Sitka Gear
How democratic this country is
Contributors to this thread:
spike78 13-Aug-24
sawtooth 13-Aug-24
fdp 13-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 13-Aug-24
spike78 13-Aug-24
spike78 13-Aug-24
DanaC 13-Aug-24
Recurve Man 13-Aug-24
Aspen Ghost 13-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 13-Aug-24
spike78 13-Aug-24
Jaquomo 13-Aug-24
HDE 13-Aug-24
Don T. Lewis 13-Aug-24
spike78 13-Aug-24
DanaC 13-Aug-24
DanaC 13-Aug-24
Trying hard 13-Aug-24
Beendare 14-Aug-24
shade mt 14-Aug-24
spike78 14-Aug-24
fdp 14-Aug-24
sawtooth 14-Aug-24
BoggsBowhunts 14-Aug-24
Bob Rowlands 14-Aug-24
Beendare 14-Aug-24
Will 14-Aug-24
Catscratch 14-Aug-24
spike78 14-Aug-24
TonyBear 14-Aug-24
Will 14-Aug-24
70lbDraw 14-Aug-24
spike78 14-Aug-24
Beendare 14-Aug-24
Screwball 14-Aug-24
CaptMike 14-Aug-24
Beendare 14-Aug-24
KSflatlander 14-Aug-24
Beendare 14-Aug-24
spike78 14-Aug-24
Jaquomo 14-Aug-24
RK 14-Aug-24
70lbDraw 14-Aug-24
KsRancher 14-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 15-Aug-24
Catscratch 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
Ace 15-Aug-24
HDE 15-Aug-24
Jaquomo 15-Aug-24
CaptMike 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
Babysaph 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
Babysaph 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
Jaquomo 15-Aug-24
Babysaph 15-Aug-24
Babysaph 15-Aug-24
smarba 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
greenmountain 15-Aug-24
Jaquomo 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
TRnCO 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
RK 15-Aug-24
70lbDraw 15-Aug-24
stealthycat 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
TRnCO 15-Aug-24
HDE 15-Aug-24
Catscratch 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
TRnCO 15-Aug-24
KsRancher 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 15-Aug-24
KsRancher 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
RK 15-Aug-24
Brotsky 15-Aug-24
Catscratch 15-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
CaptMike 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
spike78 15-Aug-24
RK 15-Aug-24
TonyBear 15-Aug-24
HDE 15-Aug-24
Screwball 15-Aug-24
Screwball 15-Aug-24
KSflatlander 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
KSflatlander 16-Aug-24
Screwball 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
Babysaph 16-Aug-24
Will 16-Aug-24
Screwball 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
csalem 16-Aug-24
Screwball 16-Aug-24
Beendare 16-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 16-Aug-24
spike78 16-Aug-24
Beendare 16-Aug-24
HDE 16-Aug-24
Beendare 16-Aug-24
Beendare 16-Aug-24
Jimmyjumpup 17-Aug-24
shade mt 17-Aug-24
From: spike78

spike78's Link
I’m not a huge RFK fan but I like some of what he says but regardless I’m a huge Democracy fan and this country and its corrupt judges and parties are far from Democratic. RFK is not allowed on the NY ballot. When have we ever seen these issues in our lifetime? This country is sad and disgusting and “We the People “ don’t mean sh*t” anymore. Even if it is a residency technicality he’s running for the country and not scum bag NY. The loser communist party will stop at nothing to turn this country communist. The corruption involved is just unbelievable.

From: sawtooth
We are a very corrupt country, government is far too big.

From: fdp
Well.....claiming a spare bedroom as your residence is kind of a stretch. He has had plenty of time to research the requirements, and make sure that he met them. I feel no sympathy for him.

“ Even if it is a residency technicality….”

So you’re saying that laws should be enforced selectively?? Somehow, I don’t imagine that you would give Hilary the same benefit of the doubt…

Or maybe you would, if you figured that would only pull votes away from Harris, seeing as there aren’t many likely defections to be had among Trump-leaning voters….

Nice fig leaf there…..

From: spike78
Fdp how amazing it is that you need to declare residency when you run for President. He wasn’t running for Mayor in a NY town. This is obviously to take him out of the race just like they did with Trump. How about having him re-submit residency? Or how about he had his business and residency and paid taxes in NY for the last 50 whatever years?

From: spike78
And of course here come the Bowsite commies trying to say it had absolutely nothing to do with election interference. You guys are going to reap what you sow.

From: DanaC
Well geez, Brad, I had to prove residence to get a damn drivers license. I would expect no less if I was running for president, so I guess that makes me a "bowsight commie".

Might want to cut that booze with a bit more water, dude.

From: Recurve Man
Well Dana you are one of those bowsite left leaners. Usually every time you post something about politics you lean on side of the leftist idiots. Obama never had to prove citizenship. What the heck does a state resident have to do with it then.


From: Aspen Ghost
And yet Hillary could run for senator of New York with no problem................

“Obama never had to prove citizenship. ”

You mean any more than anyone else?

From: spike78
Dana so why is a judge involved? Why not the place he filled out the paperwork? So somebody dig deep into this and presented it to the courts? Yeah not shady at all and definitely not anything to do with getting rid of the opposition. This is the type of crap you read about in commie countries where they throw the opposition in jail oh wait they tried that with Trump. Dude get a clue.

From: Jaquomo
When a major party anoints their presidential candidate without any debates, primaries, press conferences, then sits back and allows the media to create her persona and platform and reinvent her, that, my friends, is a textbook "threat to democracy".

