Sitka Gear
2024 Time to Hunt
Contributors to this thread:
WYOelker 29-Aug-24
WYOelker 29-Aug-24
WYOelker 29-Aug-24
ahunter76 29-Aug-24
WYOelker 29-Aug-24
Bou'bound 29-Aug-24
Insheart 29-Aug-24
midwest 29-Aug-24
Brotsky 29-Aug-24
fastflight 29-Aug-24
jdbbowhunter 29-Aug-24
drycreek 29-Aug-24
Gib 29-Aug-24
Supernaut 29-Aug-24
Jordan on Mobile 29-Aug-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 29-Aug-24
Bowboy 30-Aug-24
jordanathome 30-Aug-24
Jordan on Mobile 30-Aug-24
Jordan on Mobile 30-Aug-24
Jordan on Mobile 30-Aug-24
Insheart 30-Aug-24
Jaquomo 30-Aug-24
maxracx 30-Aug-24
Supernaut 01-Sep-24
Jordan on Mobile 03-Sep-24
WYOelker 04-Sep-24
WYOelker 04-Sep-24
Supernaut 05-Sep-24
Will 05-Sep-24
midwest 05-Sep-24
WYOelker 09-Sep-24
WYOelker 09-Sep-24
WYOelker 09-Sep-24
grape 09-Sep-24
easeup 09-Sep-24
WYOelker 10-Sep-24
From: WYOelker

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It is always exciting to see a great sunrise...
WYOelker's embedded Photo
It is always exciting to see a great sunrise...
Well here it is... 2024 elk opener just around the corner. Son and wife are shooting well to 30 yards. Got to give it a try this year... We have the following WY tags...

Me: Limited Draw bull tag and general buck Son: Limited Draw Bull Tag, Sandhill Crane, Lope Buck, Lope doex2, Whitetail doe, general deer Wife: Limited Draw Bull, Cow Elk, Lope Buck Tag, Cow Elk, General Deer

With that being said we already started with the lopes in the blind. No luck yet but we will be back out on Saturday...

From: WYOelker

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We bought a TideWe see through blind. It worked ok, actually would be an awesome blind for about everything but lopes... I am not sold it is the right blind for lopes...
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We bought a TideWe see through blind. It worked ok, actually would be an awesome blind for about everything but lopes... I am not sold it is the right blind for lopes...
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A bigger blind allows us to stand and also adequate space to nap... Teenage boys can sure sleep hard...
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A bigger blind allows us to stand and also adequate space to nap... Teenage boys can sure sleep hard...
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We had only one cow calf pair... They were well behaved and a good looking set...
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We had only one cow calf pair... They were well behaved and a good looking set...
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Not hard matching up this momma and baby...
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Not hard matching up this momma and baby...

From: WYOelker

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First night my wife has 23 doe/fawns come to the water... Almost all were does with twins...
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First night my wife has 23 doe/fawns come to the water... Almost all were does with twins...
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My wife had the busy blind for sure she had lope near pretty much all day every day. They were even a little lazy and often would bed within range of her blind for hours.
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My wife had the busy blind for sure she had lope near pretty much all day every day. They were even a little lazy and often would bed within range of her blind for hours.
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even the sage grouse came in to party...
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even the sage grouse came in to party...
While the action was decent we never drew blood this last weekend. My son took a shot at 30 and was barely low. Bad follow through. The bucks were not with does yet and as such when they came in they were able to avoid us. My wife had a really close encounter with a mature buck unfortunately the buck never presented a shot. Both son and wife passed on shots at yearling bucks...

From: ahunter76
Enjoy & good luck in the following days.

From: WYOelker

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The sunset on our first weekend of hunting with no real success but it was a great time in the blind and a fun time in the camper.

From: Bou'bound
Livin the dream

From: Insheart
Holy crap Wyo, you are going to have to purchase 2 or 3 freezers if you all tag out.

I hope you, good luck.

