*political* who does Harris pick?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
4nolz@work 31-Jul-24
TonyBear 31-Jul-24
tobywon 31-Jul-24
Zbone 31-Jul-24
Beendare 31-Jul-24
Will 31-Jul-24
Bowhunting 5C 31-Jul-24
Snow Crow 31-Jul-24
Dale06 31-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 31-Jul-24
Jaquomo 31-Jul-24
Mint 31-Jul-24
4nolz@work 31-Jul-24
Keith 31-Jul-24
Vaquero 45 31-Jul-24
Rut-N-Strut 31-Jul-24
TonyBear 31-Jul-24
shade mt 31-Jul-24
LeeBuzz 31-Jul-24
Keith 31-Jul-24
BC173 31-Jul-24
Al Dente Laptop 01-Aug-24
KSflatlander 01-Aug-24
4nolz@work 01-Aug-24
HDE 01-Aug-24
DanaC 02-Aug-24
RK 02-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 02-Aug-24
HDE 02-Aug-24
Stubbleduck 02-Aug-24
jons 02-Aug-24
HDE 02-Aug-24
DanaC 02-Aug-24
RK 02-Aug-24
KSflatlander 02-Aug-24
sundowner 02-Aug-24
DL 03-Aug-24
CaptMike 03-Aug-24
Rut-N-Strut 03-Aug-24
Rut-N-Strut 03-Aug-24
shade mt 03-Aug-24
TGbow 03-Aug-24
DanaC 03-Aug-24
DanaC 03-Aug-24
Mad Trapper 03-Aug-24
Catscratch 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
shade mt 03-Aug-24
shade mt 03-Aug-24
DanaC 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
bluedog 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 03-Aug-24
csalem 03-Aug-24
bluedog 03-Aug-24
shade mt 03-Aug-24
Catscratch 03-Aug-24
bluedog 03-Aug-24
bluedog 03-Aug-24
4nolz@work 03-Aug-24
KSflatlander 03-Aug-24
4nolz@work 03-Aug-24
wild1 03-Aug-24
TGbow 03-Aug-24
TGbow 03-Aug-24
TGbow 03-Aug-24
shade mt 04-Aug-24
shade mt 04-Aug-24
Rut-N-Strut 04-Aug-24
CaptMike 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
kennym 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 04-Aug-24
kennym 04-Aug-24
spike78 04-Aug-24
4nolz@work 06-Aug-24
TonyBear 06-Aug-24
TonyBear 06-Aug-24
From: 4nolz@work
I saw a scenario where if Harris holds the "blue line" + Pennsylvania she wins by 2 electoral votes.

So if she chooses Shapiro he might bring PA but he's Jewish which might rankle the left (like AOC).

If she chooses Mark Kelly -by all measures a Patriot(pilot,astronaut) she puts the Senate at risk in Arizona.


From: TonyBear
What if she picks Walz? He is as big of a Lefty and Bully as she is...

Rock, Rock, Mooo, Rock, Rock Mooo... (Only MN hunters will get it).

From: tobywon
She might as well bring in Fetterman to add to the shit show. I mean PA voted that dope in.

From: Zbone
Yeah tobywon, ain't that the truth...

From: Beendare
Its not who Harris picks….it who the handful of Billionaires and manipulators behind the scenes pick FOR HER.

From: Will
Beendare - hey, that could hurt her a lot. Look who Peter Thiel gave DJT for VP...

Whomever bidens handlers and Osama deem her to pick. Shapiro is not because of his religion.

From: Snow Crow

Hope it's not Walz. The thought of Governor Flanagan gives me nightmares.


From: Dale06
Agree on Waltz, he is such a socialist.

From: Jimmyjumpup
She will win no matter who she picks. We will not see another Republican President in our lifetime

From: Jaquomo
The media is so in the bag for her that it's getting embarrassing. We're supposed to forget everything she said and advocated for (and against) in the past. The media is actually reinventing her. So I don't think it matters who she picks. But I would love it if she picked Butt-boy. Probably too much to hope...

