10 Million NOT Registered To Vote
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
sawtooth 31-Jul-24
Trying hard 31-Jul-24
KsRancher 31-Jul-24
TRnCO 31-Jul-24
Slate 31-Jul-24
KsRancher 31-Jul-24
DanaC 31-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 31-Jul-24
DanaC 31-Jul-24
Vonfoust 31-Jul-24
Bob Rowlands 31-Jul-24
sawtooth 31-Jul-24
bigeasygator 31-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 31-Jul-24
Paul@thefort 31-Jul-24
DanaC 31-Jul-24
bigeasygator 31-Jul-24
4nolz@work 31-Jul-24
sundowner 31-Jul-24
TRnCO 31-Jul-24
Paul@thefort 31-Jul-24
Wymuley 31-Jul-24
DanaC 31-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 31-Jul-24
sawtooth 31-Jul-24
bigeasygator 31-Jul-24
sawtooth 31-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 31-Jul-24
bentstick54 31-Jul-24
TreeWalker 01-Aug-24
DanaC 01-Aug-24
shade mt 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
2Wild Bill 01-Aug-24
stealthycat 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
Will 01-Aug-24
Al Dente Laptop 01-Aug-24
Babysaph 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
Babysaph 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
Trying hard 01-Aug-24
2Wild Bill 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
KsRancher 01-Aug-24
sawtooth 01-Aug-24
bigeasygator 01-Aug-24
Will 01-Aug-24
Landshark Launcher 01-Aug-24
DanaC 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
DanaC 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
shade mt 02-Aug-24
shade mt 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
Will 02-Aug-24
spike78 02-Aug-24
KsRancher 06-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 06-Aug-24
Sportsman better get their sh#t together and register to vote. This election is not a cakewalk. Please spread the word.

From: sawtooth
And don't waste your vote on a candidate with no hope of winning. A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Harris.

From: Trying hard
Good looking trying to convince "sportsmen" to get off their rears and vote .. I've been trying to convince people to vote for 30 years. It seems with a lotta people it's just too darn easy to b----

From: KsRancher
Sawtooth, I disagree. A 3rd party vote is not a vote for Harris. With that mindset it is just as much a vote for Trump as it is Harris. Just depends on which side of the isle you are looking at it from. Nothing the matter with a 3rd party vote.

From: TRnCO
why vote at all if you're voting 3rd party? It makes no sense. There is not a chance that a 3rd party will win, so why not just stay home and moan about the direction of the country instead?

From: Slate
Rusty are you 100% positive

From: KsRancher

From: DanaC
"why vote at all if you're voting 3rd party? It makes no sense. "

It makes perfect sense if you know what message you want to send. "A plague o' both your houses!"

#cue Ricky to lecture us yet again on 'the platform'.

“why vote at all if you're voting 3rd party? It makes no sense”

So if someone votes for a candidate that most aligns with their beliefs and values, even one that’s a 3rd party candidate, they shouldn’t exercise their right to vote? Couldn’t disagree more.

From: DanaC
^^ Yeah, Libertarians will never win so we should vote for (your cretin of choice?) Horse apples. The only 'wasted' vote is the one not cast.

From: Vonfoust
“why vote at all if you're voting 3rd party? It makes no sense”

Because down ballot races are just as important, if not moreso.

From: Bob Rowlands
Don't be apathetic. VOTE! (R) for me.

From: sawtooth
If you cast your vote for a candidate you know is going to lose, you have made no contribution to how the country will be run the next four years. I guess for some, voting independent (or whatever) is a touchy, feely, feel good thing for their well being. But, it makes zero contribution in running the country for the next four years. Smart people vote for the best candidate, or at least the lessor of two evils.

From: bigeasygator
“If you cast your vote for a candidate you know is going to lose, you have made no contribution to how the country will be run the next four years”

What the hell does “contribution to how the country will be run” even mean?

What if you vote for Trump in, say, California where “you know [Trump] is going to lose?” What is your contribution then??

From: Jimmyjumpup
If you don’t vote then you can bitch about it for the next 4 years. After all, you didn’t pick the idiot in the White House. At least that is what George Carlin use to say . Lol

From: Paul@thefort
Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republicans, and 41% as Independent.

