Mathews Inc.
Gutless method or....suffer
Contributors to this thread:
jordanathome 28-Jul-24
Pyrannah 28-Jul-24
HDE 28-Jul-24
Buckeye 28-Jul-24
HDE 28-Jul-24
keepemsharp 28-Jul-24
Buckeye 28-Jul-24
Dale06 28-Jul-24
HiMtnHnter 28-Jul-24
butcherboy 29-Jul-24
LUNG$HOT 29-Jul-24
BULELK1 29-Jul-24
shade mt 30-Jul-24
Will 30-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 30-Jul-24
Catscratch 30-Jul-24
hunting dad 31-Jul-24
BULELK1 31-Jul-24
gil_wy 31-Jul-24
Jethro 31-Jul-24
gil_wy 31-Jul-24
Insheart 31-Jul-24
jordanathome 31-Jul-24
From: jordanathome

jordanathome's Link
Gawd do I ever love watching this every year as a reminder.........leave them guts alone!

From: Pyrannah
holy hell that is hilariously disgusting

From: HDE
The 'ol boy had no idea what he was doing...

From: Buckeye
That's funny right there! I've never done gutless, can you extract the tenderloins from the back? Ain't leaving them or the heart behind.

From: HDE
^^^ you can, but you still have to hold the stomach out of the way by pushing down on it has you peel the tenderloin out.

I always just open the belly as the last step to get it out of the way. Don't have to fully pull everything out, just makes it easier to get the tenderloin without the stomach getting in the way.

From: keepemsharp
Can't believer how many years I left the tenderloins behind because I was too dumb to know they were there. So much for being raised with people did did not hunt.

From: Buckeye
Same here Dave, didn't even know they were in there. Threw out a lot of necks too. Now the neck is one of my favorite parts.

From: Dale06
I’m guilty as well. Back in the day, 1970s, I didn’t know there were tenderloins. I left a few for the coyotes.

From: HiMtnHnter
I have done gutless for many years. I do like to keep the heart so I let the guts out after I have everything off. Pretty easy to do and makes getting the tenders easier.

From: butcherboy
That’s a classic! I laugh so hard every time I watch it. I’ve never had a WG animal do that but I’ve experienced plenty of that and worse with beef and hogs.

Hahahaha. That video never gets old. I’ve been doing the gutless method now for the last 15 years. The last thing I do is remove one of the ribs near the rear of the cage and peel out the tenderloin then very last I go in and remove the heart. Love elk heart.

Always a funny watch.

Thats about the only way, Gutless, I can get any species off the mountain being solo and all.

Works just fine for me.

I've learned to do the tenderloins last as I can swing the boned off skeleton facing downhill and not much downhill is needed, to get the gut off the T-loins area and I just slip in ~~done.

Good luck, Robb

From: shade mt
30-Jul-24 that story gets told for years.

I gut mine after the meat is off. (i debone)...then i get heart, liver, tenderloin

From: Will
I've seen that many times... Every time I laugh - even though it feels bad to laugh at the poor dude. BRUTAL!

From: Jimmyjumpup
What was he going to do with it after he gutted it?

From: Catscratch
Lol, disgusting!

From: hunting dad
Something I learned in caribou camp, if you have a saw, you can cut the spine and pull up like a car hood. Cutting the T-loins out from above.

Ya got me visualizing on trying that hunting dad.

Good luck, Robb

From: gil_wy
I would pay a significant amount of money for this to happen to one of my hunting buddies!!

From: Jethro
gil, as long as you’re not sharing a tent with the guy

From: gil_wy
I would pay a significant amount of money for this to happen to one of my hunting buddies!!

From: Insheart
If I remember right, I believe it was Paul or Lou that did the same thing (ONLY WORSE) with a horse that had been dead for a couple days. *going to use part of it as bear bait.

From: jordanathome
Ooooohhhhh fess up.....I wanna hear this story!!!!!!!!

Gil....lmao.....yes that would be funny if you could manage it to happen....and still remain buddies.

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