Moultrie Mobile
Time to prep
Contributors to this thread:
jordanathome 11-Aug-24
Dale06 11-Aug-24
Bowboy 11-Aug-24
wyobullshooter 11-Aug-24
WV Mountaineer 11-Aug-24
midwest 11-Aug-24
jordanathome 11-Aug-24
butcherboy 11-Aug-24
drycreek 11-Aug-24
Insheart 11-Aug-24
KZ15 13-Aug-24
huntabsarokee 13-Aug-24
CBFROMND 13-Aug-24
CBFROMND 13-Aug-24
Cheesehead Mike 19-Aug-24
jordanathome 19-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 19-Aug-24
DL 21-Aug-24
From: jordanathome
Started thinking about prepping for camp/hunting as I will be in it one month from now. Was shopping with she who must be obeyed at Sams today looking at the snacks, trail mix options, and such. In prior years I prepped way in advance and made alot of my own food, mixed my own trail mix must how I wanted it, made jerky, meals, etc.

Not so much this year. Gonna be lazy and just buy what I need for the camper and in the stand. Will haul a case of bottled water. Some beers and a bottle of decent bourbon....eagle rare or similar. I will select a pre made trail mix to munch on and some old trapper jerky. Prolly soups for dinner as it is quick, warm and filling. PB&J sammiches. I have some WA packets of hydrate and recover and energy and focus to mix in water bottles. I did buy some Iowa Smokehouse meat sticks, regular and cheezy jalepeno

Whatcha doing so far to prep for season. Heck I presume the antelopers are already sweating their ball sacks off in their rattlesnake blinds waiting by waterholes...right?! Time to GO! Post up yer idears.

From: Dale06
The only prep of food I’ll need this fall is sitting in an antelope sweat box by a waterhole, all day sits. I’ll have a small thermos of coffee and granola bars for after sun up. And I’ll have a small cooler with lots of bottled water, a sandwich, several pieces of fruit, and some hard candy for the rest of the day. Hunting elk and deer later but with food and water nearby.

From: Bowboy
Went to Costco today and purchased all my snack stuff. Didn’t draw an antelope tag so don’t have to sit in the sweat box. It’ll be go time before long.

Chicken and sausage gumbo’s already in the freezer, vacuum sealed. Making up a batch of spaghetti sauce tomorrow. Chunky Soup, Cup of Soup, Shake and Pour pancake mix, pre-cooked bacon, and scrambled eggs round out my main meals…other than the occasional trip into Riverside’s Bear Trap Cafe. And yes, it’s worth the trip. lol! Oh yeah, my son will be bringing up some stuffed pepper filling, except we ditch the peppers and eat just the stuffing. ;-). For the first time in about 30 years, I decided to be lazy and didn’t make my elk summer sausage. Instead, I’m going with Scheel’s jalapeño/cheddar beef sticks. Either goes great with my homemade trail mix for my morning snack.

Better haul more than a case of water.

From: midwest
Thanks for the reminder. I need to get busy making some frozen "boil-in-bag" meals.

From: jordanathome
I will have 40 gallons or so on board the 5'er......but prefer to drink bottle water than much of what comes out of the trailer...that is for washing more than drinking.

From: butcherboy
I have a few meals prepped and frozen. I’ll make some more green chile jerky soon and some green chile/cheddar summer sausage. I use the SS on a roll with some mustard for lunch. Always have some kind of trail mix in the pantry. Granola bars for breakfast or maybe pre make some breakfast burritos or sausage egg and cheese English muffins. I’m only planning for the first 3 days or so then back to work. Then 3 days again on the next weekend.

From: drycreek
I’ll be stopping at the doughnut shop for coffee and a jalapeño pig about 5:00 before heading to my deer stand. About 11:00, I’ll run up to the Whataburger or the Subway. Come dinner time, I’ll stick my feet under Momma’s table. Yep, roughing it is a way of life when you’re hunting these East Texas whitetails. ;-))

From: Insheart
My wife made our annual lasagna - frozen, vaccume sealed, in ready to eat portions.

Have some elk polish and some venison "old fashioned" wieners.

Elk SS and Ritz crackers, trail mix, Multigrain bars, chewy bars and lots of water with rehydration packets.

Partner and I are getting together Saturday to go over last minute details. Then headed out 5AM August 30th. Whoop, whoop!

From: KZ15
Wyobullshooter, I agree, the Bear trap cafe is worth the trip!

I kind of forgot about the Bear Trap. Don't think we stopped there our last 2 times hunting that area but putting it on the agenda this year. Should arrive September 14 and would be great to get a good meal before the hunt.

As far as Jordan's question. This year will be the same for me although I have grown tired of bars and crackers or tuna packets for lunch each day to save a few ounces and now just pack a sandwich or two. Plenty of Costco trail mix and some chocolates.

We prep for a two week stay by making some of our favorite hot dish meals vacuum sealed into two person meal portions and cooked on our 4 dog stove! nice and slow so we can enjoy a few beers before sack time.... usually make a small batch of nachos while we slow cook... breakfast burritos made ahead of time as well.... for lunch we usually carry a sandwich or two with some trail mix and a candy bar... Throw in some pre-made bacon and some hard boiled eggs and we are set... Nothing out of the ordinary here but seems like it still takes a lot of prep and a lot of care to keep it all fresh for two weeks in what can be some hot weather,,,

I forgot to add.... We bring along one of those big garlic bread in the tinfoil wrap.. Cut off a chunk each night to go with hot dish... The bread is shelf stable so it can go in a tote with other non perishable items.


Cheesehead Mike's embedded Photo
Cheesehead Mike's embedded Photo
This is what my living room looks like right now getting all my gear organized and packed. Got all my boots waterproofed. Bow and my shooting is fine tuned. Ordered a bunch of backpack food and small items. I'll be cooking a bunch of meals and freezing them.

From: jordanathome
LOL.....looks like my garage and basement...working two pile currently.

Two weeks from today a Colorado elk or two will be dead.

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
This guys headed to elk camp.

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