Mathews Inc.
Your hardest habit to break
Contributors to this thread:
gil_wy 30-Jul-24
Norseman 30-Jul-24
jordanathome 30-Jul-24
RJ Hunt 30-Jul-24
Jaquomo 30-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 30-Jul-24
Stoneman 30-Jul-24
Willieboat 30-Jul-24
Quinn @work 30-Jul-24
sitO 30-Jul-24
Brun 30-Jul-24
cnelk 30-Jul-24
t-roy 30-Jul-24
Norseman 30-Jul-24
EmbryOklahoma 30-Jul-24
Jaquomo 31-Jul-24
badbull 31-Jul-24
BULELK1 31-Jul-24
sawtooth 31-Jul-24
In2dmtns 31-Jul-24
Tejas 31-Jul-24
Trying hard 31-Jul-24
Insheart 31-Jul-24
elkmtngear 31-Jul-24
Cornpone 31-Jul-24
sundowner 31-Jul-24
welka 01-Aug-24
Bowboy 01-Aug-24
LeeBuzz 01-Aug-24
Brotsky 01-Aug-24
Bowaddict 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
Native Okie 01-Aug-24
Swede 02-Aug-24
WapitiBob 02-Aug-24
hobbes 02-Aug-24
Native Okie 02-Aug-24
gil_wy 02-Aug-24
Norseman 06-Aug-24
From: gil_wy
Just curious what your Achilles heel is. I’ve been doing this elk hunting thing for 30 years and patience is my nemesis. I will set up on a bull on a bull and say “wait, wait, wait…” and off I go to close the distance if there is even a chance he’s leaving! And yeah I generally screw it up. Now, in my defense, I’ve killed my biggest two bulls doing exactly that but 9/10 times it ends up with me getting busted! But I keep doing it!

Let’s hear your habit you can’t break!

From: Norseman
9/10 they are leaving. Herd Bulls anyway. The longer i sit the more chances i will see a bull up close, but it is usually a satellite that is late for the party. I am not patient either. I have learned that if i have time my beat op will be to use the wind and hustle to get 3/4 up wind of them and slowly slice in when they are parallel to me. My vice is my stomach, giving up to early in the morning and wanting more coffee and a big brunch.

From: jordanathome
Hesitate and overthink until the split second opportunity fades away.........

From: RJ Hunt
Sometimes I don’t wait long enough and can jump the gun

From: Jaquomo
Second guessing myself and moving when I should have stayed put.

Sometimes I don't follow my own advice I've published in many articles. Then someone calls to tell me how they killed a big bull using a tactic I described, after I screwed up by not doing the same thing the week before.

I can’t count all the golden opportunities I screwed up when moving in on bugling bulls in thick timber. I like to pressure bulls into making a mistake, and even though I knew they were closer than they sounded, I wanted to get “just a little closer”. I finally broke that nasty habit, but the ones that got away still haunt me.

From: Stoneman
Achilles heel’s for me. Lately it has definitely been lack of patience and not letting things unfold naturally.

The second is not taking the time to set up properly for the conditions and landscape when I know the bull is coming. This has resulted in having elk inside 25 yards and no shot opportunity.

From: Willieboat
Leaving elk to find elk.

From: Quinn @work
I shot my biggest bull by being aggressive and moving right in on him. I've probably blow opportunities 10 fold on bulls by being too aggressive. Murphy's Law.

From: sitO

From: Brun
I'm guilty of everything mentioned.

From: cnelk
Shooting a cow before the bull comes

From: t-roy
Not applying for elk points in more states.

From: Norseman
Kodiak But i did it. Almost 3 years clean.

Booze and one night stands are next. 8)

Not going elk hunting more. Making excuses and not making out West hunts happen.

Calling and not being ready...... like i dont believe they are coming.

From: Jaquomo
^^^ This, Forest!

From: badbull
Re: elk, not allowing more days to hunt. Not really a habit but biggest mistake has been "not waiting it out" when in a staring contest with a bull that comes in. I do not think it will happen again if I am in that situation ever again as I know that they will bolt at the first movement they see. This does go along with what Forest said re: "Calling and not being ready."

Taking one step at a time then Looking for the bedded target animal for long periods. Concentrating very hard, picking apart every possible hiding location.

Then, Hey! There’s a shed !

Stumble towards the shed like a slug and boom. There goes the bull or buck I’ve spent hours looking for. :>))

Or hunting hard for days. Then getting complacent at the exact time you run into the animal your after :>)))


I'm going Blind so I guess my Mom was right........

Anyways, what gil said for me too.

Good luck, Robb

From: sawtooth
As far as hunting, I am stuck in mid the 1960's.

From: In2dmtns
Letting the presence of other hunters in the area dictate my plans and getting me frustrated. I am always second guessing where are they, what are they doing and when the truth is I can't control that.

Also almost everything mentioned above.

From: Tejas
Not being able to draw a tag…ha!

From: Trying hard
Stop chewing tobacco.... Ohhhh hunting related... Hunting in all weather conditions for sure .

From: Insheart
Staying a little bit to long when I know the wind is going squirrelly / bad. Thinking.... "Maybe they will come from the other direction"

From: elkmtngear
Like others...moving when I should have been patient!

From: Cornpone
Passing up a good shot waiting for a perfect shot.

From: sundowner
Being too slow to move. My favorite elk guide outta Daniel, Wyoming always says, "You can't kill 'em if you ain't in amongst 'em. He was usually right, but sometimes they went to the next zip code. ;-)

From: welka
Opposite for me vs what many others have said - Start to call too early when we locate one and set up to call him in. Always think we are "close enough" to pull him in and we must just be outside of the range of pissing him off and the bull walks away with his cows to get away from the intruder (us).

From: Bowboy
Yep I agree patience is my issue. Sometimes I move in a little too close.

From: LeeBuzz
setting up a stand and not using it because stalking is too much fun... that and over cranking on RV friendly toilet paper

From: Brotsky
Patience, I have serious elk ADD. Many a bull is alive today because I get too aggressive when waiting just even another minute or two would have sealed the deal.

From: Bowaddict
Patience at different moments is probably the biggie, but I wouldn’t hunt elk any differently. I’ve killed most of my bulls by aggressively moving in on them when they are vocal, or after I spot them. I’m not aggressive with calling usually, but I’m never afraid to move in on vocal bulls! Sometimes I’m gonna blow it, but it works often enough!

From: KSflatlander
Follow through (not punching the trigger and not dropping bow hand when shooting at a live target). I struggled with that when I was younger.

From: Native Okie
Not knowing and understanding the “doorway” concept earlier. It’s cost me a couple.

From: Swede
Not taking the bird in hand. I have also shot spikes when a large cow would have been just as easy.

From: WapitiBob
Yea, I've shot a cpl spikes in my life, never again.

From: hobbes
Doing some of the same things year after year and hoping for different results. I'll hunt some areas that I should never set foot back in again but there's just enough chance that I burn precious time year after year.

From: Native Okie
Not knowing and understanding the “doorway” concept earlier. It’s cost me a couple.

From: gil_wy
Glad I’m not the only one! lol! I’m sure it’s a function of the “fun” way worked a few times. However, this last fall, my impatience cost me the biggest bull I’ve seen in the wild… legit 390+. Came in on a string and I was convinced he’d hang up. Caught me on a bright hill side staring at each other at 25 yards. I gave my quiver to my buddy so I didn’t stab myself with an arrow!

From: Norseman
Kodiak But i did it. Almost 3 years clean.

Booze and one night stands are next. 8)

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