From: Mint
No way will she pick Shapiro since the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party will not vote for him on the ticket. Kelly will be the choice since he will gladly move as far left as he needs to for more power.

From: 4nolz@work
I hope she does and the Republicans can pick up another Senate seat-possibly 2 from Arizona.

From: Keith
The China connection and Walz is very disconcerting, and yet no news outlet will touch it.

From: Vaquero 45
Mr Chambers if DJT does not win this time I could not agree with you more .

Also Mr Lance once again your spot on with your observations and thoughts. On other note if the satan led left wing beyond socialist party "wins " again this time you's can bet your saddles that the return of the Lord JESUS CHRIST is coming sooner than what a believer in Him thinks . Call it preaching or what ever you's want . Watch what has been happening in the last few days in Venezuela ladies and gentlemen. However not all is bad news , they will attempt first to tax heavy your firearms before an attempt to outlaw lol and confiscate them . Maybe now I have actually figured out why so many have so many bows wether single string or compounds in there collections .

From: Rut-N-Strut
Look at what is happening in Venezuela with Maduro. Thousands of votes appeared in the middle of the night. Sound familiar. Gonna happen again in Nov

From: TonyBear
"The China connection and Walz is very disconcerting, and yet no news outlet will touch it"

Except 1130 AM Twin Cites Radio. These guys call out Mpls City Council for what they are Mpls Clownsill.

Reportedly Walz had a DUI in Nebraska (1995) that should have prevented him from being promoted while with the guard.

Also bailed on re-deployment in 2005 as he knew the team was going back to Iraq.

He is the "weird" one, a bully, and pandering idiot. Wants MN to be another Calif. The sooner he is out of politics the better.

From: shade mt
You will see very very few Harris voters in rural PA. Sad but true the big city areas are what is blue....rest of the state is red.

There is probably more people in a couple of city blocks in the city than there is in my whole valley, and its 40 miles long. The big city's run the show, they got the most problems......and the biggest influence.

From: LeeBuzz
Yes, please do pick mark kelly, be nice to see that worm lizard replaced with Kari Lake

From: Keith
TonyBear, I forgot about 1130 AM Talk. I wish the signal was stronger, I can barely get them.

From: BC173
Shade mt… you’re absolutely right. Pittsburgh, Philly, and Harrisburg. And we that live in the rural areas pay the price. And I don’t think it’ll ever change.

I do not think that she will be the nominee. Contrary to what the MSM is spewing out and fawning all over, nothing is set in stone until the delegates cast their votes for her at the convention. She may have made those calls and been promised, but this is the DEMONcrat party, and nothing surprises me. She is polling horribly, even the NY times said that she is not favorable, and BLM has rattled the cage as well. She did not get any votes EVER, even when she ran 4 years ago. Not enough popcorn for the circus that their convention will be. I know a lot of Dems living in NY, and not one of them is happy with her coronation.

From: KSflatlander
I don't think it matters if Trump keeps giving interviews like he did this week for the National Association of Black Journalists LMAO.

From: 4nolz@work
Total ambush

From: HDE
^^^^ my hell...

From: DanaC
Trump is trying to dodge debating with Harris. He's afraid of looking as bad as Biden did in the last one.

Trump fell easily into that “journalist” trap.

He needs to stay on her abysmal record.

He needs to get her onto the debate stage immediately before people vote. To show her ineptitude if she is off the teleprompter. She’s clueless Her dozens of ex staff members state that she is lazy and won’t study the issues and then is most often unprepared for moderately difficult questions.

He should only debate if Fox or a more unbiased moderator is chosen.

He did CNN. Now the D’s need to do Fox

From: RK
Dana you obviously are forgetting Harris' previous attempts at debate. Usually to be successful in debates one must be able to defend a position. You have forgotten she did NOTHING as VP and as KSF would say is flip flopping all over the place like a trophy trout

So far she is very strong on the Teleprompter. Strong reader for sure. If they can keep her there rather than debating her non positions she will win in a landslide due simply to uninformed voters

Don Is going to own heelsupharris on the debate stage. No teleprompter, no problem. A whimper and a kackle later, done.