From: midwest
Good to see all those fawns! Good luck this season and thanks for sharing!

From: Brotsky
Good luck guys! That has the makings of an epic fall!

From: fastflight
Great photos. Good luck on all those tags. Really jealous!

From: jdbbowhunter
Good luck!

From: drycreek
It’s very good that Wyoming has a good fawn crop considering the winterkill they went through recently. Keep at it, the harder you work, the luckier you get !

From: Gib
Thank you so much for sharing, beautiful pictures and animals, it so awesome to see a family hunting together, good luck to all of you, keep posting when possible please.

From: Supernaut
Beautiful pictures and thanks for sharing them and your recaps with us.

Good luck to you and yours the rest of the season!


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Set up in elk camp #1 @ deep lake waiting for my buddies from MO to show up Saturday. Will be working tomorrow in camp thx to Starlink.

Good luck everyone!!!

That’s a hell of an office Jordan!!

Ill be around there tomorrow

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Headed up this morning. Be there all month.

From: jordanathome
Hey Forest....I am sure you won't have time with clts and such....but if you do stop by site 15 group site at deep lake and say hi and drink my beer. I also have text and wifi calling if you still have my digits in yer phone......

It was 34F at 7am at 10,600' this am when a couple tried to come into my site and then made a ruckus trying to back their rig back out to find another spot.....LOL


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo

From: Insheart
Nice, on our way. Will be set up by noon tomorrow. No cell where we camp - that's a good thing. :)

From: Jaquomo
Jordan, I used to work from elk camp using my phone as a Hotspot. Sometimes technology has its benefits!

From: maxracx
Travel safe ALL!!!

From: Supernaut
Good luck everyone, keep us posted please.


Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Jordan on Mobile's embedded Photo
Near Budges on a little fishing trip.

From: WYOelker

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There are little oasis in-between all the suck.
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There are little oasis in-between all the suck.
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The Winds are some wicked mountains. It is kind of crazy how many lives they claim every year and how many people go missiing and are never found...
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The Winds are some wicked mountains. It is kind of crazy how many lives they claim every year and how many people go missiing and are never found...
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The elk there someplace... Just a matter of time
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The elk there someplace... Just a matter of time
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Despite the vcattle being in the area over summer the deadfall keeps them out of a lot of areas. As a result the meadows are thick and dangerous to hike... Holes, water, dead trees all waiting...
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Despite the vcattle being in the area over summer the deadfall keeps them out of a lot of areas. As a result the meadows are thick and dangerous to hike... Holes, water, dead trees all waiting...
Well opening day has came and went. It was a mixed blessings. Friday my daughter came home from college so that was a plus. Saturday I worked on my RAM. Just FYI I love that RAM but if I could, I would love to find which person at RAM decided to not use cabin air filters in our trucks. Needless to say it was a project getting my compressor coils clean and installing a cabin air filter. So Saturday night my daughter had some friends over, my son stayed up and they all played games etc. At 11:30 I headed to bed and woke back up at 3:45 to head out for the opener. My son did not want to go, and my wife actually tested positive for FLU B on Friday and was not feeling well.

Sunday I covered 7 miles total in 2 different locations. First light I had 2 bulls bugle briefly and both were done and into the trees and beds before 8am. That day I coverd the miles looking at wallows and looking for any sort of consistent sign. There was sign every where but nothing consistent and none that was super fresh.

I can tell you this the country I am in just eats a person up. Over the weekend I ripped 2 pairs of pants. My feet, ankles knees and hips just hurt. There is so much blow down, boulders all over, and the areas that open and flat tend to be swamps with knee high grass and holes everywhere... It is ok this weekend will be better...

Camp will be moved up to the mountain, and hopefully the temps wont be 90...