From: HDE
^^^ this

From: Don T. Lewis
X2 What Jaq said. He nailed it. Kamala was less popular than Joe when Joe was still running. Now she’s their best player.

From: spike78
Double post for some reason

From: DanaC
“Obama never had to prove citizenship. ”

Really? When he ran for congress he wasn't vetted? When he announced his candidacy for POTUS, the Bush administration/FBI/CIA etc. didn't look into his credentials? Really? It sounds stupid whether you say it or Donald Trump says it.

From: DanaC
"When a major party anoints their presidential candidate without any debates..."

Funny, Trump didn't debate any of the other candidates this year, but the GOP 'anointed' his babbling idiot a$$. Anybody watch interview with Musk? Gibbering idiot, stuck in the past.

(Now cue the 'TDS' comments from the minions. >;-) )

From: Trying hard
Actually good Demorats. Trump won primaries....that's how you become the candidate of the party....that's a good one in Musk ....5-6....whatever 10 years ago why Musk was the wonder kind because people thought he was a Demorat.... Now....he doesn't appear to be a Demorat and he's sh--

“…but the GOP 'anointed' his babbling idiot a$$.”

Really? I could have sworn the voters nominated him via a primary election.

From: Beendare
Lou nailed it…but its even worse than that.

We know with absolute certainty that the Democrat party is being manipulated by a handful of Soros types pulling the strings in the Dem party…but there are many of those Dem voters that still don’t get it.

When the three letter agencies are more concerned with watching and keeping their thumb on its citizens than our enemies.

According to them. The citizens are now the biggest threat to democracy

From: shade mt
I have come to the conclusion.....It is bigger than Trump, Harris, republican or democrat.

People are very , very easily manipulated, very, very easily swayed by biased media, and a smiling speech. We get on bowsite and debate Harris or Trump, When what we really should be doing is searching for real answers like.....What happened in Nevada?...and why did joe Biden suddenly step down?....And how or why was Kamala Harris suddenly and rather quickly made a canidate?......She has done NOTHING in the last 4 years. But suddenly she is the new shining star in the Liberal news.?

The sad part is.......people don't see it.

But think about that, if you become so far left in your thinking that you actually approve of some of the stuff the left promotes, could you really expect rational thinking?

And democracy?.....come on, the more people they can sway left, manipulate, convince.

The more the world changes to "their" way of thinking. I'm watching and it's coming. One day you will wake up, and you will be living in a world, and time, that was already predicted.

Keep your lamps lit.

From: spike78
Shade good to see you in my camp lol. Everything is just a conspiracy theory until it all gets so damn weird you just can’t dismiss it.

From: fdp
Some times things are just as simple as they seem. But damn that wrecks the train for the conspiracy theorists.........

From: sawtooth
Jaq is dead on !!!!

He made a video last night explaining it. He has always been registered to vote in New York and does still have a residence there, living in Cali temporarily while his wife films sitcoms. The vast majority of states state that their definition of “residency” for political candidates is the location where the candidate is registered to vote. Since he is and has always been registered in New York - he had to have put his NY address on the petition in order for the petition to be valid in many states (New Hampshire for example). The address of the candidate has to be the same on EVERY petition, meaning he couldn’t put a different residency down for different states regardless of what the specific states’ residency requirements were.

He’s definitely in deep water since it’s pretty cut and dry that he doesn’t spend 6 months at a time in New York, that being said, college students and servicemembers retain their permanent residency while away temporarily despite them being gone for more than 6 months per year. The argument will be that he was traveling for his wife’s work and wasn’t a permanent resident of Cali despite living there the majority of the year. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, but one thing is for sure - NY viewed him as a threat to the establishment campaigns and wanted him gone. That alone makes me proud to support him.

From: Bob Rowlands
"...while his wife films :liberal: sh#@coms." is closer to it.

From: Beendare
Today, After many years of requests the Feds have finally released a tiny bit of the Biden family dirty dealings, Per the NYT;

Hunter Biden sought assistance from the U.S. government for a potentially lucrative energy project in Italy while his father was vice president, according to newly released records and interviews.

The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.

Embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with the request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company.

“I want to be careful about promising too much,” wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome who was tasked with responding. ________________

This info in itself is just a small snapshot of what was going on and not all that damning- though it's redacted all to hell so who knows. Did they release it prior to the Dem convention to keep Biden-our next Mt Rushmore bust- in their back pocket, essentially telling him they will blow him up if he doesn't play ball?

So much corruption....

From: Will
I dont think he should be on the ballot because he's an utterly horrid candidate with zero business being even considered for Pres of the US. That said, that's my thought. If he meets the requirements, he should be on, and if he does not, he should not, just like everyone else.

That said, I sorta wish he was because I'm happy he will pull folks off where they mostly are (DJT) if they are considering him and bring them to vote for RFKjr. I see that as a win for the United States of America.

From: Catscratch
"When a major party anoints their presidential candidate without any debates, primaries, press conferences, then sits back and allows the media to create her persona and platform and reinvent her, that, my friends, is a textbook "threat to democracy"."

Jaq, it's not a "threat to..." if it happened, it's a "loss to...". It's a complete circumvention of democracy. The democrats found a loop-hole and used it. Happens one way or another with both parties. It will put many voters in a very difficult situation; will they vote for democracy, or will they vote for someone they hate?

From: spike78
Will, out of curiosity aren’t you alittle pissed that you got Kamala as the other candidate to vote for?

From: TonyBear
MN GOP has sent governor Walz and the State Secretary Steve Simon to address complaints of non-citizens who have MN driver's license getting non-requested ballots.

