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New Elite Bow Released Today
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 01-Aug-24
ILbowhntr 01-Aug-24
midwest 01-Aug-24
Coondog 01-Aug-24
spike78 01-Aug-24
Bowbender 01-Aug-24
midwest 01-Aug-24
Dale06 01-Aug-24
Coondog 01-Aug-24
Lee 02-Aug-24
Denali 05-Aug-24
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo

Bowboy's Link
Elite released a new bow called the Exalt. Has some nice specs. It’s priced at $1399.

From: ILbowhntr
Like the 35” ATA, but don’t like the price tag or the 4.8#. Guess Elite figures if Hoyt can charge that much, so can they. Then there’s the new BowTech!

From: midwest
Looks just like my Ethos but 2" longer, a picatinny rail, and the integrated rest dovetail. Very nice!

From: Coondog
Definitely has some intriguing specs. That price tag should not surprise anyone. Elite is one of the major bow manufacturers and it’s priced accordingly with their competition companies.

From: spike78
Loved my Elite Hunter great bow.

From: Bowbender
Like the 35”ata, the almost 7” brace, the price tag…meh. But Holy Sh!t Batman, almost 5lbs bare bow. Uh, no.

From: midwest
About the same weight as a Bowtech SS34 or a Hoyt AlphaX 33.

From: Dale06
I need a 31” DL, so I’m out. I like the other specs, except for the $1399.

From: Coondog
You guys realize that is the norm for flagship bow prices now?

From: Lee
Looks pretty sweet. I still shoot an E35. I’d like to test drive this new one.

From: Denali
The Ethos at 4.6lbs has great balance. Weight in the right places will feel lighter than bows that are lighter. My Traverse is a great bow, but there are far better bows in the balance category. Primes are the best example the other way. I am willing to bet that this one and the Ethos will define the next evolution of Elite and help them maintain a stronger position in the upper end of archery.

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