in 2000 is .05%; insignificant to think it means anything...”

If it was so insignificant then my social media feed and this thread wouldn’t be filled with people crying about a “man beating up a woman.”

From: Grey Ghost
It’s only confusing to you, Ricky. Evidenced by your obsession with it

From: HDE
BEG - you may dazzle people where you work with your bullshit as brilliance, but here, not so much....

"It’s only confusing to you, Ricky."

im not confused at all. it would appear that beg and ksf are the ones that are confused.

they the one that posted these gems.

"Being intersex isn’t a disorder, disease or condition."

now hes posting that dsd (disorder of sexual development) is indeed a "disorder" and a "condition" when it is convenient for him to do so.

or ksf who seems to think that removing an infant boys foreskin is somehow comparable to removing his entire penis in an attempt to "reassign" gender.

"What seems really strange about all this talk about mutilation of kids regarding sexual organs, seems nobody has any issue with circumcision which is mostly due to religious beliefs."

lastly...this gem posted by you...

"Evidenced by your obsession with it."

how many posts do i have on this thread? how many posts does beg have?

is he obsessed?


From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
“now hes posting that dsd (disorder of sexual development) is indeed a "disorder" and a "condition" when it is convenient for him to do so.”

Where have I called it a disorder? I’m pretty careful with my words and while other people may have referred to being intersex as a disorder, pretty sure I haven’t.

“how many posts do i have on this thread? how many posts does beg have?”

And how many trans related threads have I started. That would be zero.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"I haven’t called it a disorder. And I defer to the experts."


the "experts" that you referred to said what khalef has is both a "disorder" and a "condition."

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
We got it Ricky…we know how much you love to stigmatize people. You can continue to use the outdated term if you want and continue marginalizing people. I’ll continue to refrain from calling it a disorder.

From: Orion
BEG do you think Lia Thomas is a woman?

From: CaptMike
Beg, clearly convoluted thinking. Seek help.

From: Grey Ghost
Ricky pulls his own trans threads up to the top for months, then claims he's not obsessed because he has fewer posts than BEG on this one. Got it.

"We got it Ricky…we know how much you love to stigmatize people. You can continue to use the outdated term if you want and continue marginalizing people."

really? show me where ive stigmatized or marginalized anyone (other than maybe you and ksf).

all ive done is post what your "expert" (cleveland clinic) said about the "disorder" or "condition" that Khalef is said to have. (see link)

"Healthcare providers used to call DSDs “intersex” conditions. Intersex refers to people who have chromosomes, genitals or reproductive organs that don’t fit into the male/female sex binary. Some people with DSDs still embrace the term as an aspect of their gender identity. But people who feel strongly male or strongly female may choose not to use it."

like i said before...im no expert but maybe it is you that is using outdated or incorrect terminology.

"Differences of sex development (DSD) is a group of conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the external (outside) genitals (penis, scrotum, vulva, labia) and the internal (inside) genitals (testes, vagina, ovaries). Intersex is an older term for DSD."


From: Will
Athletes should compete against their sex. Ideally, this occurs after puberty. Prior to that they are so close talent/size is a bigger issue, and it's really more about social differences than performance.

Doing a cheek swab to screen for differences, makes sense. There are folks who are DSD that if you did the "Spike test" and "flipped them over to look,"... Well, zero people here would know that vagina they were looking at was on an XY chromosome toting "man." But even better, one could be XY via screening and if they were not sensitive to androgens (a % of that population falls into that category), they would never go through male puberty at all, and have none of the positive performance gains which come from that.

So, the simplest option, and the option that gives dignity to all, is to screen via cheek swab and then dig deeper if the screening shows something funky.

Why? Because, especially in a nonwestern country (though it could happen here), a person who looks externally fully female and who has been raised since birth as a female is not "trying to cheat" by being a great athlete. It's possible they have not had a period because they were training a lot and believe that the training load has stopped menstruation. So the idea that you can destroy a human for, well, being a human is gross.

That said, with the screening test and then further verification/understanding, it can be clear if an XY person should be able to compete: YES if they are not androgen-sensitive and NO if they are androgen-sensitive.

The person in the Olympics has been beaten by women in international competition several times over her career. SHE has lived her life as a woman - from birth. IE, the "Spike test" failed.

If (and I'm not clear on this) she is androgen-sensitive, then she should NOT be competing against XX or XY's who are not androgen-sensitive.

This is not her fault - she's been playing by the rules she's been handed.

This is a dumb decision by the IOC assuming she's androgen sensitive.

That said, when people say stuff like "Imagine your daughter training for years to have to box / compete against a guy"... I shake my head a bit. Imagine you raised your daughter believing she was a normal XX female only to learn due to elite sport that she was not, and then, while living in a country where the American Right view of this issue would be considered liberal as hell, having to deal with that. How would that go over? Your lifelong daughter - and probably YOU - would be a pariah. Does that make sense?

It's really not cool. Not cool at all.

Should she be competing if she is androgen-sensitive? Absolutely not. But she should not be getting smashed publicly, and it would be great if people could look at this stuff with some nuance. Believe it or not, in elite sports, this issue is discussed a LOT, and it has been for many years - not just the last 3 days. The broad belief of the vast majority of sports science is clear (I basically just outlined it). But the application of these ideals gets dicey given REALITY is not as clear-cut as many people want it to be.

Male to female transgender person - clear that person should not compete against XX females. Also clear they should be treated with the dignity and respect you treat anyone else.

But for DSD people, who may well have lived their whole lives as women, it gets harder. As noted above, there is a good option (screen for XX/XY, then look deeper with solid testing to verify/understand that person's situation). Compassionately work with them on that path, given that this could be very hard for them.

Keep in mind these are human beings. Not memes and chyrons to enjoy getting mad about.

From: Saphead
Create a third category. seems like there are more and more contestants to fill it up made every day. Would not solve every single problem but it would solve many.

