Mathews Inc.
Conservation in one picture
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 16-Aug-24
Al Dente Laptop 16-Aug-24
midwest 16-Aug-24
Blood 16-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 16-Aug-24
Helgermite 16-Aug-24
bowhunter24 16-Aug-24
greenmountain 16-Aug-24
KSflatlander 16-Aug-24
Beendare 16-Aug-24
Kannuck 20-Aug-24
Will 20-Aug-24
DanaC 20-Aug-24
DonVathome 25-Aug-24
fdp 25-Aug-24
From: DonVathome

DonVathome's embedded Photo
DonVathome's embedded Photo


Conservation: The wise use of natural resources.

From: midwest
How lucky this generation is to be able to reap the benefits of some of the forward-thinking individuals before us!

From: Blood
Now add in the wolves….

I wonder what has happened to the Canada goose population in the past 30 years….. I think we have about 2.5m on the local golf course….

From: Helgermite
Gee, it seems the North American model for wildlife management works. Things with a proven track record should not be abandoned just because it doesn't fit someone's opinion. It's not broke, so don't fix it!

From: bowhunter24
Just hire Paul for your golf coarse!!!

We need to do a better job telling what is being done right. I bet 95 % of those reading these statistics do some form of outdoor recreation. I am working with a group of non hunters to protect a parcel of land. It pleases me how many have become pro hunting as they learn about wildlife management.

From: KSflatlander
^^^^This is how we protect our hunting heritage. I’ve had the same experiences greenmountain.

From: Beendare
Good chart Don

From: Kannuck
The sad fact is that most non-hunters have no idea that these results are directly the result of organizations that have been started, run, and funded by hunters.

From: Will
Hunters have done well by wildlife.

From: DanaC

DanaC's Link
Great read

From: DonVathome
Greenmountain and Kannuk are right, in my experience 90% of Americans have no idea this is the case. If we could just get that info out there hunting would be MUCH better protected and it would a lot of wind out of the Anti's sails.

Just like Africa, most have no idea hunting is extremely important and when banned the consequences on all mammals in that country are devastating.

The media has a lot of control and they are not helping us.

Did you know that currently polar bear populations are at the highest level ever recorded? No one I ever met knew this.........................

From: fdp
Good stuff.

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