Broadhead target
Contributors to this thread:Equipment
From: Whocares
Need a new broadhead target. What's a good broadhead target ( block type)without breaking the bank for broadheads shot from a compund?
From: Bou’bound
From: IdyllwildArcher
Rinehart is the absolute way to go for BHs. They're not super cheap, but they are durable as heck and will last.
From: midwest
Rinehart RhinoBlock with the replaceable core or 365 Archery. I have both and both are holding up well.
From: drycreek
But do the arrows pull out relatively easily ?
From: midwest
The Rineharts take a few dozen shots before they loosen up. The 365 seem to pull easier as the material seems a bit softer.
From: drycreek
Thanks Nick.
From: keepemsharp
A good gunny sack full of plastic bags, will stop anything.
From: Trying hard
4" of construction Styrofoam ... But I shoot recurve so I'm not getting anywhere the fps compound shooters are getting. 60# draw 615 taw arrows usually sticking out backside a foot...I pull back thru ok for me.
From: Empty Freezer
Sevr has a great broadhead target as well.
From: tradi-doerr
Bass pro/Cabela's has the Blackout block for $79.99 right now, same as the block target.
From: Whocares
Thanks for the feedback.
From: nchunter
My broadheads shoot just about exactly like my field points. I shoot about ten shots with the broadheads about 2 weeks before season and then switch back to field points if no adjustments are needed. I never saw a reason to keep eating up my sevr target.
From: MrPoindexter
Shameless plug, but Wildcrete also makes Broadhead butts...
From: DEMO-Bowhunter
I just got a blob and started shooting it with BH's the past week. Seems pretty solid and looks like it will hold up well. I know some people have complained that its hard to pull arrows from and the material sticks to the arrows, but I haven't seen that problem at all.
From: 12yards
I really want to try one of the 365 targets.
From: olddogrib
I just do a "confirmation check" with broadheads before the season. If I experimented or shot broadheads a lot, I'd have a nice sand pile. I used to work for my "best man's" father, who was a brick mason about a 100 years ago when I graduated college. I was the "mortar-forker", so always knew where there was a good sand pile and had something to do on breaks!
From: Jimmyjumpup
What NC Hunter said. Mine shoot the same.
From: Bou'bound
Me too
From: Lone Wolf
I have the 365 target from Scheels and it is amazing.
From: carcus
I paper tune then bh tune with as little shots as possible, then back to field points. I do this the week before the hunt
From: fran
Has anyone tried the Sevr target?
From: Empty Freezer
^^^ yup
From: longsprings
I shoot every arrow I hunt with at least once before they go in the quiver My block target does the job but its showing wear and tear
Me too.
From: carcus
Yep shooting every arrow with a bh on it is important
From: IdyllwildArcher
Easy way to pull broadheads: Sit on the target with your face facing back the way you shot and use two hands to pull the arrow out.
From: Cheesehead Mike
This is what I use. Big, easy to build and relatively cheap to replace shot out areas. Some guys like them, some guys don't...
From: Cheesehead Mike
This is what I use. Big, easy to build and relatively cheap to replace shot out areas. Some guys like them, some guys don't...
From: Cheesehead Mike
Sorry for the double post...
From: OTC_Bowhunter
Black Hole Archery Target $69-$89. Once they get broke in a little I put a ratchet strap around it. Once I have 2 worn out targets I combine them and make one good one. I shoot broad heads every day along with field points. Once an arrow broadhead combo is verified, I clean it, change the blades and put it in my quiver. The next time that arrow gets shot it will be at an animal. I feel this is the only way to verify your "bow tune" hasn't gone bad.
From: Whocares
Went to the bow shop I always used to get a broadhead target yesterday. He said try this Black Hole block for $69. He said if its not good or arrowsgo through etc let him know and he'll quit stocking it. will try it out this evening.
From: nchunter
I hated my sevr target when I first got in January. Couldn't pull the arrows out. Once you shot a spot for while it gets real easy. Also the warmer weather loosened it. Now, I think its the best target you can buy.
From: Jack Whitmrie jr
Big Sand pile