Mathews Inc.
Interesting Bow Shop 5 Year Survey
Contributors to this thread:
Bou'bound 01-Aug-24
Ambush 01-Aug-24
Brotsky 01-Aug-24
Will 01-Aug-24
KY EyeBow 01-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 01-Aug-24
Bowboy 01-Aug-24
TEmbry 01-Aug-24
Kanati 01-Aug-24
Bou'bound 01-Aug-24
Beendare 01-Aug-24
Bowfreak 01-Aug-24
WhattheFOC 01-Aug-24
Trial153 01-Aug-24
Bowfreak 01-Aug-24
molsonarcher 01-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 01-Aug-24
Bowfreak 01-Aug-24
RonP 01-Aug-24
Highlife 01-Aug-24
Coondog 01-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 01-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 01-Aug-24
Blood 01-Aug-24
Scoot 01-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 01-Aug-24
JTreeman 01-Aug-24
WhattheFOC 02-Aug-24
Pintail 02-Aug-24
bad karma 02-Aug-24
Bou'bound 02-Aug-24
Buglmin 02-Aug-24
Scoot 02-Aug-24
Recurve Man 02-Aug-24
Live2Hunt 02-Aug-24
Bou'bound 02-Aug-24
MichaelArnette 02-Aug-24
Coondog 02-Aug-24
MichaelArnette 02-Aug-24
Beendare 02-Aug-24
Recurve Man 02-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 02-Aug-24
From: Bou'bound
The most recent Hoyt Podcast had an interesting guest who owns a pro shop in AZ and for five year secretly tracked the success results of customers who came in and reported their outcomes of hunts.

He only tracked four things.

Bow Weight

Arrow Weight

Broadhead type (either fixed or mechanical)

Was the animal recovered or hit and not recovered (did not track species)

What he learned from what he garnered from conversations of hunters who shared their stories (again not asked to speak or told that what they were saying was being logged) was that

light arrows had a lower lost animal rate

lighter draw weight bows had a lower lost animal rate

mechanical heads had a lower lost animal rate (by nearly 2x)

Thoughts on why?

His thinking was not that any of the options were inherently better or worse, but that often people are either over-bowed weight-wise, shooting too heavy an arrow to allow for accurate shots at unknown ranges, and mechanical heads are more accurate than untuned or poorly tunes fixed head set ups that a lot of people use.

Surprisingly, at least on the surface, but what it really says is that the equipment can't be evaluated in a vacuum it has to be paired with the user and some equipment or variations, seems to be, on average used by people who are more proficient or are inclined to take better advantage of it than others. Example, the macho guy pulling 80 pounds and flinging 525 grain fixed bladed arrows who practices little since he has it all figured out may be less proficient when it comes to what happens when he hunts than the woman who is shooting a light set up with a mechanical head that flies well and she practices a lot because she knows she has little room for error.

From: Ambush
This should be fun!

From: Brotsky

From: Will
That's interesting and fits my experiences pretty well. Your summary, Bou, feels like it makes good sense.

From: KY EyeBow
For the general population that bowhunt ( this is generally not reflective of bowsite ) I do believe they shoot too much poundage which decreases accuracy for those folks. Those other observations make sense also fwiw.

OK, a collection of anecdotes is NOT a survey. Especially not when they are volunteered.

So “just maybe” it’s a reflection of who is most eager to talk about successes??

You know, like people who are new to the sport and don’t have the strength to draw a heavier bow and have bought into the light, fast arrow/long shot hype and the mechanical hype and/or are using mechanicals because they don’t know how to tune adequately and they’re looking for a chance to brag up the long shot that they pulled off. And not a lot of people are going to walk into an archery pro shop and start gushing about the animals that they winged and lost. But maybe people who shoot higher poundage and heavier arrows will bring up an unexpected result because they’re bewildered by it??

Way too many unknowns as to who is reporting in on their outcomes….

From: Bowboy
Making popcorn right now.

From: TEmbry
I wouldn’t disagree with his findings, just disagree with making conclusions from them. Correlation doesn’t equal causation (without even touching on how biased it is to only secretly log volunteered answers in the first place)

From: Kanati
Whats a light draw weight?

From: Bou'bound
I think was the following buckets

Under 40 40-60 60-70 70-80 80+

He has the wound unrecovered rate for each range Wound rates as a percentage of hit animals went up as draw weight went up

From: Beendare
I'll take a stab at it....

