Moultrie Mobile
Colorado Leftover Tags
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Full_Curl 06-Aug-24
Tdwhip 06-Aug-24
Deercy 06-Aug-24
Full_Curl 06-Aug-24
TreeWalker 07-Aug-24
Quinn @work 07-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 07-Aug-24
cnelk 07-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 07-Aug-24
cnelk 07-Aug-24
elkster 07-Aug-24
Twinetickler 07-Aug-24
Grunt-N-Gobble 07-Aug-24
Tracker 07-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 07-Aug-24
cnelk 07-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 07-Aug-24
Full_Curl 08-Aug-24
From: Full_Curl
Not sure why I do it, but I played the 2-3 second CO leftover tag game again this morning and NADA. I wonder if any "chance" actually exists for the better unit tags? Anyone else get lucky?

From: Tdwhip
I was in at 0905 and the tags I tried to get were already taken.

From: Deercy
I scored. I'm an opportunity type guy, and am consistently successful in the secondary.

From: Full_Curl
From the few people I know that play the CO limited unit leftover game, I don't personally know anyone that has ever gotten a deer tag but I do know a guy that has gotten a good elk tag and I can't tell anything more in how he did it other than it was just dumb luck.

From: TreeWalker
Colorado is lazy to not run a supplemental draw weekly where list tags on Tuesday that were turned in since the prior list was published. You can then apply through end of Wednesday then do the draw on Thursday with results on Friday. You can list up to 3 choice per species and if your application your first choice is looked at until all applicants are looked at then in the same order look at all the 2nd choices then finally look at everyone's 3rd choices. Charge $10 per species to apply each week.

The dialing for dollars is needlessly favoring those with free time (join the wait room and wait for half an hour then ka-boom everyone start smacking those keys and grabbing a tag to try to buy just to get the message of sorry Charlie that tag is gone gone gone) a fast internet connection. The snake in the pig effect which occurs as 100,000 desperate applicants all pound the system for 5 minutes once a week is a lazy design that stresses the systems and the people.

Do better CO.

From: Quinn @work
^^^ CO doesn't care about your feelings. They sell the tags and that's all they care about. Why create more costs to sell the tags that will sell out instantly anyway.

Two years ago an “add on” bear tag for a NR was $100. This year it’s $250. I guess they’ve achieved their bear reduction goals.

From: cnelk
"Two years ago an “add on” bear tag for a NR was $100. This year it’s $250. I guess they’ve achieved their bear reduction goals."

You drank the Kool-Aid - it had nothing to do with bear reduction


Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Yes I did and I’m back again in 3 weeks.

From: cnelk
Perfect example why they raised the prices for NonRes

From: elkster
Way to go Charlie!

From: Twinetickler
I was able to grab a pretty good elk tag.

I've tried 3 times now for an elk tag in a particular area and crashed & burned all 3.

From: Tracker
My buddy score an archery Mule deer tag.

Cnelk: Still the cheapest high quality, fall, archery bear hunt in North America. Money is no object when you’re at the “end of the line”.

From: cnelk
Charlie - couldnt agree more - $132.24 for two elk tags every year is a steal

From: Jimmyjumpup
Nice bear.

From: Full_Curl
I keep playing the leftover game every year in the hopes that I might get lucky and get to the front of the line for one of the better limited tags but I have no idea if that's actually a possibility or not?? So many other factors can come into play and I have no clue what, if any effect, each has on the chances of securing a tag... in-person vs. online, internet connection speed, exact time down to the second to enter the site, military preference, etc... The 10-15 "better" limited unit deer tags they seem to have every year are gone in a matter of seconds and a person has no way of knowing if they truly have a legitimate chance at one or not???

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