From: HDE
DanaC - nope. Trump said to bring it.

From: Stubbleduck
Who cares? If she wins the presidency we have much greater problems than who she selects as her vice president. If she loses her choice makes no difference at all.

From: jons
Harris win it is quicker to Serfdom, she has said she wants everybody equal, Marxism.

From: HDE
^^^ so long as everyone is stupid enough to throw their hands up givingnup and say "we follow the law"...

From: DanaC
Trump will alienate far more voters than he picks up.

From: RK
Of course he will Always has. You are one brilliant MOFO Dana. You never disappoint

From: KSflatlander
The sky is falling..,the sky is falling. Same thing said when Brandon won. Every damn election but we are still here.

From: sundowner
A Harris win will be a strong indicator that God is allowing this nation to fall. A Trump win will indicate that God is extending the life of this nation......probably for Israel's benefit.

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo

From: CaptMike
Yeah, we are still here, but with a growing culture of indecency, morality and values. Slowly turning into a shithole but don’t worry, you are still here.


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's Link

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo

From: shade mt
So my wife and i were discussing the whole mess, and yes it IS a mess.....All the lawsuits that just fizzle out, all the false claims, this whole fiasco with Biden and now Harris. The constant bickering back and forth, etc..etc There is no need to point it all out, everyone on here knows exactly what i'm talking about, lets face it there has been some real divisions created, both sides pointing at each other.

one question....who changed?.....who brings the threat to gun control?....freedom of speech?....who brings abnormal behavior?......who leans toward socialism?

The biggest complaint against Trump is the whole...insurrection, threat to democracy stuff. But this country was founded by a insurrection was it not?

We have what we have because we broke away from england, and took over this land is that not true?

Oh my talk like that is now taboo right?....or is it? Our civil war was not just about slavery, it was also about secession.

So we have this division between blue and red, face it, it's there. And people are obviously divided between liberal and conservative.

So what happens if the conservatives say, we had enough.......You keep your blue areas, you live by your laws and policy....you want gun control.?..have it....all electric vehicles? drive them. You want to do away with red meat?.....don't eat it.....You want laws passed for gay, transgender stuff...live like that....matter of fact, your free to do what ever you want, no problem.

But we will do the same......red goes red, right along with 2nd amendment rights, freedom of speech, freedom period.....total overhaul, from education, to energy, self sufficiency etc...

Not gonna happen is it?........why? and when is a refusal to concede justified? I mean how far do you go? I am not promoting another civil war, simply raising valid questions.

There are millions and millions of people in this country that want to keep our American heritage, our traditional values, and core beliefs, our original freedoms etc....

Let's face it folks......we are not in mayberry anymore, and we are a WHOLE lot farther left than we were in the past......You want liberal Gov't a liberal leader, liberal laws etc...? But lot's of people do NOT want that....So now what?

Valid things to think about.

"The sky is falling..,the sky is falling."

not unlike the end of democracy...the end of democracy.

From: TGbow
DanaC: "Trump will alienate far more voters than he picks up." That's because of his mouth.

The media is obviously bias...that's a no brainer.

I can't fathom how anyone could vote for Harris or many of the politicians we have in this country. I'm not crazy about Trump either. Seems we've come to a point of choosing between bad n terrible.

I'm beginning to wonder if voting even matters. Someone said once " if voting mattered it would be illegal".

From: DanaC
" not unlike the end of democracy...the end of democracy. "

OK, so what's the party line on Trumps statement that 'you won't have to vote again'?

From: DanaC
The scary part about Trumps big mouth is that he lets slip the truth every once in a while.

From: Mad Trapper
She is picking Shapiro. Will announce Tuesday in Philadelphia.

From: Catscratch
What exactly did he (Trump) mean by that statement Dana?

From: KSflatlander
"You want liberal Gov't a liberal leader, liberal laws etc...? But lot's of people do NOT want that....So now what?"