Um they are not eligible to vote, but got a ballot automatically since the MN DMV can't figure that out? No, its likely on purpose just as Walz wants it. Non-citizens voting in state and Federal elections. Of course, he says it was a safety issue not one for voter fraud potential.

From: Will
Not even slightly. Worst case, it's more of Biden style policies. And despite what the right wing media bubble wants folks to believe, 4 more years of that is pretty dang solid.

I'm also not pissed because I was voting for Biden/Harris. That's what everyone who voted for Biden in primaries was voting for. If it was February 25, and he passed or had to stop, people were happy to have her step in. So if he decided he couldn't go (I still think he could - he looks ugly doing it, and that's not great electoral politics in today's world), Harris being the candidate makes sense. It's also not a loophole - until the convention, nothing is generally set. So, in this case, he stepped down, she gets the nod, and the D-leaning folks think: "Great, it's Joe V2, but 20~ years younger"

Conversely, if I was a DJT voter, I'd have to remember that the reason he doesn't have the same VP running with him, nor endorsing him and instead speaking against him, is because DJT's followers made a hanging gallows and chanted HANG MIKE PENCE while trashing the capitol building and trying to stop the normal function of government. DJT's last VP, rather than being "next man standing", thinks DJT is not the person for the job.

Do I agree with all of VP Harris's ideas/policy positions, etc.? No. There is stuff I won't be psyched about if she gets elected and manages to pull it off.

I'm never going to love every position for any politician - I hope that's not abnormal. But overall, I'd rather have her than DJT, and it's not close. And I'm excited to go check that box for her in November.

From: 70lbDraw
“So much corruption....”

Democrats remind me of the 3 monkeys. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Unless it’s Trump or any other red candidate. Then somehow they see, hear, and speak it incessantly. Funny how certain people don’t recognize it.

From: spike78
Will, you do realize that the left wing media is just as if not more biased then the right wing media right? So if right wing media lies then how do you not know that so does the left? If it is in fact true with what Harris did to that man she put on death row then wow that alone shows an evil character. Unfortunately this country has so much propaganda it rivals North Korea and you and I may never know what’s true or false.

From: Beendare
WILL, I will never get your thought process. You have seen the same thing we all see- Biden is a senile puppet....and Kamala is an idiot.....but you are proud of your vote?

How proud will you be if important policy decisions need to be made? You understand it's a false regime and unknowns behind the scenes are making the decisions...and essentially you are saying thats OK.

Personally I think Shade Mountain hit the nail on the head. It's beyond Trump v Harris....we need our country back; the rule of law, Dignity, Respect across the globe, fair and equal rather than freebie for political reasons, and accountability.

We have lost all of that.

From: Screwball
If you look at our country were are elements of many form of government and or economies. Democracy,Representative Democracy, Socialist, Communist, I think we also due to the size of our government and overreach we have, Constitutional Monarchy, Authoritarian, Plutocracy, Parliamentary Democracy, and I could go on but true Democracy we are not.

From: CaptMike
"When a major party anoints their presidential candidate without any debates, primaries, press conferences, then sits back and allows the media to create her persona and platform and reinvent her, that, my friends, is a textbook "threat to democracy"." A great point, either overlooked, or stupidly ignored by liberals.

From: Beendare
Look at the policy from the Dems; Defund the police---ooops, that ain't working

Open borders- Let in the worst criminals, gang members and terrorists so they can maybe garner a few more votes to stay in power all while flipping the bird to the Avg working American

Green Agenda- Sounds good in theory, but instead it's a huge debacle spending money in all the wrong places like giving high net worth folks a discount on an E car or windmills in the ocean- what a joke. The Dems have set us back a decade or more and cost every citizen dearly. All while one forest fire puts out 1,000x more soot than any of these proposals solves.

Inflation Reduction- Ha Ha, Groceries, fuel, insurance, power- all double digit increases and rising....but conveniently the Gov stats EXCLUDE those items.

Crime is UP- but wait, the Dems claim its down. Yeah, when they don't compile crime from every area with a large % of areas not reporting - are people really fooled? It seems some are.

Energy- So many screw ups there

Foreign policy- Look at the world right now under the WEAK leadership of Biden Harris and tell me its not a more dangerous place than when that Bully Trump was president- and you would be lying. They couldn't even leave Afghanistan without a debacle.

How did things get so quickly? Simple, It's Policy from the Dem party.

From: KSflatlander
Trumpers and Trump sure do sound scared of Harris/Walz.

Harris is the nominee. Challenge it court if you like and lose. That's how great of a point Lou made. LMAO. Can't make this stuff up. What a bunch of Trump parrots.

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
I wouldn't say scared.

I think it's more embarrassment. The manipulators behind Biden- a barely functioning adult...and now Harris who is dumb as a brick have so much control over their voter base. Those manipulators are the ones that gave Trump his power. Sure they tried to vilify him with their partisans...but the backlash is what has created a lot of Trumps power with his fan base.

Doesn't say much for the avg intellect in our country that they would elect a Biden.

Its emb

From: spike78
Here we go guys Monkey Pox outbreak just in time. I’m sure the Bowsite libs will be welcoming the new jab coming soon.

From: Jaquomo
I forgot to mention the part about the nonviolent coup that resulted in the installation of this brain dead puppet.

The fact that anyone, let alone hunters, would vote for this cackling pile of garbage to be the leader of rhe Free World makes me physically ill. I'm not a Trump fan, either. But I vote for policy and the Supreme Court. Still waiting for some of the Bowsite libs to defend her policies and record. Nope, it's all about hating Orange Man.