From: bigeasygator
Very well put, Will.

“That said, when people say stuff like "Imagine your daughter training for years to have to box / compete against a guy"... I shake my head a bit. Imagine you raised your daughter believing she was a normal XX female only to learn due to elite sport that she was not, and then, while living in a country where the American Right view of this issue would be considered liberal as hell, having to deal with that. How would that go over? Your lifelong daughter - and probably YOU - would be a pariah. Does that make sense?”

To further this point, my wife and I were talking about this issue this morning, and I filled her in on the details of what the controversy is about. Her response was “I feel so bad for her.” No, she wasn’t talking about the Italian boxer.

She was talking about someone who has the external makeup of a female, assigned female at birth, being raised as a girl now having to listen to people call her a man, claim she is cheating, and in general just throw hate her way.

“Beg, clearly convoluted thinking”

Wtf are you even talking about, Mike? If you don’t agree with a specific point, reference it, and say why. Your 4th grade level posts of ad hominem are getting so tiresome and adding exactly zero to the dialogue.

From: CaptMike
Seek help!

From: KSflatlander
So he follows with a 4th grade response LMAO classic

Will and BEG X2

From: csalem
Will and BEG do absolutely win for the longest dribble on this thread I would bed good money mist did not even read each of their manifestos, except for themselves and of course ksf

"If you don’t agree with a specific point, reference it, and say why. Your 4th grade level posts of ad hominem are getting so tiresome and adding exactly zero to the dialogue."

says the guy that accused me of loving to "stigmatize people"..."marginalizing people"... and using "outdated terms."

oh the irony...

From: bigeasygator
We all know you love the term “disorder,” Ricky. Don’t try and deny it :)

From: bigeasygator
“would bed good money mist did not even read each of their manifestos”

Judging by the continued ignorance and misinformation displayed on this topic and in general here, you’re probably right.

"We all know you love the term “disorder,” Ricky."

i dont "love" any term...i just use the ones that apply...based on what your "experts" (Cleveland Clinic) say.

"Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs)

Disorders of sexual development are conditions where a person’s reproductive organs and genitals are “mismatched” at birth."


From: Mike in CT

Mike in CT's Link
Link attached to provide the complete picture of DSD's as per The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, updated Oct 2023, last accessed Jan 22, 2024.

For the record "dribble" is something one does with a basketball, "drivel" is meaningless talk or thinking, nonsense, or my personal favorite "twaddle".

I think paying the proper respect to a serious topic by actually trying to improve one's knowledge through research is hardly drivel. On the other hand, simply dismissing anything that runs counter to one's worldview only prolongs one's ignorance on the topic.

And for the record, I found Will's last post to be one formulated by thorough researching and that knowledge linked with sincere empathy. It was a standout of what a serious topic discussion should be and galaxies removed from "dribble" or "drivel".

Wonder what the Greeks would think about having men beating up women as an Olympic sport? Pretty sure not what they envisioned. IOC greed and wokeness got it to this point.

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
You guys are forgetting there are two suspected trans boxers. Lin Yu Ting also failed the same IBA tests. Amazing how there’s a .018% chance of being true intersex and there are two athletes who are in the same sport.

From: KSflatlander
"Wonder what the Greeks would think about having men beating up women as an Olympic sport? Pretty sure not what they envisioned."

I think you need to read some history about the Greeks. Homosexuality was pretty common. Also they recognized 3 genders.

From: bigeasygator
The IOC: “these boxers were born female and have been female all their lives. It’s not a transgender issue.”

Rut-N-Strut: “You guys are forgetting there are two suspected trans boxers.”

From: Bob Rowlands
That boxer 'chick' sure looks like a man to me. At first glance I thought this was clearly a man that simply 'identified' as a woman, and was allowed to box women from some new woke Olympic policy. VERY few women that look like that. Dykes taking steroids or 'T' still look like women. That chick looks like a man.

As for my reaction, hell yeah I'd object to my daughter boxing anyone that obviously looked like a man. I can't think of anyone I know that would approve of a dude boxing a woman. Wife beaters are weak screwed up POS.

If that woman is one of these .07 % ers, well all that is news to me. I don't know jack about any of that. Never heard of such a thing. What's between your legs dictates your sex afaic. What's in your head is another matter. Thus todays woke BS.

From: Catscratch
The women of ancient Greece were basically slaves and not allowed to attend the Olympics. Competition was reserved for the males. Not sure what their homosexuality has to do with anything relating to this boxer. Explain?

From: KSflatlander
The point was the Greeks were a lot more accepting than many people on Bowsite.

From: Rut-N-Strut
I believe it is a trans issue because they clearly look like men.

KSflatlander, I am going to call bull on this:

'I think you need to read some history about the Greeks. Homosexuality was pretty common. Also they recognized 3 genders.'

766 BC- The Greeks that came to the Sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia shared the same religious beliefs and spoke the same language. The athletes were all male citizens of the city-states from every corner of the Greek world, coming from as far away as Iberia (Spain) in the west and the Black Sea (Turkey) in the east.

Men, not trannies, prove to me that what you say is fact.

From: Catscratch
The most common homosexuality in ancient Greece was between an older male and a prepubescent male (pederasty). Women weren't even considered citizens. Not sure I'd use them in particular as a gauge of modern societal norms? And I certainly haven't seen anyone on this thread advocating banning women from competition, nor sexual relations with yoing boys.

From: KSflatlander
"In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and the Roman Republic and Empire, Cybele and Attis were worshiped by galli priests (documented from around 200 BCE to around 300 CE)[244] who wore feminine clothes, referred to themselves as women, and often castrated themselves,[245][246] and have therefore been seen as early transgender figures."

- [246] Benjamin, H. (1966). "The Transsexual Phenomenon". Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 29 (4). New York: Julian Press: 428–30.

