Sitka Gear
What TO bring to elk camp
Contributors to this thread:
LUNG$HOT 26-Aug-24
HDE 26-Aug-24
KsRancher 26-Aug-24
wytex 26-Aug-24
Bwhnt 26-Aug-24
BC 26-Aug-24
Robear 26-Aug-24
Old School 26-Aug-24
Jaquomo 26-Aug-24
Insheart 26-Aug-24
wyobullshooter 26-Aug-24
t-roy 26-Aug-24
Bowboy 26-Aug-24
btnbuck 27-Aug-24
Cazador 27-Aug-24
Buglemaster 27-Aug-24
DonVathome 27-Aug-24
Bowhunting 5C 27-Aug-24
Groundhunter 27-Aug-24
BOWUNTR 27-Aug-24
B2K 27-Aug-24
Scoot 27-Aug-24
DanaC 29-Aug-24
RonP 29-Aug-24
elkmtngear 29-Aug-24
Siltbowhunter 29-Aug-24
DP 29-Aug-24
jordanathome 29-Aug-24
Darrell 30-Aug-24
DL 30-Aug-24
welka 31-Aug-24
DanaC 03-Sep-24
Al Dente Laptop 03-Sep-24
DanaC 03-Sep-24
HiMtnHnter 04-Sep-24
BULELK1 05-Sep-24

LUNG$HOT's embedded Photo
LUNG$HOT's embedded Photo
What are some of the small things that are often overlooked but make a world of difference in the elk woods or just at camp? I’ll start. Can’t live without flossers (must have the built in toothpick).

From: HDE
Yep. Floss.

From: KsRancher
Flossers and Carmex are an absolute must for me.

From: wytex
Pillow and slippers. Toothbrush for me but yes, something to keep those teeth clean.

From: Bwhnt
Ear plugs helped me on the moose hunts I did in New Foundland. Not for gun fire, it was snoring I needed protection from.

From: BC
Camp shoes.

From: Robear
Not sure if this qualifies as small, but I always make sure I take a camp shower. A hot shower can do wonders for your outlook on things.

From: Old School
Broom and dustpan Fly swatter

From: Jaquomo
Extra meat packing frame.

Zero gravity recliner

Couple good books


From: Insheart
Baby wipes.

I have enough room I have pretty much everything covered. At this point, my two “must haves” are my Stone Glacier pack frame and trekking poles. Without them I’d be in big trouble.

From: t-roy
Gold bond powder

From: Bowboy
Dude wipes!

T-roy stole mine.

From: btnbuck
Chap stick. All the heavy breathing and typically dry weather in the hills dries my lips out something fierce.

From: Cazador
20 Pasties for the crew! Finlandér made of course.

From: Buglemaster
Boyboy mentioned “dude wipes” . Several years I grabbed some hospital grade wipes just because. One of my hunting buddies got all emotional when I tossed them to him.. Said I was the best friend he ever had..

From: DonVathome
baby powder. I have not gotten "ball rash" in over a decade but baby powder is always in my pack and I have very very very minimal gear in my pack.

TP, alcohol wipes, peroxide, disinfectant and tweezers. Unscented wipes.

From: Groundhunter
Positive Attitude

A good partner who's better than you... Ed F

From: B2K
Benadryl. Sure was glad I had it when I noticed my beltline getting itchy just as I watched the super cub fly away in Alaska. Luckily benadryl cured the rash or it would have been a long 10 days!

From: Scoot
Ed, I ALWAYS bring that! Hell, any partner I bring is better than me!

From: DanaC
(Unless you're the cook,) a bottle of good strong hot sauce. Kicks up bland food, kills the taste of lousy food ;-)

Tabasco brand's 'habanero' version lets you add a lot of kick from a small bottle.

From: RonP
for a cabin camp, a boot dryer. obviously not for a pack-in camp.

From: elkmtngear
Perseverance, and a piss bottle for the tent !

Flare gun sounds like you have a good chance of getting lost. Let buddies know which color flare is yours.

From: DP
Ace bandage and pain meds

From: jordanathome
Walmart in Lafayette CO has a stand alone two sided 4' high display of a huge variety of hot sauces in the meat section all in small 2 oz or 4 oz bottles. $1 per bottle. Has to be at leat 15 or more different types all flavors.

From: Darrell
Not necessarily something to bring, but I just got back from my Dr. after getting a shot in the knee. This will be the second year I've done this. I'm not really having any significant pain at the moment, but it always seems to flare up on my about day three of my elk hunt. Last year, no pain at all. Was that from rucking with 40 pounds most of the summer or the shot? No idea, but I think I'll keep doing both. :) Driving on the 15th, hunt stars on the 16th. Going to be a long two weeks!

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
Go prepared

From: welka
Resinol for chaffing and also good idea to get one of the tiny little bottles to put on a chipped or cracked tooth. If you ever had a cracked tooth on a trip (especially a pack in trip) without the paste, it can ruin the hunt! Stops the pain and allows you to keep hunting until you can get back to a dentist. Good luck to all.

From: DanaC
Deck of cards. A good-size paperback. (I'm one of those people who reads themself to sleep every night.) And a small head lamp with a low setting for reading by.

If you wear glasses, a spare pair.

Extra USB cord to charge your phone from the battery pack that you already have. Moleskin A ziplock with wipes and rubbing alcohol, for a midday freshin up Small bottle of original Listerine, can also be used as an antiseptic Tampons added to the first aid kit, just in case a serious cut happens

From: DanaC
Cribbage board, if you and campmates play. Or poker chips.

The Lancaster catalog if you're a gear head.

From: HiMtnHnter


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo
I like to have a book or two for reading motivation.

Had these 2 for years and years.

Big Dan is featured in one of 'em.

Good luck, Robb

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