From: RK
Which point Lou made are you referring to KS? You are so scattered these days it's hard to figure out WTF you are talking about

From: 70lbDraw
KS, you’re starting to sound like Dana and fdp all rolled into one. Sept 1st is just around the corner. In the meantime, what has Karen Kamala offered up that is so much better than any other qualified person? Apparently she packs the venues but she won’t debate anyone. So please, enlighten us! Especially if you don’t want us voting for Trump… please.

From: KsRancher
Jaq x2. They will justify any action just so they don't get Trump. See it with our half dozen Biden/Harris/Waltz supporters on here.

Libs don't think "proof of residency" is important when mail-in ballots are handed out like candy.

But, when a wild hare liberal/independent candidate appears to be cutting into Cackle's support, suddenly it is critical!


"The fact that anyone, let alone hunters, would vote for this cackling pile of garbage to be the leader of rhe Free World makes me physically ill. I'm not a Trump fan, either. But I vote for policy and the Supreme Court. Still waiting for some of the Bowsite libs to defend her policies and record. Nope, it's all about hating Orange Man."

i dont disagree with you...but do you see the hypocrisy in your statement?

From: Catscratch
How's it hypocritical? He doesn't like either candidate on a personal level, but one has policies he likes... the other does not. Am I missing something?

From: KSflatlander
Backslap setup...

From: Ace
So food and fuel, insurance and mortgages are all costing us less? Got it! Things are so much clearer now ... I must just be living in the wrong place.

From: HDE
"Why do you keep repeating this lie..."

Like how some are gullible enough to think that Jan 6 was a "threat to our democracy" when it really wasn't and keep repeating that lie?

From: Jaquomo
Hypocritical? I don't believe so. We know who Trump is and what he stands for. No one knows what Cackles stands for because every day she seems to backpedal on what she believed just a few weeks or months ago, in her 17 minute scripted speeches. Who is she? Waiting for the Bowsite libs to articulate why they support her, and which of her policies they are supporting (this week). Instead, we get more TDS-induced vomit.

It's pretty clear that a good portion of the country would vote for a sack of hammers before Trump, even though we know how life was during his four years, compared to the past four years. That, in itself, is frightening.

From: CaptMike
KS, I agree, we are scared. We are scared to see our country being run by communists snd socialists. Why doesn’t that scare you?

"hypocritical" in the sense that republicans (like me...and apparently you) will vote for a flawed candidate in order to get the party platform that most closely matches our world view.

domcrats will do the same. why should that be a surprise?

From: KSflatlander

From: Babysaph
At least you don't have to be a US resident to vote

From: KSflatlander
I'm a broad sense I support Harris over Trump for:

Energy Policy- we need to continue to push all of the above energy sources and continue to invest in new technologies.

Tax Policy- my taxes went up under Trump. Close loop holes for the rich. Eliminate the Trump tax breaks for the Uber wealthy like himself.

Healthcare Policy- we need national health care.

Environmental policy- Harris is not proposing to gut environmental and conservation regulations nor getting rid of long-standing envirnmental laws that protect habitat, species, and human health. I'm for continued protection and conservation...the laws republicans passed in the early 1970s (+50 years). So is Harris.

SCOTUS- I disagree with most of the recent decisions coming out of the court. I also want to see ethics laws passed for SCOTUS so they can't accept gifts. Harris is for it. Trump not so much.

Lastly, one campaign is running on fear and doom (Trump) and one is running on hope and change (Harris).

There you go Lou.

From: Babysaph
People are not required to produce a drivers license to vote. Jus sayin

From: spike78
KS first off if you tax the Uber wealthy they just pass it down to us through their business and second the Dems have been swindling you for years as their campaign speech is always we are going to make them pay their fair share. Funny why not now? It’s all BS as most of the huge corporations like Google donate to Dems. It’s all for show please prove me wrong. Both sides are not for the middle class and I can’t believe the libs don’t get that by now.

From: Jaquomo
Your taxes didn't go up under Trump unless you had life/income changes that warranted it.

48% of the SCOTUS decisions in the past year were unanimous. Numerous others had Barrett and/or other conservative justices siding with the Left.

How do you know Trump is against ethics rules for SCOTUS?

You are imagining that her platform includes things you support. But since she hasn't revealed anything, and keeps changing her position on things she supported or rejected only months ago, you have no idea what she supports or does not.

This is like the campaign of the Magic Negro (a phrase coined by a BLACK columnist from the LA Times, so leave the racist BS..) She is pretending to move to the center, against her entire history, and allowing the media to invent her into a creature they can adore. Then if she is elected, she will devolve into a super-woke monster.

Hope and change? Change from thr past four years? Hope for what? Their entire campaign premise is based around "Joy". WTF is that as a policy direction? I find no joy in higher taxes, unfettered immigration, fentanyl and sex trafficking as a cottage industry, giving gift cards to illegals, allowing boys in girls bathrooms, teaching about sexual perversion in elementary school, criminals being released without bail, no penalty for robbery under $1000, encouraging Democratic rioters to keep rioting while bailing them out and not prosecuting anyone, forcing people to buy EVs by mandate, gun confiscation from lawful gun owners through forced "buybacks", giving drivers licenses to illegals in states where ballots are mailed out to everyone with a drivers license. The silencing of free speech. And on and on.

Fear and doom? Hell yes, I fear four years of the most super-woke administration in history actually coming to pass.

From: Babysaph
The South will rise again. hahahahaa. Nothing will change until we have an uprising. Then all that uprise will be rounded up and put in jail. this is much more fun than reading about hunts. LOL. Sept 1.

From: Babysaph
How can you hate someone so much that you would vote for her? I don't like Trumps personality either but I don't have to sleep with him. I like his policies and the fact that he wont take crap from other countries.

