Bear Hide?
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: wisconsinteacher
My wife shot her 2nd bear and it has very nice fur. She is looking for alternative ideas to preserve the hide/memories of the hunt without a full body, 1/2 body or rug mount. For those of you have have multiple bears, what do you do with the hides?
From: Bou'bound
hang it on a peg, throw it over a railing, drape over a couch. Use it to scare kids at halloween, etc.
From: maxracx
My last couple of bears I had the hide tanned and have them hanging like Bou said.
From: g5smoke21
Tan the hide and hang it by the nose on the wall
From: Groundhunter
Same for me, and a cover for my grandsons bed
From: wisconsinteacher
Where are you sending the hides to be tanned?
From: g5smoke21
Matt I just brought mine into the safari room. They will flesh, turn and salt the hide and then send it into the tannery. I think wildlife gallery
From: Hondolane
I just get mine soft tanned and hang them on a nail.
From: grape
You will want soft tan!
From: t-roy
Check out Sleepy Creek Tannery in Wellsburg, Ia. (641) 485-2172. I’m going to just tan my BC bear and hang him up by the nose, on the wall. I think they look pretty cool just like that, and don’t eat up a ton of room, either. Congrats to your wife!
From: grape
From: Screwball
Sleepy Creek X 2, send my trapping hides there as well.
From: t-roy
Way cool, grape! Just about every flavor, there.
From: Buffalo1
Rugs, 1/2 body & head mounts. Do Euro mounts with heads. Use claws for jewelry.
From: Altitude Sickness
We gave the full mounts, 1/2 mount and rugs away.
We have one large rug left
From: Brian M.
Grape, are any of those case skinned or all open?
From: Basil
I had a beautiful pair of pillows made for the couch. Made out of a chocolate bear hide. Fur on the top with leather on the bottom.
From: grape
Open. Soft tanned.
From: jmiller
I think they look nice just hanging on the wall, as well as not taking up too much space