Lithium batteries-Beware
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Olde style 29-Jul-24
Olde style 29-Jul-24
sitO 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
Highlife 29-Jul-24
Buckdeer 29-Jul-24
Wymuley 29-Jul-24
'Ike' 29-Jul-24
spike78 29-Jul-24
Mint 29-Jul-24
scentman 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
scentman 29-Jul-24
Norseman 29-Jul-24
Olde style 29-Jul-24
Highlife 29-Jul-24
Olde style 29-Jul-24
scentman 29-Jul-24
drycreek 29-Jul-24
Highlife 29-Jul-24
Highlife 29-Jul-24
Buckeye 29-Jul-24
Norseman 30-Jul-24
WapitiBob 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
Michael 30-Jul-24
bluedog 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24
Highlife 30-Jul-24
Highlife 30-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24
Highlife 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24

Sorry video will not play.Basically a man brings his e-bike battery in to charge-after entering elevator the battery starts smoking by the time he placed it on the floor int explodes and engulfs into a huge fire and the man dies.When these batteries short out they are very devastating- they burn fast/ hot and are hard to extinguish-just want people to be aware of this new technology.Be safe

From: sitO
What was he hunting?

From: Norseman
He was hunting high fence fallow deer with a cross bow. He used his ebike to beat the crowd to his location down a non-motorized hiking trail where his outfitter had a bait pile of corn. He hit “a little far back” so he decided to leave and let the 12 guides he hired to look for it in the morning.

Needed to charge his battery as he didnt want to lose power and have to walk back in the morning for his conquest photo.

From: Highlife
Now that's funny lol

From: Buckdeer
Some cities are regulating if you can bring those scooters inside to charge.Quite a few fires also from cordless hand tool batteries on chargers

From: Wymuley
Even in the military when deploying to the combat zone we were not permitted to have them uncontained on an aircraft.... and the mil ises a LOT of lithium powered products. They had special handling and containment procedures and were treated much like explosives/highly flammables

From: 'Ike'
"He was hunting high fence fallow deer with a cross bow. He used his ebike to beat the crowd to his location down a non-motorized hiking trail where his outfitter had a bait pile of corn. He hit “a little far back” so he decided to leave and let the 12 guides he hired to look for it in the morning. Needed to charge his battery as he didnt want to lose power and have to walk back in the morning for his conquest photo."


From: spike78
I have a lithium battery I use for my trolling motor and I keep it in my shed not good.

From: Mint
In NYC there have been a lot of fires caused by the cheap chinese lithium batteries the food delivery guys use. The problem is when their original quality battery goes they replace them with the cheap chinese battery. Of course these guys, a lot of them illegals are not going to follow the law anyway.

From: scentman
A gentleman starts a thread to possibly save a life or at the very least save someone from a very dangerous situation... and couple of blockheads mock him and a person who perished from the accident... you need to check your sorry asses before making such sophmoric comments. scentman

From: Norseman
I agree on its relevance, so I was just posting a possible scenario to tie it into the Bowsite bow hunting world.

As sergeant Hulka once said “Lighten up, Frances”. 8)

From: scentman
Norse,your penance is 5 Our Father's and 3 Hail Mary's, now go in peace to love and serve the Lord... nock, nock. scentman;0)

From: Norseman
Hugs to all!

The video is on revolver news— Chinese man dies in elevator when e-bike battery shorts — pretty bad way to go — yes just letting people be aware—-I have seen Teslas go ,also fire department just lets them burn down——- all fun and games until it happens to you.

From: Highlife
I don't leave battery chargers unattended. Son inlaw who works for dewalt let me know about the possibility of fire years ago. It was still funny Norseman.

29-Jul-24 I think this link works

From: scentman
did you think of changing your handle to "Lowlife"?

Now to me, that is funny lol! scentman

From: drycreek
It’s hard to get away from lithium batteries in today’s world. All my power tools are lithium, even some of my lights. When the lead acid batteries play out in my golf cart I was thinking of going lithium, but I charge and store it in my garage. That doesn’t seem like such a good idea now.

From: Highlife
That's the best you can come up with ?

From: Highlife
I get your over sensitive bleeding heart but geez the guy was Chinese it wasn't like he couldn't read the directions..

From: Buckeye
If you buy a large lithium battery, make sure it's one with thermal overload protection.

From: Norseman
Hugs to all!

From: WapitiBob
Three lithium's in my boat, not worried at all.

From: bluedog
Because of the fire danger regarding Lithium batteries I'm going to start putting all of our cell phones and laptops out in the yard when not in use. Better safe than sorry

From: Michael
Me personally I have lithium power tools for the yard, batteries for my boat as well as ice fishing gear. To be honest I am not really worried about it. My biggest worry is how I keep boat batteries warm when I charge them in temps below freezing. A little out of the box thinking and it’s not an issue. Winter storage isn’t an issue. Make sure the battery is around 60% charge and let it go. Come March in the upper Midwest when I want to start fishing there are plenty of nights still when temps are below freezing.

I am not too worried about charging a lead acid battery either but I have seen a handful of those blow up over the years. Definitely do not want a spark around a charging battery that’s for sure.

From: bluedog
Seriously I'm not worried, just practice correct procedures and I'm good.

From: scentman
Dave, it's not so much me being an oversensitive bleeding heart, I liken it more to you being a callous a- wipe, with the mentality of a 12 yr old getting off on other people's pain and suffering. ;0)

How's that, better? scentman

From: Highlife
Much better!! You do you boo ;)

From: Highlife

“also fire department just lets them burn down”

Is there an alternative? I thought Li fires were about impossible to put out… ???

From: scentman
I need to apologize to a fellow bowsiter, not my usual character to get nasty like I did... sorry Dave. Eric

From: Highlife
No worries brother I've got thick skin :) I shouldn't of been so quick shooting back

From: scentman
Norse, now we can have hugs for all! lol! scentman

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