From: smarba
Well stated Jaq

From: KSflatlander
"Your taxes didn't go up under Trump unless you had life/income changes that warranted it."

It absolutely did due to the loss of deductions. Ask my tax accountant. I'll be sure to tell him that you said he was wrong.

Now you know why some don't post why they support Harris. All you get back are insults and Trump parrot word salad. Oh and there's the incessant misogyny by Trumpers. If Trump loses this will be a big reason why IMO. Trumpers and their rabid attacks, name calling, misogyny, threats, talk of civil war, etc. unhinged like you and Trump.

We are not democratic at all. Two political parties are in place to give you the illusion of democracy. They choose who you can vote for.

From: Jaquomo
Plenty of name calling on both sides. That's normal. What isn't normal is a hardcore lifelong super-Leftist suddenly, in a period of three weeks, pretending to beome a moderate, and otherwise intelligent people believing it's so.

Misogyny. Right. I would hate that creature's policies whether male, female, or something in between

From: KSflatlander
Lou- I've been seeing constant tv ads of republicans trying to out Trump Trump for months here. Most with guns, blowing up stuff, marginalizing and demonizing people kind of like you do. Now, that the primary is over they are all trying to move back to the middle as they seek independent voter support. I agree it's BS and you should present yourself the same in primaries and general elections but politicians don't.

I think most Americans have had enough of the demonizing of other human beings. The misogyny sure won't help the republican cause. But we will see in a few weeks. I still won't make my final decision until after the debates.

Lastly, the soft coup stuff, it's a losing argument and just silly. Biden stepped aside voluntarily. It makes you and Trump sound scared of Harris. By the way, who did you vote for in the presidential republican primary in 2020? Oh that's right...

From: TRnCO
"Biden stepped aside voluntarily" LOL, do you REALLY believe that? Voluntarily, you do make me laugh sometimes.

From: KSflatlander
"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President," he wrote. "And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term." -Joe Biden

Keep making stuff up...

From: spike78
No he stepped aside because people with deeper pockets told him to.

From: RK
"The border is secure"

Honest as the day is long !!

From: 70lbDraw
“I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term." -Joe Biden”

Except he hasn’t been seen fulfilling anything since he was pushed out. Keep hiding him until it’s over…this country needs action, not slack-tion.

From: stealthycat
we just witnessed a man who won the Democratic primary for President overthrown/ousted

and Democrats LIKED IT and SUPPORTED IT

Democracy is a talking point

From: spike78
I honestly think he’s dead or in the hospital.

"I honestly think he’s dead or in the hospital."

how do you account for the fact that he just spoke at a white house event a few minutes ago? AI? Hologram? Body Double?

From: TRnCO
Joe's own words: “I mean, if the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race,” he said. “The Lord Almighty’s not coming down.”

From: HDE
Hilarious when those who have no clue how the tax code works run their mouth about "closing loop holes" for the rich. Tells everything about their own personal wealth. It's called passive income...

From: Catscratch
TRnCO, what was the time span between him saying that, and him dropping out of the race. If I remember correctly it was an awfully short amount of time to change from being very resolute to flipping over completely.

From: KSflatlander
TRnCO- hmmm, I thought Biden said that before he decided not to run. I didn't know it was illegal or unconstitutional for a candidate to change their mind and decide to voluntarily drop out of a political race. Was he pressured directly or indirectly...most likely. But in the end he VOLUNTARILY ended his campaign. Full stop

Keep bearing false won't change who is the democrat nominee. No matter how much childish kicking and screaming you do.

From: TRnCO
By a raise of hands, who here thinks this will lower grocery prices?

Vice President Kamala Harris will call for a federal ban on food and grocery price gouging on Friday.

Within her first 100 days in office, the Democratic presidential candidate will push for the first-ever federal ban on “corporate price gouging” by food companies to prevent them from “unfairly jacking up prices on consumers,” her campaign said Wednesday. Harris also wants to provide the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state attorneys general with the authority to impose stiff penalties on corporations that violate such a ban.

Would love to have been a fly on the wall leading up to Biden's "voluntary" step aside.

From: KsRancher
All kidding aside. I truly didn't think there was anybody out there that believed the BS story about Biden stepping down.

From: KSflatlander
I can't believe there are so many right wingers that buy the soft coup Trump fairy tale...all kidding aside.

Check that...yes I can.

There's a real easy solution to this. Take it to court. So telling that the Trump legal team (what's left of them after criminal charges and disbarment) hasn't done that. But keep parroting Trump. It does wonders with independent voters.

From: KsRancher
I can't believe there are so many right wingers that buy the soft coup Trump fairy tale...all kidding aside. Check that...yes I can.

There's a real easy solution to this. Take it to court. So telling that the Trump legal team (what's left of them after criminal charges and disbarment) hasn't done that. But keep parroting Trump. It does wonders with independent voters.

It doesn't bother me one bit that he "stepped down". Not worried about a "soft coup". Personally don't think it changed the outcome of the election. I just find it odd that people believe it happened the way we were told it happened.

From: spike78
I honestly think he’s dead or in the hospital.

From: RK
Of course you do Spike. His double was holding a rally today with Kamala's double

From: Brotsky
"Vice President Kamala Harris will call for a federal ban on food and grocery price gouging on Friday."

I haven't seen many rich grocery store owners....but I know of a shit load of rich pharmaceutical companies. where's those promises? Also, how in the hell would she ever accomplish this? It's not legal and it's not possible. Especially in the world post Chevron.

