Moultrie Mobile
Bears adding excitement to the hunt
Contributors to this thread:
Rgiesey 29-Aug-24
Jebediah 29-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 29-Aug-24
Groundhunter 29-Aug-24
Groundhunter 29-Aug-24
Groundhunter 29-Aug-24
drycreek 29-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 29-Aug-24
BOWNUT 29-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 29-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 29-Aug-24
Rgiesey 29-Aug-24
Rgiesey 29-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 30-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 30-Aug-24
Pete In Fairbanks 31-Aug-24
Corax_latrans 31-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 31-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 31-Aug-24
Ron Niziolek 31-Aug-24
Charlie Rehor 31-Aug-24
DanaC 01-Sep-24
welka 03-Sep-24
From: Rgiesey
Ron Niziolek and I had 3 bears climb up our trees with us this last week and I had planned to post the videos. Not so skilled at that.

From: Jebediah
What do you do to shoo them away? I have seen videos of this, the guys always seem so calm. I would be shaking like a leaf.

From: Ron Niziolek
Randy poked his in the nose with an arrow. Mine didn’t climb quite as high.

From: Groundhunter
I keep a bag of rocks with me. Drop them on cubs etc. No way I want cubs above me.

From: Groundhunter

Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Like this guy...... my season starts on
Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Like this guy...... my season starts on

From: Groundhunter

Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Like this guy...... my season starts on the 16th
Groundhunter's embedded Photo
Like this guy...... my season starts on the 16th

From: drycreek
I’m not a bear hunter, but you don’t have to be to tell that he’s a good one. Hope you get him !

From: Ron Niziolek
Great looking bear, Groundhunter!

I hope he's still there for you. Good luck.

From: Ron Niziolek

Ron Niziolek's Link
Attempt at a link

From: Ron Niziolek

Ron Niziolek's Link

From: Rgiesey
I’m glad you could figure it out Ron

From: Rgiesey
I’m glad you could figure it out Ron

For future reference: Bear climbing "your" tree? Hose that rascal with aerosol bug spray. Works like a charm. Only noise will be his ass hitting the ground under the tree!


Why would you use bug spray when you could hit them with BEAR spray??

CL: Because in my experience, bears climbing trees with me in them are merely curious, not aggressive.

Also: It costs 50 cents to squirt bug spray. It costs $30 to squirt bear spray.


I’m just enough of a cheap SOB, to understand where you’re coming from on cost, but you don’t have to burn the whole can, do you?

OTOH, bug spray is consistent with the minimum use of force philosophy…. ;)

But then again, peopltwho have used bear spray like it was Yard Guard have discovered that it is a pretty effective bear attractant, so I guess it’s just a matter of what your desired final outcome looks like…

From: Ron Niziolek
I honestly don’t mind them. Like Randy, I’ll poke them if they come high enough. They are curious and not aggressive.

From: Ron Niziolek

From: Ron Niziolek
I honestly don’t mind them. Like Randy, I’ll poke them if they come high enough. They are curious and not aggressive.

Baited bear hunting is a blast.

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
"They are curious and not aggressive. "

So many bears in this area. Not enough being harvested. In CT, no open season, increased problems. (A woman was bitten in July.) Just a matter of time before someone is killed outright.

Took a drive through reservoir property the other day, these signs are posted in many places. (Great hiking & photography spot.)

From: welka
Great idea on the bug spray as tapping on stand with something doesn't always work!

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