From: CaptMike
Funny stuff how the couple resident libs continue to try and justify mentally aberrant behavior. That’s some sick stuff.

From: RK
KS. you are so right. How did that work out for the Greeks and Romans. Probably the path we are on and for the same reasons.

But lots don't care.

The rest of us are just following you rhode scholars

From: Mike B
If anything in life, I've learned that what I and other people think doesn't really matter one bit. No matter how sick or demented it is, people are gonna do what people are gonna do.

From: Grey Ghost
Female boxing wasn’t even a thing in the Olympics until 2012. Perhaps they should have left this event as it was…men beating the shit out of other men?

From: bigeasygator
“Funny stuff how the couple resident libs continue to try and justify mentally aberrant behavior”

How is having a DSD “mentally aberrant behavior?” It’s almost like you either don’t read the details, or you’re not smart enough to understand them. Which is it Mike?

From: shade mt
So what causes the problem here?....Is it men dressing like women?.....Or is men dressing like women in public and flaunting it?

recently i had a very meaningful discussion with someone on this subject, and i had to humbly admit i can be pretty abusive with my language. We CAN be nice.....we can be respectful.....but that does go both ways.

If you do not want to be ridiculed, or experience the rejection from this type of behavior, then maybe we shouldn't be stirring the pot in the first place?

If they would have preformed their own show in private among like minded folks....we probably wouldn't be discussing this, at least not to this extent.

Why make this a world wide event that causes or forces others to see it? Why cause a stir?

Being respectful.....goes both ways

"How is having a DSD “mentally aberrant behavior?” It’s almost like you either don’t read the details, or you’re not smart enough to understand them. Which is it Mike?"

having a dsd is by definition "aberrant" (abnormal or nontypical) albeit physical not mental.

in my opinion in this particular case the better word would be "abhorrent"...and it would apply to the ioc not the athletes.

From: bigeasygator
“having a dsd is by definition "aberrant" (abnormal or nontypical) albeit physical not mental.”

That was the whole point of my post. I’m trying to understand why Mike thinks a biological condition related to sexual development is MENTALLY aberrant behavior.

“in my opinion in this particular case the better word would be "abhorrent"...and it would apply to the ioc not the athletes.”

I wouldn’t take it that far. Would be nice if they were a little more forthcoming with information but they have touched on the key points - these competitors were born female, raised female, and have competed as females all their lives. These are undoubtedly sensitive subjects and I’m sure there are details they feel are due the appropriate level of privacy. The long and the short of it is these boxers meet the qualifications to compete, and are also complying with the notion of “compete as the sex you were assigned at birth,” which it seems everyone is in agreement as the right way to handle competition. I see even now the Italian boxer who abandoned the fight is showing signs of remorse for how she handled the fight and has apologized.

I challenge these “brave” people at the Olympics to portray the Muslim religion in such a fashion.

From: CaptMike
Why do I think it is a mental condition? Maybe because the guy on my dock, who always has a beard, long hair and make-up on enjoys going bra less and prancing up and down the dock, showing off his new tits. This is only one of many, many instances where these mentally disturbed people attempt to push their sickness on society, in some sick attempt to be accepted as normal. I refuse to excuse this obvious mental impairment as acceptable, by people like you, using a small fraction of others, in an attempt to change my beliefs and the society I live in. You ARE part of the problem.

"That was the whole point of my post. I’m trying to understand why Mike thinks a biological condition related to sexual development is MENTALLY aberrant behavior."

i agree with you in terms of dsd not being a "mental" condition...however it does look like we are making some headway.

it took a lot of back and forth for you to actually acknowledge that disorders of sexual development are indeed "disorders" and or "conditions."

aside from the athletes themselves...do you think the ioc made the right decision allowing biological males (xy chromosomes) to compete in the womens division?

"...the guy on my dock, who always has a beard, long hair and make-up on enjoys going bra less and prancing up and down the dock, showing off his new tits."

in general i agree with what you describe being a mental condition. however...that may or may not be the case with these boxers.

From: bigeasygator
“it took a lot of back and forth for you to actually acknowledge that disorders of sexual development are indeed "disorders"”

Again, I still haven’t used the term “disorder” and I won’t.

“aside from the athletes themselves...do you think the ioc made the right decision allowing biological males (xy chromosomes) to compete in the womens division?”

I don’t consider the boxers biological males, so yes I think they made the right decision. The fact of the matter is with a DSD you don’t fit nicely into one bucket or another, and so other factors should matter. Like how you were raised, how you’ve competed, and whether your biology creates an unfair competitive advantage. Based on the answers to those questions (they were assigned female at birth for a reason, they grew up females, and have competed for a long time as females with no apparent unfair advantage) it’s good enough for me to treat them as female.

Now if these boxers have never lost a fight and were injuring the other fighters every time they stepped into the ring I might feel different, but that’s not the case. I’m also sensitive to the slippery slope you start going down when you start testing for “biological advantages.” I don’t prescribe to the notion that all people should be punished for genetic advantages.

From: bigeasygator
“ Why do I think it is a mental condition? Maybe because the guy on my dock, who always has a beard, long hair and make-up on enjoys going bra less and prancing up and down the dock, showing off his new tits.”

Which has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Try and keep up.

Anyone forcing nudity on others in a public setting where it is not welcome or expected is acting inappropriately.

From: DanaC
"They were assigned female at birth for a reason, and that reason is good enough for me to treat them as female. "

So it comes down to genitalia versus chromosomes. The first says female, but the second says male. "assigned at birth" was based on physical observation. Genetic testing to determine chromosomes was done later. But here's the rub – a science based approach would factor in later-obtained knowledge.

Anyway, if it was not for this person's determination to participate in sports, the question probably would not have arisen. And we probably wouldn't even be aware that such individuals exist.