It makes sense that an arrow with flatter trajectory and a more controllable bow is more accurate- thus better shot locations.

The BH thing by 2x is guess is it has something to do with the longer shots guys take in AZ and Arrow tuning. I know guys that are killing deer at over 100y there....70 is a chip shot for many guys in AZ.

From: Bowfreak
Completely anecdotal data but I am not surprised. Shooting heavy arrows in areas where longer shots are the norm is problematic due to trajectory.

The heavier draw weight thing lends itself to many people being overbowed....which seems plausible.

The mechanical thing is easy. They are more efficient killers and best option when you encounter soft tissue. A marginal hit with a mechanical, so long as it is in the body cavity, is much more deadly than a fixed. I am not at all surprised about this result.

From: WhattheFOC
I know a shop owner who did the exact same survey and got the opposite results. See how easy that was?

"light arrows had a lower lost animal rate

lighter draw weight bows had a lower lost animal rate

mechanical heads had a lower lost animal rate (by nearly 2x)

Thoughts on why?"

i suspect there might be something to the personality types that choose certain equipment (heavier vs lighter)...know their limitations with chosen equipment...willingness to precisely tune said equipment...and not falling into the biggest/baddest = better mentality

in a word..."ego."

From: Trial153
I don’t agree or disagree with the conclusion. The methodology to collect the data the drew the conclusion is pretty suspect.

From: Bowfreak
I don't think the shop owner was trying to sell as a peer reviewed scientific study. I think it was simply information that he was providing for curiosity sake.

From: molsonarcher
I think it proves nothing, other than the guys who know their equipment, practice, and take reasonable shots are probably the ones with the higher success rate, regardless of the “tracked” info.

“ The heavier draw weight thing lends itself to many people being overbowed....which seems plausible.”

I guess that depends on your understanding of the word “plausible”…. How the HELL is anybody “overbowed” with a 65% or higher let-off compound??

This reminds me of the guy with the blood-tracking dog business who had a big paper deer Target with color-coded pushpins indicating the reported shot placement and recovery status of all the calls he went out on, and the people who concluded from his “data” that shots along the wall of the diaphragm were more recoverable than shots tight to or into the meaty portion of the shoulder…. Totally ignoring the obvious fact that he was only collecting information on the subset of deer for which the hunters had called in help from a tracking service….

I can see how this could reflect a thin slice of reality for something like Coues deer, maybe — I have never hunted them, but if they are as small and as wired-up as I have heard, a light, fast arrow with a big mechanical could be an asset with relatively few liabilities. Not so much for Elk.

From: Bowfreak

I am shocked that you have asked a question? I realize it is rhetorical but I was unaware that there was anything that you didn't have AN answer for. I'll keep following because I am pretty sure you won't be able to help yourself and eventually will enlighten us.

From: RonP
i suspect this shop owner has excess inventory of light arrows, light draw weight bows, and expandable blade broadheads.

From: Highlife

From: Coondog
This is all circumstantial. What is constituted as a light draw weight or light arrow? Does me pulling 84lbs and it looks like 40lbs make it light? Or what about shooting a 536 grain arrow at 294fps… is that considered light? This “survey” is complete eyewash.

If he's keeping track of recovered animals, does this allow for a percentage of animals lost that they are not admitted to? No one's gonna report back to the bow shop about the one's that weren't recovered. And, I didn't see age nor experience added into that formula.

“ does this allow for a percentage of animals lost that they are not admitted to?”

^Assuming that’s a rhetorical question…

From: Blood
I would bet the overwhelming majority of bowhunters have NO idea what their arrow weighs. None.

I would also bet that majority of bowhunters shoot low poundage bows….but they don’t realize it’s low poundage. What’s “low poundage” anyways?

I would also surmise the majority of bowhunters use mechanicals. Because they don’t know how to tune a bow themselves. And they just screw on a mechanical and it happens to hit in a group, so they move their sight.

I would be curious what the numbers of heavy arrow, heavy draw weight, fixed BH group were compared to the other group. I’m betting the sample size is small.

But I can see how this owner came up with their results. 100%

From: Scoot
Drawing any conclusions from an informal survey from some random dude in a pro shop couldn't possibly be of less value. Even if the dude is not random and is a well known personality in the field it's still equally worthless.

Questions about the validity of the assessments used and reliability of the findings are endless. This was not real research, it was not reviewed, there were no statistics of any kind run (l assume, and even if there were i'm sure they weren't appropriate).