From: Catscratch
"It's not legal and it's not possible." Has that ever stopped a politian from making a promise?

From: Jimmyjumpup
It is possible if the gubment says so. They do what they want. Slowly but surely. They will put you in jail.

From: spike78
RK how did he sound?

From: CaptMike
At least KS has revealed himself as the socialist he is. Does it feel good coming out of the closet??

From: spike78
RK how did he sound?

From: spike78
KS has always been a Bowsite socialist nothing new.

From: RK
Sounded like a fake. So did Kamala.

You guys should just leave Ks Alone. Not worth the effort. Has nothing to add unless you want info on bat studies and bird windmill kills. Probably hunts two -four days a year

From: TonyBear
Kamal doesn't work for the "tuna company that has heart." She can't, won't, isn't able to reduce prices on anything. Especially gasoline.

That said, sounds like White Castle is offering 10 cheeseburgers for $7.99, as a temporary discount due to inflation.

From: HDE
"Slowly but surely. They will put you in jail."

Have to be willing to go first...

From: Screwball
KS in response: (I am not a Trumpy) Energy Policy- we need to continue to push all of the above energy sources and continue to invest in new technologies.

# even if they are destructive to our environment, plants, animals, humans? We put up solar over habitat and fields for grazing or growing plants, wind turbines kill birds an oceanic habitat, stop fishing and hinder our naval defense. Battery our grid cannot handle, and batteries safety is questionable at best.

Tax Policy- my taxes went up under Trump. Close loop holes for the rich. Eliminate the Trump tax breaks for the Uber wealthy like himself. # I'll simply state I have never been hired by a poor person! Wealthy people invest create jobs and drive the economy, and I am not just talking about million and billionaires, Middle class and upper middle class.

Healthcare Policy- we need national health care.

# I call total BS, Talk to Canadian residents and the slow care, poor care, or being sent to America for care they cannot receive in their own country. It still costs them monthly plus the huge tax they pay for it. My wife had surgery here in WI 3 or her 4 nurses were from Ontario, because of the failed health care system, care, and money. If you can't afford improve your position and earn. We will disagree on health care being a right I believe.

Environmental policy- Harris is not proposing to gut environmental and conservation regulations nor getting rid of long-standing envirnmental laws that protect habitat, species, and human health. I'm for continued protection and conservation...the laws republicans passed in the early 1970s (+50 years). So is Harris.

# This country is so over regulated and being choked to death because of it. All this green energy in 50 years will be laughed at and the damage to the environment will be the sad. Harris and the green movement are destroying more than others in my opinion.

SCOTUS- I disagree with most of the recent decisions coming out of the court. I also want to see ethics laws passed for SCOTUS so they can't accept gifts. Harris is for it. Trump not so much.

#Not sure which decision you disagree: Presidential immunity, I would hope so, otherwise no President will be able to make any decision without fear of retaliation once out of office. The ruling only affects actions while in office. Hard decisions have to be made, take out a terrorists (to us) leader should be tried or sued ? The use of courts as a form of retaliation or impacting elections should concerning for us all. Roe v Wade: Constitutionally this was always a flawed decision and should never have been made originally. This is a states rights issue and can be change is decided by the states through a Constitutional Amendment.

Lastly, one campaign is running on fear and doom (Trump) and one is running on hope and change (Harris).

#I see way more from anyone but Harris-Biden-and Walz. 22 percent inflation we cannot afford more of this, illegal immigration by the millions, rampant crime.

From: Screwball
Off WI Bowsite: Please copy and paste the link in your browser and add your comments to stop or minimize this project. Public comment is open through the end of the week.

One of the only populations of prairie chickens left east of the Mississippi River is about to have solar panels built ontop of the small fragment of land they call home.

Prairie chickens used to expand nearly nationwide, and yet here we are driving more nails in their coffin.

It’s up for public comment here

" But in the end he VOLUNTARILY ended his campaign. Full stop"

in the same way nixon "VOLUNTARILY" ended his presidency. full stop.

"RK how did he sound?"

not dead and not in the hospital.

From: KSflatlander
"# even if they are destructive to our environment, plants, animals, humans? We put up solar over habitat and fields for grazing or growing plants, wind turbines kill birds an oceanic habitat, stop fishing and hinder our naval defense. Battery our grid cannot handle, and batteries safety is questionable at best."

There is a cost of all energy sources. Renewable energy has less impact (cradle to grace) compared to other energy sources and the gap is getting better but the day through innovation and efficiencies. I think you forgot the cost of climate change to wildlife and habitat. Underwater turbine structures actually create habitat. Agreed, batteries are not a long term solution to renewable energy intermittence. I guess you think we should just give up then. Lots of things kill birds and wind turbines pale in comparison to house cats, cars, glass building, cars, transmission/distribution lines, climate change. Please note the Audubon Society (bird conservation organization) supports renewable energy because they know climate change will be more destructive.

"# I'll simply state I have never been hired by a poor person! Wealthy people invest create jobs and drive the economy, and I am not just talking about million and billionaires, Middle class and upper middle class."

I get so tired of this trickle down stuff. Make people more rich and it's good for me lol. Elon Musk would not be where he is today without buyers and demand from the middle class. I'd rather invest in good ideas instead of rich people. I support progressive tax.

"# This country is so over regulated and being choked to death because of it. All this green energy in 50 years will be laughed at and the damage to the environment will be the sad. Harris and the green movement are destroying more than others in my opinion."

Funny that most of the regulations have been around +50 years but yet our economy has sky-rocket to the top relative to the rest of the world. The historical economic numbers don't show it's choked off. I think cowboys on horses said the same thing about automobiles as you do about alternative energy sources.