And we seem to be devoting an awful lot of time and energy to the rare exceptions.

"Female boxing wasn’t even a thing in the Olympics until 2912. Perhaps they should have left this event as it was…men beating the shit out of other men?"

wow...how blatantly sexist and misogynistic of you.

just in my lifetime...these are the womens sports that have been added to the olympic games...

Speed skating 1960 Volleyball 1964 Luge 1964 Shooting 1968 Basketball 1976 Handball 1976 Rowing 1976 Field hockey 1980 Cycling 1984 Table tennis 1988 Badminton 1992 Biathlon 1992 Judo 1992 Short track speed skating 1992 American Football 1996 Softball 1996 Soccer 1996 Curling 1998 Ice hockey 1998 Modern pentathlon 2000 Taekwondo 2000 Triathlon 2000 Water polo 2000 Weightlifting 2000 Bobsleigh 2002 Skeleton 2002 Wrestling 2004 Boxing 2012 Ski jumping 2014 Rugby 2016 BMX Biking 2020 Karate 2020 Skateboarding 2020 Surfing 2020 Sport climbing 2020

maybe those should have been left as is also.

"Again, I still haven’t used the term “disorder” and I won’t."

why not? according the experts... "A disorder is a disruption to regular bodily structure and function."

"I don’t consider the boxers biological males, so yes I think they made the right decision."

so for you... the science isnt as relevant as the appearance?

sounds to me like you want to actually ignore the science and just rely on how you feel.

From: bigeasygator
“sounds to me like you want to actually ignore the science and just rely on how you feel.”

Quite the opposite. Have you seen the results of the testing performed on these boxers? What clear and unfair competitive advantage do they have? Having XY chromosomes alone doesn’t automatically give you an advantage - the fact that these boxers would likely destroy most men in the world if they fought is a testament to that.

Now if they have extraordinarily high levels of testosterone, that would possibly be a different story - but the presence of a Y chromosome hardly guarantees “high testosterone.” Personally, I haven’t seen the results of hormone tests suggesting that they do, have you?? I think that’s also as a slippery slope…plenty of XX females have high testosterone - should they be banned from competing as females too?

From: KSflatlander
"wow...how blatantly sexist and misogynistic of you."

Spare us your indignation. There is a lot of misogyny in your Kamala threads yet you say nothing. If you actually cared you would call out those sexist comments. You haven't...not one single time.

"Spare us your indignation. There is a lot of misogyny in your Kamala threads yet you say nothing. If you actually cared you would call out those sexist comments. You haven't...not one single time."

not unlike your righteous indignation about pointing out trumps moral and legal issues...but no one elses.

an intelligent (albeit self proclaimed) man once said...

"...you only get to vote for yourself. I'll make up my mind who I want to vote for as it is my right. If you don't like it that is solely your own narcissistic problem."

...the exact same thing applies to posting on bowsite.

i will give you one thing...you are definitely consistent. consistent in embarrassing yourself. you get so excited about about sniping someone...you forget about your previous narcissistic snipes.


From: KSflatlander
Blah blah blah red herring red herring. You enable the misogynistic on threads you start so spare us trying to call out BEG. That guy is not misogynist based on his posts no matter how you try to twist and spin his words, context, intention. Aka bank flopping

"not unlike your righteous indignation about pointing out trumps moral and legal issues...but no one elses"

Trump does have legal and morality problems and what is worse he doesn't learn from his mistakes. More so than any president in our lifetime. "They all do it" is as stupid as saying jaywalking is the same as felony fraud. But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself. I don't cheat and lie like Trump, I'm no felon, I been married 20 years and I don't cheat on my wife. So I personally have higher moral ground compared to Trump. He's an immoral toxic human.

From: csalem
Most don’t pay much attention to what KS and Beg Post anymore. They are kind of off the rails these days. But they do love some Trannies, that’s for sure

From: KSflatlander
"Most don’t pay much attention to what KS and Beg Post anymore."

Why all the replies if nobody pays attention LMAO? Another post with lack of any contextual value from csalam.

"Quite the opposite. Have you seen the results of the testing performed on these boxers? What clear and unfair competitive advantage do they have?"

to my knowledge...the "results of the testing" showed xy chromosomes. the "science" says xy chromosomes is a biological male.

"competitive advantage" is subjective...not to mention the fact that it exists between members of the same biological sex. height is a "competitive advantage" is basketball. but that doesnt mean shorter males should be competing against females.

thats why i said earlier...

"im no expert but it sounds to me like the chromosome test might be the best way to determine whether an athlete is a male or a female. genitalia or no genitalia...the chromosomal makeup seems to dictate things like testosterone levels...etc."

if you are xx you compete with the females. if you are xy you compete with the males.

From: Bob Rowlands
The 'chick' clearly looks like a man in the pics above. I didn't watch the fight but that 'chick' looks like 'she's' gonna be a hard hitter. Typically dudes that 'identify as women' look like men, like in those pics. Mentally they are women or so I've heard but the power is xy.

"You enable the misogynistic on threads you start so spare us trying to call out BEG."

i never called out beg for anything whatsoever having to do with misogyny. again...in your haste to get your little snipe in...you stick your foot in your mouth.

like i said before...you sure are consistent. lol

From: HunterR
"Trump does have legal and morality problems and what is worse he doesn't learn from his mistakes. More so than any president in our lifetime. "They all do it" is as stupid as saying jaywalking is the same as felony fraud. But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself. I don't cheat and lie like Trump, I'm no felon, I been married 20 years and I don't cheat on my wife. So I personally have higher moral ground compared to Trump. He's an immoral toxic human. "

Are you crying uncontrollably when you flip out and type something like that out of the blue? lmao, that right there is a huge part of the reason I read these threads, every time one of the posters here with TDS starts going off out of the blue like a wind up toy out of control, while a bit sad, it makes me laugh!!!