From: DanaC
“If you cast your vote for a candidate you know is going to lose, you have made no contribution to how the country will be run the next four years”

Trump will lose here in Massachusetts. Not even a question. So by that logic voting for him would be no contribution at all. Agreed!!!

Still voting (L)

From: bigeasygator
“Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republicans, and 41% as Independent.”

It will be the swing voters in the swing states that decide everything, Paul. I do take solace that generally the ones deciding the elections tend to sit in the center.

From: 4nolz@work
I'm going to vote 7x like last time

From: sundowner

Put America first, lower fuel prices, lower inflation in general, closed southern border, lower crime rate, lower unemployment, higher wages, lower taxes, stronger military, end foreign wars and no US involvement in foreign wars, support Israel.

From: TRnCO
Hey, it's your vote, waste it if it makes ya feel better. Because that's all you're doing by voting 3rd party. It's like sitting in the corner and yelling because you didn't get your way. Might make ya feel better but it didn't do any good in the long run.

From: Paul@thefort
“Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republicans, and 41% as Independent.”

Colorado's breakdown, Republican= 32%, Democratic= 33% Independent = 35%. No doubt, Colorado has gone Democratic in the House and Senate and well as the Governorship. And Independents lean to Democratic party in National elections for president.

From: Wymuley
Oh c'mon DanaC... you know they don't consider the "messages" we send.

Get real. It's either Harris or Trump... nothing else matters to them, but it does matter to the future of this country.

From: DanaC
^^ Not the only 'they' out there. There are millions of young voters who have never even heard of the Libertarian Party, or libertarianism, or free market economics, or Ludwig von Mises, Or Ayn Rand... Point is, as long as they're drawing votes, *somebody* is paying attention.

Question for you, TRnCo. Are you suggesting that every republican in Colorado, or any other blue state for that matter, should just stay home and not “waste their vote? Because every word you’ve posted about a 3rd party vote could be said about every republican vote in a blue state.

From: sawtooth
Blue states have a much greater potential of eventually becoming a red state than a third party state. And, there is more to voting and policy making than simply the presidency. Voting for a party that has zero chance of anything is a wasted vote, a feel good thing.

From: bigeasygator
“Voting for a party that has zero chance of anything is a wasted vote, a feel good thing.”

Which, again, can equally be said about a vote for a republican in a blue state.

From: sawtooth
Again, there is more to the ballot and eventual policy than simply a presidential vote. And, only a hand full of states have very little chance of never switching parties, swinging the pendulum does count. Get out there and vote, make America Great Again !


I think 3rd party votes are the only way to roll in a non-swing state, because it lets you tell the dominant party that they don’t have your support and tells the opposition that they aren’t offering you a viable alternative. If you just vote the Party, it fails to send the message that you are not impressed by either, and until they see enough “protest votes” out there in the middle to change the outcome, there’s zero chance that they’ll back away from their extremist positions - in either direction.

They need to hear loud and clear that your vote is On The Market, and that simply being a hair less odious than the opposition is not good enough to gain your support.

What I wouldn’t give for a None Of The Above option….

Corax x2

From: TreeWalker
This will be my first time my vote will matter for President. Am in a state which as of now is swinging like a married man leaving his pregnant wife at home while be raw dogs a porn star. Have voted in 11 prior Presidential elections. Sometimes my choice won, sometimes did not. Thing is, by the time the next election roll around in four years I was worth more every time, Democrat or Republican administration.

Interest rates went up and they went down. Unemployment went up and went down. Tax rates went up and went down. Tariffs went up and down. Inflation went up and down. Military deaths went up and went down. Immigrant flow, legal and illegal, went up and down. Fuel prices went up and down. Regulations went up and down. Stock market went up and down. Coal mining tonnage went up and down. Military spending went up and down. Welfare payments went up and down. Home prices went up and down. Security lapses occurred. Cultural shock occurred. Divisiveness occurred.

Meanwhile, I took charge of my destiny decades ago rather than coast along while hoping the next fairy Godfather in D.C. was going to make things easy for me.