You want conservative leader, conservative laws, the MAJORITY do not want that...as evidenced by popular vote totals. What do you do? You vote or run for public office. You don't have a civil war about it nor advocate for it.

"not unlike the end of democracy...the end of democracy."

One (sky is falling right wingers) is hyperbole and often exaggerated. The other (end of democracy concerns with Trump) is based on his actions and words. Trump (and Trumpers) actually tried it on Jan 6, he tried to convince his VP that he could stop the certification of votes, tried to send fake electors, snuggles up to authoritarians, and talks about being a dictator.

Show me where Kamala voted for or talks about ending hunting, taking your freedom of speech, actually is advocating taking ALL your guns, and restricting your vote or lying about voter fraud, or wants to be a dictator. I don't care about your opinion or perception, I want voting record proof or a direct quote from her.

How many threads you see started claiming Trump is ending democracy vs sky is falling right wing nuts? It is incessant by one side here and not even close.

If Trump wins the election he is my president and we will be fine as there are guardrails on him in the constitution. My concerns is that the R's who are responsible for the constitutional checks and balances don't have the balls to enforce them and due their duty. Furthermore, the SCOTUS won't limit him either as they are on their yacht vacations paid for by right wing conspiracy idiots. Bought and paid for. That's based on Trumps first term.

From: shade mt
Seems to me both sides could give a little....

The "majority" seems to really fall in metropolitan areas. Why? I mean you have to wonder why when you look at a blue vs red map of states....The red areas seem to be rural...why is that? That is not a degrading question it's a valid question.

" IF" people are people you would think it would be an even mix all across the country...Sure there are more people in city's but why such a profound difference between rural and metropolitan? IF people are people and there is no difference in their preference?.... If the "majority" is not for conservative........Why is it so divided between rural and city?.......Why not evenly liberal all across the country?

From: shade mt
I should note....i am not talking red or blue state by state...I am talking red and blue areas within each state. PA is a prime example, pull up a PA map and look at the red vs blue. That pattern seems to exist all across the country....why?

From: DanaC
"The "majority" seems to really fall in metropolitan areas."

Demographics ain't pretty. The Massachusetts county I live in has a greater population than the entire state of Wyoming. And it is only the second largest county, population wise, in the state.

Area - Worcester County - 1579 square miles. Wyoming - 97063 sqm. Population - 863,000 vs 582000. Hate to say it but 'rural' values are getting buried in the sheer numbers.

(Incidentally, there are more licensed hunters in Mass. than Wyoming. But we are still a small minority...)

Whoever could stand beside her as her VP has zero moral character.

Just as she and the whole media could say that Joe Biden was running circles around everyone. No one could keep up with him. Remember “Deep Fakes”.

Just as usual, whatever the Democrats claim conservatives are doing. is exactly what they are doing.

Deep Fakes all right. On us the voters.

Who could actually stand beside her with a straight face knowing she could be our president.

do yourself a favor and watch the Harris campaign video parody on X

it captures all her lies, lack of knowledge and her character in one short video

From: KSflatlander
Shade- in my opinion, you see majority red in rule areas and blue in metro areas have a lot to do with culture, education, occupation, and race. This is based on living close to a major city and blue county but growing up on a farm in red county, and extensive travel throughout the U.S. for work. Can't prove it but it's just anecdotal observations my opinion.

The founding fathers were smart IMO to build in systems to prevent tyranny of majority using both representatives and senators, and the electoral college. Urban areas shouldn't dominate our government as they can't relate to rural issues and vise versa.

From: bluedog
Blue and red labeling is deceptive... While rural areas tend to be "red" the reality is in actuality they are usually within 5% of red and blue. Same goes for labeling cities "blue".. they're mixed.

From: KSflatlander
Good post bluedog

Whomever the Dem machine picks for Harris, you can bet it will be based on sheer political calculation and electoral "math." It will have nothing to do with integrity or ability!


From: csalem
Bluedog. You are right they are mixed and possibly to the % you think on some of them but to name three urban areas the percentages are not even close.