From: WYOelker

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One of a few places to sit and glass. It would be after 7:30pm before any elk would appear.
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One of a few places to sit and glass. It would be after 7:30pm before any elk would appear.
With the early season I was hoping to find an active water hole or wallow. I found many but none had fresh sign. This wallow had been used but the water was clear and the tracks and mud all dried well. There were also elk beds up and down all the meadows, but I feel like they are from elk bedding at night.

From: Supernaut
Thanks for the great photos and the update. It sure does look like beautiful but rugged country and I can see how you'd tear up your gear and your body hunting it. Hope you find out where those bulls are.

Good luck and keep us posted please!

From: Will
Be safe and have fun out there folks!

From: midwest
Keep us updated WYOelker!

From: WYOelker

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Not a bad view for after work..
WYOelker's embedded Photo
Not a bad view for after work..
Another weekend and damn it was fun... The rundown!

Friday after work I hurry home and help finish packing pack bows etc. We load up both the Jeep and the truck and head for the hills.

Friday evening we hit a spot where I have seen a huge bull in the past. We make a small loop and do not turn up any elk. We did however see several mule deer doe and fawns (like over 30) which is good. It was a hard evening as my heart was acting up and it was totally kicking my butt... Hopefully surgery this Thursday fixes that issue!!!

Friday night get to camp and the camper batteries are dead. Fire up the generator and let it run while we eat dinner and head to bed. As soon as we shut generator everything in camper dead. SO we let the generator run through then night... I am up several times. Finally at 4:00 am the alarm goes off and we get up. Off to the first morning with all of us together, it was a great morning...

We arrive at the parking spot 20 minutes before legal light. Load our gear and hike up to the first little spot 150 yards from the truck. I let out a bugle and immediately get a response just below us at like 200 yards. We hear a few cow calls and we hurry and set up. The wind is good, the sun is just rising and things are looking good. We set up my wife in one side and my son in the other side. The elk try to come up but the deadfall was too thick and I could not convince the elk to circle around. Entire encounter last 30 minutes with several bugles and cow calls but nothing happens. Eventually the cows feed up and out taking the bull. Cool deal not even 200 yards from the jeep.

We cover a couple more miles and no sign and no answers to our strategic bugles. The end of this location is a series of small meadows with water. It always holds some elk. We approach the 500 yards and I tell my wife and son it is time for stealth mode. We sneak through the trees to a dry sage park. As we near the last 100 yards of the park we see a bunch of tracks and sign. The elk have to be close. The meadows run North and south in a little valley. There is an upper meadow and a lower meadow. As soon as I bugle I get 2 immediate responses... One from the upper meadow and one in the lower meadow. 2 bulls.

We are just west of the meadows about 100 feet higher in elevation and about 80 yards from the meadows. Both the lower meadow and upper meadow have good trail leaving and heading up to he sage flat. My son sets up on the lower meadow trail and my wife on the upper meadow trail. I drop back 100 yards and try calling. Both bulls immediately fire back to the bugle. THe bull in the lower meadow start moving up the bottom. My son sees the bull several times from 80 yards but he never commits to my bugle or my cow call. Instead he walks up into the upper meadow and chases off the bull in the upper meadow(the wrong direction of course). The lower bull was a 300" 6x6. He also gave my wife a show as he destroyed a tree in the meadows and them thrashed mud all over etc. Again just in the meadow at 80 some yards. After a few minutes, he moves further up the bottom and out of our lives. After the 6x6 leaves the upper bull comes back in the park. A mature 5x5 he wallows in the mud, destroys the same tree the other bull beat up. He wants to come up but never commits. He goes back into the trees on the other side of the meadow and bugle to our bugles but no response at all to our cow calls etc. Both bulls moved off and things look to be over.

We sit and chat about what we saw, all the action. It was a good 45 minutes to an hour of action. In hind sight we probably should have pushed into the upper meadow. The wind and everything was right and they were busy enough yelling at each other that we could have pulled it off. But again both bulls were well under 100 yards from the shooters.