Believe whatever you want from whatever sources you so choose. Bou didn't call this research, but it is presented as if it were. It's not and shouldn't be talked about as if it were. To me this is of little more value than hearing some random dude in the locker room spout off about his opinion on the topic.

Plenty to agree with, Blood! Scoot, too….

“I would also bet that majority of bowhunters shoot low poundage bows….but they don’t realize it’s low poundage. What’s ‘low poundage’ anyways?”

One man’s opinion (yes, I realize it was a rhetorical question ;) - never stopped me before….).

There is no such thing as a “low poundage” compound. Compared to about any stickbow on the market, they’re all Howitzers. Makes me wonder how fast an NASP bow #35@28” would throw a 500 grain arrow. Probably fast enough to make most Manly Man stick-shooters weep….

From: JTreeman
I’m betting if it was the most perfectly conceived and executed survey by a prestigious university with impeccable data and peer reviewed by every statistician who has ever lived, but didn’t fit the beliefs/narrative that certain Bowsiters hold then it wouldn’t matter one bit. Just like it doesn’t now.

Carry on…


From: WhattheFOC
Tell me u shoot a light arrow from a girls bow with a rage without telling me u shoot a light arrow from a girls bow with a rage.

From: Pintail
The distance of each shot would have made the most sense, but that wasn't part of the survey.

From: bad karma
I have had two elk outfitters both tell me that they prefer their hunters shoot mechanicals. The last one specifically recommended the Swhacker 261. Yes, I was surprised, too.

From: Bou'bound
He was interested in gear factors bow arrow and head. Did not look at shot distance as that is a hunter factor

From: Buglmin
For those who have never hunted Arizona, those shots can sometimes be long, very long!! Guys brag a lot about shooting at deer and elk over 90 yards all the time on the fb page. Guys last fall was always finding dead bulls that someone hit and lost. Even on youtube, you can watch guys deer hunting in December and January launching arrows at cous and desert mulies over 80 yards. So, I'd look deeper into this guys "research" before posting stuff.

From: Scoot
"I’m betting if it was the most perfectly conceived and executed survey by a prestigious university with impeccable data and peer reviewed by every statistician who has ever lived, but didn’t fit the beliefs/narrative that certain Bowsiters hold then it wouldn’t matter one bit. Just like it doesn’t now."

Haha, Jim- that's so true! I know researchers who do that with their own research! People struggle with discordant info from their own set beliefs.

From: Recurve Man
So you’re saying accuracy is the key. I woulda never guessed this.


From: Live2Hunt
The only thing this survey shows is what the majority of the people were sold or used. That is all.

From: Bou'bound
I was just passing on a webcast, not looking to confirm or anything, just thought it was interesting. Apparently Hoyt did as well.

The only thing I will say to the post above is wrong and is not impacted by what was sold or used since the results are posted as percentages and not absolute numbers.

there could have been 5 wounds out of 10 with one variable (say mechanicals) and 500 out of 1000 on fixed heads and the wound percentage, which was all that was being looked for, would be the same regardless of how many more people bought fix vs. mechanical.

the above statement would be accurate if absolute numbers were being reported. That's the beauty of percentages it normalizes everything to how many out of each 100 regardless of how many 100's there may be.

Absolutely makes sense,

lighter arrows create fewer marginal hits due to tragectory

Lighter draw weight requires the hunter to get closer and not only high percentage shot angles

Expandables fly like field points and create massive would channels

I would love to hear what the average shot distance was, in Arizona I’d wager it’s around 40 to 50 on mule deer

From: Coondog
Whoever told you that mechanicals fly like field points are full of it and don’t know a lick about archery…

They fly a lot more like field points than fixed blades that’s for sure

From: Beendare
For a 2 year period I shot a Recurve at 46#. I blew through 10 or 12 critters...including moose, Big hogs, deer, etc- all kills no lost animals.

So my study would indicate everyone needs to switch over to a recurve......


From: Recurve Man
Well done Bruce. I’ve been shooting a recurve 41 yrs and can count on two hands the pass thoughts I’ve had on big game. I’ve also been shooting the Simmons Interceptor for 32 yrs which has the 1 9/16” cut.


“That's the beauty of percentages it normalizes everything to how many out of each 100 regardless of how many 100's there may be.”

And the Achilles Heel of just reporting percentages is that you have no idea what the sample size was, and Sample Size is HUGE. Especially when the size of the sample is Not….

I f you’re not reporting your N, you have nothing to report…

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