Sitka Gear
Doing an all-nighter in your blind
Contributors to this thread:
Trying hard 11-Aug-24
bluedog 11-Aug-24
spike78 11-Aug-24
Mike B 11-Aug-24
Slate 11-Aug-24
jordanathome 11-Aug-24
Tracker 11-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 12-Aug-24
Buffalo1 12-Aug-24
Jaquomo 12-Aug-24
From: Trying hard
I give anyone credit for spending all night out in the get the opportunity at first light .

From: bluedog
In that case wild bot simply reboots and has a brand new scenario

From: spike78
Would be pointless for me as my snoring would send them packing!

From: Mike B
Spent plenty of nights in the woods, but doubtful an elk would wander around my camp after I've been up taking a leak every 90 minutes.

From: Slate
If it works then keep at it.

From: jordanathome
Can someone PLEASE unplug this mother forkin bot???!!!

From: Tracker
Up all night and maybe a nap. Not me. I love to hunt and can be pretty determined but I hunt for fun and this does not sound like fun. Good luck if it works for you.

From: Jimmyjumpup
Let’s see the pics of the elk you have killed this way.m

From: Buffalo1
I would fall asleep and miss everything. I normally don't get up till about 8:30-9:30 AM !

From: Jaquomo
Pee has no effect on elk or any other game animal. Neither does poop. Do bots poop? Is it digital? Does bot poop smell different than human poop? Inquiring minds want to know.

I would pay to watch a bot running through the elk woods hauling a game cart loaded with a blind, chair, Buddy heater, clothes, food, hunting pack, rifle (bot shoots out to 400 yards from said blind) and whatever other necessities a make-believe hunter carries into the woods.

  • Sitka Gear