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Deer mineral aroma scam or legit?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Pat Lefemine 11-Aug-24
Catscratch 11-Aug-24
drycreek 11-Aug-24
Slate 12-Aug-24
Trying hard 12-Aug-24
fdp 12-Aug-24
longsprings 12-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 12-Aug-24
csalem 12-Aug-24
KHNC 12-Aug-24
t-roy 12-Aug-24
Denali 12-Aug-24
t-roy 12-Aug-24
DanaC 13-Aug-24
W 17-Aug-24
Zbone 17-Aug-24
Pat Lefemine 17-Aug-24
Zbone 17-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 17-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 17-Aug-24
From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
I use mineral licks a lot. Generally just buy Jurassic Rock at TSC. I didn’t realize it but I bought a 50lb bucket and the apple aroma could gag a maggot. I put it out tonight and I’ve had great activity. Not sure if it’s the aroma or the fact that my lick was depleted.

Curious what your experience has been?

From: Catscratch
From my experience deer are a lot like cattle when it comes to mineral; they're either in the mood for it or not. I've never added coolaide powder, molasses, or apple scent to it though. Maybe that stuff makes a difference?

From: drycreek

drycreek's embedded Photo
drycreek's embedded Photo
I use the trace mineral cattle blocks from my local feed store. It’s 95% salt, or thereabouts. Deer need salt when they eat lots of green stuff. I notice that the use tapers off as browse gets mature. I just use it to get pictures, I have no illusions that I’m helping the deer.

From: Slate

Slate's embedded Photo
Slate's embedded Photo
Legit I think. I use this and the deer really like it.

From: Trying hard
Yeah....none of this stuff is allowed where I live.

From: fdp
I know that Cherry Kool Aid powder works in Texas and in Pike County Ohio. I've used to get the attention of deer in both places.

I've also created stump licks by pouring Molasses on an old stump. I always suspected the smell was what attracted them to those.

My thinking is they investigate the smell out of curiosity and then keep coming back because they like what the smell lead them to.

From: longsprings
Can't help you out , its not permitted and even if they find trace mineral in the ground from an old site where it once was they can shut down the area.

From: Jimmyjumpup
We can’t bait in WV.

From: csalem
I thought you could bait outside of the cwd Zones in WV

With regard to the OP. The smell helps them find it and they like it. Having said that I would not pay a premium for the added scent.

From: KHNC
The Kelly's mix i use has molasses for attractant. They always hit it every year , so i continue to include the molasses.


From: t-roy
Can’t say first hand how much of an additional attractant the apple/persimmon/acorn etc scents are for pulling more deer in is. All of my mineral sites have been established for a lot of years with unscented mineral, before I changed things up a little bit, by rolling my own, so to speak. I add powdered molasses in my mix, which has some health benefits to it vs strictly being just an attractant. Can’t say I’ve seen any appreciable increase in activity since switching, but definitely think the attractants would certainly pique their curiosity, at least initially.

From: Denali
Aroma will help them find it faster, but does not change consumption. They are curious and "think" with their noses.

From: t-roy
You guys stating that you can’t bait in your state. It’s illegal to hunt over mineral sites in Iowa, as well. You would also be wasting your time in doing so, here. Our archery season opens October 1st. From what I’ve observed from trail cams over the years, our deer, especially the bucks, pretty much abandon the mineral licks the first week or two of September.

From: DanaC
^^ I've found that varies with terrain here. Low 'valley' areas, they use it mostly spring to early fall. In one area I hunt, which is more granite ridges, they'll hit the salt blocks year round. Very different soils in those two areas.

As for flavor scents, I found that once a lick is 'established', you can use cheap cattle salt blocks and they work fine. (Which reminds me, I have to replenish one...)

From: W
Lucky Buck has an apple flavor so strong that you’ll want to eat it.

From: Zbone
"I bought a 50lb bucket and the apple aroma could gag a maggot"

Curious Pat, what brand was it and source? Thanks...

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
This is the stuff I bought. They seem to be eating it about the same rate as the non scented stuff I put down.

From: Zbone
Cool, thanks...

From: Jimmyjumpup
You are right Csalem. My farm is in a CWD area. What I don’t understand is that CWD is statewide. Guess they don’t mind it being in the other counties

From: Jimmyjumpup
If I wanted to pull deer in I’d use corn. Like someone said the mineral licks don’t work where I hunt during the season. And bucks don’t come to corn in daylight hours. I think it’s a waste of money. I try to find some good oak trees

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