Moultrie Mobile
Do away with peep ???
Contributors to this thread:
Ogoki 28-Jul-24
BoggsBowhunts 28-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 28-Jul-24
BOHUNTER09 28-Jul-24
Buckeye 28-Jul-24
spike78 28-Jul-24
ryanrc 28-Jul-24
smarba 29-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 29-Jul-24
Beachtree 29-Jul-24
Beendare 29-Jul-24
carcus 30-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 30-Jul-24
Will 30-Jul-24
Cornpone 31-Jul-24
Zbone 31-Jul-24
Will 01-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 01-Aug-24
From: Ogoki
Ok this is a legitimate archery question. For those who will tell me this has been asked and to do a search. I did multiple searches and only came up with very old info. I am dealing with eye floaters . Someone told me to let them settle to the bottom when looking thru the peep. Just does not work for me . How well do sights like "" Hindsight "" work ? ? I see several that use the same principle . And yes I have been to eye doc. He said give it time it will get better . Examined eyes and checked for detached retina etc . All good there . Using a1/4 diameter peep. I am not a long range shooter . I know my limitations. 30 yard and under . Any advise on the alignment style sights ??Thank you !!!

I had used what I believe was an "IQ" sight in the past, I actually won it when I was 15 on a bowsite youth photo contest, it had a lime green aperture above the sight housing with a black dot you aligned in the center to ensure you were properly aligned for the shot. That being said, I used a peep and didn't pay much attention to the contraption in general, but it seemed like it was consistent as far as alignment goes. Again, not exactly sure how I would like it without a peep, but the sight itself was quality and I had no complaints.

Just a question: Have you tried a kisser button?

I’ve been watching the Olympians, and they seem to be managing pretty capably……

I’ve not used a peep for over 25 years. I used the original nopeep till 5 years ago. Now I’m using the IQ sight. Works for me.

From: Buckeye
I moved up in size from a quarter inch to a 5/16 ( I think) but it was to see better in low light conditions. I'd be hard pressed to go back to a kisser. But i do remember being fairly proficient with one . Try a larger peep.

From: spike78
I have the Hindsight which I bought for target panic. It helped at first but with my target panic it is hard to line up the front and rear sight and I’m thinking about going back to my old sight although if you don’t have target panic I think you will like it. I also used to use no peep sight a long time ago and really liked it when I shot fingers.

From: ryanrc
I used the no peep for a few years. It was OK. I ended up going back to a peep. I didn't have eye issues, I was trying to shoot in lower light conditions.

From: smarba
I used original No Peep, now using the IQ, love both systems.

No peep sight, ever. Kisser button and I fully endorsed the IQ bowsite fully. Awesome piece of equipment.

From: Beachtree
If you're shooting close range you don't need a peep, A kisser button is all you need.

From: Beendare
I shot just a kisser for a few's decently accurate out to 40-50y....but no more than that.

I think you will be disappointed in those hind sights.

From: carcus
Years and years without a peep, I also used a kisser, loved it, years ago I was setting up a new bow and I found the string to be blocking my pins, therefor had to look through the string and a peep went on, the peep is awesome.

“If you're shooting close range you don't need a peep, A kisser button is all you need.”

Tell that “if you’re shooting close range” part to the South Koreans….. Unless you consider 70m to be “short range”….

Those dudes are Machines!

From: Will
I started using a Perry's No Peep - which was basically the little rings you line up on an IQ sight - in the mid 00's. Like 04 or 05 maybe. I still have the same one and have never not used it.

If I was shooting tourney's, would I be more accurate with other methods - maybe.

But I've found it amazing for hunting. If the dots dont line up, my grip or anchor is off. if they do, it's on. I LOVE it. It's helped my accuracy a lot over the years and really feels good to me.

I didnt love Hindsight which I tried at the time. Some folks do... It just wasnt for me.

When I went to the no peep, I took the peep I had off, and havent used one since.

I'm not sure if you can still find the same gizmo I have, but it's awesome if it's still out there.

From: Cornpone
If legal where you hunt use a red dot...not legal everywhere. I've used one for years.

From: Zbone
You guys talking about kisser buttons, I used them back in the day I shot compounds for a time, but after watching these Olympics some of the shooters were using "nose buttons"... Does anybody use nose buttons?

From: Will
Zbone, a zillion years ago (like the late 90's), a friend who shot competitively had me use a kisser button, which I drew to my nose tip. I've not done that for over 20 years at this point. But it definitely helped make sure I was locking in the same anchor over and over again.

Nose button is not a lot different than touching the cockfeather to your nose…. But these guys anchor a little low for that…..

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