They all lied. Trump never built the wall and he had four years as President while Harris has been VP for fewer years. A "patriot" does not let LEO get their faces beat in for hours then say will pardon those convicted for their disgusting, violent actions against LEO. Trump never made Mexico pay for the wall. To be fair, Harris is not losing sleep over what some old white guy has to deal with these days. My taxes will likely go up. Kennedy is grasping at multiple ideas that are too far out there and seem to distract him from creating a plan for the next four years.

I worked hard for decades, stumbled into some luck though not all was good luck. Face it, Harris or Trump, they do not know my name nor have a background similar to mine so do not appreciate what it took to get from where I started to now. They really have no idea. I have no illusion either candidate will do much to make me more successful. I have to look in the mirror to see that person.

I am leaning Harris as she has more energy to focus on the tasks at hand. She and did very well as the AG of a state which is bigger and more complex than most countries. Being a VP is not a role which allows someone to lead or accomplish much and this was true of Harris. Harris also does not talk about not needing to vote in four years or being a dictator for just Day 1 or shows any indication she would sit back for hours while LEO get pummeled just down the street.

I do predict who ever is sworn in next January that I will be worth more in four years.

From: DanaC
" What I wouldn’t give for a *BINDING* None Of The Above option…. "

Fixed it for ya ;-)

How about - If NOTA beats you, you can't run for *any* office for ten years.

From: shade mt
Sometimes you have to look beyond "my" current life. What our leaders do can effect the country for decades to come, some good some bad.

I could be the richest man on earth, work hard, pave my way, but when i die it all gets left behind.

I'm not voting to fill my pockets.....i'm voting for those that will be stuck with the mess we have created, our children, and there children.

certainly we want a good economy, we want our children to be able to get a good start in life etc.... But there is more to a "good life".....than just money.

WE need to get the immigration mess straightened out.... restore moral standard..... stop catering to criminals, and taking the rights of law abiding citizens..... keep our constitutional rights...... improve our economy.... stopped listening to biased media, half truth, and outright lies.... become more self sufficient as a nation..... stop giving money to countries that hate us.....

so........vote for the lesser of the two evils.

People have amazingly short memories

We will need every modern military friend we have to fight Iran, Russia and China combined.

Recruiting has been seriously damaged by the Covid vaccine mandates, forcing many quality members from its own ranks. Can you imagine our enemies watching the US Military throwing people out because they would not get a flu shot that was not necessary for young healthy adults.

The same shortages hamper the police, fire, nursing, doctors Etc. And for the same reason.

First the Covid mandates. Then DEI, then the disdain for law and order, police and military.

And shockingly. None of this is being discussed 3.5 years later.

Biden and Harris both denounced the Covid vaccines as Trumps vaccine. And would never take it.

then participated in removing police, fire, medical and military from the work force that would not take the vaccine

Then by keeping the economy closed longer than needed. Only opening it on threat of open rebellion in many states. They started the “Transitory” inflation debacle with the mandatory business shutdowns, seizing licenses, bank accounts, arrests.

3.5 years later and no one remembers the devastation this incompetent regime has had on our financial and physical security.

They then project ineptitude and weakness during the Afghanistan withdrawal and our enemies pounce. Why wouldn’t they. Now we have Iran and Russia on the muscle.

I remember whenever everybody called Reagan a loose canon and would have us in World War III

Then they said that about Trump.

Maybe these dictators are actually afraid of loose cannons and what they will potentially do. not our current weak incompetent leaders.

So here we are talking about skin color and other nonsense well Iran, China and Russia are aligning and slowly moving their pawns into position.

I’m sure the China/Russia leaders will get in line once Harris stares them down.

From: spike78
I’m not sure why people think that we need to fight Russia, China, and Iran? Hell I will even throw in North Korea as well. Does anybody really think any of them would attack us? We are the shit starters and that is the only reason we would need to worry.

Just as many other wars you are correct. We will stick our nose in and get involved unless it’s another Pearl Harbor or 911. The most likely cause would be us jumping in to help Taiwan, for instance, or Israel

" I have no illusion either candidate will do much to make me more successful. I have to look in the mirror to see that person."

i agree with you...but here is where i think you and i might differ.

while neither candidate is likely to affect life or my standard of living much...i dont necessarily vote for a candidate (or yes...a "platform") for me. i vote for that platform because i care about the country that my children and grandchildren will grow up in. i want them to have the same opportunities i had.

