Mathews Inc.
It's been a while. I have a question.
Contributors to this thread:
JayG@work 25-Aug-24
BoggsBowhunts 25-Aug-24
Paul@thefort 25-Aug-24
Scrappy 26-Aug-24
spike78 26-Aug-24
longsprings 26-Aug-24
Hunts_with_stick 26-Aug-24
Highlife 26-Aug-24
Philbow 26-Aug-24
scentman 26-Aug-24
sawtooth 26-Aug-24
VAMtns 26-Aug-24
bowhunter24 26-Aug-24
BC173 26-Aug-24
wv_bowhunter 26-Aug-24
TMac 26-Aug-24
JayG@work 27-Aug-24
JayG@work 27-Aug-24
pav 27-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 27-Aug-24
drycreek 27-Aug-24
Lewis 27-Aug-24
Groundhunter 27-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 27-Aug-24
JB 27-Aug-24
Woody 27-Aug-24
PeteO 27-Aug-24
badbull 27-Aug-24
JayG@work 28-Aug-24
Bou'bound 28-Aug-24
bowhunter24 28-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 28-Aug-24
From: JayG@work
Okay,I haven't been on here is a couple years. The whole plandemic and the whole falling apart sorta had me out of sorts. Anyhow, I have a problem and I am looking for a solution. Okay, so last year, I went out hunting. I was using a Mission Sub-1 crossgun. I have been a bowhunter for decades. I haven't used a gun for hunting since like 1988ish. I spent 26 years in Special Forces and was a sniper and all. I used to shoot a ton and got to the point where when I hunted, if I could see it, I could kill it and there was no thrill or excitement because the shot just came down to rote mechanics. So I started bowhunting and I loved it. I taught bow hunter Ed. Was the county rep for NY Bowhunters for about a decade, etc. I used to pride myself at taking only close shots, nothing past 21 yards in almost 20 years... Anyhow, my past is coming back to haunt me. My back, neck and shoulders are so messed up that I couldn't pull my bow. About 3 years ago, I picked up a Mathews V3 31at 60lbs. I really loved that bow but pulling it has gotten to where I can't get it over when I have an animal in close, and holding it for long is tough. Anyhow, last year I went out with my X-gun and the first time out, I shot a bear, 225-250 lbs at 6 yards from the base of my tree.... And it was the worst thing that I could have done.... It felt just like using a gun and when I shot, it was just nothing, no excitement, no feeling of accomplishment, it just felt dead, like business. Anyhow, I am wondering, is it possible to relimb my bow with lighter limbs, or is my only option to go out and dump gajillions of dollars on a new bow..... Oh, just a little FYI. I am now on SS with complete disability, so my discretionary spending money is not so much. I have to tell you. Without being able to bow hunt, I am actually looking at hanging it up. Anyhow, any advice would be appreciated. Peace, Jay

I’m 99% sure you can get lighter limbs, but if not I’m sure you could sell that bow for a good chunk of change and dump the proceeds into a used bow (even that exact make and model) at a lighter draw weight. Or get something like a mission riot (if they still make those?) and adjust the draw weight to as much or as little as you can injury dependent.

I do have a tremendous amount of respect for you for your admission that crossguns aren’t bows, though. Most in your situation would just fall on the crutch and not even give the compound another thought. Serious props

From: Paul@thefort
I bet someone on Bowsite has just the bow for you, hanging in the closet or garage. How about it Bowsiters. Drop Jan a note. My best, Paul

From: Scrappy
Drop in on your local bowshop. You might get lucky with them wanting your limbs in exchange for ordering you a liter set.

From: spike78
What draw length are you?

From: longsprings
I did the very thing you are asking about Went to the bow shop got poundage reduced!! I lost arrow penitration so back to bow shop got new victory 4mm arrows with 90 grain outserts and solved the peno problem. Still using my same bow just lighter draw weight.

73 and still doing it So can you. Keep on keeping on Thanks for your service Hats off to you

Have you thought about hunting for a specific sized deer? Or a specific deer? I have always thought if it is in range and I have a shot, it’s dead. Maybe try holding out for something?