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
"to my knowledge...the "results of the testing" showed xy chromosomes. the "science" says xy chromosomes is a biological male"

No it doesn't. It says it's much more complicated than that for some people.

"wow...how blatantly sexist and misogynistic of you."


"i never called out beg for anything whatsoever having to do with misogyny. again...in your haste to get your little snipe in...you stick your foot in your mouth."

Ok Ricky lol...

Hunter- sure lol. All that whining and not a single political thread started. It's pretty obvious who is whining incessantly. Many of use are just replying to the whining and misinformation that's pretty standard by Trumpers.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
“to my knowledge...the "results of the testing" showed xy chromosomes. the "science" says xy chromosomes is a biological male.”

As was pointed out, it’s not that simple. The attached Fox News article talks about how to ascertain the level of competitive advantage someone with a DSD might have, again, based on hormone levels and nothing to do with chromosomes.

“When it comes to Khelif, or Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-ting, who also was disqualified from her championship in 2023 by the International Boxing Association for reportedly failing gender eligibility testing, the IOC has ruled both decisions sudden and arbitrary and has allowed them to compete in the Olympics. I have no reason to doubt the IOC here, and I agree with their decision. But I do have a question: Is a person’s genetic makeup in terms of X and Y chromosomes relevant? I would think so, if only in terms of whether the hormones that are produced as a result of these genes deliver a competitive advantage similar to taking supplemental hormones.

In other words, test the relevant hormones, not the genes that produce them.“

What you are doing is quite likely asking someone who is in fact a female to go fight a male, Ricky. How do you think a boxer with multiple losses to females with XX chromosomes would fare against a true male?

From: csalem
Boom !!! There it is.

TDS at its finest

Dang Flat can’t help himself

Proved HunterR point to a T

From: CaptMike
A couple things libs have in common is they attempt to argue trivialities while ignoring the main point. Another is that they never shy away from displaying their overly emotional and irrational thought process to the world.

From: Mike in CT
"A couple things libs have in common is they attempt to argue trivialities"

What in your opinion constitutes "trivialities"? Is it attempting to discuss the actual science relevant to the Olympic boxers? I'm curious as to what you consider them to be.

"while ignoring the main point"

Which main point would that be? One could argue there are now 2 in this thread; it started off as "Drag Queen parody of last supper?"

I don't think that point has been ignored, far from it.

It seems to have now moved onto the question of biological males competing against biological females, and if anything, that has had a much more robust discussion than the original topic of this thread.

Which point do you feel their ignoring in their focus on trivialities?

"Another is that they never shy away from displaying their overly emotional and irrational thought process to the world."

Hey, maybe I'm way out on a limb here but I always thought calmly laying out the pertinent facts and backing them up with citations (which anyone could check to confirm) was dispassionate and rational discussion; frankly, the world (and certainly this forum) could use a lot more of it.

On the other hand, I think the rush to apply labels is antithetical to that practice. I find more often than not that it's the first refuge of the side that has the sinking realization that they've come up way short on the factual side of an argument.

From: CaptMike
"What in your opinion constitutes "trivialities"? Is it attempting to discuss the actual science relevant to the Olympic boxers?" Yes, this thread was not about Olympic boxers, it was turned into that by the few libs who continually post about it.

"Which point do you feel their ignoring in their focus on trivialities?" Refer to the above. They will attempt to use any topic to push an agenda they support.

From: bigeasygator
“Yes, this thread was not about Olympic boxers, it was turned into that by the few libs who continually post about it.”

No it wasn’t. It was turned into that by Mike U. posting about the boxing story with a claim that the Olympics was allowing a man to beat up on a woman.

“Refer to the above. They will attempt to use any topic to push an agenda they support.”

What exactly are you arguing is being supported? That a person born a female with female genitalia should be allowed to compete with females? Are you saying you don’t support that?

I’ve known Mike in CT a long time. He’s one of the most intellectual, thoughtful, articulate, and logical posters on Bowsite. He seems to understand the points I have been making, CaptMike. You, however, seem to not only miss the whole conversation but then use every post you make to disparage and denigrate other posters.

From: Mike E
Good Grief,, this has turned into probably the dumbest assed thread in the history of this site and that's saying something,,HA.

From: Orion
That "woman" you keep referring to has higher testosterone than a female should have. XY chromosomes make you a man, he has more male traits and characteristics than an XX female.

From: bigeasygator
You keep saying that Orion, yet you have zero proof of that. None of the tests results have been released. The IBA even came out and said they didn’t do a testosterone test. So stop lying.

"wow...how blatantly sexist and misogynistic of you."


"i never called out beg for anything whatsoever having to do with misogyny. again...in your haste to get your little snipe in...you stick your foot in your mouth."

Ok Ricky lol..


when I said

"wow...how blatantly sexist and misogynistic of you"

it was in reference to a post gray ghost made...not beg. thats why i quoted him.

why dont you go back and read it again...this time try to go slower and try to comprehend what you read.

like is said...at least youre consistent. (but please stop...youre embarrassing yourself)


From: scentman

"As was pointed out, it’s not that simple. The attached Fox News article talks about how to ascertain the level of competitive advantage someone with a DSD might have, again, based on hormone levels and nothing to do with chromosomes."

youre right...its not that simple. if it was simply a matter of hormone levels...what about a biological female (xx chromosomes)...who naturally has elevated testosterone levels? would that be a competitive advantage? should she be disqualified from competing with other biological females?

like i said...a chromosome test may not be perfect but it might well be the most objective and consistent.

From: bigeasygator
“ what about a biological female (xx chromosomes)...who naturally has elevated testosterone levels? would that be a competitive advantage? should she be disqualified from competing with other biological females?”

I literally brought that last point up in my last post. Which is why I’m not necessarily a fan of disqualifying someone for naturally occurring hormone levels.

