Mathews Inc.
What can we do?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
greenmountain 16-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 16-Aug-24
butcherboy 16-Aug-24
TonyBear 16-Aug-24
greenmountain 17-Aug-24
DanaC 17-Aug-24
butcherboy 17-Aug-24
Jaquomo 17-Aug-24
Will 17-Aug-24
sawtooth 17-Aug-24
Glunt@work 17-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 17-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 17-Aug-24
I often feel powerless in the political arena. Not being one to do nothing I got with the Fish and wildlife department a couple years ago. They hooked me up with a summer camp. This camp teaches responsible use of the outdoors. On the first year the archery instructor needed help. I had my certification lapse but I helped out anyway. My status as a bow hunter safety was reinstated. The second year I became the primary bow safety instructor. This year I took a couple vacation days and again taught the archery segment. It was most rewarding was the young people I work with. They mature every year. One of the apprentice instructors impressed me so much I asked him to visit my work place. His drive and ability have me convinced he would be valuable in our company . The point is if we want young folks to have similar values we need to spend time with them and show them what we enjoy and why. The folks at camp are passionate in their areas of skill. One event has the kids make chili and cook it using wood coals in the ground oven. Even if the kids don't normally eat chili they eat the meal they prepared together.

I think a 4-day hunting trip would be about the ultimate job interview…..

From: butcherboy
But does the chili have beans in it or no beans? Jk. Good for you for doing something for the youth and teaching them archery.

From: TonyBear
I noticed earlier this year the Walt Whitman non-profit was looking for a lot of archery instructors for the summer.

Told my college kid but he didn't want to spend a summer away from home.

I was afraid my message would sound boastful. It was not intended that way. The more we do with our children and grandchildren to enjoy the outdoors the better. My efforts pale compared with many of my friends. The sad thing is the majority continue to complain but never try to take a kid fishing ,hunting or camping.

From: DanaC
You can be very effective on a local level. Every organization is looking for hands-on people. Clubs, charities, gun rights, organizations, etc. Lending a hand when events are being held, especially those that get people involved in the outdoors, is no small thing.

From: butcherboy
I didn’t think your post sounded boastful at all. It’s always a good thing to help out the youngsters.

From: Jaquomo
It's a great thing to do that and expose them, because even if they don't continue, they will someday need to vote for what we do.

The sad thing is that stats show most youth hunters drop out as soon as they hit about 17-18, and the majority never come back. Sports, parties, lack of access to decent hunting, costs, peer pressure (girls..) all contribute.

From: Will
Great job Greenmountain! I remember my time at my states conservation camp, as a teen, well. Shooting trap and skeet, Archery, casting competitions and fishing fun, boating skills, camping skills, hunter safety... It was awesome.

From: sawtooth
Hunting and killing things for pleasure and food is no longer a way of life. Each year there is less acceptance, just ask the majority of high school girls what they think of killing animals.

From: Glunt@work
Felt like about everyone hunted when I was in high school. I have 2 high schoolers now and its very different. My son and I have introduced a lot of his friends to the outdoors. Some haven't even ever camped except for in an RV.

Pretty obvious hunting is natural when you see how most kids take to it after being exposed. Some of the parents joke with us about how the birthday and Christmas lists are now comprised of shotguns, decoys and fly rods instead of Hey Dudes and Airpods.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Start ‘em early!!
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Start ‘em early!!
I’m feeling pretty lucky; my older son’s roommate is on fire for single-string archery and has a summer job teaching archery at a camp. (Note to anyone wondering what is a good weight for learning Recurve: this kid is completely jacked, deadlifts over #400, and has a #40 recurve and a #30 horsebow).

Today we met my younger son’s roommate and he was laughing about having checked himself out of school one day last fall because it was the first snow of the season and he thought it was a day better spent up a tree with a bow.

Pretty sure we can convert him to The Righteous Path of the Single String by graduation….

Well done.

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