Ulnar Nerve Surgery ?
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I've done a lot of moronic things over the years and hurt my elbows a number of times. I have been able to eliminate most of the things that aggravate it but narrowed it down to shooting my bow is giving it a fit. I have been diagnosed with ulnar nerve entrapment before but the symptoms have gradually gotten worse when aggravated. If I shoot my bow, for the next few months my hand will be ice cold, tingling in my ring and little finger and numbness at night if I sleep with my arm bent at a 90. The coldness is the most aggravating. So I am contemplating having the ulnar nerve release surgery. I have heard mixed results from people in the gym that have had it. But I know no one that shoots a bow that has had it and how their recovery went. Two of the folks that I have talked to cannot fully straighten their arm (most of the way but not all).
If you have had the surgery, how did it impact your draw arm when at full draw when you have your elbow at it's most bent?
Thanks in advance.
I had the release done at age 31 a few years ago. The doc said “you have no restrictions” so I went home snow blowed. It felt some much better after surgery I can’t explain it. They release the nerve and tuck it under a small muscle.
I had it done about 8 years ago. I was actually driving home from an archery elk hunt in WY when my left arm became so numb I thought I might be having a heart attack. Went to the doc when I got home and he said no bad heart but ulnar never is impinged. After unsuccessful attempts to relive the pain I ended up getting full release and reposition of the nerve. It was a very long recovery for me and took at least two years before full recovery. My elbow is still numb and little finger still tingles but I have no restrictions. I shoot my recurve and compound regularly and golf at least 3 times a week. Good luck.
I fell on my elbow while chukar hunting and had the same issue. I just lived with the pain and waited way too long to get it repaired. I lost a lot of muscle on the pinky side of my hand and the feeling in my pinky and side of my ring finger never came back. Which is my bow hand. Once I had surgery all the pain went away. My doctor told me a nerve regenerates itself 1 mm a day...I just waited too long and never gave the nerve a chance. I have never had a single problem shooting my bow from the surgery. My advice and take it for what it is and that is to get it repaired as soon as you can. Good luck!
No idea on the bow question. Just a little advice from a guy whose wife had the surgery. Get it done asap. The surgeon for my wife was very clear that as atrophy sets in, getting the affected arm’s strength back close to the non affected hand becomes less likely.
He does these surgeries for professional athletes From the nba through the nfl. Collegiate athletes as well. His advice proved true to a “T”. You might want to prioritize it.
Thanks for sharing all your 1st hand experience with this issue. I’m scheduled for this same procedure, among other issues, in November. I’d pretty much decided not to go through with it, but after reading this, I’m at least considering getting it done. I’ve been asking the Big Guy upstairs to help me make the right choice. Having this thread pop up out of nowhere is quite possibly a sign. Thanks again!
I'm w/ you WYOBS....
Thanks for everyone's feedback. I have fought this issue for years and it comes and goes but always comes back. Hearing everyone's experience has convinced me to get it done. I will wait on early February to do it and try to get through deer and duck season.
Appreciate yall's thoughts.
July 2023 I had my right ulnar nerve and carpal tunnel done. I couldn't draw my 53lb Ritual after 8 weeks of taking it easy so bought an Elite Ember in mid September, set at 42lbs and had no problem practicing for a month and then shooting a doe in late October.
January 2024 I had the left side same surgeries done and for the past two months I'm shooting my old bow again. I'm 98% sure I'll be using the old bow this fall.
My surgeries went great, I did PT for the right side after the procedure and recommend it if offered. After the left side this year I had an idea what to do for PT on my own and things went good. I also recommend not putting it off UNLESS you can postpone it until after hunting season.