Mathews Inc.
Double Bull Blackout Curtains - Free!
Contributors to this thread:
Tilzbow 07-Aug-24
Tilzbow 08-Aug-24
StickFlicker 08-Aug-24
From: Tilzbow

Tilzbow's Link
I’ve got two of these, new in package. I ordered two and they sent me four. I tried to return two but Primos customer service doesn’t respond so I’m giving both of the extras away. You’ll need to pay shipping, which shouldn’t be more than $20 and likely less.

First Bowsite member to PM me with contact information gets both. (I’m only doing both, to limit boxes and trips to UPS.) Shipping can be paid with Venmo or PayPal.

From: Tilzbow
These are on the way to a new owner.

From: StickFlicker
That was quick. What are the odds that another bowhunter would be reading Bowsite on the same day you posted it?! (-;

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