Before we leave I let our one last bugle and to our surprise the 5x5 had moved back towards us and was close again. This time I send my son into the trees while I bugle. My son ended up less than 14 yards from the bull but the scrub brush aspen were so thick all he could see was the bulls head. Eventually the bull bugged out. Dang close again.

So first morning 8 cow/calves and 3 bull bugling Also the sage meadow had a bunch of elk in it. At least a dozen. They had to be there someplace but I am not sure where...

We hike back to the jeep and head to camp for lunch and Nap!!! We get back to the camper and batteries dead again!! Check the solar panels they are not hooked up correctly. Fix that... Panels starting to charge. Start the generator and check things out. Batteries still low, dig around and find that when my son unhooked the trailer the tongue jack barely pulled out the trailer brake pin. Trailer brakes on full blast... Solve that issue, but already let the generator run for hours and hours. Getting low on fuel...

Nap and let generator run... End result we still have a battery issue, generator out of fuel. Oh well, we will get the electric issues figured out. Lunch and nap until 3:00 pm.

Get up and head back to a spot. We arrive at 4:00 and the wind is wrong... We adjust but fail. In 2020 we had this same tag and there was a massive September storm that blew down a ton of trees... It is a mess and the dead fall that was already bad is absolutely horrible... So much so that they have cut the cattle grazing because the lost so many cows trapped in the forest and now they cant access a lot of areas...

From: WYOelker

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This is the deadfall we are willing to try... It gets way worse, but talk about miserable! It needs a fire bad...
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This is the deadfall we are willing to try... It gets way worse, but talk about miserable! It needs a fire bad...
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A look back at September 2020 storm. We couldnt get into the mountain so we got stuck in the snow in the sage.. Millions of trees blown down in this storm...
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A look back at September 2020 storm. We couldnt get into the mountain so we got stuck in the snow in the sage.. Millions of trees blown down in this storm...
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My wifes first archery bull from the "Ridge" it died ledd than 400 yards from my 2020 bull..
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My wifes first archery bull from the "Ridge" it died ledd than 400 yards from my 2020 bull..
The other curve ball for this season... My wife is the only primary care medical person on call for her facility. As such they have her on call 24/7 plus working a full week. Do not get me started on how I feel about this... But this year they bought her a Satellite phone so that staff can call her in the case of an emergency. So Saturday afternoon we crawl over some deadfall and end up on a ridge between some parks. No calls no action until about the last hour of light. We are walking down the ridge and look over into the park and 80 yards out is a spike feeding. My son makes a move lower just as my wife gets her only emergency call from work. I am calling, my son is sneaking in and my wife is having a conversation on the phone. The spike hears my cow calls and is looking confused at me and then back to where my wife is talking. He decides to head her way... WTH??? So I am panicking trying to get her attention, the bull is heading to her my son sees this and tries to move. but it is too thick. Meanwhile my wife just barely finishes her phone call. I am frantically trying to get her attention and she starts to apologize to me with her hands some 40 yards from me. I am waving for her to look behind her... She turns around and sees the spik 30 yards looking at her. She grabs her bow and despite being close she never got a clear shot at the vitals. Mean while my son is back too me and sees the bull just as it leaves back to the park where he had been sitting. Of course the bull stands about 10 yards from where he initially set up presenting a perfect shot but only if my son had stayed put.

That evening on the way out we see another bug 5x5 and 13 cows. We got to about 100 yards before they got nervous and left.