“like i said...a chromosome test may not be perfect but it might well be the most objective and consistent.”

Or we can just go with the sex assigned at birth. Seems pretty objective and consistent to me.

From: KSflatlander
"it was in reference to a post gray ghost made...not beg. thats why i quoted him."

Oh my mistake. Point still stands. Spare us the indignation while you stroll by silently with the misogyny on your incessant political threads.

LMAO gray ghost not BEG. What an amazing insignificant point vs context.

CaptMike- you ever get tired of being wrong lol

From: Glunt@work
I'm ok with sex assigned at birth when it comes to gender specific sports. It will result in a few odd situations like turning on the olympics and seeing what appears to be a man boxing a woman but if everyone knows thats the deal people can adjust to the few outliers.

Lets keep it consistent and apply it to all sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, minors altering their gender physically and free speech regarding pronouns.

From: bluedog
Agree with Glunt... Physical identity of parts assigned at birth seems best method that can be done.

From: CaptMike
Flathead, not wrong about the topic of the thread and not wrong that a few of you nut jobs will take any opportunity to try and push your demented agendas.

“spare us the indignation while you stroll by silently with the misogyny on your incessant political threads.”

hey I have an idea…I'll make up my mind who I want to respond to as it is my right. If you don't like it that is solely your own narcissistic problem.


From: Grey Ghost
If the olympics wouldn't have made female boxing a thing in 2012, this wouldn't even be an issue. Sorry, if you think that's misogynistic, Ricky, but I have no desire to watch females beat the shit out of each other. That goes against everything I believe is feminine. I think all female boxers are a little off, regardless of their chromosomes, or testosterone levels. But that's just me. Maybe you married a women who can kick your ass, and you are strangely attracted to that. I wouldn't be surprised. I didn't.

"If the olympics wouldn't have made female boxing a thing in 2012, this wouldn't even be an issue. Sorry, if you think that's misogynistic, Ricky, but I have no desire to watch females beat the shit out of each other. That goes against everything I believe is feminine."

leave it to gg to double down on stupid.

gosh...if there were just no womens sports at all...there wouldnt be any of these problems. that goes for track and field...volleyball...swimming...and any of the other more "feminine" sports. if women were just kept at home... barefoot and pregnant...none of this trans stuff would be an issue...right?

same goes for all problems women experience in professions that were traditionally male or "masculine" like physicians...attorneys...all the skilled trades...business...politics...etc.

dang...if our wimmin folk would just stay home and cook...clean...and belch out babies every other year or so...think how much better things would be...right?

at the end of the day...i dont particularly enjoy womens combat sports either. i was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those that are constantly telling us we need to let people live their authentic lives...and you just proved my point...better than i ever could.

thank you...


"Maybe you married a women who can kick your ass, and you are strangely attracted to that. I wouldn't be surprised."

i was just going to let this go...but if further proves what kind of person you are. taking a swipe at someones spouse? really? whats next...my kids?


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
back to the original thread topic...the Vatican issues a statement regarding the opening ceremony last supper depiction.

"In late response, Vatican ‘deplores the offense’ of Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony tableau"

"ROME (AP) — The Vatican said Saturday it “deplored the offense” caused to Christians by the Olympic Games opening ceremony, a scene of which evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” and featured drag queens.

A week after a storm of criticism erupted around the event, the Holy See issued a statement in French that it was “saddened by certain scenes at the opening ceremony” and joined those who had been offended.

“At a prestigious event where the whole world comes together to share common values, there should be no ridiculous allusions to religion,” it said."

From: CaptMike
Wow! Smoked him!

From: Orion
So BEG if Lia Thomas gets a vagina then she is now a woman?

From: bigeasygator
Lia Thomas can’t “get a vagina,” Orion. And genitalia is a marker of sex (female), which is biological; gender (man/woman) is a social construct. Not a hard concept to grasp and it’s on you if you want to choose to ignore the meaning of words.

From: CaptMike
"gender (man/woman) is a social construct." LOL! A perfect example of liberal lunacy.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
“A perfect example of liberal lunacy.”

The lunatics are the ones who are telling Merriam-Webster and the others whose whole job it is to tell us what words mean that they are wrong.

From: Mike in CT

Mike in CT's Link
Here is a key excerpt from the linked article that showcases the reality that this issue isn't as black and white as some would portray it to be:

"But the SRY gene’s function isn’t always straightforward. The gene might be missing or dysfunctional, leading to an XY embryo that fails to develop male anatomy and is identified at birth as a girl. Or it might show up on the X chromosome, leading to an XX embryo that does develop male anatomy and is identified at birth as a boy.

Genetic variations can occur that are unrelated to the SRY gene, such as complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), in which an XY embryo’s cells respond minimally, if at all, to the signals of male hormones. Even though the proto-gonads become testes and the fetus produces androgens, male genitals don’t develop. The baby looks female, with a clitoris and vagina, and in most cases will grow up feeling herself to be a girl.

Which is this baby, then? Is she the girl she believes herself to be? Or, because of her XY chromosomes—not to mention the testes in her abdomen—is she “really” male?"

What we have in the example here isn't someone who is "sick" or "warped" but rather someone with the bad luck of drawing the short straw in the genetic lottery. Theirs isn't a choice, it's an unavoidable, inescapable reality.

We hear the phrase "the miracle of birth" yet many fail to grasp the magnitude of the phrase. With all of the cellular divisions there are literally millions of chances for something to go wrong. Thankfully, the majority of the time it doesn't and the pregnancy results in a normal, healthy child.

Which brings me to another phrase that perhaps may cause some to question their simplistic casting of the issue "there but for the grace of God go I."

From: Orion
BEG maybe you should study more Lia Thomas can in fact get a surgery to get a vagina and according to she would be a woman since you are claiming Khalef is a female even though she is a male according to science you know the XY chromosomes

From: bigeasygator
Because being born with female genitalia is a lot different than having a surgeon give you something that resembles it, Orion. And again, the term woman relates to GENDER, not sex - so nothing to do with your genitalia.

