Lighted Sights P&Y Vote
Contributors to this thread:Equipment
From: Zim
Does anyone know if P&Y has conducted their vote yet on lighted sight inclusion? I got a ballot seems a month ago but have heard nothing. The new sight my shop set me up with has one. Thanks.
It has not been completed yet. The ballot was sent out, inadvertently, to all members instead of just regular/senior members only. Only votes from regular/senior members, per bylaws, will be counted (General members cannot vote on these issues). That verification process is occurring now.
From: spike78
Just a question but how would they know if you used a lighted sight or not? How honest are the people who submit animals?
From: midwest
Same way they wouldn't know if you poached it at night with a crossbow. It's called "on one's honor".
From: Zim
Yes, I intend to fully comply no matter. It matters to me.
From: Trial153
submitted my ballot awhile back no idea what the outcome was. Personally i would like to see them allowed.
Tracking collars on hounds as well. Hounds shouldn’t be run with out GPS collars on them
From: Teeton
I set my equipment up to stay with the boundaries of P&Y. I'm not familiar with this new equipment Zim posting about. ??
Tracking collars on hounds have never been forbidden. You simply cannot USE the GPS technology to follow the dogs to the animal.
From: DanaC
Ummm, lit site pins, only been around for about 40 years now...
From: Trial153
It’s stupid to keep an animal treed or bayed for an unnecessary extended amount of time because you cant use the GPS to locate them.
From: Teeton
Ok I reread Zim's post I mis read it the first time.. was reading on my phone (small) old eyes.. Was thinking it was a new type of sight.