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Stainless Hybrid BH’s
Contributors to this thread:
Blood 30-Jul-24
midwest 30-Jul-24
WI Shedhead 30-Jul-24
Murph 30-Jul-24
midwest 30-Jul-24
Blood 30-Jul-24
midwest 30-Jul-24
molsonarcher 30-Jul-24
midwest 30-Jul-24
Blood 31-Jul-24
From: Blood
Any thoughts on all stainless hybrid mechanical BH’s? There doesn’t seem to be many all stainless with the cut-on-contact blade and mechanical bleeders. 125 grain.

From: midwest
The Evolution Hyde 125 stainless is a quality head. I used it on 6 deer last year and they all died. I wasn’t a fan of the blade retention system but after talking to the owner at TAC, it sounds like they made some improvements in that regard.

I still prefer a rear deploying mech since you’re only guaranteed one hole.

From: WI Shedhead
I shoot thier Jekyll 125grain thier unbelievably accurate. You can switch between the two from hybrid to fixed. Love thier exit holes

From: Murph
Have you seen the new 1.5” sevr hybrid, blades are stainless but ferrule is titanium picked up 7 a week ago and they look nasty can’t wait to put one through an animal.

From: midwest
I picked up a few of those as well, Murph.

From: Blood
Thank you both of you. I saw the Oz Cut Kreature and was curious about that too.

From: midwest
Dang it! I didn’t need to see that one, too!

From: molsonarcher
That OzCut looks like a pretty neat option. I may need to find a package.

From: midwest
Well, with 25% off and free shipping, I couldn’t resist ordering a pack.

From: Blood
Midwest, where did you get the 25% off code? I’d like to take advantage of that. Thanks!

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