From: Mike B
BEG, Sex is assigned at a baby's birth, based on an observation of the standard equipment installed in the baby factory. And yes, there are very, very rare times when the factory makes an error in assembly.

This gender issue, as somewhat defined in your Wiki cut/paste, is a more recent social construct created in an effort to rationalize/normalize gender dysphoria. How people dress, or who they choose to poke, and where, is their business. I'm not telling them how they should live their lives, and they most certainly don't need my approval to live any damn way they please.

I just wish people would stop trying to tell me it's "normal". It ain't, never was, never will be.

From: Shiloh
That’s too much common sense this day and time Mike B. It’s really that simple.

From: bigeasygator
“I just wish people would stop trying to tell me it's "normal". It ain't, never was, never will be.”

Certainly accounts for only a small fraction of the population, so by that lens you could argue it’s not “normal.” But it’s certainly nothing new, has been around essentially as long as history has been recorded, and is not unique to any one country, culture, or peoples.

From: spike78

spike78's Link
Well at least we know this pole vaulter is definitely male. He may have lost because of it but he may get laid easy from now on!

From: Zbone
Now that is funny right there...8^)))

From: CaptMike

From: Mike B
"Certainly accounts for only a small fraction of the population, so by that lens you could argue it’s not “normal.” But it’s certainly nothing new, has been around essentially as long as history has been recorded, and is not unique to any one country, culture, or peoples."

This I can agree with.

A male with standard equipment may dress like a woman and then pretend he's a woman. My objection is when society tells me that I also have to pretend he's a woman. If I choose not to go along (pretend), modern society then says I'm some kind of bad person, and am given a demeaning label as punishment.

From: CaptMike
That is the heart of the matter. I can care less what deviant crap people want to do on their own, in and among their own, as long as people are not getting hurt. But when it is promoted in public, at fairs, marches, protests and in schools and on all types of media, I will not tolerate it. Even here on a bowhunting site, we have a few who go to lengths to push an agenda by citing minuscule cases to attempt to legitimize what is largely deviant behavior.


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

"What we have in the example here isn't someone who is "sick" or "warped" but rather someone with the bad luck of drawing the short straw in the genetic lottery. Theirs isn't a choice, it's an unavoidable, inescapable reality."

yep...as is the realization that because of that lottery we just might not have the opportunity to participate in all the things we might like or think we deserve to.

From: Mike in CT
"But when it is promoted in public, at fairs, marches, protests and in schools and on all types of media, I will not tolerate it."

Therein lies the rub; you can't champion constitutional freedom and deny it to others, regardless of how personally abhorrent you find the object being promoted. That's the reality of the First Amendment being the sword that cuts both ways. All we can do is one of two things; ignore it completely or arrange a peaceful counterdemonstration that promotes your beliefs and values.

"Even here on a bowhunting site, we have a few who go to lengths to push an agenda by citing minuscule cases to attempt to legitimize what is largely deviant behavior."

I haven't seen anything of the sort; what I've seen is posters trying to draw a clear line between what is a conscious choice to engage in deviant behavior versus that small segment of the population for whom it isn't a choice but a direct product of genetics.

I think this thread might have had a much lower number of posts if obfuscation and hyperbole weren't being doled out like cotton candy at the County Fair.....

From: CaptMike
I’ve not denied it to anyone but I am entitled to my opinion about it and I am equally entitled to disagree with it, in similar fashion that they promote it. Would I be labeled a hater if I organized events against such behavior?


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
happened to see this online this morning. no idea if its real but it doesnt look obviously manipulated.

im certainly no expert but if it is real...is it common for someone with female genitalia to wear groin protection?

From: bigeasygator
“Would I be labeled a hater if I organized events against such behavior?”

The guy whose posts are strictly limited to calling people “nut jobs,” “lunatics,” “mentally” ill, “convoluted,” “sick,” “mentally aberrant,” and “irrational” is now worried about being labeled a hater?? lol that ship has sailed, CaptMike, and no doubt who’s at the helm.

From: bigeasygator
“im certainly no expert but if it is real...is it common for someone with female genitalia to wear groin protection?”


thanks beg...i had never seen it before.

Women wear tooth, chest and pelvic or hip protectors. Not groin protection


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
The female pelvis protector does not have a bulge for a unit

This topic is like abortion. Very passionate.

For biological males competing in women’s sports. I agree with the scientific method.

If the person went through puberty with male hormones. They have a biological advantage over a female that went through puberty as a female. And should either compete as a male or with others in the same make up as them

From: CaptMike
Nice non-answer beg. But, that seems predictably common from you.

From: Bob Rowlands
I watch the Olympics for the athletic competition, not politics or religion. I don't give a crap if it aligns with my politics or religion, it's a worldwide sports event that encompasses all politics and religions. BUT-- allowing an xy male to box an xx woman for WOKE bullshit, THAT crosses the line.

From: Mike B
"Women wear tooth, chest and pelvic or hip protectors. Not groin protection .."

Not so. Female fighters in the UFC all wear groin protection. Apparently, a wayward kick to the cootchie can be quite painful.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"Female fighters in the UFC all wear groin protection."

i wonder if holly holm got that memo?


From: CaptMike

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo

From: Bob Rowlands
At ~10pm last night after the track events Peacock or NBC aired a clip from an Olympics official making a public announcement in response to the huge controversy surrounding the sex of the two 'female' boxers. He simply stated "Thay are female and their families raised them as women." No science to verify xx, OR xy. Obviously nothing about genitalia and I sure as hell wouldn't want my daughters genitalia discussed in public. So, with no xx xy science the Olympic officials comment is taken for what it is. And that's just the way it is. What seems totally obvious may not be the case. Science has proven there are some <1%ers in the biological world. That might be the case here. And it might not be. I doubt we will ever know.