From: Highlife
Jay at the range your shooting have you considered using a stick bow? I'm going through the same issues it's a total different animal but looking forward to the upcoming season.

From: Philbow
I had the same problem drawing and holding my bow. Went to a physical therapist and they changed how I drew the bow and changed my anchor point so I didn't aggravate my arthritis. I have to draw the string to my upper chest and bring it up to my new anchor point under my chin.

From: scentman
Wow, a blast from the past. For you newer Bowsiters Jay was a regular here, him and Kelly Harris "114" would have us in stiches... Welcome home Jay! scentman

From: sawtooth
I hope you find a solution. And remember, it is ok to hang it up, that is what memories are for.

From: VAMtns
A camera as a last resort , no meat but time in the woods . Close up pics are great and no dragging or field dressing and pack outs . Thanks for your service .

From: bowhunter24
I have similar problem, I went to a 50lb bow with small dia. arrows, a 50 grain outsert small dia. fixed blades and get great penetration! Don't give up yet, shooting a bow can still be fun! It's great to hear from you again.

From: BC173
Jay… I just did that. A bad left shoulder forced me to. I went to a Mathews dealer and had them order a set of lower poundage limbs for me. The cost was $300. It’s the second time I have done this, from 80 to 70, and now 60 lb. limbs. The first set was $150 and I asked why they increased in price so much, and the answer was twofold. One, because of an aging population of hunters that really liked the bow they have, and 2, because of the price of new bows. If you can justify the cost get a set of 50 lb. limbs and don’t look back. Good luck and glad to see you back, here!

From: wv_bowhunter
Since the V3 uses the switch weight mods, that get it down to 60 lbs, do they offer any lighter limbs for those?

From: TMac
Hey Jay great to see you back on here. As others have said try your local bow shop for lighter poundage bow with appropriate arrow and you’re back in the game. I’m sure they have dealt with this situation before it’s nothing new we’re just getting older. Once again it’s great to see you on here again!

From: JayG@work

JayG@work's embedded Photo
Kelly, SERB and Me.
JayG@work's embedded Photo
Kelly, SERB and Me.
Hey guys, thanks for your input. I am going to head in to town where the Archery shop is next week and am going to bring my bow in. We are going to explore options. My V3 for all intents and purpose in brand new. I'm thinking that I may have only put a couple hundred shots through it in the 3 years that I have had it. Back before my shoulders and neck went on me, I used to do that in a week.... I know that everyone says that you shouldn't shoot more than 24ish arrows a session so that you won't get tired and build bad habits, but I used to love going out in to my back field and spend an hour or two daily just being in the zen/zone while shooting..It was actually a form of meditation for me... Even if I can't hunt again, I want to find that again. Anyhow, I will keep y'all posted as to what happens. Just the prospect of being able to, or at least trying to go back out with a bow has got me thinking that maybe I need to pull down and rebuild several of my treestands that I have neglected for the past couple years. I actually have a couple decent bucks out on my property.... Not Ohio decent, but decent for where I am at...... There is something about this area with the genetics,,, no friggen browtines.. It's crazy. So here is a couple pics from back in the day... My God I miss these guys... Kelly Harris and the SERBIAN SHARK... Good times. Peace all, Jay

From: JayG@work

JayG@work's embedded Photo
JayG@work's embedded Photo
My 114". That was a great year. I had so much fun with those guys. Being in camp with everybody there, Kelly, his Dad Don, Jason, SERB, Mike, Eric and all was such a blessing.

From: pav
I shot Mathews from 1996 - 2022...and finally reached an age / health where I needed something easier to draw. Shot lots of bows in early 2023 and wound up buying a Hoyt RX7 Ultra...and have zero regrets. Super smooth draw cycle compared to any Mathews bow I've ever owned.

Mentioning this because maybe you could sell the Mathews V3 31 and pick up a used Hoyt RX5 or RX7...or possibly a used PSE Mach 34 with EC or EC2 that bow was also super smooth on the draw. Just make sure the PSE doesn't have E2 or S2 cams...much tougher to draw. My two cents....Good luck!

Just a thought, but maybe it’s time to go Trad??

