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Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Starfire 29-Jul-24
drycreek 29-Jul-24
WI Shedhead 29-Jul-24
t-roy 29-Jul-24
Catscratch 29-Jul-24
From: Starfire
Wanting to use on my clover plot. Does it work? Is it worth it? Is grass a real problem in food plots or just something else for deer to eat?

From: drycreek
It is overpriced Clethodim. It works, but works slow. Don’t expect it to look like you sprayed gly on it, but in a couple weeks the grass will turn yellow, then die. I never worried about weeds, the mower took care of them, but I did spray for grasses in my clover with clethodim.

From: WI Shedhead
Cutting kills the broadleafs, clethodim kills the grass. One application a year does a ton of good for your clover plots. I usually do mine in June around a cold front or after a rain event to not stress anything out.

From: t-roy
Agreed….It’s just overpriced clethodim. You can get generic Cleth much, much cheaper at any ag supply/farm store or co-op. It will kill grasses, but it’s not nearly as effective if the grass is mature. Best time to spray is when the grass is young. If you’re going to spray later in the summer/fall, I’d suggest mowing your plot and let things regenerate for a week or so, then spray it. That’s still not as effective as spraying when the plants are young, but the plant seems to take in the chemical better than just spraying the mature plant. Also, like drycreek stated, it takes up to two weeks or longer, to be able to see results.

From: Catscratch
You can also get cleth online (even amazon) if you don't have a farm store or CO-OP nearby.

Lots of times if you google the active ingredient of a named brand chemical you can find the generic much cheaper.

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