"you are a male but your genitals dont fully develop on the outside."

"the testes are already in you...there are no female body parts inside."

"you will 100% go through male puberty...and you will get all the benefits of male puberty....with the lengthening of the femur and all the bones...and the heart enlarging and the lung capacity growing...and the bone strength and the muscles...all of it...you will get all those advantages...and that is what happened to these two olympic boxers."

From: DanaC
" "the testes are already in you...there are no female body parts inside." "

So, should every baby born be subjected to that level of testing? Or, as someone said 100 posts ago do we just 'turn them over and look'? And do we really expect that level of testing done in Third World countries?

Yes, these people are freaks and probably should not be competing, but until the governing bodies refine their rules, it is what it is. (And let's not ignore the differences between rulings among the different governing bodies...)

Hopefully, now that the problem has been highlighted, we can expect more clarity going down the road.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
Wild. Didn’t realize Megyn Kelly had access to their medical tests to determine the specifics of their condition and the level to which they’ve gone through male puberty. Also wild since people with Swyer syndrome don’t go through puberty, if that’s indeed what they have.

Otherwise she’s just making shit up.

"So, should every baby born be subjected to that level of testing?"

sure...why not? i dont know about every baby born...but certainly to compete in something like the olympics.

is a cheek swab too invasive?

From: DanaC
Again... "until the governing bodies refine their rules, it is what it is. "

Anybody here running for a seat on one of those organizations?

From: spike78
Good lord are you guys still trying to know what a vagina looks like? Gonna have to post some pics of some to end this debate.

From: DanaC
Brad, apparently 'turn them over look' isn't good enough anymore.

From: CaptMike
Beg continues to push an issue that affects an extremely small percentage of the country, while most of us are more concerned with the much larger percentage who flaunt and push their mental issues on society. Beginning to look like he has a bit of an issue also??

From: spike78
Good lord are you guys still trying to know what a vagina looks like? Gonna have to post some pics of some to end this debate.

From: 2Wild Bill
"Therein lies the rub; you can't champion constitutional freedom and deny it to others, regardless of how personally abhorrent you find the object being promoted. That's the reality of the First Amendment being the sword that cuts both ways. All we can do is one of two things; ignore it completely or arrange a peaceful counterdemonstration that promotes your beliefs and values."

When the government takes sides(legislates) in a belief system, that's tyranny. A secular society has never been American, but an unbiased government that tolerates the minority is what was written. The promotion of a godless society is un-American and has been underway since the 1947 Supreme Court decision, wherein Justice Hugo Black, willing KKK member, misapplied the Jefferson letter to Danbury Baptists and forbid the Creator his place in the American public arena. Suppression of faith in God is where the government has sought to usurp God in authority of the people.

"Freedom is the natural condition of the human race, in which the Almighty intended men to live. Those who fight the purpose of the Almighty will not succeed. They always have been, they always will be beaten." - President Elect Abraham Lincoln, 1860

Constitutional freedom is God given, not government given.

So it won the gold medal, guessing some here woul toss a congratulations at it and be glad it won, who wouldn't be happy the IOC seen fit to give medals to men who beat up women.

I ask this of the liberals here. If that opponent of that guy was your daughter, and she trained her whole life to compete in the Olympics for her country, and she took a beating from a man posing as a woman would you agree with it? The answer is no, but you're delusional mind won't allow critical thinking even though it's your blood who took that beating.


Bowhunting 5C's embedded Photo
Bowhunting 5C's embedded Photo


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
from dr colin wrights piece in the wsj...

"Given Imane Khelif's masculine features and upper-body muscle mass, we can almost certainly rule out Swyer syndrome."

he also stated on twitter that his money would be on khelif having "5-ARD."


So he won the gold medal. Good for him. SMH

From: spike78

spike78's embedded Photo
spike78's embedded Photo
Is this ok lol?

From: shade mt
I'm sure glad i still have my sanity, Sad to see so many people losing theirs. Men posing as women beating up women...etc

Or men dressing like women, and all this stuff, and thinking it's ok...all in the name of freedom? something deep down inside tells me.......these people are not free at all, but in bondage in their sin. Lots of people have vices that enslave them, sadly they seek freedom, profess freedom, or demand freedom, not realizing that the enemy to their freedom is themselves.

This constant need to display, promote, or be reassured is a product of a inner battle they themselves struggle with.

There are occasions where people are born with physical gender abnormality's but they are rare. The most common defect that is causing this stuff is sin.....we are all born with it. Trying to reassure ourselves it's ok, leads to bondage, and deterioration of society.

Knowing the consequence of sin and realizing that it can cause some real problems in life leads to true freedom.

Look around....Problems?, we sure have them yes. It will not end here, just get worse.

It will go from....easy divorce.....to deterioration of family.....children without proper mother and father figures.....to homosexuality......to same sex marriage.......to gender confusion......to?

Is this freedom?

"There are occasions where people are born with physical gender abnormality's but they are rare."

while i agree with your overall sentiment...it should be noted that gender confusion is not a physical abnormality...it is a mental abnormality.

i have no doubt that physical abnormalities can and do contribute to gender confusion (dsd/swyer syndrome/klinefelter syndrome/frasier syndrome for example) but the two are separate.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Olympic boxing champion Imane Khelif filed a legal complaint for online harassment against her"

if the discovery process in france is anything like it is here...i suspect many of the questions in this thread will be answered.

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
If you really want to see the embarrassment of the Woke Olympics on display, search for Rachel Gunn, “Raygun” the Australian woman with a PhD in Breakdancing. Seriously, a PhD in Breakdancing….and its bad, really bad.

I linked Gateway pundit that has a few short clips of her

a deeper look at the male boxers in the olympics...well worth watching

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