From: 2Wild Bill

Are you another Bowsite AI bot?

From: stealthycat
there are 4-5 states that voting in Nov matters

my state, Arkansas, isn't one of them ... it will be dominant Red/Trump. I could not vote, vote 3rd party ... it wouldn't matter

From: sawtooth
It is important to vote in non presidential elections too.

I cannot imagine a hunter voting liberal, that makes zero sense to me. Every anti hunting group out there votes liberal, there must be a reason.

From: sawtooth
I should say, every anti hunting group out there funds the liberals, groups do not vote.

From: Will
Absolutely - if you are not registered, get registered. If you think your vote has no meaning, you are wrong. It's got some. Sure, for Pres it's more in some places than others - I could vote for anyone and my state would still vote Harris, for example. But there are many other people on the same ballot VP Harris and Former Pres Trump are on. And those local office's can impact your life. So Get registered and go vote.

Something I've looked at is becoming a poll worker. I'm not there yet due to life, and managing kids schedule and my wife's work schedule. But that's a cool thing to look at too - helping keep the election running smooth and being a productive part of our society as well.

I'll say it again, VOTER APATHY. I live in New York State, and for almost 3 decades we have had nothing but DEMONcratic leadership, except when George Pataki was Governor and Rudy Guiliani was Mayor of NYC.

Our last real chance was when Rob Asterino faced off against Andrew Cuomo for Governor. Almost 15.5 million out of 20 million residents are of voting age, of that 6 million are firearms owners.

Cuomo received 1.6 million votes, and Asterino received 1.2 million votes. First, it is so sad that less than 20% of the voting population cast a ballot, and even more so that the firearms owners did not either. Side note, nearly 1 million resident hunting licenses are sold each year in NYS.

Just imagine if every firearms owner voted, that would've sent a clearly defined message across the country. But the apathy prevailed once again.

If you don't vote, then don't complain.

my state, Arkansas, isn't one of them ... it will be dominant Red/Trump. I could not vote, vote 3rd party ... it wouldn't matter"

while it may seems like that on the surface...to a certain extent that is because people think their vote doenst matter therefore they cede the election to those that bother to vote. its a self fulfilling prophesy. if everyone thought the same way..."red/trump" would surely lose.

reliably blue states have gone red in the past...and reliably red states have gone blue in the past...and they will both do the same in the future. however...that will never happen if the party out of power just assumes their votes dont matter...and it will surely happen if the party in power thinks they are such a lock that they dont even have to vote.

to use an Olympic analogy...the us hockey team had no chance to beat the soviets in 1980. on paper...they shouldnt even have bothered to play the game. fortunately they actually showed up...and the rest is history.

From: Babysaph
Young people and women don’t care about firearms. They care about social issues. BLM. Defunding the pole eese, an abortion and whether there will be twerking at the speeches .

From: sawtooth
Also remember, every single anti hunting, anti fishing, anti trapping, and anti gun group support the Liberal party, not one the Republican Party. Not One !

If you hunt, fish, trap, or simply enjoy your gun rights, it is time to ask yourself how you should vote. No hunter should be voting Liberal, not ever.

From: Babysaph
well most people don't hunt so we are outnumbered.

From: sawtooth
Greatly outnumbered. By hunter logic on this forum, no sense voting pro hunting, or pro gun then. Time to give up and concede.

From: Trying hard
I agree sawtooth....but I know there's a lot of "sportsmen" voting for the antis

From: 2Wild Bill
My letter to the editor.

“Independent voters”, begs the question, independent of what? Both the major parties fret over appealing to this large segment of the Connecticut voters because they outnumber either party, and their votes very often swing elections. However, what they are independent of is the very reason they are actually “dependent”. They are dependent on both major parties to assemble the issues and candidates that appear on the ticket. Government in the hands of people who participate is factual. “Only” voting is minimalist participation and is not the ideal position a sincere and patriotic American citizen can take. When government in Connecticut goes poorly for the citizens it is often forgotten that the independents put the bad actors in the offices of power. In the case of government getting something right, there is no means to trace back to independents because they were not there in the policy formation or legislator vetting process. I’m inclined to think that because so many voters do not exercise their citizenship responsibilities in more time spent shaping the policies and vetting the candidates, that we get a government that is prone to subjugate citizens through the persuasion of the “no show” independents. Until independents forsake their folly and join in a chorus of meaningful virtues, as they see them, the general public gets a legislature of mostly power and prestige hungry individuals who do not recognize “delegated power” as the trust of constituents and instead take to themselves “assumed power” as the politician who brazenly puts their ideas ahead of the desire of the people. The selfishness of avoiding participation and arrogance of last minute participation by voting, truly assists the process whereby we get the least accountable government to promote a happy society. When Americans avoid politics they invite tyranny to take their liberty. Independent voters are people who need to decide and stand for something today to truly make a difference tommorrow.

