Mathews Inc.
Durana seeding rate
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
BUCKeye 04-Aug-24
t-roy 04-Aug-24
BUCKeye 04-Aug-24
t-roy 04-Aug-24
drycreek 04-Aug-24
Bow Crazy 06-Aug-24
Pat Lefemine 06-Aug-24
From: BUCKeye
I'm planting about 1/2 acre of clover. Durana bag says 8 #/acre so I got 5 lbs. The seed has a heavy coating and is only 48% actual live seed. Sure seems like 2.5 lbs of actual seed isn't enough coverage...looking for experience of others...thanks

From: t-roy
I’m assuming it’s a “deer-on-bag” type of seed? (nothing wrong with that) If so, I’m betting they’ve calibrated the right amount of actual seed/acre. If that’s the case, you should be good to go. I always go heavier on my clover planting rate than what it calls for. Doesn’t hurt anything other than the wallet a little bit.

From: BUCKeye
Probably, I ordered from Seed Barn. It came repackaged, but their website shows Pennington Rackmaster durana, so I assume they just rebagged.

From: t-roy
If you’re still unsure, I’d call them tomorrow morning to find out for positive.

From: drycreek
You are probably ok, I’ve planted some good clover plots according to bag instructions on Imperial Whitetail bags. It’s also coated seed and as Troy said, I think they account for that.

From: Bow Crazy
You also have to look at the germination rate. The tag needs to include that amount as well. I have seen some tags as low as 75% germination rate. I think once you calculate the germination rate you will find that you are on the low side of seed needed for 1/2 an acre. BC

From: Pat Lefemine
I've always gone 6# per acre on Durana, always planted it with a nurse crop like Crimson Clover or Oats, don't use winter grains. Durana is super slow to grow and establish.

I don't plant Durana any longer. I have gone with different varieties that are less expensive and easier to establish.

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