You can pick up an entirely satisfactory recurve on the big shopping site for about $40. A half-dozen decent arrows with good broadheads will cost you more than that, and #35 or #40 will not only kill that bear clean as a whistle, but at 6 yards, it would definitely feel like Hunting.

From: drycreek
Jay, if you have no joy at the bow shop, try Archery Talk (I know I know) classifieds for a 60 lb. or less Elite bow. They are easier drawing bows and those guys change bows as frequently as I change drawers. I’ve got several bargains off there. Good luck and thank you for your service !

From: Lewis
I have some similar issues with my shoulder I went to an Elite Synergy shooting around 50 lbs and so far so good. I shoot a heavy arrow north of 500 grains with 4 vanes. I keep my shots inside of 30 yards remember you can only shoot thru them once.Good luck and I felt the same about the xbows Lewis

From: Groundhunter
My current disability puts me into a xbow, and I am 75.

As I aged and before my accident, I shot Hoyts, at 42lbs, , Magnus heads, 80percent let off and killed bear, deer, and elk. All within 30 yards.

Today's compounds at 42lbs let's say, have more energy than any 60lb recurve, for heavens sake.

Trade the bow, if you are in Wis or by the UP, I could easily assist you.

Thanks for your service. Special Forces is tough

“ Today's compounds at 42lbs let's say, have more energy than any 60lb recurve, for heavens sake.”

Yup, something along those lines. If you have an arrow weight and a chronograph reading, I will cheerfully run the numbers….

And a #35 recurve will kill a lot of things….

From: JB
Thank you for your service Jay! Hope this works for you!! And that's a great picture of the 3 of you.

From: Woody
I'll be 77 in Dec and am shooting 50# at a 31" draw. Plenty of kinetic energy to kill deer. My bow was designed as a target bow, 38" axle to axle and a 7.25 brace height. Look around for a used 50# target bow, a lot smoother draw cycle.

From: PeteO
Not sure where in NY you are but I am in CT near Brewster. I have a 50# recurve you can use. It has adjustable limbs so you may be able to get it down a bit less. If interested pm me.

From: badbull
JG, Good info above. Pav's comments especially caught my attention because I can really relate to them. Shot Mathews for many years as well as many other compounds and ended up with a PSE as my latest because of its complete adjustability and energy. I never chronographed my bows but my PSE at say 60# is as fast as my Mathews bows at 76#. At 86 years next month, I find that I must go down in weight even more (maybe to 50# hopefully). My opinion is that in your situation I would check for used PSEs and Diamonds because of their adjustability and price value. I served but I have the greatest respect for you Special Forces guys and thank you so much for your service, Badbull.

From: JayG@work
Guys, I really appreciate all your comments. I am going to the archery shop near me next week after my VA acupuncture appointment to look at options. The shop is a Mathews, Elite and PSE dealer and he has a buttload of used rigs as well. I'm sure that I will figure something out.' I also have a Bob Lee Signature take down that is 55# at 28". The funny thing is, that bow has been sitting in my bow rack down stairs and I sort of forgot about it until you all said something about it. LOL I may have to take that down, dust it off and see if I can still pull it and hit anything.... I actually used to be pretty good with it back in the day. I will keep you guys posted on what happens.... Peace all, Jay

From: Bou'bound
Speaking of acupuncture now that you have come back to poke around this site I hope you will stick with us. We may needle each other a lot but that’s ok.

From: bowhunter24
Good one Bou!

“I also have a Bob Lee Signature take down that is 55# at 28"…”

I admire the attitude, but for Pete’s sake be really careful at that poundage…. That’s no place to start, especially if you’re already dealing with an injury. No sense making it permanently disabling. Snd FWIW, I knew a guy who shot compounds at #80 and said a #35 kicked his ass…

The screamin’ deal that was on Amazon has either sold out or has been found to be a scam, but there are still plenty of legitimate deals out there around $100, some including a few arrows.

If you find you can shoot #50 comfortably, then God Bless You, but if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t go any higher than the legal minimum….

Still waiting for someone with a low draw weight compound to provide an arrow weight and a chronograph reading for comparison….

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