Sitka Gear
The time has come....who's mowing????
Contributors to this thread:
jordanathome 26-Aug-24
Scoot 26-Aug-24
butcherboy 26-Aug-24
swampyankee 26-Aug-24
Mike B 26-Aug-24
drycreek 26-Aug-24
LUNG$HOT 26-Aug-24
WYOelker 26-Aug-24
WYOelker 26-Aug-24
blue spot 26-Aug-24
Insheart 26-Aug-24
IdyllwildArcher 26-Aug-24
Glunt@work 26-Aug-24
TEmbry 27-Aug-24
Supernaut 27-Aug-24
Jordan on Mobile 27-Aug-24
sawtooth 27-Aug-24
midwest 27-Aug-24
Jaquomo 27-Aug-24
hobbes 27-Aug-24
csalem 27-Aug-24
midwest 27-Aug-24
APauls 27-Aug-24
LUNG$HOT 27-Aug-24
IdyllwildArcher 27-Aug-24
IdyllwildArcher 27-Aug-24
Thornton 27-Aug-24
Earltex 27-Aug-24
LUNG$HOT 27-Aug-24
Jaquomo 27-Aug-24
KsRancher 27-Aug-24
jordanathome 27-Aug-24
butcherboy 27-Aug-24
KsRancher 27-Aug-24
butcherboy 28-Aug-24
From: jordanathome

jordanathome's Link
My buddy and his wife have a code phrase for coming home for lunch and some booty call......mowing the lawn. This is not what this thread is about.

It is time for the annual manscaping thread.....who's mowing the lawn in prep for elk season this year?

I am out this year......its gonna be cooler than normal and can use all the insulation I can get in addition to the fat layers.

From: Scoot
One thing about Jordan- he's always willing to take on the tough topics of hunting! :)

From: butcherboy
Never ever! Already have one slick crome dome. Don’t need another.

From: swampyankee
several of my friends code word is "i'm taking out the trash"

From: Mike B
Grew a full beard a couple years back. I like it...wife hated it...said it took me from distinguished and handsome all the way down to fugly.

From: drycreek
Distinguished is a word that has never been applied to me, but my wife says I’m handsome. She wears glasses………

Mowing my lawn? Yep usually do for September.

As for code words… my wife and I go in our room to “pay the bills”

From: WYOelker
Haha. Archery lope started August 15th and the grass was already cut. It is nice.

Of course you also need to make sure the backyard is well maintained as well… makes the squatting effort way easier on my old knees when the paper work is done in 1/3 the time!!!

From: WYOelker
Haha. Archery lope started August 15th and the grass was already cut. It is nice.

Of course you also need to make sure the backyard is well maintained as well… makes the squatting effort way easier on my old knees when the paper work is done in 1/3 the time!!!

From: blue spot
I am not one to purposely trim the hedges. But this july I had a heart valve replacement. As part of that process they explained they would shave my groin in case they needed to use a femoral artery for access just in case. Following my surgery i was giving my self a good look over admiring my new zipper and all the hoses hanging out of me. Once I got my catheter out and had the liberty of peeing standing up I got to check out their land scaping. Apparently, the nurse given the job of shaving me must have been union. They only shaved as much as they were told to. This left me a mow hawk down the middle !!! Made me laugh. But anybody who has had similar surgery, you know laughing is no laughing matter for the first week or two.

As an aside, the "no lifting more than ten pounds" to ensure my sternum fully heals has eliminated any quality time with my bow. And don't you know it, I made a business connection that would give me access to a well known bow hunting spot in southern Maine. Maybe if my shooting comes back fast I can get a week or two later in the season.

From: Insheart
A few years ago I was in for a pre-surgery exam.

They hooked me up to a 12 leed. A few spots they dry shaved my chest hair.

The other spots they just stuck on those sticky round leed connectors onto my chest. Yup I have a hairy chest.

A week later when I met with the surgeon, his PA and a computer gal, for a pre-surgery consultation. I made the comment that had I known about the sticky disc's I would have done some man scaping first.

They all burst into full on laughter. Evidently they had never heard that term before.

Get rid of your butt hairs and you won’t need baby wipes.

From: Glunt@work
The key is just like a lawn. Weekly maintenance.

From: TEmbry
Year round job to stay up on. Bow season is year round though to be fair

From: Supernaut
Glunt and TEmbry X2.

Regularly scheduled maintenance is key.


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo

From: sawtooth
I have to mow the neighbors yard today.

From: midwest
Year-round maintenance for me, too.

From: Jaquomo
Pits and butt. And a short haircut for the season.

From: hobbes
Apparently, some things at Bowsite haven't changed, an annual discussion on folks shaving their butt and how to poop in the woods. I guess that's better than politics and Wildbot discussion. :)

From: csalem
Actually Hobbes it’s not :)

From: midwest
Agree with hobbes!!

From: APauls
You guys don’t have access to water? A little soap and a scrub goes a long ways ya know. And if they’re downwind no amount of pre-shave is going to help. Shaving would only make the stench worse. Skin on skin gets sweatier and clammier. Need a little air movement.


LUNG$HOT's embedded Photo
LUNG$HOT's embedded Photo

Adam, once you go bare back, you never go back.

It's not just about scent. It's about being gross. A daily bath in the back country is just not feasible.

Everyone of you white men have a giant dingleberry net around your buttholes that each turd has to break through to come into the light. Get rid of it and you won't go back.

And if you trim your pits, you can get by with 1/4 the deodorant with the same effect.

The measure of a man: who he is, his manliness, his masculinity, all are defined by actions.

Not words, not body hair, not muscle mass. Actions.

From: Thornton
Not again.

From: Earltex
Reverend Idyllwild, savior of the hirsute has emerged again and spoken undeniable truth. Just listen ye cynics and be dingle berry free.

^^^ Lmao!

From: Jaquomo
Idyllwild is an MD, for those who don't know. The doctor has spoken, and he's right!

From: KsRancher
Man this brings up one of the funniest things I seen while hunting. Was telling my brother about the manscaping thread several yrs ago. Well he decided to "manscape" with a razor instead of a trimmer. He was miserable the whole trip. All he did was complain about how it felt like he had steel wool between his ass cheeks. He said "never again, the dingleberries are less miserable than this".

From: jordanathome
"Everyone of you white men have a giant dingleberry net around your buttholes that each turd has to break through to come into the light."

OMG I am not worthy. I spewed beer I laffed so hard. Emmy!!!! Emmy!!!!

My work here is done.

From: butcherboy
Isn’t getting rid of dingleberry nets, pit hair, and rattlesnake grass an action? ;) How are all of your man buns coming along? : }

From: KsRancher

KsRancher's embedded Photo
KsRancher's embedded Photo
^my man bun has a really long way to go, lol. My boys make jokes all the time about my hair. Their favorite is "if you have more hair on your sack than your head there might be an issue"

From: butcherboy
^ I have the same results on my noggin!

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