From: sawtooth
It is sad, very sad.

From: KsRancher
I will start off with say that I am voting for Trump so I don't get called a lefty. But there are a lot of hunters/outdoors people out there that vote Dem because it's not the most important thing to them. Nothing the matter with that. Just like me on the abortion issue. I do think abortion should be a part of life just with some rules/laws. That stance doesn't agree with all of the hard-core Republicans. But I a still voting Republican

From: sawtooth
If I voted against hunting, I simply wouldn't hunt. Why take up the woods and space where others who support hunting could hunt ? We all know hunting opprtunities are not unlimited. I especially would not apply for limited tags, that would be very hypocritical if I actually voted against hunting. If one does not support the effort, then do not do it.

From: bigeasygator
Good for you sawtooth, that you’ve found a party that has a platform that aligns 100% with all of the things you support and agree with or that you are a single issue voter who only cares about one issue.

Some of us aren’t that lucky, and because of that we may vote for candidates from multiple parties (including third parties and independents). Lastly, I would never stop doing something I love or stop supporting a cause because a politician I may have voted for doesn’t support or align with my stance on a particular issue. There isn’t a party or candidate in the world who I agree 100% with.

I’m curious, do you hunt on federal lands, sawtooth?

From: Will
BEG, that's really well said.

WildBill - in CT, can independents vote in primaries? Can they "work" for candidates? Up here (MA) we can do all of those things, as independent voters. I've hosted signs for and done some volunteering for a local D, and I've voted for some R's on the same ballot. I've liked that about being an independent. I can just pick the person I feel is best, and go with that. And I can help get a good candidate elected in primaries, even though I'm not an R or D.

That has always seemed like a good option. Though I'll admit my parents and grandparents were both independent, so it may be I was just used to seeing that.

Electronic machines will pick the winner.

From: DanaC
Being a registered 'independent' means that I can direct my votes where I think they are most effective. It means that I can choose to vote in one or another primary. That is how I choose to participate.* In the actual election, I will vote for the Libertarian candidates first, Republicans if no Libertarian candidates are on the ballot.

* Since there are far fewer Republicans registered in this state, a primary vote there counts for more. But if there was a close race between two Democrats and I favored one over the other, I could cast my vote for them to be the candidate. (Many Democrats go unopposed here, so it matters.)

From: spike78

spike78's embedded Photo
spike78's embedded Photo
This is what I have on my ballot to vote for in MA pretty damn sad. Republicans don’t even waste their time. I’m not sure it’s like this anywhere else.

From: spike78

spike78's embedded Photo
spike78's embedded Photo
You mean like this Dana? Unreal. I’m definitely going to register as a D or I next time and send an email to all the D’s that voted for the new gun laws and tell them I’m voting for the opposition. Wish I thought of that before. Will I do like the idea of registering as an I as here I would vote for RFK as Trump has zero chance in this state.

From: DanaC
^^ With one exception, (Todd Smola, state rep) mines the same.

From: KSflatlander
I sense some panic among the Trumpers on Bowsite the last few weeks. Wonder why?

I agree with KsRancher that there are many reason why someone votes the way they do. They have the FREEDOM to vote the way they want no matter how much it p#%ses you off.

By the way, in Kansas it's the Republicans who are the greatest threat to hunting with their bills trying to make it a rich man's game.

No way in hell I'm voting for a convicted felon who is immoral by just about any measure in society, civility, and Christianity.

Other than that, I think I'll wait to see who I will vote for (excluding Trump) until closer to the election.

From: shade mt
Altitude sickness....is spot on. We do quickly forget.