Minneapolis 86% blue 11% red

St Louis Missouri 88% blue 10% Red

Dallas 60% blue 38% Red

I’m pretty sure that will trend the same throughout the US It would be nice if the numbers were closer but they seem to not be

From: bluedog
csalem, I agree, guess I wasn't clear stating it was rural areas that were usually very close. The big urban areas tend to be pretty solid blue. Can seem unfair but all votes are equal in the end.

From: shade mt
I could not give actual percentages don't know so i won't say. I will however say what i do know.

Back when Trump and Biden were running in the last election, my wife and i made a 2 hr trip across central PA to go fishing, we counted over 300 Trump signs in yards in front of homes, we counted 10 Biden signs.

This election campaign i have yet to see a Biden or Harris sign But i have seen many Trump 2024.

That's what i see, possibly its different in your area

From: Catscratch
I always found the political divide based on socioeconomic class interesting. A very low percentage of low earners align Red compared to Blue. As earnings go up the percentage of Red thinkers goes up, but Blue stays about the same. Always wondered if it was the chicken or the egg type of thing. Do low earners think the Dems will save them, or do their outlook on life lend towards low financial success? Same but opposite with Red? I would guess the blue/red divide in huge cities mostly aligns with socioeconomic class too?

From: bluedog
shade..... might merely be rural Trump voters are more outspoken while rural dems tend to be somewhat introverted and stoic in their beliefs? Maybe.. dunno

From: bluedog
Catscratch... it is interesting looking at different factors. For example think as education level increases blue has distinct advantage?

From: 4nolz@work
People used to work for a living now they vote for a living.We are at or close to a voting majority dependent on the Government.When that happens the transition is complete for the Democrats.

From: KSflatlander
"Back when Trump and Biden were running in the last election, my wife and i made a 2 hr trip across central PA to go fishing, we counted over 300 Trump signs in yards in front of homes, we counted 10 Biden signs.

This election campaign i have yet to see a Biden or Harris sign But i have seen many Trump 2024."

Did you see any American flags? Those were/are the Biden/Democrat voters. They aren't into demagogues but more into country pride;)

From: 4nolz@work
Someone let this guy get the last word PLEASE


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

From: wild1
She'll pick Shapiro for the same reason that Trump picked Vance. No agenda, ideas, concepts or change can happen unless you actually get elected. The election boils down to a handful of (battleground) states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania. I can't stand Harris, but if she picks Shapiro it's a brilliant move because it counters the Vance pick. The liberals have perfected lying and dirty tricks down to an art form - it's gonna get ugly.

From: TGbow
This thread is evidence that some people are out right deceived.

“I always found the political divide based on socioeconomic class interesting. A very low percentage of low earners align Red compared to Blue. As earnings go up the percentage of Red thinkers goes up, but Blue stays about the same.”

to a significant extent…I think this has flipped. the democrat has become the party of the educated and elite whereas the since trump…republican has become the party of the middle class and lower…except for maybe blacks and union workers…but even those aren’t as reliably blue as they used to be.

suburban women are the sought after demographic these days. It all boils down to what is more important in an election cycle. being able to get an abortion…or being able to buy gas and groceries…and being able to be safe on the streets and in their homes.

From: TGbow

TGbow's embedded Photo
TGbow's embedded Photo
It may be too late by the time some people realize the truth of this statement.

From: TGbow

TGbow's embedded Photo
TGbow's embedded Photo

The majority of union workers in Michigan are trump supporters

From: shade mt
TG bow......isn't that the truth.

lets consider for a moment.........Biden was picked to run, Kamala was not even in the game in the primary's.

Then suddenly on a Sun morning....Biden all of a sudden drops out and the democratic party shoves Kamala Harris to the plate.......and suddenly she is the new shining star. despite what their voters wanted.

And they say Trump is a threat to democracy?....wow. And people think they have our best interest in mind, or even care?