"#Not sure which decision you disagree: Presidential immunity, I would hope so, otherwise no President will be able to make any decision without fear of retaliation once out of office. The ruling only affects actions while in office. Hard decisions have to be made, take out a terrorists (to us) leader should be tried or sued ? The use of courts as a form of retaliation or impacting elections should concerning for us all."

Funny I don't remember any president being sued or prosecuted by the DOJ for official duties prior to this ruling. Asking to "find votes" or confiscate voting machines based on internet conspiracy theories is not official duties. They just made a person above the law in the US. I'm also talking about citizens united and chevron just to name two. There are others and more to come.

"Roe v Wade: Constitutionally this was always a flawed decision and should never have been made originally. This is a states rights issue and can be change is decided by the states through a Constitutional Amendment."

That's your opinion and I disagree. However, I'm not for unlimited abortion rights. My stance is similar to Trump in 2016. But why not just send every law back to the states. What's next, showing papers when you cross state lines.

"#I see way more from anyone but Harris-Biden-and Walz. 22 percent inflation we cannot afford more of this, illegal immigration by the millions, rampant crime."

Inflation is down to 2.9%. Illegal immigration is down since Biden took executive action. I agree with Biden and Harris that congress should act and had a bipartisan bill until Trump scuttled it for his own political purposes. Violent crime is down under Biden vs Trump.

Screwball- I won't reply to any of your responses as it just hurts the brain to read what you post. Advice, do some research before posting.

This is another example of why many posters won't dissent. You get thrown heaping piles of made up crap from people who are either so biased they don't care or simple to intellectually lazy to look it up themselves. Some don't care to want to know the truth or form an opinion based on facts.

Lastly- to the OP, based on HDE and others profound lack of understanding of elementary U.S. civics and social studies, we are not a democracy. LMAO. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. It shows you how easily people are brainwash to not to believe the most elementary of information and historical truths. A constitutional republic is a type of democracy. It may not be direct but absolutely we are a democracy.

Have at it.

From: spike78
KS are you saying we are not a Democracy or laughing at someone for saying we are not a democracy?

From: KSflatlander
Spike- I edited the last post to be more clear. Our government is a type of democracy. Fact.

From: Screwball
I would agree on the policies of the last 50 years are on the books and allowed by liberal leaning courts. Now with a constitution based court it is horrible to the left. Ie. Chevron, was classic overreach. Agencies are not the law makers, and were allowed that power by the courts. Wrong Congress writes laws. Basic power granted in the constitution.

KS, I rarely post on politics due to the koolaid drinkers on both sides, as you are one also and do not look at the words of our constitution. But your level of revisionist theory and fact is nauseating. I could not, not respond. I received multiple degrees and taught Civics, History, Economics, Geography for over 30 years. Read and researched and continue the same. My classrooms were research-fact based with students learning to think on their own. So you should look at facts instead of your feelings.

From: spike78
Screwball knowing what you what are your thoughts on Israel? I’m curious

From: spike78
Screwball knowing what you what are your thoughts on Israel? I’m curious

From: spike78
Screwball knowing what you what are your thoughts on Israel? I’m curious

glad you decided to post screwball.

as is often the case you will be ridiculed...accused of being full of crap...intellectually lazy...and a whole host of other things by the self proclaimed smartest people in the room. its their modus operandi.

From: Babysaph
I like living in WV. Our climate changes 4 times a year

From: Will
KSflatlander, we are a cOnsTaTuTionAl RupUbliC! This is hilarious because people who believe VP Harris took over in a coup literally love to tout how we are a constitutional republic and not a "democracy." And her situation is 100% legal BECAUSE WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. That's what's so hilarious about watching Trump dream about JB stepping down and being upset about this. With him, every accusation is a confession.

From: Screwball
Spike78, Israel is very deep and interesting situation. In a nutshell my take, and I am no expert but if you look even superficially at the history it is very complex. Jews and Muslims, have lived together and fought over this land forever so to speak. Interestingly the Ottoman Empire and Palestinians sold land to Jews, all for the money. In 1948 when when David Be Gurion declared Israels independence that was then supported by the British and the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Multiple countries supported this Declaration of Independence. In1948 and the declaration 5 Arab countries attacked Israel and the War for Independence began. Post WWII most of Allies supported the creation of a free Israel due to the Holocaust (yes it really happened) and still today support Israels right to independence and existence, contrary to the view of many Arabic people thus the "water to the water" or as we hear today "River to the Sea". My take: Long term peace is impossible in the Middle East. Religious beliefs and long standing hate, same holly locations, make it impossible. Israel has to fight for it's mere existence and defend itself but is also a provocateur as well at times. To me why would anyone attack Israel, they have everything to lose and thus in war nothing to lose. Similar to the Vietnamese people who fought for a thousand years for self rule. Israel is a strong ally of of the U.S. thus we need them and their location in the Middle East. But lets not forget the greed factor of ourselves and our government as well. Our weakened position of strength in the world currently brings a great deal of instability to the entire world.

From: spike78
I like what you typed at the bottom but from what I read of correct is that their were votes to put the Jews in what is now Israel but every Arab nation voted No and said it was a bad idea but all the nations who wouldn’t be affected voted yes and even bribed and threatened the nations to vote yes. One issue is that they were given 56% of the land in prime spots like ocean front and fertile soil and the Arabs outnumbered them by a lot but only could have 44% of the land. I believe the issue was when they moved in they went on to try and claim land by force that was outside of their given land. Yes it’s very complicated but you could imagine the Arabs being pissed because western nations dictated that land most likely for their own gain. That would be like China telling us that they are putting the Taiwans in Texas. I’d imagine we would not like it. But if true let’s be honest they are wiping out Palestine and the US should not be sending weapons to kill all those civilians.