How can a vice president that was supposedly one of the least popular ever....suddenly in a few weeks become a shining star?

And did we forget that there were countless people that predicted this very thing would happen long ago?

Shut off your media then......

Go to the gas pump........and remember Go to the store to buy......then remember before the war in Ukraine.....remember before israel and pakistan......remember the sight of the world trade towers.......remember remember the riots, the city's burned...... de-funding police........ go to the border......and remember.

Gun control?.......remember how it was years ago.....and look at our current crime rate now.

We are over legislated......over regulated.....over taxed (and the debt keeps rising) We have our rights threatened little by little and to dumb to see it. We are more foul morally than we have ever been....

And it shows in our canidates.........We bicker back and forth among ourselves, what is the root of the problem? I'll give you a clue....It did NOT start with Trump, or Biden.

They say Trump is immoral?......But is Kamala pure as the driven snow?....what part of mistress don't we understand?....remember?

My new...go to quote is "we are our own worst enemy.....and not able to see it"

One thing i will say is this. When Trump was shot in Butler.....He rose up began pumping his fist and shouting...."FIGHT , FIGHT FIGHT".......the crowd did not scatter, they did not cower down....they rose up and began shouting USA, ! USA ! USA! USA !. That's not a dictator....that's a leader.....And that's not extremist.....that's Americans.

I'm tired of bickering among ourselves. I just want our country back.

I want freedom....I don't want to lose our gun rights because of criminals. Our right to hunt... our right to free speech... our property..... freedom of religion...separation of church and state.


i could go on....I wish the worst problem we were facing was to many Zuchinni in the garden, and you have to lock your car doors at church.....so your neighbors didn't unload them on ya.

Kamala Harris......will NOT be good for this country.

From: shade mt
Along with my last post i think it also should be noted.

They ridicule people for questioning the election results during the last Trump Biden election.

That the first time officials questioned election results?.....remember?

Also that very thing is going on right now in Venezuela......imagine that? Trump behind that to?


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"No way in hell I'm voting for a convicted felon who is immoral by just about any measure in society, civility, and Christianity."

that list...all or in part...would eliminate both harris and kennedy so it looks like the libertarian chase is right up your alley. (see link)


From: KSflatlander
There's a difference between questioning an election using constitutional procedure (+60 lost court cases and disbarment of several Trump lawyers) and lying to the American people that the election was rigged and there was widespread fraud.

Ricky...you only get to vote for yourself. I'll make up my mind who I want to vote for as it is my right. If you don't like it that is solely your own narcissistic problem.

From: Will
Spike - Run! I know you dont appreciate the way lots of folks do stuff here. Look at that ballot. Sadly, they often look the same if you do a D one. Heck, the often look sadly sparse in the final election when you look at local posts.

Seriously though, run. You have strong beliefs. Get out there and try to fill one of those spots.

"Ricky...you only get to vote for yourself. I'll make up my mind who I want to vote for as it is my right. If you don't like it that is solely your own narcissistic problem."

im a ok with you voting for whoever you want...just dont play it off as though they are any more moral...law abiding...or christian than anyone else.

after all harris is an adulterer...kennedy is a convicted felon and a serial cheater...and chase sounds like he is right up your alley...a wokester claiming to be a libertarian.

From: spike78
Will I definitely will RUN but it will be to another state lol.

From: KsRancher
I am at not very well versed on the whole election thing. I will say that the election night and days afterwards didn't pass the sniff test to me. But I also don't believe that widespread voter fraud happened either. But something I have been wondering could happen is. Is there a way so see who is and isn't registered. Could someone have found people that weren't registered and registered them without them knowing. Then got a ballot for them and filled it out and turned it in without anyone knowing it. I don't know. But I have heard that it wasn't all that many votes in certain areas that gave Biden the win.

I am sure that there are people that really know where and how many votes it will probably take to win. I have heard 11,000 votes in key areas could have swung it the other way. I don't know that for fact. Seems like in today's computer age one person that is handy with a computer could get everything done to register and get 11,000 ballots done. And have them dropped in a box, no ID shown and move on down the road.

Is this even a possibility or are there reasons that this isn't possible. Don't make fun if this sounds stupid. I am just wondering

From: Jimmyjumpup
I vote in WV but my vote doesn’t count

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