That night we sleep hard and get up early on sunday at 4:30 to head to the "ridge" This location was my last archery elk kill in 2020 and was where my wife killed her first archery elk... We are a little early and have to sit in the jeep and wait for t to get light enough for us to walk with out head lamps. We start up the hill barely able to see. 300 yards straight up the bare ridge and the sun light is getting enough you can see a couple hundred yards. Above us on the ridge a cow barks. We setup, again only a couple hundreds yard from the jeep. My son sneaks into 30 yards from the calf but the small rag-horn 5 never gets with in 40 yards before the cow, calf and bull leave. Awesome... We crest the top of the ridge to the lookout and immediately see elk in the flat 100 yards from us feeding. 2 spikes 9 cow/calf and another rag horn. We set up and call. Got one cow to come up and withing 30 yards of my son but they never commit and eventually the group feeds off into the trees. We move over to the top and sit and glass and listen. We have 2 bulls below us sounding off but wind is wrong. We eventually make a move and I send my son and wife in after the elk while I circle back to the jeep and pick them up in a different spot. They still hunt through some trees and through the meadows. We end up seeing 2 5x5 bulls and a rag horn. They bumped a 12 dozen cows and then again found a lone spike that was under 30 yards but hard quarter too.

Sunday evening my wife dips out. I have a hard time getting my son out the camper door. As a result we arrive to desired hike about an hour late and find 2 atvs already there. We make a last second change and go to a new place. It is a cool new place and in time I bet it will be hot. We set up and glass. Solid winds make hearing anything hard but we needed up calling a rag-horn into my son but it hags up at 60 yards just out od range...

From: WYOelker

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My 2020 bull was an after work trip. My son called him... Wish I had a better picture. Again the ridge is good to us...
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My 2020 bull was an after work trip. My son called him... Wish I had a better picture. Again the ridge is good to us...
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The view from the ridge... Notices the sun is just barely up and by this time we had already been into 2 different groups of elk and had possible shot opportunities 2xs...
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The view from the ridge... Notices the sun is just barely up and by this time we had already been into 2 different groups of elk and had possible shot opportunities 2xs...
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When someone is already where you want to hunt, just go find someplace new lol. Talk about stumbling onto a gem of a spot... There will be a lot of elk here eventually..
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When someone is already where you want to hunt, just go find someplace new lol. Talk about stumbling onto a gem of a spot... There will be a lot of elk here eventually..
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With the way the first weekend went. It is just a matter of time... Hopefully my surgery this week gives me the time.
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With the way the first weekend went. It is just a matter of time... Hopefully my surgery this week gives me the time.
I have had a heart AFIB issue for a bit now. IT has gotten really bad and meds are no longer working. For the last several months my resting heart rate has been jumping from highs in the 120-130s then drops as low as the upper 20s. On Friday this last weekend it was all I could do to cover 3/4 a mile in a couple hours. It was bad. The rest of the weekend I was fine and covered several miles without even needing a break. This Wednesday I am going in for an ablation on my heart. They expect me to need 24 hours recovery then able to get back after it. All I know is I hope it works. Between constantly taking meds and having my rate go extreme then bottom out is just too much and it is very hard on both my wife and my son as they are certain I will be dropping dead on the mountain. At the very least say a little prayer and I will hopefully be posting next week about the success... A successful operation and a successful family hunt.

Great so far. Looking forward to the whole season. Good luck!

From: grape
Thanks for sharing.

From: easeup
Mr WYO, I was thinking about that Tidewee pop up. you have some misgivings about it. whats up?

From: WYOelker
Ease up. I actually really like the blind. It was cooler and more spacious than our other blinds. The issue I am not sure about. When the sun is lower it lets extra light in. Making things inside shine. In the shade of a tree or in the woods it would not be a big deal, but for antelope hunting it takes what would normally be a black hole and makes your face, clothes shine and throws shadows. In our yard under the tree not a big deal but in the lope setup with no shade it makes things inside shine and throw shadows.

I like the build quality, I like the air flow for the heat issues, I like the blind windows ease of operation and silent way to open close. I like you can’t see in it at all with windows close but can see out really well.

The other issue is the height of the window. From my normal blind chair a small tripod type we are too low to shoot sitting/kneeling. The blind is tall enough my wife and some can shoot standing up but I can’t. So the window height is in between. It would be fine for a rifle, but I would need to be shooting uphill from blind or get a taller chair.

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