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Any info on Cage Blinds
Contributors to this thread:
Lewis 18-Aug-24
t-roy 18-Aug-24
t-roy 18-Aug-24
midwest 18-Aug-24
Jaquomo 18-Aug-24
t-roy 18-Aug-24
Lewis 19-Aug-24
RutnStrut 19-Aug-24
From: Lewis
Just looked at these in a short video and they looked pretty solid .Has anyone had any experience with them.The configuration of the windows was kinda hard to decipher at least for me.Thanks all Lewis

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
Lewis….I bought one at The Deer Classic a couple of years ago, but didn’t set it up until this spring for turkey season. I put it up a couple weeks before the season opened. It’s definitely not a run and gun(bow) type blind. It’s pretty heavy, and it took a little bit to set it up the first time (with a little help from YouTube). I’m certain I could set it up much quicker after doing it once. Once set up, it’s bulletproof. Super heavy duty stakes and the pole framework is incredibly strong. They claim the roof support could hold 800 lbs, and I wouldn’t doubt it. Personally, I think the window setups are pretty bowhunter friendly. The triangle windows that we shot out of, are wider at the bottom than at the top, and you have a good deal of adjustment options. If you’re looking for a blind that you could put out and feel comfortable leaving it for long periods of time, I’d highly recommend it. We killed 3 toms out of it this spring, 2 with bows, and I was extremely impressed with it.

From: t-roy
For the shooting windows that we used, we zipped up the bottom half of the bigger openings and shot out of the open top portion. You can kinda see them in the pic. You have a good bit of adjustment on how open or closed down you want your window opening to be, as well.

From: midwest
I hunted out of Troy’s blind. It is definitely heavy duty! Would not be afraid to leave it up all season. Very nice blind.

From: Jaquomo
I bet Wild Bill knows about them!

From: t-roy
A game cart WOULD’VE been handy carrying it in, Lou!

From: Lewis
Thanks for the info they do look solid Lewis

From: RutnStrut
I bought one and the tower last month. I will be putting them up on my land this week. I will update here on my thoughts throughout the season. It will be up until mid to late January here in WI. We usually have some heavy wet snow in late fall that should be a good test.

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