No fishing, just scouting
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Ran up to the spot in WY Friday afternoon. Set up shelter in a drizzle.....dried up and so I decided to go check 3 of my cams even though it was nearly 7pm. Got them checked, interesting, got some bulls showing up finally. Was sitting down to dinner and here comes the I ate in the truck. Finally crawled into bed at 9:30.....rain picks up.....I feel a drip. Damn. Time to reseal the tarp. At least it finally quit around 11pm. Blew hard at the end. Then starlite the rest of the night.
fuzzy and wuzzy
fuzzy and wuzzy
finally......a shooter
finally......a shooter
I think he posed for this so I'd know how to mount him on the wall..........
I think he posed for this so I'd know how to mount him on the wall..........
Hope you get a good one! Good luck!
It's a done deal! Good luck!
Putting in the work will pay off. Don’t burn your self out to early!! Best of luck!!
Thanks for posting good luck
Nice to hear they got some rain! I was over near there till Wednesday and it was hot and drier than the proverbial popcorn fart. I’m confident all your hard work will finally pay off this year!
You got this Jordan! Nice bull on that 2:24am pic.
^^^^ Agreed, now all you have to do is practice your nighttime shooting. ;-)
I forsee backstraps and a cold beer around a campfire
Really nice Jordan!!!
Your year, Jordan. Since you're hunting bands of timber separated by meadows spend some time finding the best routes through that stuff. Better to do it now, than when you really need to make up time. FWIW.
Good stuff Jordan. You got this!
Lots of rain in the snowies last 2 days.
Nice pix
Ya gotta be getting excited---->
Good luck, Robb
Bulls are still in velvet and the wallows ignored so far. Looking for that to switch in the next 2 weeks when I hope to check the cams one last time before season. Glad to see a few bulls in addition to all the cows and calves. I did not see or hear a single live elk, deer or other large critter the entire time I was in the woods covering 7 miles. Obviously some hikers are enjoying the same areas.
I plan to not pass on any good opportunties....horns or udders.....they all eat well. Of course I'd love the chance to bring home a nice or unique bull.
My sorta plan right now is to drag the 5'er in on sunday the 8th and hope I can camp close to the hunting spots, take my time and retrieve cams, finally hang my stand in one of the proposed trees and get serious by the 11th......grind it out through the 21st if need be.
I would hang that stand when you go back to check cams ! That way you have time to hang and cut lanes . Just my option .
Agree with Hunt. The last thing I want to do is create any disturbance during the season. I typically hang my stand the 2nd week of August.
jordanathome's Link
Thanks Hunt.....I was thinking about it.
I have a Millenium stand that makes it very easy to set up pre season without leaving the stand in the tree. It has a chain or strap on racket with a metal receiver that hangs in the tree. The stand then slides onto the receiver and hangs there and you can strap it down lower by the platform to be super secure. So all I really need to do is get the receivers hanging in my trees and test fit the stand....then I can take the stand with me along with my steps and just leave the receiver hanging until I come back to hunt.
Excited to try this out. I can have multiple trees set up with receivers ready to hang my stand depending on the wind and other factors without having to hang multiple stands. I left out that I planned to hand the receivers and trim shooting lanes in 2 weeks when I go fetch my cams as well. I would also like to find at least 2 more trees to prep to use with my stand if I have time and can find them. Western woods (outside of big aspen) are full of trees not amenable to tree stands....and I don't want to go trimming the heck out of any tree just for a stand.
I’m just being honest here but, hunting from any tree sucks in comparison to the ground. They have their advantages and uses. But, if getting into a tough tree is your desire, a saddle works well.
I hear ya WV. But this area has good stand trees and I can shimmy down in a hurry if I need to pound the ground and chase over to a responsive bull who won't come in. But I plan to spend time in the stand otherwise. I know where the elk will be. I don't need to chase around spreading scent trying to find 'em. Been dere, done dat.
And chit.....been working on alt routes for various winds and scenarios for sure. It is like no place I've hunted before with all the strips of skid roads, meadows of all sizes, mostly wet, with dense to open timber all in between....mostly/relatively flat but some steep mixed in. And a few elk to boot! Knowing I will only hunt this once and have 10+ days to get'r done....I am leaving no stone/option unturned.