Sitka Gear
Hunter attacked by bear in Ak
Contributors to this thread:
Lewis 20-Aug-24
No Mercy 20-Aug-24
Lewis 20-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 20-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 20-Aug-24
Groundhunter 20-Aug-24
MF 20-Aug-24
olddogrib 21-Aug-24
Rut-Nut 21-Aug-24
APauls 21-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 21-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 21-Aug-24
Rut-Nut 21-Aug-24
Will 21-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 21-Aug-24
Zbone 21-Aug-24
Smtn10PT 21-Aug-24
Zbone 21-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 22-Aug-24
Beendare 22-Aug-24
From: Lewis
Well it’s been reported a hunter was attacked by a brown bear in Resurrection Pass but that’s not all he was also shot during the attack and no one is sure who fired the shot.He was flown to Anchorage in pretty bad shape and the bear was killed.Be careful out there Good luck Lewis

From: No Mercy

No Mercy's Link

From: Lewis
Thanks NoMercy I have to learn how to do that Lewis

“he was also shot during the attack and no one is sure who fired the shot”

I’m gonna go out onna limb and rule out the bear….


Corax_latrans's Link
And a related story…..

FWIW, I don’t think it matters who shot the Bear Attack victim, though if it was a self-inflicted wound, that might be an argument in favor of bear spray…..

From: Groundhunter
I just left Alaska. Guides told me, spray not that effective for brown bears. All I know is they are really big

Hope he heals well.

Be careful around those Big Hungries guys.

From: MF
Maybe he was out running his partner

From: olddogrib
Let's not leap to conclusions! We still have "the right to keep and arm bears"!

wonder if either of the hunters was anyone we see posting here about how good of a shot they are...and how well trained and prepared they would be in a crisis situation?


hope his recovery is quick and complete.

From: Rut-Nut
Man, talk about a BAD DAY gone WORSE! : (

From: APauls
Well the bear was killed during the attack. Even though the guy was shot in the leg he still stands a better chance than being underneath a live pissed off Brown Bear


Pete In Fairbanks's Link
Here is an interview with the guy who was munched on... Interesting story!


Interesting quote from the mauling victim... from the ADN :

“I even said it, ‘It’s like, wow, this is a beautiful day today.’ If you don’t mind, you know, getting mauled by a bear and shooting yourself,” said 32-year-old Tyler Johnson.


From: Rut-Nut
Wow- sounds like he didn’t even realize he had shot himself with the first round……………

Sounds like they were well prepared. And competent.

It’s not rare to shoot your own appendages in a brawl using firearms.

From: Will
Super scary, but glad the guy is alive!

“It’s not rare to shoot your own appendages in a brawl using firearms.”

Think I’ll add that to my list of Things Not To Find Out For Myself…..

So should we add this to the Plus column for the 10mm because a big-bore revolver would have just taken the leg clean off??

Sounds like this kid has an awesome attitude and he was damn lucky that he and his Pop were so well prepared, both in equipment and attitude/training. Awfully good time to be able to go on autopilot, especially if that’s YOUR boy who needs patching together in a huge hurry….

From: Zbone
Wow, glad to hear the young man is going to be okay... Sounds like they were well prepared...

From: Smtn10PT

Video from the hunter.

From: Zbone
The dude is pretty calm for being mauled by a brown bear and shooting himself...

Another bear attack yesterday just S of Denali Park. And news today of a wolf attack at a road construction site on the Dalton Highway.

Apparently Alaska's wildlife is feeling miffed that the DNC was sucking up all the attention for craziness this week!


From: Beendare
The story is telling. The guy had his 10mm in some sort of retention type holster and he says he couldn't unholster it the first attempt...or something like that.

Whatever the case, the seconds wasted let the bear get on him before he could pull his weapon. He did say the one shot he got off to the bears head got an immediate stunned reaction from the bear with him stopping the mauling.

It's about 18 minutes in when he is talking about his 10mm.

He says going forward, he would not go in the woods without it.

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