From: csalem
Spike if you can make the time there are going to be some huge Anti Israel demonstrations in Chicago next week and at UCLA when classes start back up. It would be a good chance for you to get to know the Israel haters up close and personal. Many delightful and highly educated people in those groups. It would also give you a chance to buy some of the many products that the Palestinians are famous for producing. They can also school you on Palestinia!!

From: Screwball
Personal perspective, Palestinians are not innocent in this, they want to blame Hamas but support Hamas and allow them to be there. War is horrible. Think of the what some call innocents killed in WWII or Vietnam. Where does one draw the line for who is not complacent. We supplied and trained Osama Bin Laden vs Russia, and he came back to haunt us. His children or decedents may be the same threat. As I said Israel has also been a provocateur. Selling weapons is good for the economy.

Added: Conspiracy theorist in me, I find it hard to believe Israel, US, and other intelligence agencies knew nothing about October 7th, July 13th, Jan 6th, December 7th, Nov 22nd, etc.

From: Beendare
I cannot imagine anyone wanting more ofthe same lies and corruption we have had for the last 3.5 years.

She has done a complete 180 on her past to make her look more moderate. Easy to see its lies to get elected.

She now wants tips untaxed…but a couple years ago she was the deciding vote in Congress as VP to tax tips.

She has said, “ we all need to be more woke”

She supported and exacerbated the George Floyd riots and is behind the program to provide bail money to the violent protestors that were arrested

“ The Border is secure”

She wants to eliminate private HC insurance plans and go full bore Socialized medicine.

I think the worst part of the New Improved Kamala, is she is a pawn in the back pocket of Soros.

Do we really want to be more like Cuba and Venezuela?

From: Jimmyjumpup
But she is going to reduce food prices by putting a cap on the food producers.

From: spike78
Csalem had you actually read what I asked Srewball I wanted his opinion and said IF True meaning I am learning the history and am not 100% yet on a decision. The problem with you guys is you go by what the news tells you. I’m reading history. I appreciate Screwballs opinion as he seems somewhat half and half himself where as you guys spew CNN. And Screwball damn straight they knew about October 7. The death toll in Palestine is now over 40,000 and said to be 100,000 but hey if Russia came here and bombed women and children I guess you guys would be ok with that?

From: Beendare
There is exaggeration everywhere.....but there is plenty of video evidence of the facts on Kamala in my post.

Folks on Twitter digging up old video of that to the absolute fake Kamala they are trotting out there now- it's unbelievable.

Hopefully the manipulators behind the scenes in the Dem party get their azzes handed to them and moderates in the party eventually prevail.

Right now they are getting steamrolled with guys like Joe Manchin throwing up their hands and bowing out ....and the mass media is complicit.

From: HDE
KSFlatbrimmer - we're not the ones confused.

Such a simpleton...

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
Beendare's embedded Photo
Folks say they like Kamalas policy? You mean like controls on food….

Venezuela has these controls- pictured

From NPR linked article, “the Nightmare of grocery shopping in Ven.” ( bowsite didn’t like the npr link- I had to dump it)

In Venezuela, government supermarkets sell price-controlled food, making them far cheaper than private stores. But Valero explains that people are allowed in state-run supermarkets just two days per week, based on their ID card numbers. The system is designed to prevent shoppers from buying more than they need and then reselling goods on the black market at a huge markup.

But checkout is like clearing customs in a hostile foreign country. The checkout clerk scrutinizes Valero's ID card and tells her to hold her index finger over a fingerprint scanner.

The clerk scans the merchandise and then informs Anny that, because of rationing, she can buy just two of the three cans of sardines. Then, Valero and Benaventi must produce Jeremy's birth certificate to prove the baby is theirs and that they really do need the diapers.

"This is such a waste of time, and we have to do it every week," Valero says. "My husband risks losing his job because he's here with me shopping. And on top of that, we can only buy two of each item.

From: Beendare
Just what we want, Another worthless California politician, kamala is just like Newsom who is currently patting himself on the back for finally starting to crack down on crime…. before every business leaves the state. We have whole shopping centers that have gone bankrupt Westfield mall right in the middle of SF and another in San Leandro Bayfair. What a coincidence that Bayfair and parts of Waltz’s Minneapolis look like a war torn country. Also in SF REITs bailed on 2 huge hotels, just walked away….a total of about 4,000 rooms.

Newsom news conf; Gavin Newsom: Thanks to all my hard work, we have recovered $7.2 million worth of stolen goods

Reality: In just 2022, retailers in California lost $8.720 BILLION in revenue to theft

Math: Gavin got back .0825% of stolen goods

The very popular Oakland In andOut Burger - Kamalas old stomping grounds- that always had a line down the street closed. People getting carjacked while in line and employees getting attacked. My buddy a 78 yr old man was at Oaklands Alta Bates hospital visiting a friend from Cal, and he was dragged out of his car, pepper sprayed and they stole his car.

???????????????? to the Dem policy destroying America one city at a time.

Heck, why don’t you Kamala fans come visit what she started in Oakland….so you can see the future under her policy.

From: Jimmyjumpup
But she is going to reduce food prices by putting a cap on the food producers.

From: shade mt
So she has been sitting in the white house for the last 4 years twiddling her thumbs thinking......i'll wait till i'm the head honcho to do anything?

her campaign ads that talk about her tough border control are almost laughable......almost as laughable as the people that are falling for it hook line and sinker.

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