People will vote for her just because she is black....or indian, or a woman, depending on what company she is in. And did anyone catch her suddenly southern accent, or ghetto slang, depending on the company she is in?......and how about that rally with megan thee stallion ? Oh yea and they say Trump has no integrity !! yessir that just bubbled over with integrity....... AT A PRESIDENTIAL RALLY !! I would think if you were democrat and really hated Trump, you still would not vote for Harris either, but vote for somebody else, independent or whatever. I honestly can't see how anyone would vote for her to run this country, that is scary. We are not some tiny 3rd world country, but she could easily turn it into one. That woman ruined san francisco and you want to turn her loose on the greatest country in the world? unreal.

There are powers in high places , with an agenda.......they don't care squat about you. You think by voting democrat regardless of candidate, is your American contribution.

But really your just being played, and sooner or later you will pay the price right along with the rest of us. That is in no way shape or form a jab at democrats, why on earth can we not as a people come together on this and clean up our Gov't.? The greatest nation on earth....And this is the best we can do? These two candidates are the cream of the crop?

Realistically i don't see a independent winning, maybe i'm wrong but i'd say it will boil down to the lesser of the two evils, between Trump and Harris. We are not going to lose anything if Trump wins, honestly it will probably get better like before, if you don't like him turn your T.V off and all is good.

Harris on the other hand could take us spiraling further toward socialism, more economic problems, a disaster in foreign relation, energy problems, more gun control, more censored speech, higher crime rates, etc.... but hey at least she'll be black? or indian?..a woman, and queen in the ghetto.

From: shade mt
and in case some might think a "ghetto" comment is a bust on inner city folks...it's not.

Kamala Harris put's on faces to get votes from those living in the inner city. But the reality is ,she has NOTHING in common with them. She is a high paid gov't official that lives well. She has nothing in common with those living in row housing nor will she help them. Her fake ghetto slang is NOT gonna help anybody but herself and she uses it just to get their vote.....it's fake.

I am a conservative and want Trump to win. But if he does. It will be 4 years of Democrat caused chaos. Riots, impeachment or worse. They talk incessantly about election denial :>)))

Even if Trump were to get elected the leftist desire to knock the US down a notch or two will not stop.

They will continue this drive towards complete moral decay and rot. Then guess who has the answers to fix it. They always have the fix to the what they broke.

If we only had more “investment” and power.

From: Rut-N-Strut
Biden/dem voters burn American flags. Trump/reps fly them high

From: CaptMike
Harris is a puppet who has no say in who gets chosen as her running mate.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
i have it on good authority that kamala is considering going back to her political roots for her vp pick.

hey...if it worked once.


From: Jimmyjumpup
What would a civil War do? As soon as the right rebelled they would get locked up. And how would the right fight them? Guns against the governments weapons?

From: Jimmyjumpup
The right is outnumbered by women, minorities young kids who still live at home and by people that care more about social issues than the economy. It’s a numbers game. Most of these people want socialism. The right keeps saying we are moving toward socialism. Heck most people want that and we have been there for a while now. Won’t change.

From: Jimmyjumpup
The right is outnumbered by women, minorities young kids who still live at home and by people that care more about social issues than the economy. It’s a numbers game. Most of these people want socialism. The right keeps saying we are moving toward socialism. Heck most people want that and we have been there for a while now. Won’t change.

From: kennym
Political roots for the win !! LMAO

From: Jimmyjumpup
And you don’t have to put a sign in your yard to vote. The Dems outnumber the Republicans.

From: Jimmyjumpup
If Trump wins I bet there will be riots

From: kennym
Political roots for the win !! LMAO

From: spike78
Yes if Trump wins there will be riots remember he said there will be mass deportations. I’m willing to bet a lot of those young military aged men are just that.

From: 4nolz@work
I sure didn't expect Walz

From: TonyBear

TonyBear's embedded Photo
TonyBear's embedded Photo
Walz- Rock, Rock, Mooooo. Rock, Rock, Mooooo!

Thinks anyone outside of his beloved Minneapolis that was burning to the ground is a rock or a cow.

From: TonyBear

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TonyBear's embedded Photo

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