What not to bring to elk camp
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Ill start! 5 sets of camouflage 4 different hats 3 pairs of boots 2 spotting scope 1 40deg sleeping bag.
A complainer, or a laggard, or someone who is ready to head home 3 days in type of person for a hunting partner......
i think jordan nailed it right off the bat,,,,,,,,,
A bad cook who thinks they're great ;-)
the wife and mistress on the same hunt ............. ( just kidding of course ) Proverbs 9 : 10 ..... fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ! ......
The guy who can't shut up. yap yap yap yap been there done that yap yap I'll one up you on every topic yap yap
“What not to bring to elk camp“
An I-Pad, TV or anything else that plays movies or media. Leave that $h!t at home. You have 11 other months to sit on your rear end and be “entertained” by the idiot box.
“A dozen arrows“
Huh?? Really. I always have a fresh dozen between my quiver and bow case. Lots of grouse where I go and not to mention, sometimes it gets western on the mountain. You haven’t lived until you’ve walked back to camp with an empty quiver ;^) Rather be with than without arrows.
aw man I have to repack now... How many knives can I bring?
Along the line of jordan’s thinking, leave your “oh, woe is me when things get tough “ attitude at home. You never know when that “moment of truth “ is only 100 yds ahead.
Loud music. I love tunes as much as the next guy but I don't need to hear your 100amp sound system in your buggy while yelling "big bull down" at 9 o'clock at night.
Laziness and booze, the type of guy that gets drunk, bags the hunting time on a guided hunt.
Everyone I know is obsessed with politics.
You need to meet new people
I'm ok with some alcohol. Just don' t get stupid. A positive attitude goes a long way towards having a great hunt. Like wyo said, your whole hunt can change within the next 100 yards.
Nothing mentioned will bother me. I’m hunting alone. When I do have hunting partners they are usually family or my kids. Heck, I wore the same pants and shirt last year for 7 or 8 days straight.
Snarky Grant. I’m good with my people.
Unreasonable expectations! (Optimism is OK...!)
Sawtooth, a good bourbon is ok to toast a successful or even unsuccessful hunt... good for the soul. scentman
Booze, or Women you pick up on the way out there!
I heard a story about 2 guys who picked up some ladies they met on the road, brought them to an outfitter's camp (friend of mine). A few days later, their Wives apparently carpooled their way to the camp, and caught them red-handed (or with other red appendages, lol).
A hunting partner who can't physically pack any weight, or looks for ways out of packing
I was at a caribou camp once when four wealthy friends of the owner brought a sack of coke and a big bag of weed. They were snorting lines off the tray tables on the charter flight out of Montreal, and rolling doobies. Fortunately he housed them in a separate "VIP" camp a few hundred yards away from the regular camp, with their own cook.
On the flight back, they gave everybody free passes to the "touchy-feely" strip clubs they owned in Montreal.
Your ziplock baggie filled with the mornings pooh….Jordan:):):)
I guess I should "burry" it as someone once told me here on BS.........LOL
Someone who thinks they need to leave early because their interest really isn't into the hunt.
An acquaintance of mine had a hunt, belly-ached the entire time, then decided he needed to leave early. I took days off from work to help "guide" him. He ruined his own hunt for me. Never again...