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Likely buying a new bow, with that comes the opportunity to try new stuff if so inclined.
I'm going to switch to the Axis 4mm long range shafts & likely slick trick viper tricks.
Looking for a quiet vane that steers the fixed heads well, preferably 3 fletch & something that I don't have to tinker with a bunch of different shaft/vane prep stuff.
Not a huge fan of the blazers (only due to the sound).
For those parameters what's your go-to vane?
AAE AIRAZR 26. No primer pen needed. Stiff and quiet vane. 2.6 inch three fletch with a little helical will be plenty of vane to steer a fixed blade broadhead.
FFP360 or Max Stealth. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Both require acetone or a primer pen to make them stick but I prefer that prep to any no prep vane as both of these vanes literally weld to the shaft when done properly.
DCA Super Sabre for fixed blades and the Mini for mechanicals. Arizona EZ fletch and your all set.
I’ve been super happy with TAC driver 2.25 in a 4 fletch they do require a primer pen and I use their glue but so indestructible, I’ve drug them through shot up bag targets and they return to shape, if you prefer a 3 fletch then I’d go to they’re 2.75” it should offer more then enough forgiving control for that fixed head most all slick tricks shoot very well anyway
FletchFlex Silent Knight. Shield cut stiff vane and very quiet. Pretty too!
QuickFletch QuikSpins. They made my life so much easier. They aren't the most durable. In fact they suck if you don't have a target that will STOP your arrow but as far as ease of use and accuracy I don't have any complaints whatsoever.
Flex Fletch FFP300 are worth a look. Fairly low profile compared to blazers but 3" long. I don't mess with prepping them with primer anymore and adhesion seems sufficient with wraps. I use gel loctite super glue.
Sundowner x 2. They are perfect for a trad bow. And, out of a compound they are silent from behind as well. Not sure about down range. But, I can hear every fletching type, style and material in flight. Except the silent knight vane.
I personally feel arrow noise is a much bigger issue then bow noise. Especially for trad bows. I’m about to fletch up a dozen for both the bows I’m hunting with this year.
These 3 inch Q2i vanes require no prep and steer my fixed blade BH's well. This is @ 40yds
These 3 inch Q2i vanes require no prep and steer my fixed blade BH's well. This is @ 40yds
I really like AAE Max Stealth.